High school inspirational

"jump" into Tsinghua

Since the beginning of the country, his academic performance has been centered. If he occasionally takes a few pre-tests, his parents will be happy. In any case, the parents are still looking forward to Jackie Chan, thinking that he will be admitted to higher education institutions such as Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future.

He also knows that with his current achievements, Tsinghua and Peking University can't be reached anyway. The mother said: "But it does not affect your future in Tsinghua University and Peking University. Just like an apple hanging on a tree, if you can't reach it, you can jump and pick it up."

After listening to the mother's words, his eyes lit up: jumping, really is a good way! Since then, his study has become more useful. But no matter how hard he tried, the first few people always missed him. Many times, he is always skeptical: jump up, can you really pick the apple you want?

Jumping still has results, it is better than not jumping. After three years of hard work, he was admitted to the university with a score of more than ten points higher than the admission score of Dalian Development Zone. The development zone is the cradle for training Tsinghua and Peking University students. Jumping and picking the apple, he seems to see the apple in front of him - not far from the fingertips, as long as you can do it, you can take the apple off. He believes in the power of jumping and has become harder than ever. But in the midterm exam, in the rankings, his position has changed - not centered, but dragged to the back.

Learning results can't beat others, but the development zone is not a place to train students to read dead books. According to his performance since he entered the school, the teacher thinks that his basketball is playing well and he is willing to train him as a basketball special student in the development zone.

He loves basketball and has never received formal basketball training. He can't adapt to high-intensity professional training. Compared with basketball players who have received professional training, his performance is average, at most, it is in the middle. He practiced very hard, but the sweat could not be exchanged for gratifying results, so that the results of the cultural class were also delayed.

In the next semester, his knee was injured in a high-intensity training. Lying in the hospital, he tears his eyes and said to the class teacher who came to see him: "I have a knee injury, can I still participate in training?" The teacher suggested: "The leg is injured, it is best to practice dance, dance special Longevity still has a good future!" He shook his head, and now told him to give up his favorite basketball for half a year, saying nothing can be accepted. "I can see that you have been working hard, it is a child who jumps to pick apples! But why is the progress very small? It is probably that you have not found your true strengths. The dance team in one is the men's team, and the dance in the dance also has Masculine dance, so you can try it."

He has never been exposed to dance, and after a few lessons, he liked this beautiful art. However, for a 17-year-old boy who does not have any dance skills, it is not easy to achieve results in two years. The bones are harder and the shoulders are particularly painful when pressed against the shoulders. He closed his eyes and endured the pain, asking the students to press down with care. Sometimes, the blood on both sides of the thighs was smashed.

Winter practice three nine, summer practice three. During the hottest time of the year, most people did not come out in the air-conditioned room. Although the dance halls had been opened, the mirrors on the walls were all covered with steam after more than an hour of practice. But he didn't make a bitter bite, bite his teeth and stick to it, and practiced a few hours of dance per day than the classmates. Hard work did not bear the pains of the people, after a period of practice, because of his outstanding training results, was selected as the captain of a Chinese dance team.

In August 2019, the dance team of the Development Zone No. 1 Middle School was invited to perform at the Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria, and won the gold medal. As the captain, he saw the hope of the future. But he is not satisfied with the results in front of him. If he wants to keep jumping, he must jump and pick up the ideal apple - jump into Tsinghua.

It was also a hard training in the winter. At the end of 2019, he took part in the national examination of Tsinghua University's national enrollment. After fierce competition, it ranked first among the nearly 200 dance male candidates, and Tsinghua University gave him an enviable condition for further study - as long as his college entrance examination score is enough for Liaoning Province, he can enter Tsinghua.

Jumping up, Apple is at your fingertips. However, the falling cultural class is a difficult problem for him. At this time, only four months from the college entrance examination, the teacher in the middle school formulated a plan based on his study. In this regard, he is very confident. In addition to redoubled his efforts, he knows how to cherish it. He does not want to let the apple caught in his hand slip away. He has to take it off.

On July 19th, he surpassed the score of a score in Liaoning Province with a score of 556, and was successfully admitted to the Experimental Class of Humanities at Tsinghua University. His name is Shastin, a boy who jumped into Tsinghua University.

"As long as you keep jumping, you will have the opportunity to jump into Tsinghua Gate." Standing in front of Tsinghua University, Shastin proudly said, "I have never been inferior, just keep jumping and seize every opportunity, Tsinghua Gate. It will also be open to my special talents!"

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