Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

National Primary School Teacher Training Program

Part 1: National Small Class Teacher Training Program

In order to implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Work of China's Small Class Teachers" and the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Launching the National Small Class Teacher Training Plan", according to the training requirements of our district and the actual situation of our school, The training plan for the national class teacher of the Weihe Station Center in Weinan New Area is as follows:

First, the guiding ideology

In-depth implementation of "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening and Improving School Moral Education" and the "Interim Provisions on China's Small Class Teachers" of the Ministry of Education, in the process of fully implementing the new curriculum reform, strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors, and strive to improve The teacher's educational skills and the work level of the class teacher make the teacher in charge of the class love and dedication, teach and educate the students, enable the students to obtain effective ideological and moral education, develop good behavior habits, form excellent quality, and become students with excellent quality.

Second, the training principle

1. Targeted principle

In view of the characteristics and requirements of students' physical and mental development and class management in the national primary stage, we will form a joint force from organizing classes, building collectives, and coordinating classroom teachers to guide the healthy growth of primary school students, and communicate design education in schools, parents, communities, and quality education. content.

2, the principle of effectiveness

Starting from the actual needs of the class teacher's work, design and arrange training content for practical problems such as class management and student management, attach importance to experience exchange, and highlight case teaching.

3. Innovative principles

Actively create the content, methods, methods, means and mechanisms for the training of the national class teachers. Continuously improve the efficiency and quality of the class teacher training work.

Third, training content and hours, credits

The training content is based on the basic theory of the work of the class teacher, the basic norms of the behavior of the class teacher, the professional knowledge of the class teacher, and the professional skills of the class teacher.

Training methods: take four forms: observation, communication, lectures, and concentrated learning.

Fourth, work steps

The training of the national class teacher in the Luohe Station Center is mainly divided into three stages.

Preparation Phase

1. Conduct a questionnaire survey of the work of the small class teachers in the central government to further understand the current status of the class teacher and the training needs, and lay the foundation for effective training.

2. Formulate specific plans for the training of all staff in the center of the country. Determine the training content.

Class teacher centralized training stage

Acceptance and assessment content

1. School training programs, school training work records, training-related learning and guidance materials, class teacher study notes, class teacher learning experience, school class teacher training self-evaluation materials and other related materials.

2. In November 20XX, he entered the training and assessment stage of the class teacher in the district.

V. Division of responsibilities

The 1st class team will observe the training work and be organized by the Shaoxian Brigade. The lecture will be handled by the Moral Education Department. The exchange and centralized study will be handled by the Youth League Branch.

2. According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Interim Regulations on the Work of Chinese Small Class Teachers", strengthen the work assessment of the class teacher, and include the professional level of the class teacher in the qualified teachers.

Sixth, assessment and identification

1. In addition to assessing the content of the teacher's completion of the prescribed time, but also to assess the following:

Each class teacher asks for “six haves”, that is, there are class work semester plans, there are class work semester summaries, there are typical education cases, there are records of student conduct comments, there are parental meetings or home visits to record notes, there are new A paper on the work of the class teacher in the concept of education and students.

2. Any teacher who participates in the work training of the class teacher shall pass the examination, and shall be included in the teacher's continuing education certificate according to 3 credits, and the uniform qualification certificate of the “Xinnan New District China Small Class Teacher Training Certificate” shall be issued as an important basis for the class teacher's induction and annual assessment. .

Seven, several requirements

1. School leaders should attach great importance to the training of the class teacher, set up the “Leading Team for the Training of National Elementary School Teachers at the Weihe Station Center”, improve the organization, clarify the division of labor, and incorporate this training into the school's annual work plan.

2. Each class teacher should pay attention to this work, formulate plans and plans according to the requirements of all levels, conscientiously complete various training tasks, and improve the professional knowledge and management level of the class teacher.

3, each teacher is required to do six: class work semester plan, class work semester summary, typical education case, conduct commentary record, parent meeting or home visit documentary notes, class teacher work papers embodying the Protestant view of students.

4. The school training work and training materials will be completed from May to October, and all materials will be handed over on October 25, and will be checked and accepted in the new district.

Part 2: National Small Class Teacher Training Program

First, the guiding ideology

The class teacher is the organizer, leader and educator of the class; the executor of school education decision-making and planning; the coordinator of education and teaching in various classes; the communicator of school, family and society; the soul of students The shaper of healthy personality. Therefore, having a team of teachers who love students, love their jobs, have a high sense of responsibility, and know how to educate people scientifically is an important guarantee for completing all kinds of education and teaching tasks. To this end, with the guidance of the Ministry of Education on Strengthening the Work of China's Small Class Teachers and the Regulations on the Work of Chinese Small Class Teachers, combined with the current situation of the class teacher team in our school, there are plans and steps to organize the implementation of class teacher training and build a structure. Optimized, energetic, high-quality, professional team of class teachers.

Second, the leadership

Team leader: Zhang Zhijun

Deputy leader: Pu Lihui

Member: Song Zhenzhong, Liu Ming, Chen Haijing, Meng Fanchao, Qi Shuming, Yang Suling

Third, the training objectives

1. Long-term goal: Carry out all-person training through various forms, promote the class teacher to change educational thoughts and concepts, master modern education theory, establish a sense of love, service and responsibility, thus improve the professional level of the class teacher team, and strive to build a possession. A high-level class teacher with strong practical ability, innovative ability and educational research ability.

2, the near-term goal: efforts to create a mechanism and environment conducive to the growth and success of the class teacher. Improve the incentive mechanism of the class teacher, and hold an excellent class teacher's selection every semester. On this basis, the selection of the star class teacher will be held every academic year to encourage the class teacher to become more advanced, and the young and middle-aged class teacher will stand out.

Fourth, the training object

The class teacher training adopts a combination of school designation and individual application to train teachers and in-service class teachers who are interested in working as class teachers.

V. Training channels

In the form of a combination of centralized training and self-study, when listening to lectures and watching videos for two lessons each month, the rest of the time takes the form of self-study to complete the training assignments arranged by the school. Each class will conduct a class teacher's work forum exchange, hold a class teacher's basic skills competition, and hold a theme class meeting to observe activities.

Sixth, training content:

General training content:

1. The routine work and basic requirements of the class teacher.

2. The content and approach of standardized education for students.

3. How to make students form excellent moral quality, behavioral quality, learning quality and psychological quality.

4. Class activity design, organizational skills and far-reaching significance.

5. How to get a good class.

6. How to play the role of students in self-management and self-service.

7. Communicate skills with students, teachers, and parents.

8. Analysis and guidance of student work cases.

The content of the special training:

1. New ideas, new contents, and new strategies for the work of the class teacher in the new era.

2. How to promote the formation of values ​​through the education of students' behavioral norms.

3. Class culture construction.

4. The daily management skills and strategies of the people-oriented and the management of the class.

5, the cultivation of students' good psychological quality, psychological counseling and adolescent education skills.

6. Management strategies for student learning and ways to optimize student learning pressure.

7. Legal risk avoidance and class teacher rights protection in the work of the class teacher.

Seven, training measures:

1. Make study notes for concentrated training and self-study.

2. Write a training and study experience every semester.

3. Establish the class teacher's file and include the training work as the annual evaluation of the class teacher. It is an important basis for the selection of the excellent class teacher of the semester and the star class teacher of the school year.

Part 3: National Small Class Teacher Training Program

In order to improve the quality and ability of the small class teachers in China, and comprehensively promote quality education, according to the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Work of China's Small Class Teachers" and the Provincial Department of Education, "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for the Training Program for Small Class Teachers in China in Sichuan Province" And the Mianyang Municipal Education Bureau's "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan of the Mianyang City China Small Class Teacher Training Plan", combined with the actual situation of our county, specially formulated the implementation plan for the class teacher training program.

I. Purpose and significance

The Chinese small class teacher is an important part of the Chinese small teacher team. It is the organizer of class work, the instructor of class construction, the leader of the healthy growth of primary and middle school students, the backbone of China's small ideological and moral education, and an important force for implementing quality education. It is a bridge to communicate parents and communities. Strengthening the training of Chinese small class teachers is an urgent need to implement the party's education policy in the new era, strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors, and is an inevitable requirement for comprehensively implementing quality education and comprehensively improving the quality of education. It is an important measure to strengthen the team building of the class. The implementation of the class teacher training aims to incorporate the training of small class teachers in China into the training plan for all teachers, establish a training system for small class teachers in China, and comprehensively improve the working ability of class teachers. The implementation of the class teacher training program is of great significance for improving the quality and work level of the Chinese small class teacher team in the whole county and deepening the basic education reform of the county. It is hoped that all schools will attach great importance to it, strengthen leadership, and organize carefully to ensure the smooth implementation of the training plan for small class teachers in China.

Second, the implementation steps

Since 20XX, the class teacher training has been fully launched. After the start of the work, each school should incorporate the training of the head teacher into the school's annual education and teaching work plan, make overall arrangements, and establish a post training system for small class teachers in China. The school principal in charge of moral education work is specifically responsible, and the political and religious office or the Academic Affairs Office implements it. At the same time, each school should count the class teachers one by one, and make a book, and the class teacher's roster will be reported to the Education Bureau's political work unit and teachers' training school at the end of April 20XX. Each year, according to the ratio of 1/3, we will carry out training in stages and in batches, and strive to complete this work within three years.

Teachers who have served as class teachers before the end of January 20XX, but have not participated in the special training of class teachers, completed 30 hours of special training in the past three years. In the future, any teacher who is a small class teacher in China will receive 30 hours of special training before and during the first half of the post.

Third, training requirements

In accordance with the principles of pertinence, effectiveness and innovation proposed in the National Small Class Teacher Training Program of the Ministry of Education, the training content is designed according to the characteristics of students' physical and mental development at different stages, the characteristics and requirements of class management in different sections. Adhere to the theory and practice, pay attention to experience exchange, and highlight case teaching. In response to the characteristics of on-the-job learning of Chinese small teachers, the role of distance education means is fully utilized to continuously improve the efficiency and quality of the work of class teacher training.

Fourth, the training content

Class teacher work basic norms, student mental health education guidance, class collective activity design and organization class management, minors ideological and moral education, related education policies and regulations and other related topics.

V. Training management

All Chinese teachers participate in the special training of the class teacher's work approved by the education administrative department at or above the county level. After passing the examination, their time is recorded in the teacher's continuing education, and is included in the Chinese small teacher continuing education time management file, and is issued by the training department. The certificate is linked to the promotion. In the position of the class teacher, those who have not obtained the class teacher training certificate will not be promoted and promoted to senior positions.

Training organization

The County Education and Sports Bureau formulated the county class teacher training plan, and entrusted the teacher to the school to organize and implement the training of all the small class teachers in the county. From the year of 20XX, the first-to-two class teacher training will be arranged in the summer vacation every year, and the training of all the national class teachers will be completed within three years. At the same time, each school should actively send class teachers to participate in provincial and municipal class teacher training according to the notice of the County Education and Sports Bureau. It is not allowed to use any excuse to refuse to send teachers to participate in provincial and municipal training. The teacher training school should strengthen the training of the class teacher training, establish the class teacher training registration file, and issue the training certificate. All Chinese small schools must formulate their school class teacher training programs, actively organize their school class teachers to participate in training activities at all levels, and organize class teachers to carry out school-based training.

Seven, training funds

In accordance with the Notice of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance and the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education on Forwarding the Interim Measures for the Administration of Small Rural Public Funds in Rural China, the class teacher training fee shall be paid within 5% of the total annual public budget of the school and shall not be collected from the teacher. The county bureaus actively strive for financial input. All schools must raise funds for the training of class teachers in multiple channels, and include them in the annual budget of the school. The training expenses of teachers should not be borne by the teachers themselves to ensure the normal training of the class teachers.

Part 4: National Small Class Teacher Training Program

First, the guiding ideology

In order to further implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" and the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Work of China's Small Class Directors", Implementing the Archives Spirit of the District Education Bureau and Strengthening the Construction of the Class Leaders of Our School Work, cultivate a team of high-quality, professional class teachers who meet the requirements of the times, improve the effectiveness of moral education, accelerate school development, and improve school quality.

Second, the training objectives

1. Help the class teacher understand the duties and routine work of the class teacher and the basic requirements, explore the general rules of the work of the class teacher, and improve the consciousness of the work of the class teacher.

2. By learning the experience and methods of excellent class teachers, they can actively carry out class management and improve the creativity of class teachers.

3. Actively explore and learn to coordinate all aspects of work. To mobilize the students' enthusiasm for learning, strengthen the close cooperation with the teachers, strive for the support and cooperation of parents, and improve the artistry of the work of the class teacher.

4. Cultivate the class teacher to discover problems, analyze problems, solve problems, improve the ability of case analysis and experience summarization, and improve the scientific research of the class teacher's work.

Third, the main points of the class teacher's work

I love to care for and care for my students. I am responsible for the ideological and political work of my class, educating students to abide by the daily code of conduct of primary school students, and working hard to make this class a discipline that is disciplined, united, diligent, and energetic, so that students can be educated in moral education. , intellectual education, sports have been developed in several aspects.

Regularly contact with classroom teachers and life teachers to understand and study students' ideological learning, educate students to clarify learning objectives, and correct learning attitudes. Improve learning methods, learn to do good homework, and continuously improve your academic performance.

Caring for students' life and physical health, strengthening life management, organizing and guiding students to participate in cultural and sports activities, doing a good job of cleaning and hygiene, and cultivating students with good living habits.

Organize the work of the leadership team and guide the young pioneers in this class to carry out activities.

Responsible for organizing and leading students to participate in production labor, guiding students' extracurricular activities, and cooperating with relevant teachers to carry out extracurricular scientific and technological activities.

Get in touch with family and social aspects to strengthen students' ideological and political work.

Fourth, the training content

The Teacher Law, the Compulsory Education Law, the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, the Measures for the Handling of Student Injury Accidents, the Duties of Class Teachers, and the Regulations on the Work of Chinese Small Class Teachers. "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening and Improving the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors", "Symptom Performance and Prevention and Treatment of Influenza A H1N1 Influenza", "Six Attentions on Preventing Influenza A H1N1 Influenza in Public Transportation", "How to Improve Individuals" "The effect of talking about the heart" "The role and cultivation of the class teacher" "Talk about how to cultivate good behavior habits of students" "Class management".

V. Training methods and methods

Implement the full training method for the class teacher

Sixth, training measures

1. Establish a class leader training team to strengthen the management and guidance of the training work.

Team leader: Li Qinglong

Deputy leader: Jing Wenzhao

Member: All class teacher

The specific training of the class teacher is the responsibility of the Political and Education Department, and each class teacher is a training lecturer.

2. Improve the incentive mechanism for class teacher training and implement a training appraisal system. According to the requirements, the completion of the training tasks and the progress of the work of the class teacher are linked to the work assessment of the class teacher of the current year. The class teacher's level is improved rapidly, and the work performance is obvious. The selection of excellent class teachers is given priority.

3. Strengthen research and research. Combined with the current situation of moral education in schools, the class teacher is led to closely integrate education and scientific research with practical work, and continuously improve the research consciousness and research activities of the class teacher. A class teacher work experience exchange meeting will be held during the school year.

4. Adhere to the weekly class teacher's regular meeting system, and the class teacher guarantees the group training time once a month. Remember the study notes, ask for a serious attitude, and combine learning and thinking.

5. A class teacher experience case must be written every semester. Ask for a clear theme and turn it over to the school.

Part 5: National Small Class Teacher Training Program

In order to conscientiously implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening the Work of China's Small Class Directors" and the "Ministry of Education of the National Small Class Teacher Training Program of the Ministry of Education" and the archives spirit of the training of the relevant class teachers in the Yingze District Political Education Department of the Municipal Education Bureau, The actual work of the school class teacher shall be carried out to train all the staff of the class teacher. Through training and learning, aiming at the new curriculum reform and new situation, constantly update the concept of school class teacher moral education work, improve the theoretical knowledge and skill level of moral education class teacher work, promote the self-cultivation of class teachers, and build a high-quality and energetic Chinese small class teacher. The team, in order to achieve the purpose of the professional growth of the class teacher and more effectively promote the ideological and moral construction of minors.

First, the training object: all incumbent class teacher

Second, training time: March 20XX - July 20XX

Third, training objectives and tasks:

1. The overall goal: taking the teacher's moral education as the core, taking the basic skills training of the class teacher as a breakthrough, focusing on improving the work ability and level of the class teacher, and changing the educational concept to improve the overall quality and work effectiveness of the class teacher. Create a new team of class teachers with high morality, excellent business, and the need to adapt to quality education.

2, the main tasks:

New teacher training. All new teachers must receive the relevant knowledge training from the class teacher to let them know the nature, characteristics and basic norms of the class teacher's work, and lay the foundation for the work of the class teacher and the deputy class teacher.

The backbone class teacher improved the training. For the class teacher who has worked as a class teacher for more than two years and has participated in the training of the class teacher, carry out improvement training. They are required to combine the findings in their work practice with the reflection of their class teacher's work and improve their ability to train their class teachers. The training content is based on the empirical training marked by the scientific construction class. It adopts the training mode of “self-study-centralized guidance-experience participation-experience exchange”. The goal is to cultivate the modern type needed to adapt to the new class construction excellence activities. head teacher.

Excellent class teacher training. Training and training for class teachers who have worked as class teachers for many years and have gained certain experience and have high influence inside and outside the school. Select a group of key class teachers with innovative development to participate in the training of the class teacher training class at the higher level. The training of targeted specialization is based on self-study and subject research, supplemented by concentrated training, continuously improving the research ability and innovation ability of the class teacher, and striving to train excellent class teachers.

Fourth, the training content:

1. The basic qualities of the class teacher

2. How to do a good job as a class teacher in the context of the new curriculum reform

3, the team spirit of the class teacher

4. Several common psychological problems and countermeasures for middle school students

V. Training principles:

1. Pertinence principle: Study the design training content according to the characteristics of physical and mental development of students at different stages and the characteristics and requirements of class management. The training work is carried out in a combination of short-term intensive training and on-the-job self-study.

2. Timeliness principle: Adhere to the theory and practice, proceed from the actual work of the class teacher and the actual needs of the class teacher, face the practice of small class management and student management in China, design and arrange training content for practical problems, attach importance to experience exchange, and highlight case teaching.

3. The principle of autonomy: According to the actual situation of on-the-job training of trainees, highlight the independent learning of the trainees, stimulate and cultivate the desire and ability of the students to develop themselves, pay attention to the active construction of the trainees, encourage the trainees to mobilize their existing experience, and cooperate in exchanges. Improve their own quality.

Sixth, training methods: school-based training and self-study combined.

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