Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Health Education Assessment Program

Part 1: Health Education Assessment Program

First, the purpose and requirements of the assessment

In order to promote the development of school mental health education in the direction of regularization, institutionalization, scientific, humanization, standardization and modernization, special evaluation and evaluation indicators are formulated. The assessment can be carried out by the Municipal Education Bureau or by the comprehensive quality education assessment. Each urban area should organize self-examination. Assessment and evaluation adhere to the combination of theory and practice, the combination of process and results, and the combination of quantitative and qualitative, in order to facilitate the implementation and development of mental health education. The results of the assessment will serve as an important basis for the assessment of school work.

Second, the evaluation indicators

1. Mental health education institution setting

· Mental health education is included in the school work plan, and there are leaders in charge of implementation, with annual work plans;

· The school leaders study the mental health education work at least twice each semester administrative meeting, and have guidance, coordination, inspection and evaluation of the work;

· Schools with full-time teachers set up psychological counseling rooms, with special personnel, special venues and basic facilities, working systems, and normal operations;

· Schools with full-time and part-time teachers set up special or dual-use classrooms for mental health education and use them well;

· The funds are in place, the use is reasonable, there are books and materials, psychological work files, management science;

· Campus culture construction meets the requirements.

2. Mental health education teacher team construction

·Be able to equip at least one full-time psychological counseling teacher according to time requirements, participate in qualification training on time, and hold a certificate;

· Have at least three part-time teachers and participate in qualification training on time;

· Actively participate in mental health continuing education training, and provide school-based training for mental health related knowledge to all teachers no less than once per semester.

· The coaching teacher earnestly participates in the city and district teaching and research activities, and the attendance rate is high; the school-level teaching and research activities are at least once a month;

·Special and part-time mental health education teachers have reasonable workload and reasonable treatment

3. Mental health education work

· Provide mental health classes for students or organize regular lectures in a variety of forms, included in the schedule, and open the class;

· The counseling room meets the requirements and is open on a regular basis to receive students in need, no less than 5 class hours per week. Implement standardized management of archival materials and abide by the code of practice for psychological counseling and counseling;

· Infiltrating mental health education in subject teaching, class teacher work and team activities;

· Parent school holds relevant knowledge lectures, no less than 1 time per semester;

· There are research topics at the school level or above.

4. Mental health education work effectiveness

· Have an annual mental health education work plan, summary, etc.;

· A good evaluation of mental health education by teachers and students through questionnaires and symposiums;

· Have relevant scientific research results;

Third, the evaluation method

1. Check the text

2. Check the situation of mental health education teachers

3. Learn about students and teachers

4. View hardware facilities

Part 2: Health Education Assessment Program

In order to understand the health knowledge of residents in the jurisdiction, evaluate the effectiveness of health education publicity activities, and explore more effective publicity methods suitable for the jurisdiction, ** Community Health Service Center plans to evaluate the effectiveness of health literacy knowledge in 20XX. The specific content of the program is as follows.

I. Organizational leadership

The leaders of the community health service center are responsible for the overall organization and coordination of the survey and evaluation work; the center health education specialist and central office is responsible for formulating the survey plan, producing questionnaires, summarizing, collating and analyzing relevant work materials, and completing the survey and evaluation work summary; The person is responsible for the implementation of the specific investigation work.

Second, the investigation time

August-October 20XX.

Third, the survey object

Taking the resident of the jurisdiction as the survey object, a random sample of people aged from 20 to 69 years old.

Fourth, the survey content and methods

1. Survey content

Refer to the relevant materials to design the “** Community Health Service Center 20XX Resident Health Literacy Knowledge Test Questionnaire” questionnaire, which includes basic knowledge and concepts, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and basic skills.

2. Survey method

The doctors and nurses from the slow-moving doctors visited the site to explain the results, and the independent answer sheet was collected on the spot. The questionnaire mainly understands the residents' understanding and mastery of what is health, how to prevent common chronic diseases, infectious diseases, correct living habits, and emergency treatment methods in emergencies. These knowledge are residents in social life and health. Common sense should be mastered.

3. Health education interventions

In the health education work, the residents will be taught, special lectures and knowledge contests will be held, and publicity materials and publicity windows will be promoted.

V. Survey steps and priorities

1. Work start phase

The community service center organized health education specialists, relevant street community leaders and central medical staff to hold on-site work meetings and fully deploy investigations.

2. Survey implementation stage

The health education department will coordinate the relevant work of the street community organization to complete the investigation of the resident population that meets the requirements of the jurisdiction.

3, data sorting and entry

The relevant staff of the community service center will organize the survey data in time and analyze and evaluate it as required.

Sixth, other

In the investigation work, strengthen information feedback and communication, so as to timely discover problems existing in the work, and promptly propose relevant measures to solve them. In addition, at the same time as the investigation work was carried out, in response to the actual question and answer of the questionnaire, targeted health education interventions were carried out on the respondents, and the residents' health awareness and self-protection ability were continuously enhanced.

Part 3: Health Education Assessment Program

First, the purpose of the evaluation

Through the Health Education Effectiveness Assessment Questionnaire, we will assess the health knowledge, health behaviors, and health education popularization of residents who are over 15 years old in their respective jurisdictions, evaluate the effectiveness of health education at our station, and provide a basis for further development of health education and health promotion in our station. And baseline data.

Second, the assessment content:

Including the knowledge of health knowledge, the formation of health behaviors, and the popularity of health education.

Third, the evaluation program

1. Set up a questionnaire survey working group of this unit: think that the working group leader and the members of the basic public health project team are the questionnaire survey team.

2. The object of assessment is that the township committee has a local household registration of residents aged 15 and over.

3. Assessment tool: The self-designed assessment questionnaire “Resident Health Knowledge and Behavior Questionnaire” was adopted.

4, sample size and sampling method

The assessment was carried out on the basis of the community health diagnosis work in 20XX, and the survey sample was determined by multi-stage cluster random sampling method. All eligible members of the 100 households selected by the local committee are surveyed. If there is a need to replace the survey household during the survey, the method of replacement of the community health diagnosis is the same.

5, quality control

Three levels of quality control are implemented. The first level is the self-inspection quality control of the on-site investigators; the second level is the internal quality control of the questionnaire survey team, and the personnel assigned by the team leader; the third level is the external quality control conducted by the district health bureau.

6. Job duties of the street and neighborhood committee

Through the meeting, publicize the significance of the work of health education evaluation, arrange various work contents, and ensure the smooth development of the work.

The community residents mobilized to publicize the significance of health education evaluation through households and mobilize residents to participate.

Provide community environment information

And assist the Basic Public Health Service Office to do the job well.

Part 4: Health Education Assessment Program

First, the indicator system

The school health education evaluation is divided into two levels: the school and the education administrative department. The establishment of the indicator system is mainly based on schools, and there is no specific evaluation index for the evaluation of the education administrative department. The school health education evaluation index system is divided into three levels.

Level I indicator

Level II indicator

Level III indicator

1 teaching basis

Teaching conditions

Class hour

2. Teaching materials and teaching aids

Teaching hygiene

3. Lighting and blackboard

4. Desks and chairs

5. Drinking water and washing facilities

6. Toilet facilities

2 educational process

Teaching management

7. Teaching plan

8. Teaching plan

9. Teacher training

teaching activity

10. Teaching quality

11. Communication activities

Start situation

12. Start rate

3 teaching effects

Knowledge mastery

13. Written assessment

14. Actual operation

Habit cultivation

15. Hair and nails

16. Facial and clothing

17. Physical exercise

Public health

18. Teaching rooms and dormitory

19. Campus and toilet

Absence of class

20. Absence rate

Description of the evaluation criteria for the indicators of the second and third grade indicators

Class Hours: According to the requirements of the textbook of [J] [XX] No. 14, each Chinese small school shall arrange a 0.5-hour health education class in the activity class "Science and Culture Activities" every week. Other times and other forms of health education not included in the schedule are not considered as evaluations of this indicator.

Teaching materials and teaching aids: The teaching materials must be: 1 embodies the eight contents of the "Basic Requirements for Health Education for Primary and Secondary School Students", 2 there is no conceptual error in the educational content, 3 text depth and text volume are in line with the teaching rules; teaching aids include wall charts, models, slides and Other types of health education equipment. Teaching aids with the same type and content are calculated in one type. Self-made teaching aids are allowed, but homemade teaching aids must be scientific and accurate.

This indicator only requires content for the evaluation of teaching aids. It does not require the type, and the "required teaching aids rate" is used as the evaluation index. See Appendix 1 for a list of essential teaching aids.

Required teaching aids rate = × 100%

Lighting and Blackboard: The measurement method of lighting is described in the National Standard of the People's Republic of China, "Measurement Methods for Indoor Lighting". The total average of the average illuminance of each classroom examined is the evaluation value of the indicator. The total average illuminance should be no less than 150LX; the blackboard should be free of cracks, no reflection, no glare, and the "blackboard pass rate" of the inspection is used as an indicator.

Desks and Chairs: The evaluation criteria can be found in the National Standard of the People's Republic of China, the Health Standards for School Desks and Chairs. The number of desks and chair numbers are counted in accordance with the height of the students. Taking the "class and desk compliance rate" as an indicator.

Drinking and washing facilities: 1 Schools should provide students with drinking water that meets hygienic standards; 2 should provide the same faucet as the number of teaching classes, and evaluate rural schools without running water as appropriate.

Toilet facilities: The number of students and the number of students built in the school should reach: 40:1 for boys and 20-25:1 for girls. The urinals for men's toilets should be matched.

Teaching plan: There should be a complete health education teaching plan, so that the teaching progress, teaching content and project are consistent.

Teaching plan: The teaching plan should include eight main contents such as class time, subject, teaching purpose, teaching focus, teaching difficulties, teaching aids, teaching content and process, and teaching summary. The teaching plan should be written with three main contents: no concept error, neatness and conciseness. . A total of 11 items.

Teacher training: The average number of instructors should receive more than 120 hours of training per academic year. The training forms are: training classes, group preparation, teaching and research activities, teaching exchanges, and observation classes.

The quality of teaching: teachers should teach five main contents: clear concept, heuristic teaching, vivid language, theoretical connection, and board work.

Communication activities: The school should use the publicity column, parent conference, class team meeting, radio, health tabloid and other forms to publicize the health knowledge of different content to students or parents 20 times each school year.

Start-up rate: The number of classes that offer health education classes as a percentage of the total number of classes that should be offered for health education.

Written assessment: verify individual scores and total grades. Take the overall average score of all students as an indicator.

Practical operation: From Appendix 2, 3 items are randomly selected according to the teaching requirements of each grade, and the students who are inspected are qualified to meet 3 standards. At the time of evaluation, the method of item-by-item elimination is adopted for the students inspected. The student's "qualified rate" is used as an indicator.

Hair and nails: Students should keep their hair clean and tidy, and both of them are qualified. The student's "qualified rate" is used as an indicator.

Face and clothing: Students should make face, ear and neck clean, clothes, shoes and hats clean, no smell, 2 items are qualified. The student's "qualified rate" is used as an indicator.

Physical exercise: Students should insist on doing good work during class; actively participate in extracurricular physical exercise. Take the "percentage" of the practice and the "percentage" of extracurricular physical exercise as an indicator.

Teaching rooms and dormitories: The floor and walls should be smoke-free, without smudges, without paper scraps, windows, tables and chairs, and items placed neatly. All 6 are qualified. In schools with student dormitories, the number of dormitories examined should not be less than one third of the total number of teaching rooms and dormitories examined. The "qualified rate" of the teaching room and dormitory to be inspected is taken as an indicator.

Campus and toilet: The campus should be free of weeds, no littering, no traces, no sewage, no scribbles; toilets should be odorless, no mosquitoes, no nuisance, no disorder No scribbles, septic pool caps. A total of 10.

Absence rate: refers to absenteeism caused by various reasons other than leave.

Absence rate = total number of students in the school year / total number of school hours × total number of students in the school × 1000 总数 total number of school hours = average number of hours per week × total number of teaching days of the whole school number of students = ÷ 2 Note: evaluation of relevant indicators At the time, all objects can be inspected, or a part of representative objects can be randomly selected for evaluation.

Third, the evaluation form

Table 1: School Health Education Evaluation Options Table

Table 2: School Health Education Evaluation Record

Table 3: School Health Education Evaluation Form

Table 4: Health Education Evaluation Form for Education Administration

Fourth, statistics and rating

1, statistics

School: Total score = III each level III indicator score

Administration: Total score = ÷ total number of schools × 100

2, rating

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