Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Integrity campus implementation plan

Part 1: Integrity Campus Implementation Plan

In order to implement the "Working Plan for Establishing and Perfecting the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption in 20XX-20XX", we will solidly promote the culture of clean government culture into the campus. According to the Office of the Leading Group of the Anti-Corruption Work of the CPC Nan'an Municipal Committee, the main work on party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work in 20XX The Archives Decomposition and Supervision and Implementation of the Opinions, and the Nanan Municipal Party Committee of Education and Work Committee's "Notice on Printing and Distributing the 20XX Year's Integrity Culture into the Campus Activities Implementation Plan" and other archives spirit, combined with the actual situation of the National Small and Medium University, the program.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we will fully implement the scientific concept of development, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Party's XX X, X, and X Plenary Sessions and the spirit of the Central Committee of the Central Committee for Discipline Inspection in order to strengthen the party's ability to govern. The main line of construction and advanced construction is to advocate the socialist concept of honor and disgrace of "eight honors and eight shame" as the main content, earnestly do a good job in maintaining the purity of the party, and integrate the overall planning of the ideological and moral education of the small and medium-sized schools. In an all-round and multi-level manner, we will carry out a clean and honest culture into the campus, enter the classroom, and enter the students' mind activities. We will continue to enhance the awareness of the faculty and staff who are dedicated to their work and integrity, and cultivate the correct values ​​and noble moral sentiments of young students. In the school, a strong atmosphere of "respect for honesty and shame for greed" is formed.

Second, the target task

By carrying out various forms of anti-corruption publicity and education activities, we will improve the awareness of clean government and the consciousness of anti-corruption and prevention of the leading cadres of the education system, lead by example, take the lead in setting a good example, work diligently, run schools, and provide satisfactory education for the people; Coaching according to law, dedication and dedication, honest service, being a teacher, honest and self-discipline, and being a teacher satisfied by the people; guiding the students to establish a sense of integrity, civic morality, legal awareness, honesty, gratitude, and enhance the ability to identify corruption. Develop healthy psychological qualities and noble moral sentiments.

Third, the implementation approach

1. Combine the culture of clean government with the campus culture. All schools must adhere to the close integration of the culture of clean government and the construction of campus culture, and use publicity windows such as publicity windows, blackboard newspapers, school newspapers, and campus radio stations to promote a clean culture. Make full use of the theme class meeting, carry out the theme education activities with rich content and novel forms, help teachers and students to perceive, explore, think and accumulate in rich and colorful educational activities, and internalize the moral requirements of society into the moral needs of students themselves.

2. Combine the culture of clean government with the education of teachers' morality. All schools should incorporate the integrity and self-discipline into the evaluation system of the teacher evaluation first, increase the weight of their assessment and evaluation, and promote all teachers to teach according to law, dedication and love, honest service, and a teacher. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen party discipline and law education, honesty and self-discipline education and warning education in all aspects of managing arbitrary charges and managing commercial bribery, so that the process of governance becomes a process of party members and cadres to conduct honest education.

3. Combine the culture of clean government with the work of moral education. In order to incorporate the integrity education into the school moral education system, according to the characteristics of school education and the characteristics of the young people's physical and mental development, students of different ages should be guided by the situation, step by step, and closely integrated with ideological and moral education and quality education to make the law of integrity, integrity and self-discipline good. Moral awareness is rooted in the minds of students. Through hierarchical design and organization of various thematic education and social practice activities that meet the physical and mental characteristics of students, help students develop good ideological and moral qualities so that the understanding of young students grows in the experience, morality improves in practice, and emotions sublimate in cognition. Faith is firmly determined in education, and finally achieves the purpose of ideological and moral self-education, self-discipline, and self-regulation. At the same time, parents should be asked to help the school focus on cultivating the habit of “being honest and diligent, doing things diligently” and forming a situation in which schools and families interact.

4. Combine the culture of clean government with education and teaching activities. Actively promote the culture of clean government into classroom work, and require teachers to combine teaching materials, effectively, orderly and dynamicly integrate the educational resources of "respect for honesty and cleanliness" contained in textbooks such as Chinese, ideological and moral, and strengthen the infiltration in teaching. "Ideology, further enhance the effectiveness of moral education. We must combine the culture of integrity and extracurricular reading. According to the age and knowledge accumulation of the students, the organization guides students to select and read the stories, aphorisms, pictures and cartoons of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign clean and honest, and writes a post-reading or essay, extending the enlightenment education of “Chenglian Chongjie” to extracurricular.

5. Combine the culture of clean government with the promotion of open school affairs. Further promote the openness and standardization of school affairs, and overcome the arbitrariness and formalism in the work. All schools should include matters of public concern such as cadre appointments, job title evaluation, fund revenue and expenditure, performance payroll, etc., which must be made public, and truly make school affairs open as an effective carrier for democratic supervision of party style and style. The right to know, participate, express and supervise is fully respected.

Fourth, several requirements

One must attach great importance to it. It is necessary to take the construction of campus integrity culture as an important part of ideological and moral education, to be included in the agenda, to establish a working organization, to define the division of responsibilities, and to implement the contact, coordination and supervision of specific matters related to this work process. It is necessary to elaborate the specific work plan of the unit's clean government culture into the school to ensure broad participation, obvious implementation and rich creativity. School leaders, as learners, communicators, and practitioners of a clean and honest culture, must consciously participate in, carefully deploy, implement, and achieve results.

Second, we must innovate ideas. All schools must follow the rules of the growth of young students, adapt to their physical and mental development characteristics and cognitive level, so that the content and methods of education are close to reality, close to life, and close to young students; it is necessary to further strengthen the clean government construction of the school teachers themselves and further standardize the school. Paying behaviors and publicizing school affairs, effectively strengthening the construction of teachers' professional ethics, purifying the campus atmosphere, and forming a good atmosphere of clean government.

Third, we must pay attention to publicity. All schools should pay attention to collecting relevant texts, pictures and video materials during the activities of the Integrity Culture into the campus, submit them to the Central Small and Nanan Education Information Network in time, give full play to the role of the media, and show the typical practices of the activities through the news media. . All schools are required to send the Integrity Culture to the Central Country Newsletter before June 18th and before November 18th.

Fourth, we must strengthen supervision. The Municipal Education Commission and the Municipal Education Bureau will establish a supervision and inspection system for the construction of a clean and honest culture, inspect the work of the integrity culture into the school, commend the units that have carried out the work well, and summarize and promote their experiences and practices in a timely manner; Schools that are weaker should be notified and criticized in order to promote the development of a clean government culture into the campus.

Part 2: Integrity Campus Implementation Plan

In order to implement the spirit of the Party Committee [20XX] No. 1 archives, the integrity education is an important part of the youth's ideological and moral education, so that the integrity education can enter the school, enter the teaching materials, enter the classroom, cultivate the correct values ​​and noble moral sentiments of the youth, and strengthen The school's clean government culture construction, special development activities implementation plan.

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we will fully implement the "Guidelines for the Guidance of Shanghai Students' National Spirit Education", adhere to the people-oriented principle, focus on stratified education and practical experience, and guide students to firmly establish integrity. Integrity, law-abiding, and arduous struggle, consciously safeguard the interests of the motherland and the collective. We must seize the key points, step by step, and effectively promote the education of clean culture in our school.

Second, the leading group:

Team leader: Ni Xiaolun Deputy leader: Liu Xia

Group members: Tang Yujie, Zhang Yao, Zhu Qinghua, Sun Jiandong, Jin Weiqing, Wen Shihong, Luo Yingguo, Wang Yonghua, Zhang Bin

Third, the overall goal

In this semester, the principal's office, the party branch, the trade union, the student department, the educational department, the teaching and research section, and the general affairs department shall incorporate the integrity culture construction into the semester work plan, and the construction of the clean government culture into the campus as a major part of the campus culture construction.

In the school cadres and party members and teachers, the incorruptible culture with the theme of “clean and political, diligent and school-run” is launched into the campus education activities. Through education activities to improve the awareness of party members and cadres in the sense of clean government and the conscious of anti-corruption and prevention, all school cadres are set to lead by example, work diligently, become a model for teachers and students, and run an education that the people are satisfied with.

At the level of teaching, the party branch and the trade union should vigorously carry forward the noble morality and further carry out the construction of the teacher's morality of "inner quality and external image", and carry out activities such as the competition for the civilized group, the red May, and the excellent class teacher. Through the leadership activities with leaders, teachers, students, party members, teachers and students, we will further promote the "integrity awareness, integrity awareness and responsibility awareness" on campus, and advocate the awareness of "clean and educate students." The Personnel Section should strengthen the special training of the teaching staff.

At the student level, integrity education is the top priority of moral education. The student section, the Youth League Committee, and the Academic Affairs Department should carry out a rich and colorful series of educational activities, so that this theme can take root in classroom education and campus culture, and advocate a sense of honesty and integrity in the students.

At the school-level contact level, through the positions of the family committee and the parent conference, we advocate the family virtue education of “respect for honesty and cleanliness” and create a learning scenario in which the home and the school are united to achieve the goal of double effect.

Fourth, strengthen management:

1. School leaders must be fully responsible for the construction of the school's clean culture.

2. Adhere to the “four-quantity”, that is, comprehensive deployment, full participation, full operation, and full implementation. The school leadership team will organize inspection and evaluation to ensure the implementation of the work.

3. When formulating the annual teacher assessment target, the school will include the achievements of the integrity culture construction in the scope of the annual work performance assessment of teachers.

Fifth, the main content:

<一>Creating a clean campus culture

Starting from the purification, beautification and rectification of the school appearance, a number of "corruption police aphorisms" propaganda slogans and propaganda slogans were produced.

Create a variety of clean cultural facilities, and open a "clean education" column on the campus network. The reading room and the library opened up special bookshelves, opened up research windows, blackboard newspapers and other positions. The teaching and research section set out to develop a new topic of "clean education". Each issue of the school magazine should have "corruption police" published to enrich the educational content.

The professional department will carry out the competitions of painting and calligraphy works of art students on "corruption education" in a timely manner, and display various works in time.

<2> Organizing a rich and clean campus culture life

According to different grades, stratified promotion, such as essays, speeches, paintings, web design, songs and other competitions among students in grades 1-3, in the fourth-grade students to carry out honesty and law-abiding, professionalism, career choice, entrepreneurship Observe education and raise awareness of professional ethics.

<3> Conducting clean campus theme education

Seriously carry out the educational activities of the Youth Party School and the Amateur Youth League School, and organically join the content of incorruptible education and training.

We will do a good job in educating students on the legal system of honesty and integrity, and through the moral education classes, morning meetings, school classes, and other disciplines, we will infiltrate the theoretical education of "Chonglian and pedantic" through multiple channels.

In the teachers and students, we will carry out the education activities of diligence, hard work, cherish the integrity and self-discipline of all the property on the campus, and advocate the “conservative campus construction”.

Part 3: Integrity Campus Implementation Plan

In order to conscientiously implement the CPC Central Committee's "Implementation and Implementation of the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption, Equally Emphasizing Education, System, and Supervision" and the spirit of relevant conferences at the higher levels, we will further promote the "Integrity Culture into the Campus" activities; in light of the actual situation of our school, we will formulate specific implementation plans. as follows:

First, fully understand the purpose of the event

Carrying out the culture of clean culture into the campus is an initiative to strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of children and comprehensively promote quality education. It is an objective need to cultivate a harmonious campus culture and build a harmonious campus. It is to implement the work of building a clean and honest government and anti-corruption work. Establish and improve the important task of punishing and preventing corruption. Through in-depth education, the party members and cadres, faculty and staff members will be steadily and politically clean, and they will firmly establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values; help students understand the basic legal knowledge and clean government laws and regulations, establish civic morality and legal awareness, and cleanliness. Consciousness, form a campus fashion that is proud of honesty and humiliation, and create a new situation of clean culture into campus work.

2. Identify the objects and requirements of the activity:

The first level: school leaders, party members and teachers

The school leaders should carry out the education of ideals and beliefs, discipline education, warning education, demonstration education, hard struggle education and style education with the theme of "one body is clean and tidy," and improve the awareness of party members and cadres' self-consciousness and integrity. We must lead by example, clean and educate, diligent and honest, consciously accept the supervision of the people, run the people's satisfaction education, and become a model for teachers and students.

The second level: all faculty and staff

All faculty and staff should carry out party discipline regulations and teachers' professional ethics education with the theme of "one-person decent innocence and coaching", and enhance the faculty and staff's awareness of honesty and cleanliness through activities, honesty and education, coaching according to law, dedication and love, and being a teacher.

The third level: all students

The students of the whole school should carry out the education of ideals and beliefs, basic ethics and traditional virtue education and legal education with the theme of "one integrity, integrity and honesty". Through the activities, the students of the whole school will enhance their integrity and integrity, and enhance their ability to resist social bad habits. Improve the consciousness of obeying the law and discriminate between right and wrong, and play the role of "small hand and big hand" to form a good atmosphere of respect and cleanliness in the whole society.

Third, the activity content

1. Conducting integrity education in the school leadership team

First, the members of the school's leadership team hold a quarterly clean government study meeting to study and implement the "implementation outline", the two "regulations" and other archival spirits, and the overall arrangements and specific requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government on party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work. Improve the awareness of honesty and cleanliness, and learn to have a sign-in, record, and experience. Second, the members of the school's leadership team should be collectively signed on the "Integrity and Self-discipline Commitment Letter", and the school and the teacher should also sign a letter of responsibility. The third is to read a book about integrity education every semester and write a story.

2. Conducting integrity education among all faculty and staff

The first is to strengthen learning so that the majority of teachers have the "four spirits" in their work and achieve "four nos." The second is to carry out a commitment to the teacher's morality and ethics in the theme of “love and dedication, integrity and education” and sign a letter of responsibility for integrity. The third is to have a class activity class or a comprehensive practical activity class with a clean theme on each semester. The fourth is to read a book about integrity education every semester, and write a heartfelt experience.

3. Conducting integrity education among students

The school should start from the "enlightenment, inspiration", carry out discipline education and civilized habits education among the students, learn the history of clean and honest deeds, constantly regulate their behavior habits, and form good morals. Solidly carry out the "one for one" activities of the clean government culture into the campus:

A theme education event is held every semester.

A weekly broadcast of the theme of “King Lian Chong Jie” and “Integrity and Slim” is broadcast.

I watched an anti-corruption film and television film every semester and learned to sing a clean government song.

Each semester will participate in a team activity or comprehensive practical activity with the theme of clean culture.

Monthly publication of a blackboard and wall newspaper with the theme of clean culture. And conduct evaluation activities. A manual copy of the appraisal ratio is held every academic year.

Read a clean book every semester and conduct learning exchange activities.

Write an article on the theme of integrity every semester; draw a comic book;

As a good security guard, the parents of the students are encouraged to hire students as “family integrity supervisors”.

We will hire an off-campus honest missionary to conduct a special lecture on honesty and integrity.

Conduct a meaningful campus cultural event, and organize activities based on the characteristics of different grades, such as learning to sing songs or nursery rhymes, essay contests, speech contests, knowledge contests, and essay contests.

1, to be combined with school moral education. Focusing on the goal of "three honests", that is, the school administrators are clean and honest, the teachers are clean and honest, and the students are honest and self-cultivating. Incorporate integrity education into the school moral education system, and synchronize research, simultaneous deployment, simultaneous inspection, and simultaneous implementation of school moral education. Incorporating the "new round of quality education supervision and evaluation" and the "civilized schools" at all levels to create activities, including integrity education.

2, should be combined with classroom teaching. Incorporate the integrity culture content in the courses of language, product life, product society, and comprehensive practice, fully explore, integrate, and infiltrate the incorruptible educational resources in the subject teaching, and cultivate the students' integrity awareness and value in the subtle influence through the positive and negative education. Concept.

3. It must be combined with the openness of school affairs. Actively build a "Sunshine Campus", open up major issues involving the interests of teachers, students, and parents through various forms, accept supervision, and create a good atmosphere for teachers' teaching and student growth.

4. It is necessary to combine with the special work of teachers' morality, governance and education, and commercial bribery. It is necessary to incorporate honesty, integrity, education, honesty and self-discipline into the cadre teacher's code of conduct and professional ethics evaluation system, and whether it is effective as an important basis for cadres, teachers' annual assessment, job appointment and evaluation. We must strengthen party discipline and discipline education, honesty and self-discipline education, and warning education in all aspects of managing arbitrary charges and managing commercial bribery, so that the process of governance becomes a process of party members and cadres to conduct honest education.

V. Job requirements

1. Strengthen organizational leadership

Carrying out the culture of clean government culture into the campus is an effective carrier for strengthening the party's work style and building a clean government and anti-corruption work under the new situation. It has been fully affirmed by leaders at all levels and the public. All teachers should attach great importance to it and promote effective work. The school has set up a leading group with Wu Xiangdong as the team leader, and a working group based on the class teacher. It is necessary for the principal to personally grasp and designate a person to be responsible for the formulation, coordination, inspection, supervision and summary of the program.

2, we must pay attention to integration

We must handle the connection and integration of clean education with the daily work of the school, especially the teaching work, scientific arrangement, and overall promotion; we must pay attention to the organic combination of clean culture and family, and actively strengthen communication and cooperation with all aspects of students' families and society, and correctly guide Parent education, make full use of various social education resources to carry out clean education.

Part 4: Integrity Campus Implementation Plan

First, the guiding ideology of the culture of clean government into the campus

Adhere to the implementation of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the "XX Great" spirit, and the scientific development concept, conscientiously implement the implementation opinions of the Urban Education Bureau on the development of a clean government culture into the school, and make full use of the campus's main position to develop a culture of integrity. Publicize educational activities, create a strong campus culture culture, improve the quality of campus culture, enhance the awareness of teachers and students, and build a harmonious campus and clean campus.

Second, the integrity of the culture into the campus activities leading group

Group leader: Zhao x

Deputy leader: Jiang X

Members: Hole x, Week x, Du x, Xu x, Liu x, Ban xx

Third, the purpose of clean government culture into campus activities

1. Strengthen the awareness of party members and cadres in party style and clean government responsibility. Based on the post, brightly identify the duties, establish an image; pursue dedication, talk about party discipline, observe the party discipline, and strive for excellence. Enhance the "five basic" construction functions, everyone adds glory to the party flag, and strives to be an excellent Communist Party member.

2. Strengthen the awareness of all teachers' integrity and responsibility. Based on the platform, teaching and educating people, coaching according to law, dedication, honesty, honesty, teaching, practice, regular study, caring for students, respecting parents, ignoring fame and fortune, obeying the law, and being a satisfied teacher.

3. Strengthen the awareness of self-discipline and responsibility of the majority of students. Through incorruptible publicity and education activities, we will further educate students to abide by the rules and discipline, knowing the glory, advocating integrity, promoting integrity; not extravagant waste, not comparing consumption, not chasing stars, not fascinating brands; establishing a correct world outlook, outlook on life And values, cultivate the moral sentiments of honesty and honesty from a young age; make honesty, honesty, and honesty, create a clean and honest campus culture, and create a harmonious environment for educating people.

Fourth, the requirements of clean government culture into the campus activities

1. Seriously study regulations and improve thinking and understanding. Organize school party members and teachers to study the "Corruption Guidelines", "The Implementation Outline of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Sound Education, System, and Supervision for Punishing and Preventing Corruption", "China's Small Teachers' Professional Ethics", and the "China Small" formulated by the Dongbao District Education Bureau The Ten Work Disciplines of Teachers and the Ten Ten Injunctions and other arguments against corruption and advocacy are effective in raising the awareness of clean culture into the campus.

2. Formulate a program of clean government culture into the campus, establish and improve relevant rules and regulations, formulate work plans and annual work plans in line with the school conditions, and deploy them together with education and teaching work.

3. Teachers and students actively participate in the clean culture into the campus activities, and earnestly complete the tasks of various activities.

Fifth, the integrity of the culture into the campus activities.

Integrity culture into the campus activities, we must combine the actual situation of our school, and actively carry out a variety of rich and varied forms of education activities to ensure that the results are effective.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the concept of running a school, and attach importance to the construction of a clean culture.

The first is to establish an organization for building an honest and clean government. The composition team consists of the principal, the deputy principal of moral education, the director of the moral education room, the secretary of the school youth league committee, and the class teacher. It is organized, has leadership, has division of labor, has responsibilities, and has financial guarantees, and at the same time formulates practical and feasible activities.

The second is to improve the consciousness of the faculty and staff participating in integrity education. Through publicity and learning, we will unify the thinking of all employees and fully understand the significance of the activities. Taking the opportunity of learning and practicing activities, creating first-class competitions, and democratically evaluating political and ethical activities, we will carry out a series of learning and education activities to enhance the political responsibility and historical mission of the integrity culture culture into campus activities.

The third is to keep pace with the times and strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations. We must focus on the scientific management of the goal of running a school, focus on the construction of clean and clean education, and attach importance to the construction of a clean and honest culture in terms of teacher evaluation, fee management, openness of party affairs, teacher education, and ideological and moral construction of minors, and strive to improve the system and standardize. School management provides a strong organizational guarantee and system guarantee for the goal of “building a green ecological campus, promoting the development of teachers and students, and creating a first-class rural middle school window school”.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the construction of campus culture and improve the cultural taste of the school.

On the basis of striving to build a "harmony, humanity, wonderful, and upward" campus culture, we should integrate the construction of a clean culture and the connotation and taste of a rich school culture. Insured warning signs are set up on the school campus, the office hangs the honest motto, the classroom bedroom and the restaurant have clean banners, through the corridor window, blackboard newspaper, handwritten newspaper, paper collection, famous sentence compilation, experience exchange, theme class meeting, moral education meeting, etc. Forms to increase publicity and education; strengthen the construction of a clean and honest cultural system, such as: party members and schools sign the responsibility of building a clean government, teachers to make a commitment to integrity and openness; to carry out the prohibition of paid tutor signature activities, to issue a rejection of students and parents gifts Books, etc.; to continuously enrich the cultural connotation of the campus, to educate the teachers and students of the school with good teaching style, school spirit, and class style, to form a clean and honest school spirit, to provide a clean and honest teaching style, and to work hard and study.

We must integrate the construction of clean culture into the construction of campus culture, create a strong cultural atmosphere of campus culture, improve the awareness of the faculty and staff in teaching and serving students, and cultivate students' respect for honest people and respect the feelings of honest behavior. A good and clean atmosphere of being proud and being ashamed of greed.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the construction of teachers' morality and style, and strengthen the image of the teacher.

It is necessary to combine the construction of clean culture with the construction of teachers' morality and style in schools, advocate the rigorous study and honest teaching style, resist the paid tutors, and combine with the evaluation of teachers' ethics and business assessment, and resolutely put an end to chaos, chaos, and classes. Paid tutors and other irregularities, and implement a one-vote veto system for "teachers' ethics." The faculty and staff should conscientiously study a series of important expositions of General Secretary Hu Jintao on the construction of a clean government, learn the archives spirit of the Urban Education Bureau on the activities of the Integrity Culture into the school, organize the teachers to sign a letter of honesty and openness, and carry out the "Integrity and Religion". The student's essay writing activity in the aspect of students; the campaign to collect the "clean government from teaching" motto activities. At the same time, in the teachers, the teacher-education education activities on the theme of “Standing on Posts, Teaching and Educating People” will be used to raise the awareness of teachers' respect and cleanliness, lead by example, keep honesty and integrity, and consciously accept the supervision of students and parents. From teaching to the people, coaching integrity, and becoming a model for students. It is necessary to carry out the "rule by law, clean and honest education" throughout the teacher's moral education, and regard the examination of honesty and integrity as one of the basis of teacher appointment, promotion, reward and punishment, so that the integrity of the culture into the campus activities enhances the education in the teacher level. , targeted and effective.

Every year before the Teacher's Day, our school must select the "three excellent" model, commend the faculty and staff with high morality, good teaching performance, good class work, and good service, and further enhance teachers' awareness of teaching and educating people. Taking "teaching, strict education, music education, and love education" as the school's teaching style, we will really push the construction of teachers' morality and style to a new height.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the moral education of students, and highlight the function of cultivating people.

Integrity culture is an abstract concept for students. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the “Integrity Culture into Campus Week” activity. Mainly around the teacher level, the student level, the ideological education with the theme of "respect for honesty and honesty", "integrity and law-abiding", "frugality and self-discipline", through the national flag speech, class meeting, publicity window, classroom newspaper, team activities, etc. Incorporate the education of "clean culture into campus" into all aspects of campus moral education, and give full play to the important role of school education.

First, we should use the campus website, theme activities, extracurricular reading, social practice and other means to carry out basic moral education with integrity, responsibility and integrity as the main content; traditional virtue education with clean, frugal and self-discipline as the main content; Education for the ideal and belief of the people as the main content; education of the legal concept with justice, democracy and law-abiding as the main content. Start from yourself, start from the small things around you, develop the care of others, selfless service, not for fame and fortune, dare to speak the truth of the ideological quality and behavior habits, and create excellent personality.

The second is to open a clean and honest theme class to strengthen the education of honesty and honesty. The class teacher should design the activity teaching plan, and each class should carry out the "Integrity Culture into the Campus" theme class activities, so that students can actively participate, fully prepare, the activities are colorful, can tell stories, can sing, can perform small pieces, etc. Let the students love and be clear, respect and clean, be subtle, be tempered by sentiment, and know how to be human.

The third is to carry out a variety of campus cultural activities under the theme of “Respect for Honesty and Cleanness”. A good-looking blackboard with the theme of cleanliness; a window column with the theme of integrity; a small story event with extra-curricular collection and reading of cleanliness; a handwritten newspaper competition and calligraphy competition with the theme of honesty and cleanliness Carry out the collection activities of writing, poetry, etc. with the theme of "Promoting honesty and honesty, emphasizing honor and disgrace"; carrying out the collection activities of the advocacy and cleansing mottos; and carrying out the "creative festivals and campuses" experience activities, such as self-greening and beautifying the campus and participating in voluntary labor. Experience the cultivation of wasteland, etc. In the activity, exercise yourself, cultivate ability, enjoy the joy of labor, and establish a sense of saving.

It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of school education and teaching, and properly infiltrate the content and requirements of campus integrity education into moral education, so that the two can be integrated and promote each other. Through positive guidance, students are willing and easy to accept, and establish a clean sense and concept from an early age.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the classroom teaching activities, and infiltrate the idea of ​​honesty and cleanliness.

On the basis of giving full play to the main classroom, main channels and main positions of school moral education, in other disciplines, we should fully explore the content and resources of incorruptible education, and refine the education points on integrity, integrity and character training so that students can learn Cultural knowledge is also inspired by the culture of integrity.

The first is the infiltration of disciplines, that is, the effective integration of the resources of respecting honest and clean culture contained in textbooks such as Chinese, ideology and morality, and strengthening the idea of ​​infiltrating honesty and cleanliness in teaching. Teachers of all disciplines must have a special education plan for integrity education.

The second is extracurricular reading, that is, according to the age and knowledge accumulation of students, the organization guides students to select and read the stories, maxims, pictures and cartoons of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign clean and honest, and writes a post-reading or essay, extending the education of honesty and integrity to the extracurricular.

The third is to strengthen the development of school-based curriculum, collect and write a clean education book, and make the integrity education into the classroom. Teaching and educating people, Lide tree people.

Fourth, integrity education activities penetrate high-efficiency classrooms, and integrate the spirit of clean culture into classroom teaching, so that students can achieve the goal of honest culture education on the basis of fun by dialogue with textual characters.

Incorporate the integrity culture into the party's work style and clean government, and improve the quality of party members.

Adhere to the combination of party style and clean government construction and clean culture into campus activities, conscientiously implement the higher-level party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work deployment, do a good job of party members' demonstration posts, do a good job in the party's work style and clean government construction responsibility system, and do a good job in party members' clean government objectives assessment. We must do a good job in the prevention and control of corruption warnings in school departments and key posts. Leading cadres take the lead in honesty and self-discipline, adhere to the democratic evaluation system of party members in the school, the leading cadres of party members, and the system of democratic appraisal, and adhere to the system of double democratic life of party members and leading cadres. Seriously implement the "one post and two responsibilities", adhere to the school's major issues of democratic decision-making system and accountability system for work mistakes, and resolutely resist the use of power for personal and commercial bribery. It is necessary to timely study and solve the most concerned, most direct and most realistic interests involving teachers and students, investigate and deal with violations of disciplines and regulations in a timely manner, and resolutely put an end to unhealthy trends. I am open-minded to accept the democratic appraisal of the school's political style.

Sixth, the event arrangement:

1. Organize all party members of the school to study the important arguments of the central leadership on strengthening party spirit and strengthening work style, studying the "Corruption Guidelines", studying the requirements of the education department for the construction of a clean government culture, and taking good political study notes. Sign the responsibility for party style and clean government construction, make a commitment to create first-class competition, formulate prevention and control measures for integrity politics, and write a clean government culture into the campus paper.

2. Combine the arrangement of teachers' morality and education activities, conscientiously study the morality of teachers, study the ten work disciplines and ten bans formulated by the Education Bureau, learn the rules and regulations on the construction of a clean government, write a good understanding, write a clean education plan, class activities Teaching plans, etc.

3. Through learning, further enhance the awareness of clean government, check and examine the outstanding problems in the work style construction, teacher morality construction, and clean government construction, write a self-examination report, and sign the "Luohe Middle School Teachers' Integrity Commitment Letter".

4. Campus culture construction should infiltrate the content of clean culture education. School moral education rooms should make full use of various forms and platforms to grasp the culture and education activities of honest culture.

5. Incorporate the construction of a clean government culture into the school work plan, and deploy it together with the school education and teaching work and campus culture construction. The school party branch assists in the education of clean and honest education.

6. Carry out the “Innovation of Clean and Honest Culture into School Model School” activities. On the basis of carrying out a series of activities, we will actively declare and strive to make our school become a model school of clean government culture.

Part 5: Integrity Campus Implementation Plan

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the "Notice on the Conduct of Clean and Honest Culture into Campus Activities" of the Education Bureau, and further implement the "Opinions on the Comprehensive Development of Integrity Education in Greater China" by the Ministry of Education, and in accordance with the requirements of the Education Bureau to carry out the culture of clean government into the campus, In the actual situation of the school, the following work plan is formulated.

First, the guiding ideology

In carrying out the activities of building a clean and honest culture into the campus, we must adhere to the guidance of the "three represents" and the important thinking of building a socialist harmonious society, vigorously strengthen the building of a clean and honest culture, actively promote the culture of clean culture into the school, and promote the formation of "clinical and pedantic" for primary school students. Values. Create a harmonious campus culture of “clean and honest, learn and innovate”. To achieve the unity of knowledge, entertainment, fun, and education. Expand the coverage of activities and educate teachers and students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​through education in clean and honest culture.

Second, the principle of activity

According to the age characteristics of our students, we mainly adopt the principle of positive guidance, the principle of acceptability, the principle of gradual progress and the principle of protection in mind. The content involved in the activity cannot exceed the ability of the primary school students to accept, not to mention the slogan of the big and empty, not to mention the requirements that cannot be done. The content of the activity should be close to life, close to the students, close to the reality, small eyes, small places, small things to do the real situation, true feelings, honest and trustworthy, cordial nature, personal experience, personal practice

Third, the specific work arrangements

1. First, the school held a meeting on the construction of a clean and honest culture in which all teachers participated, to convey the spirit of the superior archives, arrange the work related to the construction of the school's clean government culture, set up a work leading organization, solicit opinions, unify thoughts, and require teachers to actively participate in activities, quality and quantity. Complete the assigned task. It is necessary to truly educate teachers and students through activities to ensure that the desired results are achieved.

2. Carry out educational activities on the theme of “promoting the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation” and cultivate students of ancient and modern times who respect and respect the integrity of the people. Advocating the eponymous festival, light and fame and fortune, and the family and society to form a synergy, forming an atmosphere, so that students are infected and immersed in the subtle and subtle, to achieve the effect of "smooth and silent".

3. Combine the actual situation of our school, carry out various forms of education activities with the theme of "integrity", and carry out the education of "being honest, doing things with integrity".同時開展“讀書和做人”生活體驗及體會交流,使學生能夠用自己的心靈去體驗,用自己的腦子去思考,要讓學生知道“廉潔光榮,腐敗可恥;清白做人,人生美好”。從而培養學生良好的世界觀和人生觀。








Fourth, the leading group

組 長:孟慶波


Li Wenqi



成 員:各年級班主任

V. Specific activity arrangements
















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