Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Grounding ceremony plan

Part 1: Planning ceremony for the commencement ceremony

I. Introduction

The XX Group is a large state-owned enterprise group with a century of history and profound cultural heritage. In the past 100 years, it has achieved remarkable achievements. After three large-scale relocations, three major technology introductions, and the inspections of leaders of three generations of countries, it is a shining banner of Chinese industry.

Especially since last year, under the wise leadership of General Manager Chen, the XX Group has rebounded strongly and made a big blow. It has achieved shocking results in the industry and set off a strong XX whirlwind in the locomotive industry. Since the beginning of this year, it has been leaping forward with great enthusiasm. Not only is production and sales booming, but the relocation of XX Group has also accelerated the pace of progress. The relocation of XX Group was the first relocation project in Chongqing this year. It was highly valued and cared by the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee, the Military Industry Group, and the Xinpo District. The relocation of the XX Group was taken as a major event. The commencement ceremony of Chongqing XX·Motorcycle, Locomotive Co., Ltd. and Chongqing XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. to expand and renovate the new industrial park is the first project of the XX Group relocation project. Whether this can be done well has great significance and influence on the entire relocation project of XX Group. In order to make the commencement ceremony a complete success and achieve the desired results, the following packaging plan for the opening ceremony is proposed.

Second, the purpose

1. Demonstrate the solid strength of the XX Group; showcase a new XX that is determined to reform and rush forward; showcase the new face of XX Group's efforts and enthusiasm;

2. Demonstrate the XX Group's 100-year history and the “Three-Three” course, implement the brilliant achievements after “139” and the grand blueprint of “three-year three-step” to enhance employees' pride and cohesiveness to the company;

3. Demonstrate the overall layout and planning of XX New Industrial Park and the future prospects and development blueprint of the two companies, so as to give greater confidence to supporting enterprises, distributors, markets and consumers;

4. The superiors and the outside world show that the XX Group attaches great importance to the work of relocation and construction, and regards the relocation and construction work as a major event. The relocation and construction of XX will surely be a complete success. XX's tomorrow will be even better.

Third, the theme

Chongqing XXX Locomotive Co., Ltd. and Chongqing XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. expanded the construction ceremony of the new industrial park

Fourth, time:

September 16, 20XX

V. Location:

XX new industrial park construction site.

Sixth, the principle of arrangement

1. The atmosphere of the site is arranged, grand and magnificent, demonstrating the strong strength of the XX Group;

2. Highlight the magnificent history of the century-old XX, the marching pace of a thousand miles, and the grand blueprint for a bright future;

3, the site layout must have a strong cultural atmosphere, reflecting the profound cultural heritage of XX and rich spiritual civilization XX;

4. The whole layout design should conform to the visual recognition system of XX Group, reflecting the brand image of XX Group.

Seven, layout strategy

1. On the Hualong Road and the venue around the new industrial park, a large dragon arch, banner, gas column and knife flag will create a grand and lively atmosphere. At the same time, with 1000 knife flags and 39 air columns, it means “139”. "Programme of action;

2. On site, a 100m×100m site will be used as the site for the venue. Using the open terrain of the site, a large stage and large background board will be built to show the powerful strength of XX Group.

3. On both sides of the podium, each set up a large-scale publicity exhibition stand, one for “Chongqing People’s Grand Hall XX Motorcycle 3,000 dealers conference photo”; the other is “Beijing People’s Great Hall Zhuzhou Jianya Establishment Signing Ceremony”;

4. On the left side of the venue, set up 70 publicity panels to showcase the XX Group's 100-year history and future blueprints;

5. On the right side of the venue, 16 engineering vehicles are lined up;

6. Arrange an exhibition area in front of the podium to display the products of XX locomotive locomotives and XX vehicular air conditioners;

7. Implement reasonable functional division on the site to make the entire venue appear grand and orderly;

8. At the beginning of the soil, the paintball, sound, and whistle sounded at the same time to push the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax;

9, XX's standard color is red and blue, the standard color of the locomotive is red. Therefore, the whole arrangement is matched with the warm colors of the air column, the arch, the red of the banner and the background of the podium, and the background of various propaganda screens to create a warm and festive atmosphere. At the same time, red also represents hope, meaning that XX new industrial park is full of new hope, XX's tomorrow will be better.

10. Arrange a medical point and mobile toilet on site to prepare for the unexpected.

Eight, packaging program

Outside the venue

1. Insert the 750-faced knife flag from both sides of the road at the turntable intersection of Hualong Avenue near the venue to the middle of the road and the two flower beds.

2. Pull up 20 promotional banners from the poles on both sides of the road at the turntable intersection and the lower turntable intersection of Hualong Avenue near the venue;

3. Arrange a large cross-road archway at the turntable intersection and the lower turntable intersection on the Hualong Avenue near the venue.

Arch content:

A warm welcome to participate in the XXX locomotive *XX car air conditioner company to expand the construction of the new park opening ceremony guests!

Around the venue

Around the site:

1. Place 39 air columns;

2. Insert 250 knife face.

Venue entrance

1. Three arches are arranged in a word near the Hualong Avenue. The content is:

Center Arch: Warmly welcome all the leaders who participated in the opening ceremony of the new park in the XXX locomotive and XX vehicle air conditioner company!

Left Arch: Warmly celebrate the expansion of Chongqing XXX Co., Ltd. to build a new industrial park!

Right Arch: Warmly celebrate the expansion of Chongqing XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. to build a new industrial park!

2. From the center of the center arch, use a red carpet to lay a 3m wide pedestrian passage until the first row of squares, and turn right until the foundation pit, as the passage to lead the soil.

reception table

1. On the left side of the central arch, set the guest sign-in desk and the reporter's sign-in desk. The countertop and the surrounding area are covered with red cloth, and the signboard is placed next to the signboard;

2. At the entrance of the VIP lounge area, set the VIP inscription desk, the table top and the surrounding area are covered with red cloth, and the staff or the hostesses are arranged to wear flowers for the VIPs.

Product booth

1. Place a product exhibition area in front of the podium, and arrange the XXX locomotive and the car air conditioner;

2. The air conditioner for the car is placed on a special booth. The booth is covered with golden silk cloth, and the front of the locomotive is hung with red flowers.


1. Build a 20m×10m×1m podium on the back of the conference hall directly in front of the central passage, and lay a red carpet on the upper side, and build a ladder in front of the podium and on both sides;

2. Set up a 20m×10m×8m background PS frame behind the podium, and hang the background inkjet. content:

Chongqing XXX Locomotive Co., Ltd.*Chongqing XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. expands and revitalizes the opening ceremony of the new park

3. On the two sides of the podium background, a 13m×6m large-scale propaganda background is arranged:

The left part of the content is: Chongqing People's Grand Hall XX motorcycle 3,000 dealers conference photo;

The content on the right is: the signing ceremony for the establishment of Zhuzhou Jianya in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

4. Set 16 groups of speakers on each side of the sub-background, 2 sets of microphones on the podium, and 2 wireless microphones.

5. On the background of the podium, the medium and high plants are placed in front of the inkjet; high plants are placed in front of and on both sides of the podium; short pots are placed in front of the locomotive.

6. The rostrum is paved between the podium and the foundation pit to lead the leadership from the podium to the foundation pit.

Publicity board

1. On the left side of the venue, set up 70 publicity panels to showcase the XX Group's 100-year history and future blueprints.

2. In front of the exhibition board, use a red carpet to make a 3m wide pedestrian passage until the VIP lounge area, as a VIP access to the venue and visit the exhibition panel. This passage is connected to the central pedestrian passage at the entrance of the venue.

VIP lounge area

1. Take a awning on the PS shelf behind the podium as a VIP rest area;

2. Carpet passages between the VIP lounge area and the podium to lead from the VIP parking area to the VIP lounge area and the upper podium;

3. Place 28 tables and 60 chairs in the rest area, and place pure water on the table;

4. Arrange for the reception of three hostesses.

parking lot

1. The left side of the venue is the parking area. The VIP parking area is separated from other personnel and the XX Group parking area. A parking sign is set up at each entrance.

2. There are 16 engineering vehicles parked on the right side of the venue;

3. The medical ambulance is parked in front of the VIP parking area.

Personnel area

1. In front of the podium, the carpet passage is the boundary. The left side is the leader of the urban departments and the third design institute, 40 people, the car air conditioning supporting factory team 20 people, the car air conditioning company team 40 people, Zhonggan team;

2, the right side is the group's deputy general manager, general manager assistant, consultant, Japanese and locomotive representative team of 40 people, XX locomotive supporting manufacturers side team 20 people, XX locomotive team 40 people, Zhonggan side team.

3. Behind the construction team, 40 people and the prestige and drum team, on both sides of the channel, welcome and farewell when the guests enter and exit.

4. Finally, the staff team.

Attachment 1, list of materials and projects

1. Items and projects in charge of XX Group:

1. Table in the rest area: 28 sheets.

2, rest area chair: 60

3. Mineral water: several

4, sign in the table and tablecloth, sign in thin, sign in the pen: 3 sets

5, on-site plants: several

6. Exhibited locomotives and vehicle air conditioners

7. Miss etiquette and her sash

8, the host

9, the drum team: 1

10, engineering vehicles: 16 vehicles

11, medical car: 1

12, mobile toilet: 1

13. Site site leveling

14, the site power is in place

15. On-site command and dispatch

16. Application and handling of highway parking lots, road banners, knife flags and arches.

2. Items and projects that the advertising company is responsible for

1. Arches: 5.

2, gas column: 39

3, gas column wire: 5 volumes

4, knife flag: 1000 faces

5, banner: 20 faces

6, VIP corsage: 90

7, sign-in signs: 3

8, parking signs: 2

9, 20m × 10m × 1m stage: 1

10, 20m × 10m × 8m background PS frame and background printing: 1 set

11, 13m × 6m publicity display rack: 2 sets

12, publicity panels: 70 sets

13. Carpet: Stage: 22m×12m, passage: 3m×150m, rest area: 20m×9m

14. 1 set of sound for performance,

15. VIP seating area: 20m×10m

16. Vehicle air conditioner booth: 0.6m×0.6m×0.8m×9

17, small red flowers: 30

18, big red flowers: 17

19, license plate: 90, red car: 60)

20, paintball: 50

21, the base stone monument: 1

22, iron truss: 1

23, full-field photography

24, program: 3 sets

25, photo album: 3 sets

Attachment 2, on-site packaging slogan

First, the podium background board:

Chongqing XXX Locomotive Co., Ltd., XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. expands and revitalizes the opening ceremony of the new park

Second, the knife flag:

1, XX Group

2, XXX locomotive

3, XX car air conditioner

Third, the arch:

1. Cross the right road arch at the intersection of the new industrial park, the turn road at the Hualong Road, and the intersection at the lower turntable.

Warmly welcome all the guests who participated in the opening ceremony of the new park in the XXX locomotive and XX vehicle air conditioner company!

2. The entrance center arch of the venue:

Warmly welcome all the leaders who participated in the opening ceremony of the new park in the XXX locomotive and XX vehicle air conditioner company!

3. The left arch of the entrance to the venue:

Warmly celebrate the expansion of Chongqing XXX Motorcycle Co., Ltd. to build a new industrial park!

4. The arch at the right side of the entrance of the venue:

Warmly celebrate the expansion of Chongqing XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. to build a new industrial park!

Fourth, the gas column, banner:

In the brackets, the number of slogans for the air column and the banner are used in order.

1. Congratulations to Chongqing XXX Motorcycle Co., Ltd. and XX Vehicle Air Conditioner Co., Ltd. for relocating the new industrial park!

2, XX implementation of 139, the product achieves global communication

3. Strive for XX large-scale enterprise groups with international competitiveness

4, create a new era of XX car air conditioner, XX locomotive

5. XX Group will create a beautiful home together with the people of Xinpo District.

6, create a new XX, and then create brilliant

7. Realize three steps in six years, and XX will innovate again.

8, create a new XX, a total of innovative homes

Part 2: Planning ceremony for the commencement ceremony

First, the activity content

1. On the morning of May 5, XX, the opening ceremony of the Wuhan Qintai Grand Theater project was held.

Second, the activity target

The opening ceremony of the Qintai Grand Theatre demonstrated the image of the construction of the Qintai Grand Theatre through a grand and non-luxury groundbreaking ceremony.

Third, event planning

1. Activity name

Wuhan Qintai Grand Theater Opening Ceremony

2. Activity program

9:00 All the staff are in place, check all the scene layouts and facilities are in place, and arrange for all the opening ceremony preparations;

9:30, the welcome song, the hostesses began to welcome;

10:00 The band played, the host announced that the opening ceremony of the Qintai Grand Theater officially began;

10:05 The host introduced the leaders and guests attending the ceremony;

10:10 The moderator asked the main lead of the project project to lead words;

10:25 The host invited the superior leaders and guests to speak;

10:40 The host announced the beginning of the ribbon-cutting ceremony;

10:45 Drums rang,

10:55 officiating guests cut the ribbon.

11:15 The host gave a thank-you speech.

11:20 Leaders and guests attending the ceremony visited the site and gave an introduction.

3. Activity implementation

Celebration media promotion

1. Print the celebration activity process sheet and project flyer.

2. Take a photo of the celebrations and make a photo disc of the celebration.

3. Inviting news media such as newspaper media and TV media to report on activities.

. Celebration venue and atmosphere layout

The whole venue will be the theme of the opening of the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Based on the warm and festive atmosphere, the eight air-filled balloons on the construction site will be echoed in the air. The main road leading to the celebration site and the entrance to the construction site will be equipped with Qintai Grand Theatre and Zhejiang Seiko Steel Structure Group. The flag of the flag, the layout of the exhibition site, to ensure that the atmosphere is solemn and enthusiastic.

1. The stage 1 is located in front of the main project of the Grand Theatre. The awning cloth is arranged on the top and the background board is set behind.

2. The 7 tables of the podium table provide seats for the leaders and guests on the stage, showing the leading position of the leading guests in the opening ceremony.

3. 2 inflatable arches. One is placed in front of the podium, and one is placed at the entrance of the Grand Theatre according to the geographical location and pedestrian viewing angle. Promote external publicity and add atmosphere to the interior.

4. The air ball is arranged at 12 on both sides of the dragon arch and at the entrance. It is used for remote positioning and brand image promotion; it adds atmosphere to the inside and implies the hope of hope.

5, vertical strips of 12, placed under the rising air ball and the entrance, the slogan is vertical and eye-catching. Strengthen the visual impact, promote the publicity, and draw the finishing touch to the inside.

The contents of the banner: a. Warmly celebrate the grand opening ceremony of the Grand Theatre of Qintai;

b. Warmly welcome you to the opening ceremony of the Qintai Grand Theatre;

6. The flower baskets are arranged on both sides of the arch and on both sides of the stage. In order to enhance the appeal of the layout, it shows the warm atmosphere of the opening ceremony.

7. Potted flowers are arranged in front of the stage.

8. The roadside bunting 100 faces are arranged on both sides of the road, and the atmosphere is rendered and guided.

9. There is a tea basin at the event site for guests and staff to drink.

10, professional audio 1 set in front of the stage background. Having the best sound is the lifeblood of the whole event.

11, 200 chairs, for the guests to sit, set the awning cloth.

12. The cold fireworks are arranged in front of the stage, and are sprayed during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

13. The 100 sides of the Dadaoqi are placed on both sides of the road from the entrance to the stage.

4. Etiquette design and welcome reception

1. Miss etiquette 8-12 people. Uniformly dressed in ceremonial clothing, peony belt, sign-in, cut-off, and service guide for the entire event.

2. All employees attending the opening ceremony unified clothing. Wear company badges.

3. Specially print an invitation with the image of the project. 5 days before the event, they were delivered to the guests.

4. The guests arrived at the scene, and the hostesses wore boutonniere for the guests. Give promotional materials and process orders.

5. Entertaining media reporters.

5. Live sign setting

1. Safety warning sign.

Safety warning slogan and construction site slogan

Construction, safety

Quality is more important than life. Safety is more important than Taishan.

, strive for excellence, build quality projects, unite and cooperate with the tree brand image

Building high-quality projects is responsible for the society. Creating famous brand projects is glory for enterprises.

Safety first quality first

Scientific management

Implement safety rules and regulations to strengthen safety precautions

Safety - the eternal theme of engineering construction

Prepare for peace and stability

Take a look at it, safety insurance; take more steps and reduce accidents.

2. Corporate image recognition

3. Celebration image layout

Sign in, boutonniere, invitations.

4. Spray painting surface

6. Office image layout

House number

2. Badge

3. Photo Kt board 4

Content: job responsibility system, production schedule, organization structure

Opening ceremony fee quotation form

Project quantity unit price

1 stage 1 3000 3000

2 guest shed 2 1680 3360

3 background board printing 48m2 13/m2 624

4 shed cloth 1 480 480

5 shed cloth 2 800 1600

6 arches 2 500 1000

7 litre air ball 12 150 1800

8 band 20 people 85 1700

9 prestige drums 30 people 100 3000

10 Miss etiquette 12 people 80 960

11 audio 1 set 1000 1000

12 cold fireworks 12 80 960

13 boutonniere 20 6 120

14 chairs 200 5 1000

15 table 7 50 350

16 sign in a complete set of 200 200

17 ribbon cutting complete set of 1 200 200

18 flower baskets 10 80 800

19 Dadaoqi 100 faces 15 1500

20 绶 with 12 strips 15 180

21 Master of Ceremonies 1 person 1000 1000

22 potted flowers 1000

23 invitations 20 sheets 6 120

24 camera, photo 600

25 carpet 250m2 4 1000

Total 27554

● Contract fee: 27554×30%=8266 yuan

Part 3: Planning ceremony for the commencement ceremony

First, the activity content

On the morning of the 20th day of the 20th, the commencement ceremony was held on the site of the Yupu section of the Yuhuai Expressway.

Second, the activity target

The opening ceremony of the Yupu section of the Yuhuai Expressway demonstrated the image of the construction project of the Yupu section of the Yuhuai Expressway through a grand and non-luxury groundbreaking ceremony.

Third, event planning

1. Activity name

Kaihuai Expressway Zhangpu Section commencement ceremony

2. Activity program

8:00 All the staff are in place, check all the scene layouts and facilities are in place, and arrange for all the opening ceremony preparations;

9:30, the welcome song, the hostesses began to welcome;

10:00 The band played, and the host announced the official start of the opening ceremony of the Zhangpu section of the Yuhuai Expressway;

10:05 The host introduced the leaders and guests attending the ceremony;

10:10 The moderator asked the main lead of the project project to lead words;

10:25 The host invited the superior leaders and guests to speak;

10:40 The host announced the beginning of the ribbon-cutting ceremony;

10:45 Drums rang,

10:55 officiating guests cut the ribbon.

11:15 The host gave a thank-you speech.

11:20 Leaders and guests attending the ceremony visited the site and gave an introduction.

3. Activity implementation

Celebration media promotion

a. Print the celebration process flow sheet and project flyer.

b. Take a photo of the celebration and make a photo disc of the celebration.

c. Invite news media such as newspaper media and TV media to report on activities.

, celebration venue and atmosphere layout

The theme of the whole celebration will be the opening ceremony of the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The atmosphere will be based on the warm and festive atmosphere. 66 air-blown balloons will be hung in the air on the construction site. The main road leading to the celebration site and the entrance to the construction site will be decorated with flags of the construction unit. The layout panels and renderings are arranged on site to ensure that the atmosphere is solemn and enthusiastic.

a. The stage 1 is located at the site of the Yupu section of the Yuhuai Expressway, and the background board is set behind.

b. The 7-seat table of the podium provides seats for the leaders and guests on the stage, showing the leading position of the leading guests at the opening ceremony.

c. 6 inflatable arches. One is placed in front of the podium, and the other seats are placed at the scene of the celebration according to the geographical location and pedestrian viewing angle. Promote external publicity and add atmosphere to the interior.

d. The air ball is arranged at 12 on both sides of the arch and at the entrance. It is used for remote positioning and brand image promotion; it adds atmosphere to the inside and implies the hope of hope.

e. 12 vertical bars arranged under the air ball and at the entrance. The slogan is vertical and conspicuous. Strengthen the visual impact, promote the publicity, and draw the finishing touch to the inside.

Banner content: A. Warmly celebrate the opening ceremony of the Zhangpu section of the Yuhuai Expressway;

B. Warmly welcome you to the opening ceremony of the Yupu section of the Yuhuai Expressway;

f. 100 flower baskets are arranged on both sides of the arch and on both sides of the stage. In order to enhance the appeal of the layout, it shows the warm atmosphere of the opening ceremony.

g, potted flowers are arranged in front of the stage.

h. The roadside bunting 200 faces are arranged on both sides of the road, and the atmosphere is rendered and guided.

i. There is a tea station at the event site for guests and staff to drink.

j, professional audio 1 set in front of the stage background. Having the best sound is the lifeblood of the whole event.

k, 200 chairs, for the guests to sit.

l, cold light fireworks are arranged in front of the stage, sprayed during the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

m. The 100 sides of the Dadaoqi are arranged on both sides of the road from the entrance to the stage.

4. Etiquette design and welcome reception

Miss etiquette, 12-20 people. Uniformly dressed in ceremonial clothing, peony belt, sign-in, cut-off, and service guide for the entire event.

All employees attending the opening ceremony unified clothing. Wear company badges.

Specially printed an invitation with the image and introduction of the project. 5 days before the event, they were sent to the leaders and guests.

The leaders and guests arrived at the scene, and the hostesses wore boutonniere for the guests. Give promotional materials and process orders.

And entertain the media reporters.

5. Live sign setting

Safety warning signs.

Safety warning slogan and construction site slogan

1. Engineering construction Pay attention to safety

2, quality is more important than life, safety is more important than Taishan

3, excellence and quality engineering, unity and cooperation tree brand image

4. Building a high-quality project is responsible for the society. Creating a famous brand project is glory for the company.

5, safety first, quality first

6, scientific management, civilized construction

7. Implement safety rules and regulations to strengthen safety precautions

8. Safety - the eternal theme of engineering construction

9, in peace and quiet

10. Take a look at it, safety insurance; take more steps and reduce accidents.

Corporate identity

Celebration image layout

Sign in, boutonniere, invitations.

Spray painting surface

6. The image of the office of the engineering headquarters

House number


4 photo KT boards

Content: job responsibility system, production schedule, organization structure chart, renderings

Part 4: Plan of commencement ceremony

Venue: company entrance

Planning and hosting:

Planning time:

Planning purposes:

We will integrate special products and special festive services to provide you with a unique and grand opening ceremony for your company, aiming to promote your company's unique culture, promote popularity and promote the overall improvement of corporate image.

The rostrum layout:

1. Podium microphones are arranged in front of the rostrum to provide the leading words.

2. The podium microphone is arranged on the right side for the host to introduce the leaders and guests.

3. Background of the rostrum.


The guest sign-in place can be placed at the entrance of the company, and the entrance can be accompanied by the hostesses to welcome guests and bring boutonniere to the guests in time.

On-site atmosphere layout:

1. Four royal salutes and six electronic salutes will be placed on the left and right sides of the rostrum. They will be released when the leader promotes the auspicious pole and announces the start of construction.

2. A small balloon is hidden behind the background of the podium. It will be released when the leader promotes the auspicious pole and announces the start of construction.

3. There are 8 cold fireworks on the podium and they are released when they are announced to start work.

4. Two double dragon arches are placed on both sides of the podium – symbolizing the meaning of “Flying Dragon in the Sky, Brilliant Tengda”. Four gold falling earths were placed under the arches, and four characters of the "opening ceremony" were also included.

5. There are arches, lift balloons, buntings, red carpets and bonsai around the podium.

6. Place colorful flags and balloons around the project and the road to create a strong publicity atmosphere and shape the overall image of the company.

7. Place 10 to 15 forklifts on the left side of the podium and have large red flowers.

8. There are two bathrooms located 300 meters from the rostrum.

The atmosphere of the scene is created:

Through the special atmosphere of the scene, the dress of the hostesses, the band, the dragon dance, the lion dance, the performance support of the chest dance, the accompanying of the balloon, the royal salute, the golden earth, and the electronic salute highlight the atmosphere.

Ceremony process:

The scene was completed at 5 pm on November 7. .

November 8th: At 7:30 am, all things and personnel are on site.

November 8th: At 8:00 am, all staff are asked to check all equipment on site.

November 8th:

8:00 am to 10:30 am The guests were introduced to the venue by Miss etiquette.

10:30 to 10:40 The host introduced the stone situation and company profile.

10:40 The host announced the start of the groundbreaking ceremony.

10:45 to 10:50 The host announced the official start of the groundbreaking ceremony.

At this time, the Royal Salute, the electronic salute, the small balloon, the release of the cold fireworks, the military band, the prestige of the drums, the dragon dance, the lion dance performance, while the forklift shoveling the ground to culminate in the ceremony.

11:30 The host announced the end of the opening ceremony.

11:35 lunch

This event:

The groundbreaking ceremony is as simple and clear as possible, and the grand and warm is the primary purpose.

Part 5: Planning ceremony for the commencement ceremony

First, the opening ceremony theme: XX company project commencement ceremony

Second, the opening ceremony ceremony time: XXXX year XX XX day

Third, the opening ceremony ceremony venue: select the name of the most convenient place to remember the guest group

Fourth, the main ceremony of the ceremony: a grand ceremony for the xx project

V. Invited guests: government officials, project leaders, senior leaders of enterprises,

Sixth, the purpose of the ceremony: to expand the publicity of the project, highlighting the strength of the company

Seventh, the opening ceremony highlights: the star's help, the leaders jointly launched the operating rod, the sky, the rain, the salute, the scene, the media, the various media rushed to report

Eight, the commencement ceremony process:

1. The etiquette guides the guests, the media and other attendees to enter the venue for the signing ceremony.

2. Guide guests into the viewing area

3. The moderator announced the official start of the ceremony and gave a grand introduction to the government leaders and business leaders and waved

4. The moderator briefed the event and led the government leaders to deliver a speech.

5, interspersed with the program performance, active atmosphere, add festive elements

6. The speech is over and the commencement ceremony is officially started. The host invites the leader to hold the starter bar in front of the project starter and start the project in the countdown.

7, take a group photo

8. Ending the opening ceremony and conducting the banquet project

Nine, banquet arrangements

1. Give a thank-you speech before the banquet begins.

2. Arrange the show

3. Arrangement for wine banquet menu and drinks

Ten, the end of the banquet, send a car to the leadership

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