Work plan > work plan essay

Kindergarten Taipan class plan

Part 1: Kindergarten Taipan Class Plan

New hopes for the new semester, new challenges for the new semester. After a year of study and life together, we welcome the children in the last year of kindergarten. Under the guidance of the spirit of the "Outline" and the "Garden Plan", according to the actual situation of the class and Parents' suggestions, after discussion, we have drawn up the focus and direction of the next semester class, education and teaching. We will provide multi-integrated learning opportunities, make full use of various resources, and accompany the children to experience this meaningful semester with an open attitude.
I. Class situation analysis:
The overall thinking of children in my class is more active, and most children have strong performance desires. Have good hygiene, eating habits and good nap habits. The overall development of the movement has been greatly improved, the ability to work is relatively balanced; the behavior of knowing morality is better, the ability to communicate is good, and the ability to solve small problems; the ability to express language rapidly develops, and dare to express themselves in front of the teacher or the collective. Thought, but in the language expression, the vocabulary of young children is not rich enough, the integrity is not strong, and most children still lack good listening habits.
※Parental situation: Parents of our class have different levels of emphasis on early childhood education and their attitudes of concern because of their different qualities. For example, some parents pay attention to the development of children's physical and mental health, and some parents pay more attention to children. The mastery of knowledge and skills, some parents pay more attention to the cultivation of children's interests. It can be said that the type of parents is more complicated. And there are some members who are very supportive of our work in the parent group of my class.
※ Health care: In the last semester, the basic indicators such as height, weight and hemoglobin of our children can meet the required requirements. Young children can have good hygiene habits, eating habits and good nap habits.
2. General objectives of class development:
1. On the basis of promoting the overall development of young children, according to the specialty of the class teachers, pay attention to the development and cultivation of children's artistic ability.
2. Strengthen the cultivation of children's self-management ability and good study habits. Can have the ability to solve problems by themselves.
3. Teachers further strengthen their own learning and improvement, and build an atmosphere of equality, cooperation and inquiry in the interaction between teachers and children.
4. Continue to study the new outline in depth, continuously improve the professional quality, and fully invest in the research work of the curriculum reform.
1. Be able to focus on the beauty of the environment, life, and art, and be able to perform artistic expression activities in your favorite way. I know that I have grown up to be one year old. I have the desire to set an example for my brother and sister. I can be friendly with my companions and be willing to help others. Do your own things, do your work on a daily basis, and start from the beginning.
2. Actively participate in activities such as visiting, planting, exploring, and communicating, and express your feelings and thoughts in the exploration activities in various ways.
3. Be aware of the speeches of adults and peers, and be confident and bold in expressing your thoughts. I love reading when I learn everyday language, love to listen to stories, communicate with my peers, and express what I see and hear in my own language.
4. Be willing to interact with others, learn from each other and cooperate and share. Compassionate, not afraid of difficulties, have a preliminary sense of responsibility. I am willing to talk to people, have good listening habits, and be bold and clearly say what I want to say.
5. Be willing to participate in sports collective activities, cultivate correct sitting postures, walk evenly, and have the spirit to travel flexibly, coordinately and quickly to jump, drill and climb. Can carry out a number of creative sports activities.
6. Cultivate children's interest in singing activities and develop the creativity and cooperation of young children in singing activities.
4. Specific measures:
1. Make full use of community resources to interact with the surrounding environment, lead children to go out more, open up children's horizons, and enrich children's emotional knowledge.
2. Strengthen the cultivation of children's health habits, cultivate children's self-reliance ability, and teach children's health habits.
3. Conduct a variety of themed activities based on the current interests of young children, the life experience of young children, seasonal seasons, etc.
4. Conduct cooperative activities, such as cooperative paintings and cooperative performances, so that children can experience the joy of cooperation.
5. Observe and understand the learning situation of young children, and often analyze and reflect. If you make a case observation record, you can record the development of your child's personality at any time so that you can do case analysis in the future, and you can also reflect on whether your education method is appropriate.
6. Flexibly use the local resources of kindergartens and society to reflect the educational concept of “life is education”, continue to carry out the production activities, and consider the design theme activities from various aspects to reflect the child's subjectivity.
V. Parents' work priorities:
1. According to the wishes of parents and children, carry out various activities, community activities, and promote the connection between the community and kindergartens. Let parents know about the educational theme of kindergartens in a timely manner, and encourage parents to learn and discuss together with their children.
2. Increase the members of the class committee, fully tap the parents' resources, and collaborate to complete the materials, venues, information, books and other resources, and discuss the activities and activities. Parents will be encouraged to contribute to our educational activities and group activities, and will be able to actively and timely promote other parents to participate in activities to form a good atmosphere for home contact.
3. Establish a multi-layered bridge to connect with parents and do a good job of communication between kindergartens and parents. Widely collect parenting papers, and pass the home publicity column, home communication card, and parents to do a good job of propaganda and learning, so that parents can understand some educational ideas and concepts that are consistent with the times.
September: Launching the activity of "teacher, teacher, I love you"
October: Activities to launch "I love my motherland"
November: Launch: Event "Autumn is coming"
December: Launch: "Happy New Year"

Part 2: Kindergarten Taipan Class Program

One. Class situation analysis
There are 45 children in this class, 23 males and 22 females, all of which are witnesses to our hard work in the past two years. The so-called deep love, the responsibility is cut. While we are gratified by their progress, we are also worried about their own deficiencies. The situation of each aspect is analyzed as follows: the independent self-care ability of young children has been significantly improved. Basically, they can use their chopsticks to eat independently. They can eat their own meals more quietly and quickly. There has been a marked increase, and the speed of meals has generally increased. There is basically no leftovers and picky eaters. However, the eating habits of individual children still need to be improved. In terms of movement development, the children of this class are quite qualified for athletes, such as ice skating and scooter, and their balance and climbing ability are also strong. Of course, there are also very few children who are small, have uncoordinated movements, and are too fat. The enthusiasm for participating in sports activities is not high. When we are decentralized, we will guide them to participate in this game, and contact parents to improve the coordination of these children's movements. The activities and activities of large-scale children are becoming more and more important. Therefore, we will focus on safety and self-protection in this semester, and seize the opportunity to conduct random education in a timely manner so that children can discuss some relevant protection experiences and knowledge, and consistently improve their words and deeds. Self-protection awareness and protection. The children of this class have a high interest in painting, and the skills such as coloring and lines have also been enhanced. Because of the exposure to various forms of painting, children's self-confidence in painting has also increased. This semester art education will combine young subjects to give children more exposure, understand the opportunities of folk culture, perceive folk customs, feel the richer content of beauty, and integrate with children's activities to cultivate children's sensitivity to beauty, Boldly expresses beauty, has certain imagination, creates consciousness, and further enhances aesthetic ability. The female children of this class like to sing and dance, and when they sing, they will control their own volume under the teacher's reminder, which can better express the feelings of the song. Individual children have strong sense of rhythm, such as Lin Zhixuan, Yang Jiaping, Gu Yi, etc., so in this semester will use the parents resources to form a small choir in the class to lay the foundation for the future graduation show. In terms of language cognition, after two years of storytelling, the 6+1, and the daily idiom story, the children’s language expression ability has been significantly strengthened, and some adjectives and idioms have been learned. Zhang Chenyu, Xue Chengyang and other children have The text is highly sensitive, likes to read and read books. Young children in the class like to listen to stories, like to use their brains and learn new skills, but the habit of listening carefully during activities is not good enough, often interjecting, and the ability to use language is weak. However, children's ability to communicate has been greatly improved. In daily life, they can use some simple polite language to communicate. They are willing to play games with teachers and children, but they can't talk and be active for some strange guests and teachers. In exchanges, some young children do not dare to express and express themselves in front of the collective. Since most children are only children, most children are still selfish and self-willed. There are still many bad habits in behavioral habits, as well as children's self-control ability, distraction, and awareness of collective rules. weak. Some children are not sitting correctly. Some young children often get tempered at home, and this semester will focus on good behavior habits, study habits, and habits of living habits.
Second, the total goal of this semester education:
Promote the coordinated development of normal body development and function of young children, enhance physical fitness, cultivate good living habits and participate in sports activities. Develop children's basic ability to correctly use the senses and use language communication, enhance their understanding of the environment, cultivate useful interests and hands-on ability, and develop intelligence. The young children love their hometown, love the motherland, love the collective, love labor, love science, and cultivate good morals, behaviors, habits such as honesty, self-confidence, courage, good questioning, friendship, cherish the public property, not afraid of difficulties, politeness, discipline. And a lively and cheerful personality. Cultivate the child's taste and ability to feel beautiful and express beauty.
Pre-set topics for this semester:
1. Olympic Imagination
2, surprise a line
3, leaves
4, protect yourself
5, Fantasy Westward Journey
6, winter is coming
Third, specific measures
Sports activities
1. Establish a good relationship between teachers, students and peers, so that children can feel warm and happy in a collective life, forming a sense of security and trust.
2, standardize the large class of hand exercises, correct, powerful, and tidy, teach children a new rhythm, noon exercises.
3, to ensure that children spend 2 hours of outdoor activities every day, through the combination of collective and decentralized activities, reasonable arrangements for activities. Pay attention to the relationship between climate and exercise intensity and density, and encourage young children to adhere to exercise, enhance physical fitness and improve health.
4. Initiate children and parents to participate in the collection of waste materials and make safe and practical sports equipment. Inspire children to use their brains to play more things, develop creative thinking and ability, and guide them to play safely, develop various movements, skills, and improve physical fitness.
5, adhere to the daily physical training, weekly skating characteristics practice, and strive to improve the skills, patterns and speed of the frozen.
6. Combine various educational activities, implement early childhood health education, and improve children's health knowledge through various channels, so that children can develop good washing and nap habits.
1. Make full use of various educational methods, pay attention to the interactive role of various means, attach importance to electrification education, and promote the comprehensive development of children's physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic. The focus of this semester is to properly use computer courseware for teaching activities, make full use of the newly configured electrochemical equipment, so that children have the opportunity to learn to use computers, use a variety of puzzle software to make children contact more knowledge, thinking puzzle.
2. According to the actual development level of the children in this class, establish the corresponding educational goals and requirements, choose the existing level that is suitable for the children, and have certain challenging educational content and educational forms close to the children's life, carefully organize and continue to try to generate Sexual theme activities.
3. Continue to strengthen open education to create opportunities for young children to move towards society as much as possible. To enable young children to understand the community and their hometowns, and to establish community education networks with food farms, national small schools, fire squadrons, police stations, property companies, etc., and effectively use these resources to broaden their horizons and improve their lives, morality, discipline, and legal education. Vegetarian, cultivate good habits and moral sentiments.
4. Carry out activities such as “Weekly Special Characters”, “Little News”, “Small Question Mark”, “Story Kings Competition”, “Olympic Knowledge Competition” and “Stacked Quilt” to cultivate children’s caring companions and living environment. Society, and even the future, broaden the horizons of young children, accumulate knowledge, learn to care for others, care about life; develop good habits that are willing to use their brains and like to explore.
5, good at discovering children's interests and problems that help to expand the child's vision, use the mirror program to generate educational activities, guide children to use a variety of senses to perceive things, collect information, encourage children to do hands-on, try, make young children pass The activities are satisfied, the experience is pleasant, and the teacher-student interaction of collaborative inquiry is gradually formed in the activity.
6. Respect the individual differences in the development level, ability, experience, and learning style of young children, and propose different tasks and requirements for children of different levels so that each child can develop at different levels. Focus on developing good learning habits and interest in learning in the learning process.
1. Try two classes to jointly develop character games, make full use of the space, and give children more opportunities for cooperation, communication and communication. Create a democratic, relaxed, harmonious and free atmosphere to respect, encourage and support children's games. Respect the children, educate them according to the children's personality in the game, pay special attention to those children who are timid and slow to develop, so that they can also express themselves in the game, develop themselves, and make the education policy of all-round development truly implement each child. Body. 2. Enrich children's knowledge and experience and life impressions, enrich children's life experiences through various activities, recognize and experience the relationship between people, people's labor attitudes, etc., and enrich the game content with rich game plots. In the game, the children are guided to learn to observe, compare, analyze, synthesize and other methods and try to use multiple ways to independently find and solve problems. 3. By carefully observing the behavioral performance of young children in the game, understand the development level of each child's existing self-growth ability, and guide them according to their respective situations, pay attention to the vertical development of each child's own ability, and evaluate the investment of young children's exploration. The ability to discover and solve problems, the flexibility of thinking, the flexibility, the creativity, the autonomy of activities and the development of independence. 4. Pay attention to the evaluation of the game. Under the guidance of teachers, the children's ability to discuss the game situation is further cultivated. Through the discussion, the children's learning and analysis, the ability and creativity of distinguishing right and wrong, and the development of the next stage of the game are developed. 5. Pay attention to the guidance of regional activities, further study and explore the teaching potential of activities in various activity areas, and pay attention to the directionality of multi-field experience of activity materials. In the game, there are purpose, plan to put, transform and adjust various game materials, pay attention to the consistency and level of material placement and child development level, scientifically guide children to use the operation, help and guide children to actively discover. 6. Have a plan to regularly carry out a variety of regular games, pay attention to the good habits of cultivating children to follow the rules, and guide the children to remove the rules that are not suitable for the characteristics of the class or obsolete, and discuss and discuss new rules. Structured games, intellectual games, music games and entertainment games are scientifically and reasonably infiltrated into children's day activities, so that children can gradually construct or understand the relationship and connection between things in the course of game activities.
Daily life:
1. Develop good living habits of children in daily life, such as: eating, washing hands, breathing, excretion, coughing, sneezing, instrumentation, sitting posture, activity before and after meals, etc. 2. Cultivate good learning habits, initiative, enthusiasm, listening, and completing tasks. 3. Conduct etiquette education for young children, cultivate good courtesy behavior, and participate in social activities. 4, pay attention to protect eyesight, change seats every two months, often contact with parents, control the time for children to watch TV, pay attention to correct incorrect writing posture and sitting posture. 5. According to the age characteristics of the children in large classes, we must cultivate education, including the cultivation of various routine education and behavioral habits, and distinguish between non-education, etc., carefully observe the performance of young children and strengthen random education.
1. Use the walk to bring the child into nature to observe the surrounding things. 2, mobilize the children's senses to perceive the surrounding things, according to the theme activities, seasonal changes, scientific activities, provide vivid and interesting observations, purposeful, planned arrangements for children to visit, observe activities. 3, bring nature into the classroom, set the natural angle, guide the children to care, love the natural corner. 4. Bring into the science discovery room to study and observe, inspire children to use the correct method, observe things from many aspects, and thus obtain comprehensive and essential information about things.
1. Carry out competition activities such as “stacking quilts”, “lacing shoelaces”, and “wearing clothes” to cultivate young children to love labor and have a sense of responsibility, insist on doing what they can do, and learn the initial cooking life. 2. Guide the children and the teacher to keep the activity area clean and tidy, learn to be worthy of life, and take care of the natural angle. 3, cultivate the responsibility of young children, can do one thing at the beginning and end. Can respect the fruits of the work of others. Therefore, the distribution of the dry area will continue.
Leading young children to carry out recreational games that are beneficial to the body and mind, encourage young children to actively participate in and cultivate a good personality and quality of liveliness, generosity, progress, cooperation and innovation, so that children can feel free, happy and full of positive and happy atmosphere and emotions in the activities.
1. Material environment:
(1) People-oriented, pay attention to the overall development of children, teacher-student interaction, home interaction, and interaction, continue to actively explore the form of environmental creation suitable for large-scale children. (2) Change the wall decoration according to the theme, teaching content, season, and create an open environment, such as the theme wall, display area, etc., so that it can become an important means of educating young children.
2. Psychological environment:
(1) Establish a correct view of children and education, and treat children's growth problems and development problems with a peaceful attitude. In-depth understanding of the inner world of young children, forming an atmosphere of respect, trust, friendship and harmony, and establishing a truly equal relationship between teachers and students. Teachers should learn to be tolerant, learn to understand, treat each child objectively and fairly, and guide children to overcome their own deficiencies and gain active development in an appropriate way.
Parent work
1. Set up a parent's garden to introduce some knowledge of scientific parenting, reflecting some aspects of the class and weekly teaching content. 2. Use the pick-up opportunity to contact the parents more, exchange information, further improve home visits, interviews, and strengthen home contact and communication. 3. Hold a parent meeting to listen to parents' opinions and suggestions to further improve education and teaching. Continue to tap the educational resources and social resources of parents so that parents can participate more deeply in kindergarten education activities, so that parents and teachers, parents and parents can form a good atmosphere of mutual interaction with each other.

Part 3: Kindergarten Taipan Class Program

In the summer of the hot June, the spring breeze ushered in September. The happy summer vacation is over, and the children in our class have turned into the big brother big sister of the kindergarten. In the new semester, we will combine the new textbooks with the guiding ideology of the new syllabus and the working ideas of the kindergartens, and connect with the actual textbooks to carry out some of the class features. In a blink of an eye, I became the big brother of the kindergarten. In the new semester, we will, based on the guiding ideology of the new syllabus and the working ideas of the kindergarten, combine the new textbooks, and carry out some educational and teaching activities with class characteristics that are suitable for the age characteristics of large-scale children, and actively create a relaxed atmosphere for young children. A pleasant, comfortable and safe environment. First, the class analysis
There are 44 children in my class, including 27 boys and 17 girls. 4 students were transferred. Through the activities and exercise in the kindergarten for 3 years, each child has developed to varying degrees in all aspects. Mainly in the ability to live independently, can wear and remove clothes, shoes and socks in an orderly manner. Can use towels and toilet paper correctly. Most of the children gradually developed a good habit of washing their hands, taking the initiative to drink water, quietly eating and returning to the distance. In addition, through the manipulation and operation in the corner activities, the children learn to carry out simple comparison, classification, measurement and other activities. At the same time, we also find problems in the development of young children: some children can not consciously wake up after getting up. Make up the bed; don't pay enough attention to all kinds of information in life; don't experience the fun of communication in time. We will take appropriate measures for these semester, which is the comprehensive development of young children's abilities.
Second, the objectives of each field:
Targets in various fields:
1. Be able to listen and learn to understand the language associated with your life experience.
2, can use the Mandarin to boldly and clearly say what you want to say. I am willing to talk to people and be polite.
3. I like to appreciate literary works, understand the content of works, and feel the beauty of literary works. Can read children's songs and repeat stories independently. Learn to create and perform literary works.
4. Learn to read books, and like to exchange and discuss information obtained from books, TV, and radio.
5. Interest in literature.
Third, work priorities and specific measures:
Education and teaching work:
1. Actively create an educational environment that is consistent with the educational content for young children, create a relaxed and happy game atmosphere for young children, reasonably arrange and arrange various corners, and provide children with conditions and opportunities for self-selection and independent activities, so that children can have Happy to learn in order.
2. Create a pleasant learning atmosphere. Teachers should have an optimistic personality and full of emotions. Actively devote their personal temperament to activities, talk more with children, communicate more, use more eyes and smile, and establish a good relationship between teachers and children.
3. Pay attention to the cultivation of children's healthy physique and teach children to adapt to various environmental skills, take every sporting activity and outdoor activities seriously, and ensure that children have plenty of outdoor activities. Cultivate children's interest in sports activities, experience the sense of accomplishment in activities, and develop children's good psychological quality. As the fundamental task of kindergarten sports activities, we should continue to cultivate children's interest in sports activities and promote the health of children. In order to achieve this goal better, we should take the following measures:
In the design of teaching activities, the child's physical and mental characteristics are fully considered, so that the child can experience and experience the joy of success in the process;
In sports activities, design more sports games that help to discipline the will and cultivate brave spirit. Such as: fire rescue and other sports games.
4. Develop the independence of young children: train young children to make choices, discover their own interests, and develop their individuality. The specific measures are: in conjunction with the development of the theme game, discuss with children, develop a reasonable activity area, and help young children make choices. The objects placed on the toy rack have a certain attraction, which can trigger the interest of the children, and they can be used independently and independently. When the event is over, the teacher will instruct the child to independently pack the toys they have played so that they are proud of their ability to be independent.
5. Carry out preparatory work for young connections, carry out activities such as reading, calculation, literacy, pinyin, and English, continuously improve the learning ability of young children, guide children to read in a planned way, stimulate children's desires and interests in reading literacy, and pay attention to the correctness of young children. Write posture, continue to listen, speak, read, write, and count in the child's day life.
6. In the aspect of civilized and polite education: cultivate children to use polite language correctly: please, thank you, sorry, no matter, etc., and will say hello to the guests and elders, do not tamper with other people's things, and initially understand the principle of mutual concern and help. I can be friendly with children, willing to help others, and can initially achieve friendship, mutual help, and humility in the game and daily life, and can listen to the teacher's advice, do wrong things, recognize, and know what can be changed. Etiquette etiquette is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and an important work of our garden. This semester I will teach young children to see the elders and teachers for 90-degree rituals, come to the park, and leave the garden with teachers and companions. Greetings, respecting the elders at home. I will continue to do this etiquette education.
, health care and safety education work:
Health work is an important task of my class. I will fully cooperate with the childcare staff, do not separate the work, and complete the health work carefully. According to the health work routine, we should do a good job of daily sanitation and disinfection, and insist on one every Monday. Sweeping a small sweep every day to provide a safe, comfortable and clean living environment for young children.
In addition, we must also carry out safety precautions for young children, always remind children to be accidentally around, and combine the children's own life experience to carry out safe and nutritious health education, raise children's self-protection awareness and ability, and try to avoid accidents. . In the habit of living, develop good eating habits, eye habits, nap habits, and personal hygiene habits. According to the characteristics of the big class, the children's self-care ability is cultivated, and they learn to pack, organize and keep their own articles. Learn to return to outdoor activities and increase or decrease their clothes. In addition to completing these tasks, they must also do a good job in preventing various infectious diseases.
Parent work:
1. Communicate with the parents through parent conferences, home visits, electric interviews, distribution of children's growth files, and individual conversations when leaving the park.
2. Understand parents' educational views and needs, and exchange opinions and suggestions with parents on specific situations of children to help parents solve problems and make home education consistent.
3. Fully tap the “parental resources” and collect information related to the theme together with young children. Parents are invited to participate in activities to promote parent-child interaction and emotions.
4. Change the content of “Parent's Garden” every week to let parents have a certain understanding of kindergarten work, thus promoting home communication and raising the standard of education.
A new semester, new hope, I believe that through the beneficial interaction of kindergartens, teachers and parents, we can achieve the best communication results and promote the overall development of children. We will definitely enjoy the big class with the children. one semester.

Part 4: Kindergarten Taipan Class Program

The new school year has already begun. In order to make the work of the class work in an orderly manner, so that the children can maximize their potential and achieve maximum development, the special work plan for the first class is now as follows:
First, the situation analysis
Class Profile: Ascending to the big class, our class has changed a lot. The first is the teacher's change, followed by the child's transfer and new students. Therefore, there are now 51 children in our class, 31 boys and 20 girls. The ratio of men to women is very uneven, and 5 of them are foreign students. In addition, there are 11 freshmen, accounting for 1/5 of the class. They are still unfamiliar with our collective and are adapting to the stage. In the face of this situation, we must try our best to adapt each child to change as quickly as possible, so that children can be harmoniously integrated into our extended family.
main performance
1. Advantage performance
The child's self-service ability is constantly enhanced, and he can do what he can, such as: finishing his schoolbag and wearing his own clothes.
Produced a sense of collective service, like to do value work, such as: finishing toys, managing the natural angle.
In life, children's language skills have been greatly improved, and they can express their ideas more clearly and completely, and tell their own discoveries.
Have a certain sense of task, and can collect the subject information by the teacher's reminder and encouragement.
2. Analysis of weak factors
Children's rules are poorly constrained, their self-control ability is still weak, their persistence is not enough, and they cannot control their words and deeds well.
Some children's health and behavioral habits still need to be developed, such as: eating hands, wiping their mouths with hands after eating snacks, like to lick or lie on the ground.
Some children have strong desire for performance, poor listening habits, and can't insist on listening to their peers' speeches, which has affected the smooth development of the activities.
During the course of the theme activities, some children lacked the spirit of exploration and did not dare to try
Parental situation
1. Our parents still attach great importance to the mastery of children's knowledge and skills. They hope that children learn more intellectual content, such as children's songs, calculation questions and so on. However, they have neglected the cultivation of children's living habits and interest in learning, which is not conducive to the overall development of children in the future.
2. Many children in the class are taken care of and transported by their ancestors. Some new teaching concepts are difficult to accept and reach a consensus.
Second, the class business objectives:
1. Develop the ability of children to learn from each other, autonomy and decision-making, and establish a group to discuss together.
2. Create a class atmosphere full of love, let the children have a sense of security, cultivate the sense of responsibility of the children, and form a small awareness of the initial promotion of the country.
3. Continue to study the new "Outline" carefully, establish a correct view of education, unify educational ideas, and transform them into educational behaviors.
4. Help parents to have a correct view of children, education and knowledge, and clarify that the focus of early childhood education is the cultivation of individual abilities, so that parents can get acquainted with our educational purposes, goals and curriculum forms, and support the participation in kindergarten education activities. Good "homeland dialogue interactive network".
Class management network
Instructor with class teacher
Everyone who leads the kindergarten parent kindergarten
Business objectives:
Create a class atmosphere full of love, so that children have a sense of security to develop the responsibility of young children.
Provide opportunities for young children to experience real life, create conditions for children to participate in actual exploration activities, get more information, and experience the joy of learning.
Help parents form a good education concept that recognizes our educational goals, educational forms and curriculum models, and supports participation in kindergarten activities. Form a good "home interactive dialogue network."
Third: the focus of childcare, education and teaching work:
Objective: To update the concept and realize the concept of “Kindergarten like my home” and gradually realize the characteristic class.
Conservation work
Childcare work is an important prerequisite for doing a good job in education and teaching. Every teacher in the class is required to understand each child's living habits and physical factors, so as to ensure that everyone can be more targeted in future conservation work. Sexually carry out, targeted, and constantly unremitting.
1. Do a good job in housekeeping and environmental sanitation, and strictly implement various health care work systems in the park. Clean up the housework every day, insist on cleaning, disinfection, ventilation, and keep the classroom's six faces. Prevent the occurrence of myopia in children, and constantly adjust the position of young children, continue to strengthen the daily training of young children, and enhance the self-care ability of children. Strictly implement the day-to-day living and rest system for young children and reasonably arrange the children's daily life. Create a clean, comfortable and healthy living and learning environment for young children.
2. Teachers reach a consensus to strengthen the education of young children
In the middle class, the children have been trained to develop their education, but the children’s labor consciousness is weak and some have dependence. In response to the actual situation of the children, the teacher unified the requirements, insisted on starting from small things, combined "teaching" and "speech and teaching", and persevering them in the daily life, teaching children with hands and hands, and paying attention to guiding dependence. Young children, let the children do their own things, but also let the parents cooperate with the teacher, so that the children also have an exercise environment at home.
a. Patiently guide the children to eat the snacks in the correct way every day. Don't sprinkle the snacks on the table and the ground. We will also give reasonable advice and suggestions to the dietitian according to the children's meal. Children are often reminded to drink boiled water, so that children can learn to put a good cup.
b. Educate young children not to rub their eyes with dirty hands, not to lick their noses, and not to dig their ears. Have a snot to wipe in time, do not spit, do not throw paper scraps.
c. Know how to keep your own learning habits and learn to count every time you run out.
d, the combination of education and education, to correct the child's bad behavior, such as: sucking fingers, playing with genitals.
3. Guarantee outdoor activities time, pay attention to the quality of activities, and enhance the physical fitness of young children. Adhere to the sweat towel before the activity, help the child to sweat in time, and increase or decrease the clothes according to the specific circumstances at that time.
4. Strengthen safety awareness and prevent safety liability accidents.
1 Strictly implement the pick-up and drop-off system to prevent parents from using the pick-up card.
2 Our teachers must have a high sense of responsibility, and always let the children within their own line of sight, to rule out all unsafe factors.
3 Regularly check the various facilities in the class, put an end to unsafe hidden dangers, promptly report and deal with them in a timely manner, and put safety work first.
4 Use all aspects of the day's activities to conduct safety education at random, and ask for requirements before each activity. For example, the stairs are not pushed or pushed, and the children's self-protection awareness and adaptability are gradually cultivated.
5, with the health care doctor to do a good morning health check, a good morning check, after the morning area activities to evaluate, found that unsafe factors are dealt with in a timely manner, the sick child immediately sent to the hospital for treatment, and then notify the parents to make them understand the child's condition . Do a good job in the prevention of diseases, prepare for disease prevention in advance according to seasonal changes, and reduce the occurrence of diseases to a minimum. In particular, do a good job in the prevention of "intestinal diseases" and the work of the flu, and do a good job in the prevention of infectious diseases, especially the prevention work of "chickenpox", "hand, mouth, foot" and "mumps".
Education career
In teaching, my class will insist on the theme network course activities, combining mathematics education, language education and online teaching. The theme of online teaching has been carried out in our garden for some days. We have found that children's ability to paint, communicate, observe, discuss and solve problems has improved to varying degrees, but the level of mathematics and written language of young children is relative to other aspects. The ability is slightly weaker, so this semester, while continuing to develop the theme network, I will also strengthen the development of children's mathematics and written language skills, and carry out math activities and language activities as separate activities.
Integrate mathematics into children's life and games, try to use existing knowledge and experience and mathematical methods to solve some simple problems in daily life, such as counting exercises while walking the stairs, looking for interesting digital numbers hidden in us. Make children understand the importance of mathematics. Start with the fun of mathematics, strengthen individual guidance, and reduce differences in abilities.
According to the Ministry of Planning, we will strengthen guidance on regional activities.
Optimize the environment for regional activities
Create a new and dynamic material environment. Because only a novel and vivid environment will enable young children to have a perceived interest. "Interest is a sluice, relying on it, can open the reservoir of attention and direct attention to flow down." Children will use a variety of senses to participate, children are almost interested in any dynamic environment. Therefore, teachers should constantly create new environments based on the age characteristics, educational content, and seasonal changes of children, make full use of the venues, provide opportunities for young children to fully participate, and try to make children have more choices, thus guiding the enthusiasm and initiative of children. Independently observe, manipulate, explore, and discover, so as to recognize problems and solve problems.
Materials for optimizing regional activities
Chen Heqin pointed out: "Children play, rarely play with empty hands. There must be a lot of toys to help you to play, in order to satisfy the desire to play..., play is important, toys are more important." This shows materials and children's activities Have a close relationship.
1. Continuously generate and improve materials at the child's point of interest to make the children happy.
2. Provide materials with different levels of difficulty, so that children can be successful and confident.
There are differences among children. Some children have strong initiative, some have poor initiative, some have strong hands-on ability, and some have strong expressive ability. The teacher should have a clear understanding of the development of each child, provide learning and operation materials suitable for children of different abilities, let each child have the desire and opportunity to actively explore, and make each child successful and confident. .
3. The teacher will focus on the content of the corner activities generated by the theme activities. For the key areas, I will formulate specific targets, put in appropriate materials, and observe and record in a timely manner, and constantly propose new requirements and new challenges. By discovering the interest of young children, we will adjust and enrich in time to mobilize the initiative of children's learning.
4. Pay attention to the creation and utilization of the environment and promote the development of young children:
The environment is a child's teacher, which enables young children to gain experience, build confidence, and develop themselves. This semester, we will focus on environmental creation, enrich the operational materials of each activity area according to the children's interests and needs; in addition, in the creation of the theme environment, it will reflect the needs of children's learning and development, and let the children in the process of arrangement. Full participation, we no longer only pay attention to the beauty of the picture, instead of the idea of ​​replacing the child with the teacher's will, we created a graffiti wall, let the children gradually arrange the learning results and the beautiful work items with the progress of the theme activities, so that every child can Have the opportunity to showcase your work and be the master of the environment.
Guide the children to choose the waste materials around them to make handicrafts, let them boldly imagine and create, give them the opportunity and conditions to display the works, and guide them to appreciate each other. Respect each child's ideas and creations, and accept their unique aesthetic feelings and expressions, and share their happiness.
5, the creation of children's psychological environment
Strive to create an open environment, loose, harmonious and equal teacher-student relationship, and promote the development of children's health. The sense of communication among the children in large classes is gradually increasing, and the objects of children's interactions should not be limited to the teachers and students of the same class. We create opportunities, open contacts to allow children to interact with children of the same age, different ages, and different gardens, and improve their communication and language skills. Easy teachers and students have fun, let us have the opportunity to capture their flash, seize the opportunity of education, to feel their world with their heart, to create a psychological atmosphere for children to seek differences and create a relaxed performance.
Fourth, the cultivation of children's key abilities in this semester
A. Cultivate a good reading habit.
1. For young connections, we will develop children's reading interest.
2. Use the questionnaire to understand the needs of parents, choose materials that parents and children like, and stimulate their interest in reading.
3. Use a variety of forms, such as parental support groups, parent-child activities, etc. to allow parents and children to interact and improve their communication skills and develop their language skills.
4. Create a beautiful reading environment to attract parents to participate, organize activities such as “parental activities” and “parent open days” to enhance the emotions between parents and children, and provide opportunities for parents to communicate and share parenting experience to help children develop good reading habits.
B. Cultivate children's interest in sports activities, experience the sense of accomplishment in activities, and develop children's good psychological quality. As the fundamental task of kindergarten sports activities, we should continue to cultivate children's interest in sports activities and promote the health of children. In order to achieve this goal better, we should take the following measures:
1. In the design of teaching activities, fully consider the physical and mental characteristics of young children, so that children can experience and experience the joy of success in the process;
2, in the sports activities, design more sports games activities that help to discipline the will and cultivate brave spirit. Such as: fire rescue and other sports games.
3. Participate in the morning exercises of kindergartens with a good spirit.
C. Cultivate the attention of young children: Train children to concentrate on using various items to carry out various activities:
1, clear the class activity area, so that children's attention is not dispersed by other regional activities, allowing them to focus relatively concentrated on ongoing activities.
2, the use of furniture to separate the areas, to prevent children from looking around, so that they can better concentrate on their activities.
3. Prepare adequate and interesting materials to attract the attention of young children and not be disturbed by other activities.
V. Teaching and research work
Continue to carry out research on the subject of "hands-on ideas in scientific activities", continue to carry out research on the topic "hands-on ideas in scientific activities", this semester we will increase the interest in early childhood science, carry out a variety of activities Let children learn to observe and learn records. In-depth scientific subject inquiry activities such as “Rotating Paradise”, “Dynamic World”, “I want to fly, etc.” attach importance to the creation of an informal scientific activity environment. Guide children to carry out research study, show their children's learning passion in time, fully display children's learning potential, let children's words discover problems, collect information, spontaneous inquiry questions, cooperative learning, free expression of experience, performance ability... ... to enable children to experience a variety of experiences in a wealth of learning activities and to help them improve.

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