High school inspirational

30 suggestions for college entrance examination students

——30 recommendations from Ren Yong, deputy director and special teacher of Xiamen Education Bureau of Fujian Province

Teacher Ren Yong, deputy director and special teacher of Xiamen Education Bureau of Fujian Province, this teacher combines many years of experience and experience to guide students to take the exam, from the pre-test motivation, pre-examination review, scientific prevention test anxiety, scientific examination In 2019, students who participated in the college entrance examination put forward 30 suggestions, in order to help candidates to use positive attitude to promote the test success!

The following are 30 suggestions from Ren Yong to the college entrance examination students:

Believe that you have great potential, the progress of people at critical moments is amazing; the state of mind determines your success or failure, try to find your recent bad attitude, and try to change, with a positive attitude to promote your exam success.

Do some questions every day, don't let yourself be born, let yourself be sensitive to the problem, and form a pattern recognition ability; you should not attack the problem before the test, you must return to the basics and make the foundation solid.

Exercise moderately according to your own situation, such as walking, running, playing for a while, jumping for a few minutes, doing a little while, and so on. This can alleviate nervous nerves, improve learning efficiency, and ensure a healthy body and a clear brain when testing.

When you are in the exam, you should learn to be flexible when you are familiar with the knowledge and methods. First, change your perspective or ideas and start thinking about the project related to the topic. The second is to use the information in other topics in this volume. The third is to temporarily give up, change another question, wait for the mood to be slightly stable, and when the idea is clear and clear, then go back and do it.

About the pre-test power

1. Tap potential. No matter what your situation is, you have to believe that you have great potential. From the beginning of the review to the college entrance examination, it is entirely possible to catch up with 50 people. It is entirely possible to catch up with 80 people. The progress of people at critical moments is amazing.

2. Firm will. Strictly speaking, the college entrance examination actually depends on who is laughing at the end, you can stick to the end, you can laugh to the end. In the end, you must have a firm will. Go all out, strengthen your will; know hard to advance, sharpen your will; overcome inertia, enhance your will; play in the bitterness, optimize your will.

3. Adjust your mindset. The college entrance examination is not only a competition of knowledge and intelligence, but also a psychological competition. Mentality determines your success or failure, strives to find your recent bad attitude, and strives to change, with a positive attitude to make your exam successful.

4. Grasp the self. It is not wrong to follow the teacher's down-to-earth review during the review, but I cannot completely forget the existence of the self. To have self-awareness, how can I adapt to the teacher's requirements, how to do a final review according to my own characteristics, how can I flexibly handle "solo" and so on under the premise of "ensemble".

5. Conquer yourself. It is very important to grasp the self. But it is more important to overcome yourself. In the face of the hardships of reviewing the exam, facing the difficulties of solving problems, facing the pressure of competition, and facing the ever-changing emotions, only "successful self" can be "wide and broad."

Review before the exam

6. Do the questions daily. It is not a matter of rest and relaxation throughout the exam. On the contrary, I thought that I still have to do some questions every day. Don't let yourself be a hand. Let yourself be sensitive to the problem and form a pattern recognition ability. Of course, the number of questions can't be much, and the difficulty is not big.

7. A success. Face a problem, do it with your heart, and see if you can figure out the idea and succeed. If a test paper fails to solve several problems successfully, it will often result in “hidden loss points” due to insufficient test time.

8. Focus on the norm. Every year, there are many candidates who lose points due to irregular questions. It is a pity. Candidates are looking for a few questions with scoring criteria, carefully complete them, and then compare the scoring criteria to see if the answers are rigorous, standardized, and just right.

9. Back to basics. Generally speaking, it is not appropriate to attack the problem before the test. There is neither so much time nor necessity. To get back to the basics, and to make the foundations solid, so that you can do the basic points in the exam.

10. Time-limited training. You can find a set of questions, try to limit the completion of a time; you can also find a big question, complete in a limited time, and so on. In this way, it is mainly to create an examination situation and test the level of thinking in a state of tension.

11. Activate thinking. You can find some questions, just think about ideas, what to do in the first step, what to do in the second step, don't have to explain in detail, and then check your ideas. In doing so, it is beneficial to obtain more strategic direction of solving problems and training the quality of thinking in a short period of time.

12. Learn to summarize. Every exercise should be considered as a good opportunity to consolidate knowledge and train skills and abilities. The problem is that the exercises can't be done. The key is to lay a good foundation, learn to sum up, find the law, and get through the big pass.

About science prevention test anxiety

13. Moderate calm. Students who are usually arrogant and arrogant can be a little calmer under the premise of publicity; students who are usually introverted can be slightly more publicized in the calm. Of course, don't deliberately pursue, nature is good. The calm under certain pressure is a necessary condition for the college entrance examination to play at a super level.

14. Moderate self-confidence. The exam is approaching. I often say to the candidates: "There must be no hesitation here. Any weakness here will not help." Self-confidence is the starting point for success; losing confidence will inevitably lead to failure. Of course, students who are usually well-tested can't be too confident. With their own strength, they are self-righteous and blindly optimistic.

15. Determine reasonable motivation. Excessive motivation and weak motivation are not conducive to the test; moderate motivation, the most efficient. In particular, the expectation value is too high, which may lead to the emotional, depression, fear and other emotions of the candidates, which leads to the failure of the test. This means that expectations are reasonable.

16. Moderate exercise. On the eve of the exam, students do not like sports, mainly because they are nervous and have no time to exercise. But I still hope that students can exercise moderately according to their own situation, such as walking, running, playing a ball for a while, or jumping for a few minutes, or doing a little exercise on the balcony, and so on. In this way, you can alleviate nervous nerves, improve your learning efficiency, and ensure that you have a healthy body and a clear brain when you take the test.

17. Moderate communication. The same age people welcome the test together, everyone's situation is similar, moderate exchanges between students, emotional communication is very important. The feelings of classmates are of great help to enhance confidence and reduce stress. Of course, the time before the exam is precious, and you must not talk long. In addition to communicating with classmates, you can also communicate with teachers, parents, relatives and friends.

18. Fully prepared. Seriously do a good job in reviewing and preparing for the exam, paying attention to the mastery of knowledge and the training of skills, so that you can be confident and avoid panic, thus preventing the occurrence of test anxiety.

19. The situation is not shocked. Train yourself to be able to calmly analyze, judge, and take scientific countermeasures in the face of changing problems or learning difficulties. For example, in the face of the difficulty of the test questions, there must be a mentality that "people are difficult for me, I am not afraid of difficulties; people are easy for me, I don't care."

20. Prevent fatigue. As the exam approaches, it is forbidden to engage in fatigue tactics. Excessive fatigue can easily lead to psychological discomfort, which is not conducive to the level of the exam.

About science exam

21. Fill in the information to stabilize your mood. After trying to curl up, it is unscientific to be busy answering questions immediately. You should fill in the information first, such as clearing the "test paper type" on the answer sheet, writing the name and the admission ticket number, etc. This is not only the requirement of the test, but also a dose. A "good medicine" that stabilizes emotions.

22. The whole volume is covered, and the difference is difficult. Open the test paper to see which are the basic questions, which are the middle-level questions, which are the difficult questions or the finale questions. According to the principle of easy and difficult, determine the order of solving the questions and answer them one by one. Strive to do "smart to do low-level questions, the title is all right; steady mid-range questions, one point is not wasted; try to impact high-end questions, do not regret it."

23. Seriously review questions and answer questions flexibly. If you want to review the questions, you should not miss the questions. If you don't read the wrong questions, you must review the questions. Fourth, you must look at the conditions and conclusions of the whole topic. In the examination, we should also use knowledge flexibly to find and find simple solution methods.

24. The process is clear, steady and fast. First, the writing should be clear, the speed should be slightly faster; the second should be a success; the third should improve the speed of answering questions; the fourth should use scientific draft paper; the fifth must strive to be accurate and prevent the desire from speeding up.

25. Mental state, pay attention to adjustment. In the exam, to overcome the self-conceited psychology of indifference, we must abandon the weight-bearing mentality of "winning and defeating one move here" and overcome the timidity of timidity. Facing difficult, medium and easy papers, adjust the psychology and respond positively.

26. Do as much as possible and score points. The college entrance examination scores, science points according to the steps, according to the knowledge points to give points; the liberal arts more points to points. Therefore, when the candidate answers the question, how much will be answered, how much, even if it is an auxiliary line, a symbol, a short paragraph of text, can be written, do not dare to write, do not have to completely make or answer Can't do it without giving up.

27. Grasp the "eyes" and build a "bridge." The general problem has a key point, and grasping the "eye", the problem is easy to solve. In addition, we must use relevant knowledge, laws, and information to conduct multi-party contacts, build a "bridge", find out the inner relationship of the problem, and then conceive a solution to solve the problem accurately and quickly.

28. Encounter easy questions and be extra careful. Easy questions, easy to make people contempt, do not pay attention to the subtle changes in the title, without thinking and handwriting, may cast a big mistake. Therefore, there is a saying that "easy questions, easy to be wrong". Be aware that the topic is easy for you and easy for others. Scores and points on easy questions tend to be careful and not careful.

29. The idea is temporarily plugged in and learn to be flexible. When the exam, the familiar knowledge and methods suddenly can't remember what to do? At this time, we must learn to be flexible. One is to change the angle or the idea, and start thinking about the project related to the topic; the second is to use the information in other topics in this volume; The third is to temporarily give up, change another question, wait for the mood to be slightly stable, and when the idea is clear and clear, then go back and do it, there may be unexpected gains.

30. Pay attention to inspections and reduce mistakes. Try to have a certain amount of time to check the answer sheet, mainly to check whether the title is missing, whether it is wrong, whether it is wrong, and to minimize mistakes. For some "suspected" answers, pay special attention to checking. You can check the ideas, check the steps, check the results, and check the questions.

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