Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Other Contract Model

Dynamic shopping system usage agreement

Party A: ____________ Technology Co., Ltd.

Party B: __________________ This Agreement is signed by the product service provider ____________ Technology Co., Ltd. and the user who purchased the product from Party A. Based on the principle of mutual benefit, the two parties have negotiated and formulated the following agreements:

I. Cooperation matters

Party A shall provide Party B with a dynamic purchase system, and Party B shall pay Party A a one-time payment of RMB _________ yuan.

2. Party A's rights and obligations

Party A’s rights:

1. Party A owns the full copyright of the product; Party A has any intellectual property rights provided by Party B to any technical support and information, information and data contained in the service.

2. Party A shall provide corresponding services in accordance with the customized service specifications in Party B's product purchase application. Party A has the right to refuse Party B's request beyond the scope of the service; Party A has the right to take any measures to stop Party B from using Party A's products beyond the customized service specifications.

3. Party B has the right to terminate the corresponding services provided to Party B when Party B has violated Party B's obligations at points 1, 2, and 5. If Party B violates this obligation and causes losses to Party A and other users of Party A, it shall also bear the corresponding liability for compensation.

4. Party A shall not be responsible for the impact of Party B's failure to agree to modify the original code of the product and the operation caused by the operation, and the content of the information published by Party B.

Party A’s obligations:

1. Party A provides Party B with the corresponding products and provides the corresponding services as agreed in the contract.

2. In the case that Party B fulfills its obligations in accordance with the provisions of this contract, Party A guarantees that the products purchased by Party B are in normal operation, stable and reliable.

3. Party A shall provide Party B with the corresponding services in full accordance with the scope of services stipulated in the Product Service Manual, and try its best to resolve the failures caused by third-party human operations for Party B.

Third, Party B's rights and obligations:

Party B’s rights

1. This work can be used permanently.

2. Can only make a backup of this work, in case the work is damaged when it is destroyed. However, this backup must not be enabled on other servers.

3. If there is a problem in the use of Party A's products within the contract, Party A may consult the solution, and Party A shall provide consulting services in a timely manner.

4. The appearance of the work can be modified to suit the individual needs, provided that the copyright information of Party A is retained.

5. This work cannot be resold to others.

6. Party B provides product and product management passwords through Party A, conducts daily management on its own, and uses the products to publish information on the international Internet, as well as the content of the information and the placement structure of the files.

Party B’s obligations:

1. Product copyright must be retained on the page, and copyright without copyright is considered pirated.

2. This work may not be distributed or distributed again for economic purposes. It may not be used in whole or in part in other works. It may not be re-sold or offered for download after this work is based on this work. These acts are regarded as infringements and Party A will retain the right to sue.

3. If the user finds a bug during the use of the system, he/she should notify ______ Technology Co., Ltd. in time to correct it in time.

4. Users should always check the latest information on the official website of Shengdongluo Technology Co., Ltd. ____________________ or ____________________ to get free patches and the latest programs.

5. Party B must abide by the "Administrative Measures for the Security Protection of International Network of Computer Information Network", "Interim Provisions on the Administration of International Network of Computer Information Network of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems of the People's Republic of China" Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Maintaining Internet Security, Measures for the Management of Internet Information Services, Regulations on the Administration of Internet Electronic Announcement Services, Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Services for Publishing Internet Services and the State Other relevant laws, regulations and regulations may not create, copy, publish or disseminate any harmful information prohibited by laws and regulations. Party B shall bear full responsibility for any political liability arising from the violation of the above provisions and the economic losses caused to Party A.

6. Party B is obliged to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the data, password and password of its products. Party B shall be responsible for the loss caused by Party B's maintenance or confidentiality, resulting in the disclosure of relevant information or the operation of third party's misappropriation of Party B's account number and password.

Fourth, the price terms and payment methods

1. Party B shall, in applying for the purchase of the product, remit sufficient funds into Party A's account in accordance with Party A's price standard and payment.

2. If both parties need to continue cooperation after the expiration of the contract, Party B shall repay the price of the customized service to its account in Party A before the expiration of this contract, and the contract will continue to be valid. .

3. Party A reserves the right to adjust the price standard according to the market conditions at any time. The contract that has been fulfilled is performed at the original price. The supplementary clauses, other signed or newly signed contracts made outside this contract are performed at the actual price at the time of signing.

V. Term of the contract

This contract is valid from _________ years _________ months _________ days and is valid until _________ years _________ months _________ days. Upon expiration of the contract, Party A will stop providing corresponding services to Party B. If the parties need to continue cooperation after the expiration of the contract, they will perform according to Article 2, point 2.

Sixth, contract changes

1. If the laws, administrative regulations and rules on which this contract is based or the objective conditions on which the contract is based are changed significantly, and the contract cannot be performed, the contents of this contract may be changed by consensus of both parties. Determined in writing.

2. A party's change notice, mailing address or other contact information shall promptly notify the other party of the changed address and contact information, otherwise the change party shall be liable for all consequences arising therefrom.

3. During the term of this contract, one party may be listed, accepted, sub-purchased, merged with a third party, changed name, etc., and the other party agrees that the party having the above-mentioned reasons may have its rights and/or obligations in this contract. The transfer to the corresponding rights/obligation bearers, but the transferor shall ensure that the other party's rights in this contract will not be adversely affected as a result, otherwise the transferor shall bear all legal liabilities and economic losses caused thereby.

Seven, the contract is lifted

This contract shall be terminated in the following circumstances: The party who proposes to terminate the contract shall notify the other party in writing seven days in advance:

1. Both parties agree to terminate this contract by consensus;

2. The term of this contract expires and the parties have not renewed the contract;

3. The qualification of one party disappears. If it is revoked or enters bankruptcy or liquidation procedure, the other party has the right to terminate the contract, but the reorganization, name change or division, or merger with a third party is not included here;

4. If one party fails to perform or violates its obligations under this contract, it will not be possible to fulfil its obligations or refuse to take remedial measures after the other party has given a certain period of time, so that it is not necessary for the other party to fulfill the expected benefits of the contract or the contract to continue to perform. The other party has the right to terminate the contract;

5. A party may resort to fraud, coercion or violence in the conclusion and performance of the contract, and the other party may terminate the contract and have the right to demand compensation from the other party.

6. The parties may request the termination of the contract due to force majeure or accidents that make it impossible to continue or continue to perform the contract. After the contract is terminated, the parties terminate the rights and obligations of this contract, but the obligations that one party should perform before the contract is terminated still need to be fulfilled. Except for cases where the contract is terminated due to force majeure or accident, the party that causes the contract to cancel the case shall compensate for the loss caused by the contract to the other party.

Eight, liability for breach of contract

1. Party A has the right to change the relevant provisions of this contract when the laws, administrative regulations and rules on which this contract is based or the objective changes underlying this contract are changed. The updated contract is published on the website of Party A. Take effect.

2. If Party B violates the obligations borne by this contract and causes losses to Party A and Party A's customers, it shall compensate Party A and Party A for the actual losses suffered by Party A, including but not limited to the service fees owed by Party B. The customer’s claim and the loss suffered by Party A’s customer website.

3. The compensation that should be repaid in accordance with the provisions of this contract, and various economic losses, shall be paid within 10 days after the clarification of the responsibility, in accordance with the settlement method prescribed by the bank, otherwise it shall be treated as overdue payment, and every one day shall be paid to the other party. A late fee of 0.3% of the price payable.

Nine, disclaimer

1. In view of the particularity of the product, events caused by hackers, viruses, telecommunications sector technology or policy adjustments, etc., are not subject to Party B's breach of contract, and therefore Party B is not liable for the loss of Party B.

2. If Party B's data is updated faster and the data is more important, Party B is recommended to periodically back up the data to the local computer according to its own backup cycle. If Party B's data is lost in the first clause of the Disclaimer, we can only try our best to restore the backup data, but we do not guarantee it.

3. Any party to Party A or Party B, due to government ban, strike, change of applicable laws or regulations in force, flood, fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, storm, power outage, communication line interruption, vandalism, hacking, computer virus intrusion Or onset, telecommunications sector technology, policy, government regulation, etc. and other unforeseen, inevitable, insurmountable and uncontrollable force majeure and events affecting the normal operation of the network, thereby failing to perform this contract in whole or in part, or delaying the performance of this contract, The parties shall not be liable to each other, but the party affected by force majeure shall, within seven days from the date of the event of force majeure, notify the other party in writing of the incident and submit it to the other party within 20 days from the date of the incident. Proof that all or part of the performance cannot be fulfilled or delayed. The party subject to force majeure shall take all necessary measures to reduce the loss and negotiate to resume the performance of this contract after the event has been eliminated, unless such performance is impossible or unnecessary.

4. In the performance of this contract, Party A shall not be liable for the losses caused to Party B or other parties due to the fault or delay of the third party. Party A is not responsible for the loss of third parties who indirectly accept Party A's services through Party B.

X. Dispute resolution

The parties shall settle all disputes arising from or in connection with this contract or related to this contract through friendly negotiation; the parties are unwilling to negotiate or resolve the dispute, and the parties decide to submit to the arbitration of the ______ Municipal Arbitration Commission for arbitration. The court is composed of three arbitrators, and the arbitration fee is borne by the losing party.

The settlement of disputes applies to the laws, regulations, regulations and computer industry practices of the People's Republic of China.

XI. Supplementary provisions

1. Both Party A and Party B shall fully perform this contract in accordance with the principle of good faith.

2. If the relevant clauses or agreements of this contract are inconsistent or inconsistent with the relevant terms previously signed by the parties or with the previous relevant statements, this contract shall prevail; unless otherwise agreed by both parties.

3. In the case of unfinished matters in this contract, the supplementary clauses shall be made by friendly negotiation between the two parties, and the supplementary clauses shall have the same legal effect as this contract.

4. The product sales contract in this electronic form has the same legal effect as the written agreement signed by both parties.

5. This Agreement is in the form of a copy of the agreement.

Party A: ____________ Technology Co., Ltd. Party B: __________________

Date: ______ year _____ month _____ day

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