Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Cultural activity implementation plan

Part 1: Implementation Plan of Cultural Activities of School Education Trade Unions

In order to implement the spirit of the party’s XX X Plenary Session and the spirit of the Central Committee’s decision on deepening the reform of the cultural system to promote the great development and prosperity of socialist culture, the Provincial Education Union has launched the “Hainan Civilization Campaign”. The “California” campaign calls for the development of a healthy and uplifting staff culture in our school and a gift to the party’s 18th National Congress. This embodiment is specifically formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

We will implement the spirit of the party's XXth Plenary Session, promote the building of a socialist core value system, and strive to develop and prosper the staff culture in promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture. Responding to the call of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, in accordance with the general deployment of the province, the "Hainan Civilization Action, Millions of Staff and Workers" campaign was widely carried out among the employees, focusing on the civilized and ceremonial actions of employees, civilized tourism actions, and civilized quality improvement actions. Extensively organize and carry out a variety of cultural and sports activities for employees, further enrich the spiritual life of the workers and staff, and make the workers and people live more dignified and dignified, so that the workers and staff have a sense of belonging, warmth and happiness to the union workers' home. .

Second, the working organization

In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the staff's cultural activities and implement the implementation plan, the 20XX Wanquan Town Center School Trade Union Staff Cultural Activities Leading Group was established.

Team leader: Li Gang

Deputy leader: Hong Kefan

Members: Li Liangning, Li Hanqun, Li Yihang, Fu Peng,

Yi Daguang, Li Chuanxin, Wang Kaiguo, Zhang Yaoqiang

Third, the implementation content

And carry out the activities of "small hand and big hand, civilized me first". Through activities, the school has launched a wave of civilized action, advocated a new style, and became a communicator of civilization. Strive to be a civilized Hainanese, strive to create a civilized environment, and shape the new image of Hainan International Tourism Island.

We will carry out the educational practice activities on the theme of “Greening the campus to beautify the soul”. With the creation of the “Green Civilized Campus” activity as a carrier, all teachers and students participated extensively, vigorously promoted the concept of green ecology, greened and beautified the campus, and expanded the coverage of green space.

Carry out the spirit of promoting Lei Feng and strive to be a newcomer in the times. Extensively carry out the activities of helping the elderly, helping the disabled, helping the poor, assisting the people, helping the people and the people to learn Lei Feng activities.

1. Difficulties in teaching staff.

Investigate and find the difficult faculty and staff to help files. Implemented in person, treated according to the situation of major illness treatment, economic difficulties, single-parent families, etc.

Regularly send home to warmth and other activities. Regularly send money, deliver things, care about the growth of their children, and really help the employees.

2. Take the festival as an opportunity to “care for female teachers and staff”.

Use the "Three. Eight" Festival, Mother's Day, Youth Day, National Day and other festivals to organize female faculty and staff to carry out series of activities such as fun games;

Regularly organize female faculty and staff to conduct women's health knowledge lectures, gynaecological examinations, and organize out-of-town tourism, etc., to give play to the gender advantages of female faculty and staff, so that female faculty and staff can develop physically and mentally.

Carry out the spirit of promoting Lei Feng and strive to be a model of the teacher's morality. Combining the spirit of learning, inheriting and carrying forward Lei Feng with the implementation of the "Year of China's Small Teachers' Professional Ethics Program in Hainan Province", the dedication of Lei Feng's helping others is transformed into the spirit of teachers dedicated to education and dedication to students.

Organize faculty and staff to carry out sports activities. The central school organizes teachers to carry out a variety of sports activities, such as: basketball games, volleyball matches, tug-of-war competitions, etc. Teachers and teachers from brother schools were also organized to hold basketball friendly matches.

Organize faculty and staff to carry out cultural activities. The central school combines the central work of the party to carry out recreational activities that the public likes to see, such as faculty karaoke competitions, aerobics competitions, etc. Concentrate faculty and staff and unite faculty and staff with healthy culture and socialist core values.

And carry out labor competition activities. Extensively carry out various forms of skill competitions and generally improve the skill level of teaching staff. Give full play to the demonstration role of the "teaching model" and "teaching expert" in our school, organize them to demonstrate the class, assist young teachers, organize classroom teaching competitions, experience report meetings, etc., and use their demonstrations to carry out the curriculum reform. Improve the classroom teaching level of teachers, promote the in-depth development of efficient classrooms, and help the school's education take off.

Part 2: Implementation Plan for Cultural Activities of Rural People

In order to carry out the amateur cultural activities of the people of our town earnestly, through the study of the town party committee and the government, special programs for popular cultural activities were formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', adhere to the scientific concept of development, and focus on the theme of "Building a Harmonious and Peaceful, Creating a Rich and Prosperous People", and combining the ideological reality of the production and life of the masses of the masses of the town. The policy of enriching the people, disseminating advanced culture, enriching the cultural life of the general public, and carrying out cultural activities of the people with local characteristics and healthy content, creating a good cultural atmosphere for building a harmonious and safe life.

Second, the event arrangement

1. It is planned to organize a mountaineering fitness competition in mid-April.

2. It is planned to hold a local tea-picking show in the Dongfanghong Community in early May.

3. It is planned to hold a popular song and dance competition around mid-June.

4. It is planned to hold a waist drum competition in Xincheng Village in mid-July.

5. It is planned to hold a yangko dance competition in Dongfeng Village in mid-August.

6. It is planned to hold a performance of Huangmei Opera in the Laos Association Hall in mid-September.

7. It is planned to hold a national celebration song competition in early October.

8. It is planned to hold a peasant sports meeting in mid-October.

9. It is planned to hold a waist drum competition in mid-November.

10. It is planned to hold a yangko dance competition in mid-December.

Third, the implementation method and participants

Under the leadership of the town party committee and the government, the town old-age association will take the lead in organizing the implementation of the villages and community associations.

Fourth, the expenditure

The funds for each activity ensure that the principle of not exceeding 2,000 yuan is not exceeded. The annual activity of the event is about 16,000 yuan, which is used to purchase clothing, props, audio and prizes.

V. Strengthen leadership and work requirements

In order to organize and carry out the cultural activities of various rural people in our town, a leading group was established. Before each event, it is necessary to increase the propaganda of the activities, use propaganda vehicles, publicity columns and posters to promote the public to create a strong public opinion atmosphere and cultural environment, and attract the majority of farmers to participate.

Part 3: Implementation Plan of the Town People's Cultural Activities

In order to enrich the cultural life of the active people and the cultural quality of the people, we will use the literary and cultural activities to gather people's hearts and invigorate the spirit, and fully display the village, school spirit, appearance and people's people of the villages, schools and enterprises. Love the party, love the country and build a new socialist countryside, and combine the actual conditions of our town to formulate specific work implementation plans:

First, the purpose of the event. Carry forward and excavate outstanding cultural resources of the people, cultivate and establish folk literary and artistic backbones, and authentic literary and artistic talents, so that the new peasant cultural taste in the new countryside will continue to improve, and the rural culture at the grassroots level will flourish and develop, forming a large number of peasants in the fun and leisure. Have a happy, everyone-involved, and loved by the whole people, create a healthy, positive and upward cultural atmosphere for the new rural construction.

Second, the content of the event and the form of the program. Taking the development and changes in the construction of a new socialist countryside and the national spirit and traditional virtues of the patriotic patriotism as the main content, we advocate diversification, self-education and self-acting, innovative ideas, and innovative ideas.

Vocal music: solo, sing, table singing, chorus, etc.

Instrumental music: solo, ensemble, ensemble, etc.

Dance class: solo dance, double dance, group dance, aerobics, yangko dance, Tai Chi dance, etc.

Quyi class: sketch, cross talk, drum, allegro, rap, drama, poetry reading, three sentences and a half.

Folk art: calligraphy, painting, photography, paper-cutting, stilts, lion dance, Manchu dance, handicraft display, and artistic resources reflecting the cultural characteristics of the region.

Third, the event arrangement

1. Survey the bottom. The government organizes personnel to go to the various units in the village to find out the situation.

2. Determine the program. Before April 15th, all units must finalize the program, program source and program form, and report the program and program form and number of people in the village to the town's cultural activities leading group. No less than 3-5 programs per unit, no more than 2 single-person programs per unit, and the program format should be rich and colorful. In late April, leaders from various villages, schools, and enterprises will be held to arrange meetings on the form of cultural programs and performances.

3. Organize rehearsals. For the proposed program, all units must organize the actors to rehearse carefully, and the relevant departments of the town should strengthen their guidance, continuously improve the program, optimize the selection, and determine the participating programs. For the cast members who have jobs, the relevant units should support them and arrange the rehearsal time reasonably. Farmers’ actors should give appropriate subsidies and provide necessary site equipment.

4. Carry out activities. In conjunction with the “Celebration of the 91st Anniversary of the Founding of the Party” and the Table Awards, we will hold a series of activities such as cultural performances, calligraphy and photography exhibitions. The specific time and place of the event will be announced separately. Conditional villages and units can organize their own cultural performances and other forms of activities.

Fourth, the establishment of the organization

The town party committee set up a leading group for popular cultural activities

Team leader: Ren Chuanying

Wang Xiaoli

Member: Yu Xuemei

Du Ping

Han Qiu

Zhou Linnan

The leading group is responsible for program review, organization activities, stage layout, venue organization, logistics support and other related matters. There is an office under the office. Han Qiu is the director of the office. He is responsible for the research and review of the program, rehearsal guidance, program identification, and organization of performances.

V. Activity requirements

1. The literary and artistic programs must be elegant and of high quality. All villages, small Chinese enterprises, enterprises and other relevant units should attach great importance to it, strengthen leadership, unify thoughts, make careful arrangements, and conscientiously implement them.

2. The public cultural activities shall be included in the performance appraisal of the village cadres in 20XX, and the units and individuals with effective organization, obvious effects and high quality shall be commended.

Part 4: Implementation Plan for Rural Cultural Activities

In order to further promote the effective development of rural cultural activities in our hometown, enhance the health awareness and physical quality of the whole people, create a positive and uplifting spiritual atmosphere, and activate rural cultural activities, this program is now formulated in conjunction with the actual situation of the township.

First, the guiding ideology

Adhering to the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the scientific development concept as the guide, and aiming at safeguarding the health rights and interests of the broad masses of the people, we will mobilize the masses of cadres and people to vigorously carry out national fitness campaigns, prosper the rural cultural market, and enrich the leisure and cultural life of the peasants. Physical health and regional economic development create a harmonious and stable environment.

Second, the activity content

1. Actively support the extensive implementation of square drill activities. Each village organizes a team of more than 10 people to participate in the township competition, determine the ranking of the competition, and give appropriate rewards, with a capital of 6,000 yuan.

2. Organize table tennis competitions. Each village organizes five participants to participate in singles and doubles competitions. The rankings of the competitions are: 1 first prize; 2 second prizes; 3 third prizes, with a capital of 3,000 yuan.

3. Conduct a national basketball game. Each village will send a team to implement the points system, the round robin, and give the rewards for the business. The funds need 4,000 yuan.

Third, the time schedule

The schedule of fitness activities for the year is as follows:

Square exercise in September

Billiard game in May

Basketball game in June

Fourth, work requirements

1. Strengthen organizational leadership. Establish a leading group of rural cultural movements in Zixi Township, establish a long-term working mechanism, and effectively improve the overall level of rural cultural movements.

2. Increase publicity efforts. To create a good public opinion atmosphere for the rural cultural movement, take the opportunity of carrying out cultural activities, take the construction of a new socialist countryside as a carrier, promote the wind civilization, and improve the spiritual and civilized life of the peasant people.

3. All villages should actively cooperate with the development of cultural activities and carry out cultural activities that are popular with the public.

Part V: Implementation Plan for Cultural and Sports Activities of Resource Sub-bureau

According to the spirit of the archives of the land-based comprehensive character [20XX] No. 38 and the requirements of the municipal government's clean government culture, in order to cultivate the active, healthy and uplifting life of all cadres and workers, create a civilized institution, a harmonious institution, and an efficiency agency, Guangyang District. The branch has specially formulated this activity plan:

First, the guiding ideology

Adhere to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", implement the Party's XX spirit, thoroughly study and practice the scientific development concept, and actively carry out cultural sports in accordance with the principle of people-oriented, outstanding characteristics, strong internal quality and external image. The activities promoted the great development and prosperity of the branch office and promoted the construction of a socialist harmonious society.

Second, the theme of the event

Strong internal quality, external image, service land, and harmony

Third, the activities and methods

1. Conduct a reading activity

A good book is selected every quarter. The content is healthy, upward, and educational, and is available for everyone to read in their spare time. Every time I finish reading a book, I will write a piece of experience and learn and communicate in a global way. An excellent article selection will be held every six months and will be commended.

2. Hold a keynote speech

A speech contest on the theme of “enhancing political quality, promoting professional ethics, and being a good national of the new era” is held every year. Enrich the cultural life of cadres and workers in the branch, advocate positive and progressive learning and life concepts, and show the youthfulness and spiritual outlook of the country.

3. Start a first-phase knowledge lecture

In order to broaden their horizons, broaden their knowledge, enhance their business knowledge, and improve their practical work skills, and in conjunction with the actual work, they will open an "institutional learning lecture hall" and a "corruption classroom". The heads and directors of each department take turns to give lectures. The lectures cover business, law, and current affairs. Knowledge in clean government and other aspects, and strengthen the study and exchanges between cadres and workers.

4. Set up a cultural and sports day

Set up a cultural and sports day every month, select the outstanding backbone of billiards, badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball, set up a branch team, represent the branch to participate in the competition or invite higher authorities, neighbors to the game, strengthen contacts, promote exchanges, enhance friendship .

5. Conduct a warming event

On the occasion of the Spring Festival every year, members of the leadership team of the branch visited the commissars and retirees, and brought them to the care of the members of the branch team to send the beautiful blessings of the festival.

6. Participate in a sports meeting

Every autumn, using 2-3 days, organize the cadres and workers to participate in the autumn games, and conduct various competitions such as tug-of-war, ball games and chess. Before the competition, the participants should use a period of training to train their will, enhance their physical fitness, and enhance their sense of participation and competition.

7, send a birthday present

Send a birthday card, a birthday cake, and a birthday greeting to the birthday cadres and staff. In particular, I will send a bunch of flowers to the retirees and retirees and visit them at home. They will congratulate all the cadres and workers of the branch and reflect the concern of the leaders of the branch.

8, conduct a health checkup

A comprehensive health checkup is conducted annually for cadres and workers, which is contacted and arranged by the branch trade unions.

Fourth, the activity requirements

1. Highly valued and carefully organized. Strengthening the construction of institutional culture and vigorously creating an atmosphere of "national culture" will help strengthen the cohesiveness and attractiveness of the branch and enhance the level of civilized creation of the organs. The branch will increase investment and organizational leadership, and actively carry out cultural and sports activities. All stocks and personnel must attach great importance to it and participate actively.

2, based on the actual, do a good job of coordination. The development of institutional culture and sports activities aims to create a comfortable and comfortable cultural environment for the cadres and workers of the government. All cadres and workers of the branch must cooperate with each other in actual work, do a good job of coordination, effectively inspire the cadres and workers to love and work hard, strive for excellence, and promote the sound and rapid development of the country.

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