High school inspirational

It’s not too late to be

There are many things in life that seem to be too late. In fact, there is plenty of time to do it. So if you don't come in time, you have to do it early, maybe you can finish it in time? Even if it is not enough time to finish, at least there is no chance to regret it.

I am a very time-conscious person, I will set a timetable for myself every day, and do it more strictly according to the timetable. If the last trip is delayed for a while, even if it is only ten minutes, I will feel annoyed, because the next trip will be too late. At this time, I tend to give up the itinerary in the plan, take the time to plan another thing to fill the time that was disrupted, and often wait for me to think about what I want to do, and the time is not enough.

Initially, I thought it would save time and improve efficiency, but I gradually discovered that many things are not too late, but I am afraid that it is too late. For example, my friend asked me to have afternoon tea, but I still had something to do on hand. I was afraid that I couldn’t wait to make an appointment. I said that there was still something to be busy with the invitation of my friend. When I was busy, I found that the time was sufficient. If I didn't refuse, then I can go to the appointment and chat with my friends leisurely. After more and more similar things, I suddenly realized that maybe there is no time for it, just to see if I want to do it.

I recently saw an inspirational article on the Internet. The author talked about one thing in the third year of high school. A teacher’s sentence influenced his life. When the author reached the third year of high school, he planned to work hard, but his foundation was too bad. He was afraid that even if he started working hard now, it would be too late. So he asked the opinions of many teachers and hoped that the teachers would tell him if he still had time. If he had time, he would fight for it; if he couldn't, he would only give up. Most teachers encouraged him to have time, and some teachers advised him that he was too late to do so. Only one teacher said to him: "I don't know if you don't have time to learn it?" The author heard this sentence as if it was a slap in the face, immediately began to invest in high-intensity learning, and finally admitted to the school with amazing progress. Key universities.

After reading this article, I was silent for a long time. It’s too late to start doing it. Whether it’s “getting too late” is from someone else’s mouth or my own thoughts, it’s like I’m making excuses for myself, an excuse to choose to escape because of fear of failure. Perhaps there is not so much time in the world, and it is often man-made. I can't help but think that if I can complete all the things that I had given up because I didn't have time, what would I be like now? Even if you can't do it 100%, it will be much better than it is now.

If you don't come in time, you have to do it early. If you try it, you will know if you have time and if you can. But this does not mean to do it blindly, but to be clear about your direction and goals, and then make up your mind to fight once. If you are successful, you are happy. If you fail, you don't have to be discouraged. At least there is still time to fix it, or find another goal. As long as you have confidence and determination, there is no time to come. If you know that you will not be able to do so, you should do it earlier. Time does not wait for people, and will not wait for people who are hesitant.

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