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National Small and Medium Grade Composition Composition Training Experiment Report

National Small and Medium Grade Composition Composition Training Experiment Report

First, ask questions

Cultivating the ability of the national students to write is an important and difficult task in the tasks of the Chinese language. Judging from the current situation of rural small composition teaching, there are still problems such as unclear sequence, unclear path and improper methods, which have affected the improvement of composition teaching quality. We believe that the reform of rural small-scale composition teaching should be made in the following aspects: First, the formation of specific training sequences for key training projects, enhance the scientific and planning nature of composition training, and lay the steps to improve the level of composition; A variety of ways to guide students to pay attention to life, observe life, enrich the accumulation of life experience, so that it reserves a large amount of writing materials, enrich the content of the composition; the third is to form a synchronized single training series with comprehensive training to solve the basic skills of writing; fourth is to try every means Students' essay interest, so that students often practice pens, make writing articles become the needs of students' life, and solve the problem of less training.
In 1987, our school began a special experiment on "National Small and Medium-level Composition Composition Training". With the help of the county teaching and research section, through the recruitment, voluntary registration, leadership assessment, and merit-based recruitment methods, comrade Zhu Yaoyuan was selected as the experimental class teacher, and the "trial program" was formulated. Starting from the third year of the National Primary School, the follow-up experiment was conducted to six. Grade students graduated for the first round of the experimental cycle.

Second, the objectives and methods of the experiment

"National Small and Medium Grade Composition Training" is a systematic and systematic experiment. The specific objectives to be achieved are:

Develop students' speaking ability. Emphasis is placed on cultivating students' ability to express their opinions in public and independently, and strive to achieve "can speak and talk" and some students must be "speakable and eloquent."

Develop students' observation ability. Focus on teaching methods for students to broaden their horizons. In the observation, the purpose, the rationality, the accuracy, the subtlety, and the acuity of observation are cultivated in a planned manner.

Develop students' ability to think independently. In the process of composition, the emphasis is on cultivating the independence of students' thinking, requiring students to be more active in thinking, having their own ideas, their own ideas, and their own opinions.

Develop students' ability to use the language of the motherland. Help students to understand the path of the work, reduce the burden on students, and improve the writing level.

Pay attention to the cultivation of students' non-intellectual factors. In the series of essay training, through various activities, students' interest, emotion, will, quality and other personality characteristics are developed in a good direction, laying a solid foundation for cultivating a generation of qualified citizens.

The main method of "national small middle and high grade composition training" is: taking the "preface" of the composition training in the current national small Chinese textbook as the core, forming a series of training systems of "longitudinal implementation, horizontal penetration, simultaneous interspersed, internal and external communication". Make the composition teaching develop towards a multi-disciplinary, multi-level, multi-angle overall reform direction.

Third, implementation measures

Vertical implementation

Vertical implementation is based on the requirements of the syllabus and textbooks. From the third grade to the sixth grade, a vertical composition training system is formed to ensure that the basic requirements of the outline textbook can be implemented. According to the intrinsic relationship between the overall training series and the key training programs of each semester, a set of semester training content is constructed, which constitutes a series of semester trainings in which language, knowledge, intellectual activities and intellectual content are interrelated, and vertically forms training steps.

There are 26 key training projects for the national junior high school senior essay. According to the training content, we divide these projects into three categories, namely, "observation", "thinking" and "expression". Then, according to the key training items of different grades of different grades in each grade, the sequence is arranged vertically. For example, the training of the "observation" category, the first semester of the third grade "focus on the training of the characteristics of things", the second semester "catch the characteristics, describe", the first semester of the fourth grade "reflects the characteristics of things"; the fifth grade second The semester "describes the static and dynamic of things" makes the article more vivid; the first semester of the sixth grade "writes the characteristics of the characters and highlights the ideological quality of the characters." When the training sequence is arranged, the "preface" of the composition training is fully embodied. If you want to capture the characteristics of writing people, the third grade requires writing the appearance of the characters; the fourth grade requires writing the appearance, language, and actions of the characters; the fifth grade comprehensively requires writing the character characteristics of the characters; the sixth grade also requires the development of ideal images and the mentality of writing characters. Activities, highlighting the character's ideological quality. In this way, in accordance with the principle of gradual and spiraling, the trend of "snowballing" is formed, and students are gradually informed and able to enter the chain during training.

Transverse penetration

Horizontal infiltration is based on the overall reform of composition training, breaking the boundaries of disciplines, establishing horizontal links with various disciplines, and asking teachers to assist in the guidance, so that each discipline can provide conditions for the improvement of students' expressive ability, and these trainings can serve all disciplines. Achieve mutual penetration and complement each other, and at the same time make students feel that the school's learning life is rich and colorful, and capture the materials worth writing. For example, the ideology and morality course combines teaching content to guide students to talk about understanding, to put forward opinions, to tell small stories, to learn how to write famous celebrities. The mathematics class guides students to clear the mathematics, analyze the problem-solving ideas, and use the camera to compile the questions. Encourage students with poor mathematics to write math diaries, let them write what the math class is today, what is the focus, what knowledge they have learned, There is still no point in figuring out what methods are used to solve the knowledge that has not been learned. This has not only trained the pen, but also promoted the study of mathematics. The nature class introduces interesting natural phenomena and carries out a variety of practical activities. For example, instruct students to observe how cockroaches become frogs; observe the lightness of plants, observe the process of seed germination and growth, and write down the observed phenomena and their own ideas in the form of natural diaries. The art class guides the observation, the method of drawing pictures and the method of composition, training the key points, selecting the background, grasping the details to describe the habits, and initially learning to paint and match poetry. Students can also be guided to write music diaries, sports diaries and so on. "Horizontal penetration" greatly enriched the "nutrition" of student composition, and also promoted the development of students' logical reasoning, imagination, and association.

Synchronous interspersed

Synchronous interspersion is to compare the overall training sequence, do a good job of reading and writing, arrange the size composition essay synchronization training and various individual essay basic skills synchronization training content, forming a synchronous training series with the key training series. The single trainings arranged once and for all lay the foundation for each comprehensive training. Some of these individual trainings are arranged to highlight key training items; some arrange one or several individual trainings before the proposition essays, and make good essays for the propositions. Preparation; some individual training is arranged for the weaknesses or defects in the student's work. In the arrangement method, try to pay attention to the simultaneous interpreting practice of dictation and writing; the simultaneous interpreting practice of the Chinese classroom assignment and the essay practice; the small composition and the large composition synchronous interspersed practice. This not only consolidates the writing methods learned in reading teaching, but also lays a foundation for comprehensive practice, distracts the difficulties, slows down the slope, and plays a role in laying the foundation and bridge.
Internal and external communication

Internal and external communication is to exchange students' various activities in the class or inside and outside the school, so that they can see their progress and deficiencies in the work, fully mobilize the internal driving force of the students to stimulate their work, stimulate students' interest in the work, and guide them. Observing life, capturing the writing materials from life like a bee collecting honey, and consciously practicing pen activities. In this regard, we mainly guide students by encouraging students to write observation diaries. Start by sending students to write a personal observation diary, group diary. In order to enable students to write a diary, we summed up the "Diary 20 pens" that prompt students to open their minds, and hang the daily diary of students on both sides of the classroom, so that the whole class can communicate and learn from each other. On this basis, we also engaged in the excellent diary relay race, selected the best diary, and circulated and exchanged in the teachers and students of the whole school. The best works in the student's best diary and size composition are selected in the school newspaper and the “Sprout” handwritten newspaper sponsored by the students, and students are encouraged to communicate with the children inside and outside the province to establish communication pairs and exchange experience. There are already 19 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and students from our experimental class have written correspondence. The name of "Da Cui Guoxiao" has been transmitted to most of China.

We have opened up the flow through various means, which has greatly stimulated students' interest in writing, and writing articles has become a necessity in their lives. In the past three years, the experimental class has written a total of 1,580 personal diaries, 660 per capita, 1,570 "group diaries", 41 per capita, 280 "excellent diaries", 7 per capita, and 126 articles of excellent composition of the class. Budding, 20 copies of the handwritten report, 212 articles.

The training of the national junior high school essay series is a holistic reform experiment. According to the outline, according to the textbooks, combined with the actual composition of the students, the training series was arranged, and the whole series of functions were played. The whole process of the students' essays was guided, and the transformation of knowledge to ability was optimized, which promoted the improvement of students' writing standards. The experimental exploration in the past three years proves that this is an effective way to improve the quality of the teaching of small and medium-sized compositions.

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