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Beijiao Town Center National Small Language Cooperation Learning Experiment Report

National Small Language Cooperative Learning Experiment Report Beixiao Town Center Guoxiao Wu Yanzhen

The overall idea of ​​the new curriculum reform is:
For all students, all students can achieve the learning objectives stipulated in the curriculum standards; highly respect the individuality of students, give full play to their own abilities and strengths, and lay a good foundation for their initiative to adapt to the future society.
The reform of Chinese curriculum requires teachers to change their teaching methods, establish a teaching concept based on students, encourage teachers to explore new teaching methods creatively, improve teaching methods and teaching methods, organize rich and colorful teaching practice activities, and create an interest for students to learn. The good environment stimulates students' interest in learning Chinese.
Language cooperative learning is a realm pursued by teaching “not seeking success for everyone but seeking progress for everyone”. In the language cooperative learning, the role of the teacher is really a mentor, organizer and participant. Language cooperative learning is a multi-directional exchange and cooperation learning method that transforms traditional teaching and one-way or two-way communication between teachers and students into a teacher-student relationship.
First, the concept of language cooperative learning
UNESCO has held an international seminar on education for the 21st century in China. Based on the foreseeable needs of the 21st century, the conference presented an epoch-making slogan to all human beings: from "learning to survive" to "learning to care." If we say that from the perspective of learning to survive, Chinese education emphasizes the need to mobilize the competition mechanism. Then, under the umbrella of “learning to care”, Chinese teaching clearly emphasizes “cooperation”.
The American educator Walter B. Kolesk has once said a famous saying: the extension of language is almost equal to the extension of life. Therefore, a very compelling word came into being: introduce the society into the classroom! In this sense, the socialized big language teaching needs to introduce the cooperative learning concept of Chinese teaching.
The famous educator Jasper believes that education is not an accidental event that leads to ignorance, but the only way people can find the truth together and find themselves. Language cooperation learning is about harmony and common development, but cooperative education does not rule out the development of students' personality. On the contrary, cooperative learning is based on the premise of respecting the personality of students.
Because students appear as educational objects, in addition to the desire to acquire knowledge, they also carry specific emotions and perceive the world.
Throughout the history of Chinese education, Chinese education is more qualified to carry out cooperative activities such as "cutting and discussing", "polishing" and "commercial", and it is more necessary to teach and learn in a language-oriented manner. “The responsibilities of the teacher have now passed on less and less knowledge, and more and more motivated thinking; in addition to his formal functions, he will increasingly become a consultant, a participant in the exchange of views, a Help to find contradictory arguments rather than those who appear as truth. He must concentrate more time and energy on those activities that are effective and creative: interacting, discussing, motivating, understanding, and inspiring."
Second, propose group cooperation requirements
Before you can conduct cooperative learning, you should explain the requirements to the students. Emphasize that you only talk to classmates and only talk about the content of the cooperation; treat the members of the same group with thoughtfulness, patience and harmony; be a good participant; ask for help from others. Or help others, make sure all members of the team understand, and encourage group members to participate in the discussion and become good listeners. Implementing these cooperation requirements can stimulate students' positive reactions. Second, it is the group structure. The structure of the group and the level of participation of the team members will directly affect the effectiveness of the cooperation. According to relevant information, there are about 19 current group structures. Despite so many group structures, due to the excitement and incompetence of the national students, there should not be too many group structure forms in the class teaching style; and try not to change the group cooperation structure that the students have accepted frequently. Because this will affect the teaching order. Practice has proved that the use of a two- or four-person team is more convenient for students to cooperate and easy to operate. The third element is the reward mechanism. In order to ensure the implementation of personal responsibility, cooperative learning places great emphasis on the sum of the scores of all members of the group as the criteria for inter-group evaluation. In order to ensure the attractiveness of rewards to students, teachers should formulate corresponding reward forms according to their age and preferences. The form of reward includes not only material but also spiritual and recreational. The fourth element is that the goal is appropriate. A collaborative learning experiment report from the United States states that different teaching arrangements will enable different children to achieve different goals. Therefore, the teacher must determine the appropriate goals according to the actual situation of the current students, and accordingly change the group type and build the group structure to promote the development of the students. The fifth element is the membership. If the student's situation is not very different, there is not much need to emphasize the composition of the group members. If the differences between the students are still obvious, in general, such a grouping can be carried out: the composition of the two groups is "medium-one-one-one-time students" or "superior students-one-skilled students". If the four-person group is a horizontal row, it is a poor grade student and a good-natured student sitting in the middle, and the middle-aged student is sitting on the edge; if it is before and after, it is the former two middle students and the latter one, and a good student. Synthesize a group of four. The sixth element is time guarantee. Time should be arranged in such a way that the students self-study, the time when the insights are generated, the time when the group members state their opinions in the group, and the time during which the group members discuss and form representative opinions. The seventh element is the leading role of teachers. The group cooperative learning not only does not rule out the role of teachers, but has a higher requirement for the role of teachers, because only teachers can organize students to cooperate with clear learning objectives, avoid the randomness of cooperation, and ensure the smooth progress of group cooperative learning.
Third, the specific approach
In the teaching practice, in response to the characteristics of the country's small life, the characteristics of the performance, and the requirements of the national language syllabus, the following methods can be adopted under different teaching objectives.
1. In the classroom teaching of vocabulary cooperation. When teaching students, let students use a small combination of literacy methods that have been learned from student words. After teaching a new word in a class, students are often given a group of two to test the new words, students help each other, one person to read, group words, make sentences, and another student to check and correct. Then start dictation, one newspaper word, another one, in the specified time, the two exchange roles, and finally modify each other, and timely correction.
2. Word cooperation This kind of cooperation refers to cooperation between words. For example, find synonyms, antonyms, or sentences for words. For example, to find a synonym for “happy”, let the students raise their hands directly. Usually, a student can only say two or three, and at most four or five. When the students adopt the four-person cooperative learning method, the group with the most results. I came up with thirteen.
3. Reading cooperation When guiding the text reading, the form and method of cooperation should be determined according to the characteristics of the text. Dialogue texts, for example, the dialogue between several mothers and old grandfathers in The Sons, can first let the students practice in the group, and then select some groups to perform in front of the classmates; in the non-dialogue text reading It is best to have a group of two, one to read aloud, one to listen carefully, find the other party to read the wrong words, stop the wrong sentence in time to correct, and then exchange roles to achieve mutual help and common improvement. Of course, the detection of reciting is also carried out through the group and then checked by the teacher.
4. Composition cooperation means that in the process of guiding composition teaching, according to the requirements of the topic, the students can collaborate to examine the questions, and then cooperate with the oral composition according to the requirements. For example: the 16-unit "story of summer", first let the students read the questions softly, then discuss the group, talk about the summer story, and then the group will send representatives to speak, the teacher concludes the summer by summing up the students' speeches. It is colorful. The requirements for writing: think - → say - → write - → read - → change - → copy. After the students understand the essay requirements, they can filter in their own minds, choose one thing, think clearly, and then, between the groups, one person will say first, the other three students will be serious, after the completion, by The three classmates commented on the requirements of the essay, then exchanged roles and finally drafted.
Fourth, the overall effect of group cooperative learning and some ideas
After several years of experimentation, I feel that the effect of group cooperation learning is obvious. First of all, the opportunities for students to get performance in the classroom increased; the other is that the invisible pressure of the students in the face of the teacher has become smaller, and they can better develop their talents in the group. On the other hand, group cooperative learning not only reduces the burden on teachers, but also enhances the enthusiasm and participation of students.
It can make students' thinking collide, sparking, solving problems creatively, and stimulating the amount of information received by students in the classroom. Moreover, students also experience the collective strength in the process of cooperation, thus fostering the awareness of cooperation. Group cooperative learning makes them never willing to communicate with others to be willing to cooperate with others, can form a good personality quality, and will play an immeasurable role in their future participation in competition and team spirit.
As an attempt, there are still many things to do. First of all, we must turn cooperative learning into student conscious behavior. You can't think of cooperative learning as a fashionable thing to simply emulate. If you only pursue a superficial thing, you completely lose the meaning of cooperative learning. Second, cooperative learning needs to be diversified in form and method. We should not stick to the single form of group cooperation, but also explore the cooperation between groups and groups. The method should also be flexible and diverse. Finally, the disadvantages of cooperation should be minimized. It is necessary to pay attention to the ideological situation and participation of poor students in the process of cooperation, and the possible negative effects after the failure of cooperation; it should also be estimated that the national students may be influenced by the loyalty of the rivers and lakes, the loyalty of the buddies, etc., and produce a habit of qi and qi. In addition, the problem of combining cooperative learning with individualized teaching needs to be further explored in future practice. In short, there are many things that we need to explore and study in group cooperative learning, but as long as we always take advantage of cooperative learning and try to avoid the unfavorable factors in cooperative learning, this form of group cooperation learning will definitely play in teaching. A bigger role.

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