Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Other Contract Model

Construction land contract model

[Contract Model] The parties to the contract are concluded:

______ County ______ Commune _____ Brigade ___ Production Team, hereinafter referred to as Party A:

Contractor head ______, hereinafter referred to as Party B

In order to implement the contract responsibility system for joint production, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the members, and clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. According to the spirit of the Central Committee and the No.1 archives, the members of the Economic and Social Affairs Committee agreed to fully negotiate with Party A and Party B to conclude this contract so that both parties can abide by .

Area, location, grade of a contracted land

Party A will send ______ mu of land to Party B, which is located at ______, east to ______, west to ______, south to ______, north to ______. Among them, first-class ______ acres, second-class ___ acres, third-class land ______ acres, fourth-class land ______ acres, .... The ownership of the contracted land belongs to the collective. Party B has only the right to use the land. It is not allowed to buy, sell, lease, and is ridiculous. It is not allowed to be converted into a homestead.

Second contracting time

The contracting time is ______ years, from ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The rights and obligations of the third party

1. Party B has the right to obtain fertilizers, pesticides, improved seeds, loan indicators and other agricultural materials allocated by the state for the development of agricultural production.

2. Party B must complete the planting plan issued by the superior, and on the premise of completing the planting plan, it can decide the planting operation.

3. Party B must complete the tasks of the unified purchase index and the task of surrendering the agricultural tax according to the number of acres of land, and sell the ______ ______, ______ ______, ______ ______, ... to the country every year. The delivery time is ____________. The annual agricultural tax is ______ yuan, and the tax payment time is ____________________________________. Party B must pay Party A ______ yuan per year, public welfare fund ______ yuan, management fee ______ yuan, The turn-in time is ______ month ______ days before each year. Party B must complete the voluntary workday that Party A has apportioned according to the number of acres of contracted land, or the amount of the discount on the mandatory workday.

4. Party B, with the consent of Party A, may subcontract the land for self-seeking, and may negotiate with the subcontractor to purchase food for daily use at an affordable price. After the subcontracting of the land, the subcontractor must undertake all the tasks of the purchase and the payment of the agricultural tax originally undertaken by Party B, and undertake the task of handing over the “three golds” and completing the compulsory work to Party A.

5. If Party B encounters life, death, marriage or defamation, the contracted land generally does not change, but the obligations assumed must be adjusted as required. If Party B is unable to continue to contract land due to the decrease of labor force, and no one wishes to transfer the contract, Party B may submit one or all of the returned land to Party A, which shall be arranged separately by Party A. Party B’s obligations to the state and the collective are correspondingly reduced or waived.

6. Party B has the responsibility to protect the national or collective facilities such as forestry, irrigation and drainage, and electrification on the contracted land.

The rights and obligations of the four parties

1. Party A has the right to supervise Party B to complete the planting plan, purchase task and taxation task issued by the state, and has the right to urge Party B to fulfill its collective obligations.

2. The State shall allocate chemical fertilizers, pesticides, improved seeds, loan indicators and other agricultural materials for agricultural production according to the plan. Party A shall promptly distribute it to Party B according to the quantity and grade of the contracted land.

3. Party A shall regularly announce the use of collective financial accounts and provident fund, public welfare funds and management fees, and must accept Party B's supervision and inspection.

Five liability for breach of contract

1. If Party B fails to fulfill its obligations to the state and the collective on time, in addition to continuing to perform, Party B shall repay the liquidated damages to Party A according to the ____% of the value of the delayed project. If Party B still refuses to perform its obligations, Party A shall have the right to recover the land contracted by Party B, except for the relevant departments.

2. Party B has the right to recover the land, except for all the obligations to the state and the collective, as ridiculously contracted. If Party B arbitrarily sells and leases the contracted land, Party A may declare that the relationship between the sale and purchase and the lease is invalid and the land can be recovered. If Party B builds a house on the contracted land, Party A has the right to order Party B to dismantle it. If Party B destroys the trees and collective facilities on the contracted land, Party B shall pay compensation according to the price.

3. If Party A fails to timely allocate the chemical fertilizers, pesticides, improved seeds, loan indicators and other agricultural materials allocated to Party B, it shall pay Party B a liquidated damages according to its value of ______%, and shall reimburse the materials owed in full.

Six force majeure

If Party B causes the production or production of crops in the contracted land due to natural disasters due to force majeure, after investigation and verification, Party B may reduce or exempt Party B's obligations to the state or the collective according to actual conditions.

Seven other ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This contract is effective from the date of the contract period. During the contract period, if the contracted household owner dies, his family members have the right to inherit the contract. This contract is not changed due to changes in the representative of Party A. During the execution of the contract, neither party may change or cancel the contract without authorization; if there are any unfinished matters in the contract, Party A and Party B shall jointly negotiate and make additional provisions.

Supplementary provisions have the same effect as this contract.

The original of this contract is in duplicate, each party holds one copy; one copy of the contract is ______ copies, sent to the brigade, ... each retains one copy.

Party A: ______ County ______ Commune ___Brigade ______ Production Team

Representative: ______

Party B owner: ______

______Year ______Month______Day

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