Work plan > work plan essay

Middle school next semester class plan

Part 1: The Seventh Class of the next semester class work plan

In the new semester, the three teachers in our class will strengthen political study, improve their ideological and political literacy, establish a good image and a scientific view of children and education, so that children's physical and mental health development. Guided by the spirit of "Outline" and "Procedure", follow the rules and regulations in the garden, obey the leadership arrangements, do their jobs, pay attention to the growth and development of young children, and carry out thematic activities, regional activities, special events, and parents' observations. And other activities. According to the age characteristics of children and the actual situation of the class, a practical and feasible routine for daily activities will be developed to continuously improve the ability to observe, analyze and reflect on children's day activities. Through good educational methods to cultivate children's good life, health, study habits, and promote the development of children's emotions, attitudes, abilities, knowledge, skills and other aspects. Promote the development of children's comprehensive quality through a variety of activities. Actively explore new methods of education and teaching, pay attention to the different development characteristics and potential of young children, and pay attention to the different development needs and aptitudes of young children. Warm and care for each child with motherly love, and promote the child's physical and mental health and personality development.

First, the class situation

The number of children in my class during the semester is 38, 19 boys and 19 girls. One of the children will go to preschool and one child will be added to my class.

Three teachers in my class, the nurse teacher will be replaced by Xue teacher.

Through the observation in the past two weeks, the children are obviously sensible. The general requirements for the teacher can be basically completed, and they are interested in the various activities carried out in the park. They have a clear desire to seek knowledge and can be in the process of life and study. Boldly and teachers express their will, and accepting ability has a preliminary sense of responsibility. I have a lot of communication skills, I am willing to work as a "valued student", I am willing to help others, I have learned to share, I like sports. I like games very much and I am very committed, so every Friday from the first week is Toy Day and Labor Day. The combination of work and rest makes the children call Friday a "happy day." According to the evaluation of young children in the last semester, the difference between the child and the home was found out. If it's a very simple thing: wear undressing, children in kindergarten can do their own thing, but feedback can be done with parental help. Do parents want to reflect on it? There are children who watch TV at home and play computer for too long, but parents have nothing to do. So who is the responsibility? Individual parents report that their children are not enough to eat in the park. As a teacher, we can completely reassure you that every child will eat well in kindergarten. The problem is that you have to cooperate with us, go home and don't feed your children to eat. If the child is full, the problem will follow, causing food and fever. Drinking water is a problem that parents have always been very concerned about. Individual parents feel that their children are not drinking enough. In fact, the teacher will arrange the children's drinking water scientifically and reasonably. Some parents asked me: Why don't kindergarten teach children to read and write? Literacy has already begun after the middle class, and it is carried out in the game to learn to recognize some simple words. As for writing, the educators clearly stated that they should put an end to the nationalization of kindergartens.

Second, education and teaching

At the beginning of this semester, we will focus on capacity development and let the children learn to do what they can. In a day's life, children are guided to understand, experience and understand basic social behavior rules in a variety of ways, learn self-discipline, and establish a sense of rules. Create a healthy and rich environment, strengthen the study of Mandarin, and promote education through the environment to ensure the development of young children. Pay attention to the social development of young children and promote the development of children's good personality and emotions. Scientifically and rationally carry out education and teaching work, aiming at all children and promoting all-round development. Combine with daily life, carry out safety education, and improve the awareness and ability of self-protection. Can be more proficient in listening to a variety of passwords and signals to make corresponding actions, can do freehand and light equipment exercises with the rhythm of music. I like and can actively participate in various physical exercise activities, and initially develop the habit of participating in physical exercise. Unity, friendship, and protection of public property have a certain collective consciousness. The desire to actively explore science and technology activities. At the beginning of the semester, the "March 8" parent-child theme activities, children and parents' hands-on brain productions fully demonstrated the sublimation of wisdom and ability. This is not just about playing. It is important to learn knowledge while playing, to have fun in play, and to develop language and other abilities. Initially formed a good life and study habits, willing to care for the weak, have love and compassion. Boldly express your wishes, actively interact with others, and be willing to understand the social life, love the flora and fauna and the emotions and behaviors of the surrounding environment. Promote the harmonious development of children, develop a scientific and reasonable class work plan in combination with the kindergarten work plan, pay attention to the operability and practicality of the project, master the appropriate language expression vocabulary, learn to cooperate with peers, and promote the improvement of children's language ability. . Strengthen safety education for young children.

A. Cultivation of living routines:

1. Happy to enter the park, take the initiative to ask early, say goodbye to the doctor's morning check, and report your own physical condition.

2, able to order up and down the stairs, keep the order up and down the stairs to the right, not crowded, do not push children. Don't play dangerous games, don't go to dangerous places. Knowing the basics of safety and self-protection methods will deal with the simple dangers you may encounter.

3, before and after meals, you can take the initiative to wash your hands according to the six steps of washing your hands.

4, quiet meal, take the initiative to gargle, wipe the mouth.

5, quiet nap, put clothes, pants, slippers in the designated position; after getting up, you can wear clothes, stack quilts, self-examine hands, feet or not.

6. Learn to deal with small things that are within your power, unity, cooperation, and collective consciousness.

7. Guide young children to use appropriate expressions, talk to people with less than a small voice, observe public order, and protect public health.

8. Walk on the right side in public places, without occupying or destroying blind roads.

9. Know the weather changes and increase or decrease clothes in time before and after exercise, and do not do strenuous activities before and after meals.

B. Education and teaching routines:

1. Actively participate in early exercise activities to enhance physical fitness.

2, after exercise, you can quietly carry out activities in various areas.

3, sitting posture is correct, no words, learn to listen carefully to others, actively raise your hand to speak, can boldly say their own opinions. Use storytelling, children's song activities, conversation activities and other forms to cultivate children's language development ability. Cultivate the bold and courageous qualities of young children and encourage them to express their opinions and suggestions. Inspire children's interest in the surrounding things and phenomena, and explore the surrounding environment with a variety of senses.

4, can learn simple concepts of numbers, shapes, time and space from life and games. Learn to use methods such as comparison, classification, sorting, and measurement. "Teach young children to communicate and communicate with their partners in their own way."

5, actively participate in outdoor sports activities, play sports equipment when not rushing to grab, love sports equipment. Carry out children's sports activities based on “one thing and more play”, organize morning exercises for children, and ensure children's outdoor activities for 2 hours.

6. In the game activities, you can choose the game according to your own wishes, and play with friends and friends.

7. Guide young children to know how to read books, know how to love books, and learn to fix books themselves.

8, love the motherland, love the national flag, when raising the flag, know not to speak; know the traditional festivals of the motherland. I know that I will glory for the collective and not do things that damage the class.

9. Do a good job in daily life and be a good helper for the teacher.

10. Learn to skip the rope and master the skills of skipping.

11. Every Friday is designated as the toy's own day and labor day, so that children can share happy and happy with children.

Third, health care

1. Strictly check the morning inspections, do a good job of observing the whole day and recording the "Home Contact Book" to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Strengthen inspection and guidance.

2. Strictly implement the sanitation and disinfection health care system and conduct a one-day life in kindergartens in accordance with the disinfection system.

3. Promote relevant knowledge of health knowledge, health care, and scientific parenting to parents.

4. Do a good job in environmental sanitation and clean work to ensure the healthy growth of young children.

Fourth, parents work

1. Regularly hold parent conferences, parent committees, and class meetings to feedback parents' suggestions and opinions on the work of the park, assist the kindergartens to do a good job in home contact, promote the further development of kindergarten work, and supervise and promote the kindergarten management and education work. .

2. Improve parents' parenting knowledge, communicate with their homes, achieve synchronized education at home, and promote the comprehensive development of children.

3. In time, keep in mind with the parents about the situation of the children at home, feedback the situation of the children in the park, find out the problems in time, thoroughly solve the worries of the parents, clarify the requirements of the educational goals, and reach the consensus of the home education. Do a good job in home contact, promote the all-round development of the school; close the homeland to form an effective educational synergy.

4. Enrich the knowledge of child safety and improve the safety awareness of parents and children.

5. Through the special content of parent schools and parent conferences, discuss educational topics with parents and reach an educational consensus.

Five, monthly work arrangements

February and March work arrangements

1. Clean up, do all the preparatory work before the start of school, and create a clean and welcoming environment. Do a good job of disinfection, open the window and ventilate, record the "Children's Contact Book" to prevent hand and foot disease and a stream. Strengthen the daily routine of children and the training of classroom routines.

2, warmly welcome children to return to the park, together with young children to collect, homemade materials and toys for regional games. Create materials for regional events and character games, and regularly play character games and regional events every week.

3. Create a theme environment with class features to create a warm harbor for young children.

4. Carry out the theme activity of "Eight Hands" in the 38th Festival, and use the waste materials to make small productions with your parents.

5. Prevent infection of spring epidemics, do a good job of disinfection, and educate young children to pay attention to personal hygiene.

6. Enrich the natural angle and fill in the observation record form.

7. In the education and teaching activities, the cultivation of children's good behavior habits and language expression skills should be strengthened.

8. Hold this semester parent meeting to read and explain the kindergarten's safe punching plan for this semester. Class meetings will be held to develop class work plans.

April work schedule

1. Combine the theme activity “Spring” to guide children to observe the changes in spring and experience the breath of spring. Combine the spring season with the season and make observation records.

2. Prevent infection of spring epidemics, do a good job in class disinfection, educate young children to pay attention to personal hygiene, and strictly combine class inspection and self-inspection of children to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

3. Enrich desktop toys in a timely manner and regularly update the content of character games and regional events.

4. With the theme of "August 22 Earth Day" and "Love Bird Week", we will carry out environmental protection education activities such as "Protect Earth Mother" and "I am a birdie".

5. Observe the “changes in spring”, conduct morning exercises and “play more things”. Learn the skills of skipping.

May work schedule

1. Festival safety education and talk activities, and carry out festival-themed activities. Conduct half-day opening activities.

2. Educate young children to do their own things, be willing to serve everyone, and improve their independent living ability.

3. Continue to do a good job in regular day education.

4. Prepare for the preparation of the "June 1" theme event.

June work schedule

1. Carry out the “Six·1” theme event and feel the pleasant atmosphere of the festival.

2, summer health education for young children, know some common methods of summer.

3. Leading young children to visit the learning situation of the children in large classes, and communicate with the children in large classes to stimulate the children's desire to be children in large classes.

4. Do all the work before the holiday: write a comment, fill out the evaluation form of the child's physical and mental development, and submit the summary of the class.

In the future work, the three teachers in our class should establish a "child-oriented" education concept, so that every child can develop personally at the original level. Let your children grow up healthily and happily on a clean and happy land!

Part 2: Mid-class semester class planning essay

Stepping on the brisk pace, we are welcoming a new semester. The new semester has new hopes for parents and new challenges for teachers. During the semester, our two teachers will be more strict in asking ourselves to summarize the work of the last semester and learn from the experience. At the beginning of the semester, we will discuss and formulate the characteristics of this class according to the actual situation of the class and the age characteristics of the children. Class work plan.

First, the class situation analysis

After more than a year of study and life, the children have made different programs on their own. We pay attention to the cultivation of each child's life ability, such as: laces, buttons, clothes and so on. Strengthening the self-service of young children and simply serving others has gradually formed the characteristics of class development with relative trends, mainly including the following advantages and disadvantages:

1. Advantage performance:

Personality development is better. Most of my class children are more cheerful, active, and happy. They can actively interact with others and are willing to express their feelings in various ways.

Curiosity and willingness to perform. In science activities, children often have a strong interest and speak enthusiastically.

Active, active, and love to participate in sports activities. The children in my class are full of energy and like to participate in outdoor games such as running and climbing. Most of the children's body movements are more coordinated and flexible. The overall physical fitness of young children has been greatly improved.

The class routine was further improved. When entering the middle class, the awareness of the rules of the children in my class is further enhanced. Most of the children can listen to the teacher's opinions, control their behavior, and abide by the class routine.

2, insufficient performance:

There are some children in my class. Their focus on short-term attention and weak self-control in group activities is more prominent. Teachers need to be guided and educated about their actual situation.

Compared with the active atmosphere in the operation activities, my class children are not interested in some quiet activities. For example, in the corner activities, there are not many children actively participating in book reading.

3. Other individual cases:

There are some young children in my class who have weak communication skills and cannot actively communicate with others. At the same time, they are not willing to take the initiative to participate in group activities. The distance from other children is gradually widening. Measures: further communicate with parents, pay attention to and correctly treat the children's shortcomings, and at the same time, start with emotions, strive to gain their trust and help them enter the collective.

There are some young children in my class. The development of self-care ability is still slow. I still don’t wear clothes for myself. I also need teachers to help me. This is related to the fact that the parents usually love it more and do more to replace it. Measures: While communicating with parents, actively encourage them to do their own work in the class to help them get a successful experience of self-service and promote their self-care ability.

Parental situation analysis

1. Home communication is further smooth After more than a year of hard work, our teachers have been recognized and trusted by parents. Every day, we communicate with parents through various channels and establish a good communication platform. Parents also often take the initiative to communicate with the teacher to understand the child's presence in the park and listen to the teacher's opinions and opinions.

2, parents' education concept still needs to be improved Through daily observation, and home to find communication, we know that some parents are either busy with work, or education awareness is not strong, there are still some conceptual misunderstandings about children's daily education. In general, the overall level of parents in my class is relatively high, and the teacher's work is also relatively understandable and supportive, showing a good development trend.

Second, the semester training objectives

1, action skills:

Encourage young children to actively and bravely participate in sports activities, not afraid of difficulties.

When running, the curved arm is striding, and the speed and direction of running are more flexibly controlled, and the movements of the upper and lower limbs are more coordinated.

Learn with one hand and both hands forward and swing with your arms.

Explore ways to use a variety of sports equipment.

Learn to use a variety of hand tools and materials to take the initiative to participate in a variety of manual activities. 2, living hygiene habits:

Eat easily and happily, develop good habits that don't picky eaters, don't drop rice, learn to distribute and clean your dishes, and take the initiative to drink water.

Continue to train young children to develop correct washing habits and gradually learn to care for themselves. Guide the children to wear clothes and shoes and socks in an independent and orderly manner, organize the undressed clothes and learn to make their own beds.

Learn to pack and sort out toy items, don't litter waste, don't spit, don't mess with, doodle.

3. Self-protection:

Actively cooperate with adults for physical examination and are willing to accept the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Learn to "learn and protect yourself from harm" and pay attention not to hurt others.

Remember the parent's work unit, home address and phone number, and know the danger to call for help.

Know the safety signs in daily life, know how to pay attention to safety, understand simple traffic rules, and pay attention to safety.

Cognitive development

Part 3: The middle school semester class plan

There are 32 children in our class, including 14 boys and 18 girls. Through the first half of the middle school, the children's language expression ability has improved significantly, but the children's listening and listening behavior skills still need to be strengthened. The drawing skills of young children have been greatly improved compared with the past, but the creative performance of young children in painting still needs further guidance. The child's hands-on ability and hand-eye coordination movements are significantly enhanced.

While making progress, there are still some shortcomings in young children:

1. The child's routine is somewhat relaxed, and the attention of individual children is easy to disperse;

2. Some young children have a self-centered mind, and humility makes the spirit of sharing insufficient;

3. The self-care ability of individual young children needs to be further improved;

4. Some children's self-expression awareness needs to be strengthened.

This semester we will focus on the above deficiencies and strengthen the training for young children. Based on the spirit of the second phase of the Shanghai curriculum reform and the Shanghai preschool education program, the garden garden plan and the actual situation of the children, we have developed the class plan as follows.

I. Education work


1. Continue to develop young children's listening and listening behavior skills, so that children learn to be happy and good at listening.

2. Inspire children's interest in oral expression and help children to express their oral language correctly and appropriately.

3. Continue to understand the basic composition of books, develop the habit of loving books, and understand the relationship between multiple pages and complete stories.

4. Continue to train young children to be willing to communicate with their peers. They can generously speak and tell stories in front of the group.


1. To cultivate children's verbal, non-verbal thinking, imagination and creativity through musical activities such as singing, rhythm activities, music appreciation and musical instrument performance.

2. Through the self-expression and interpersonal communication and coordination in the collective music activities, guide the children to experience the fun of music activities and cultivate the healthy and harmonious personality of the children.

3. Can form some preliminary music and dance concepts, know how to get a variety of artistic and non-artistic experiences from music and dance activities.

4. Guide young children to continue to learn the basic skills and methods of various paintings, form good painting habits, and experience the fun of painting activities.

5. Guide young children to boldly use lines, shapes, colors, and compositions to initially perform creative expressions and cultivate their creative ability and creative consciousness.

6. Help young children develop small muscle movements and hand-eye coordination in shaping and production activities, help children experience the joy of manual activities, and cultivate their interest in hand-made.


1. To stimulate children to understand and explore the quantity, shape and other interests in the environment, they are willing and like to participate in mathematics activities.

2. Observe, compare and judge the quantitative relationship within 10, gradually establish the same concept, use existing knowledge and experience to solve new problems, learn new knowledge, and promote the development of preliminary reasoning and migration ability.

3. Can listen to the teacher's words, conduct activities as required, and learn to check their activities as required.

4. Listen quietly to the teacher and companions and learn about the process and results of their own activities.

5. Help young children learn to use a variety of sensory perceptions of things, cultivate observation, and learn to describe their findings in their own language, and communicate with their peers and teachers.

6. Cultivation

Young children care and care for the emotions and behaviors of plants and the surrounding environment.

7. Inspire young children's interest in activities and their desire to participate in exploration activities, and actively participate in activities.

8. Ensure that young children can concentrate on perceiving the constant interaction of operations and objects.


1. Guide young children to understand some simple common sense of health, form the behavior habits and attitudes required for a healthy and safe life, and have simple self-care ability.

2. Cultivate young children to participate in sports activities, and actively carry out physical exercise within their ability, and their physical fitness is constantly enhanced.

3. Continue to learn the basic methods of avoiding danger and dealing with accidents, knowing that you are not going with strangers.

4. You can walk and run in coordination with the upper and lower limbs according to the rhythm. You can listen to the signal to change speed or run; you can run and run alternately; you can change your body posture or walk across low obstacles; you can run around obstacles.

5. Can be more proficient in listening to various passwords and signals to make corresponding actions; can listen to signals more skillfully assembled, scattered, arranged into a four-way column; can do freehand and light equipment exercises with the rhythm of music.


1. Care about the surrounding companions and adults, love relatives and elders, be willing to interact with others, and have good communication habits.

2. Understand your own interests and wishes, learn to express your wishes and creativity boldly and effectively.

3. Continue to learn from peer-to-peer exchanges and cooperation, learn how to deal with conflicts with others, and learn to be humbly and share.

4. Understand and be able to follow the rules of activity and the preliminary rules of social life.

2. Conservation work

1. Cooperate with the garden and health teachers to prevent bird flu and ensure the health of young children.

2. Cooperate with the health teacher to do the morning check and put the second pass of the morning check.

3. Do regular ventilation and keep the classroom air circulation.

4. Continue to strengthen safety education for young children and improve their self-protection ability and awareness.

5. Strive to do the nursing work of obese children and infirm children in the class.

3. Parent work

1. A new semester parent meeting will be held in February.

2. Ensuring regular communication with parents and actively promoting parents' methods of positive education and scientific parenting knowledge.

3. Ask the parents to help strengthen the physical exercise of the children, enhance their physical fitness and ensure the time of the visit.

4. Environmental layout

1. Wall environment update.

2. Update the window of your home.

3. Create an environment that is appropriate to the teaching activities.

4. The environmental layout of the big event.

The above is the work plan of our class this semester. I hope that through the implementation, the children will improve their abilities in all aspects and grow up healthily and happily.

Monthly plan

February: 1. Continue to carry out regular education and training for young children.

2. Conduct the theme activities of the Lantern Festival.

3. Hold a new semester parent meeting.

4. Preparation for the performance of children's instrumental music performances.

March: 1. Continue to strengthen the cultivation of good behavior habits for young children.

2. Carry out the "March 8" love mother theme activities.

3. Carry out children's instrumental music performances.

4. Material preparation and delivery work for the corner activities.

April: 1. Conduct the theme park theme of Love Park Week.

2. Organize children's autumn tour.

3. Hold a full child care parent meeting.

4. Guidance and observation of the corner activities of the children's area.

May: 1. Carry out the "May 1st" love labor theme activity.

2. Continue to guide and observe the situation of the children's corner activities.

3. "June 1" children showcase the preparations for the big event.

June: 1. Carry out the “June 1st” children's show big event.

2. Hold a parent forum.

3. Review and evaluation of the special courses for children.

4. Preparation for the promotion of children.

Part 4: Mid-term semester class plan

One: class situation analysis

There are 36 children in my class, including 19 girls and 17 boys. Four of them are transfer students. They have lived in various types of parks at all levels, and their development in all aspects is relatively balanced. I believe they can adapt to the life of the second class in the shortest possible time. After the middle school last semester of life and study, my class children have further improved their behavioral habits, hygiene habits and morality. Peers can be mutually accommodating, united and friendly, polite, and able to do activities on a daily basis in daily life, with good health habits. However, there are still many problems. The behavioral routines of young children still need to be cultivated, and the physical health of young children needs the attention of teachers. In the field of health, the self-care ability of children in my class is low, and the awareness of self-protection is not very strong. The phenomenon of taking medicine in my class last season is more serious. On the one hand, it may be because the children’s own body is poor, another The reason is that teachers usually organize outdoor sports not enough, which is worth pondering by our teachers. In the field of language, our children are the best in four parallel classes. Usually, our class children especially love to listen to stories. Individual children can also fully retell the story, and some children have a lot of literacy. However, there are also some young children. Due to age differences, the ability to understand language is somewhat backward. Children such as Ma Tianhui, Xie Yujia, and Bai Renqi need help more. In the social field, most of the children in my class understand and follow the rules of conduct that are relevant to them, and are willing to interact with others.

Be able to perform boldly and confidently in front of the group and live happily in the collective. In the field of science, children's desire to explore is relatively strong, curious and easy to ask, and their ability to work is also very good, but the understanding of the concepts of number, quantity, shape, time and space in the surrounding environment is not very good, there is two levels of differentiation. The phenomenon must be focused on this aspect of the semester. In the field of art, after one semester of study, children's progress in painting and handcrafting is great, and the skills of sketching simple objects are well mastered. Try to use various painting tools to paint, and children's interest in painting. The sex is getting stronger and stronger. In addition, most of our children have a strong sense of rhythm and enjoy the performance. This semester will focus on strengthening training.

Two: early childhood development goals

, health sector goals:

1. Learn to express emotions in an appropriate way and learn to adjust your own emotions.

2. Learn to organize the bed and manage your own items.

3. Know the necessary health care knowledge, recognize the main organs and basic functions of the body, and learn to protect yourself and the body properly. Love to eat a variety of food, develop the habit of actively drinking water. Pay attention to the hygiene of the living environment.

4. Understand the necessary safety knowledge and be alert to strangers and dangerous things.

Social goals:

1. Care for and respect parents, elders, teachers, and social workers who are related to their own lives, understand their careers and their own relationships, and respect their labor.

2. Learn to respect the opinions, needs, feelings of others, and share the joys and achievements generated by group cooperation.

3. Learn to evaluate yourself and others' behaviors, to distinguish between right and wrong, and to show confidence in what you can do.

4. Understand the famous facilities and landscapes in your hometown, love to participate in folk activities, and sprout the emotions of your hometown.

, language domain goals:

1. Learn to appreciate literary works, be willing to express your own feelings, and be able to recite songs and learn retelling stories clearly.

2. Learn to read books in sequence and be happy to exchange the contents of the books with your peers.

3, like watching TV, listening to radio, learning to collect news.

Objectives in the scientific field:

1. Be interested in the things and phenomena around you, have curiosity and curiosity.

2, can learn simple concepts of numbers, shapes, time and space from life and games. Learn to use methods such as comparison, classification, sorting, and measurement.

3, care about the surrounding environment, love animals and plants, and initiate a preliminary environmental awareness.

, art field goals:

A music:

1. Learn to use natural voices to sing more expressively, and to sing a few songs in full.

2, like to imitate the creation of songs and movements.

3. I like to play games with the rhythm and mood of music, imitating movements and dancing. I like to use the body movements of percussion instruments to express the rhythm of music.

B Art:

1. Painting: Continue to use the various lines and simple shapes to represent the main features of the object. Try to paint in a variety of ways.

2. Mason: Encourage young children to boldly shape the main features of objects according to their own wishes. Guide the children to learn to independently pick up the mason materials and tools.

3, production: encourage children to use natural or waste materials, according to their own wishes and imagination bold performance.

Try to assemble, disassemble, and make with a variety of materials, tools, and methods.

Three: work measures and priorities

The new semester begins, and our teachers will devote themselves to their work with the utmost enthusiasm and the broadest mind. Try to make teachers work happily and children live healthy. Here are some of the work that my class will do during this semester:

1. Creation of the corner: Based on the previous semester, combined with the research of kindergartens, we will add another construction game this semester to allow children to use various waste materials around them to construct various themes. Consciously cultivate the cooperative ability, communication ability, organizational ability and hands-on ability of young children. In addition, we also retained the puzzle area and art area created in the last semester, mainly to develop children's manual brain ability.

2. Environment creation: Firstly, according to the theme of the unit, the relevant wall decorations are arranged to reflect the participation of the children.

Secondly, according to the seasonal characteristics, various plants are planted in the natural angle to guide the children to observe the records. Create a news corner based on the age characteristics of young children, and launch children to collect current news, so that children learn to care about the surrounding things, care about the society, and be the real master of the society. At the same time, in order to cooperate with the construction activities, a material house is created in the classroom to classify the materials, and the materials brought by the children can be placed into the paper house according to their characteristics. This not only provides environmental education, but also provides a wealth of material resources for building games.

3, one of the insurance: the education work is one of the key points of education work, do a good job in the class disinfection to prevent viral infection. Ensure that the children wash their hands with hand sanitizer before meals, and disinfect the children's sleeping room and activity room with disinfection lamps according to time, without any slight relaxation. Cultivate the various living habits of young children to prevent premature ailments. Educate young children to pay attention to personal hygiene, don't play with water, don't put your fingers in your mouth, don't put dirty things in your mouth, don't just stuff things in your nose or ears, etc.

4. Homeland cooperation: In terms of parental work, we have been striving for the understanding, support and active participation of parents in the principle of respect, equality and cooperation to improve the quality of home cooperation. In this semester, we will continue to optimize the form of home communication, through home visits, televised, communication, face-to-face communication, interactive platforms, parental open days, parent-child activities and other channels to enhance home interaction and enhance home emotions. Use the time to pick up your child in the morning and evening, communicate with parents, and exchange parenting information. According to the theme of the unit, the "Parent's Garden" will be published to reflect the target requirements of each theme and introduce the knowledge of scientific education. Introduce parents to the use of “Homeland”, especially for new parents, to facilitate quick, effective and timely communication. Keep the teaching subject matter informed to parents so that parents can learn about their children's education in the fastest time so that parents can cooperate with our education. Finally, we will continue to invite parents to participate in the Open Day activities, so that parents can understand the educational methods of kindergartens in an intuitive way, understand the working conditions of teachers, and enhance the emotional connection with teachers. Continue to carry out the "My dad and my mom into the classroom" activities.

5, class characteristics: continue the music activities of the regular activities of the last semester. Use music instead of piano to let children build a harmonious day-to-day routine in the sound of happy music. At the same time, in the activities of leaving the park, we will carry out special activities with interesting mathematics and moral education stories. Let young children play and do, develop thinking and improve the understanding of the concept of logarithm. In the listening and speaking, moral education is carried out, so that children can learn to be grateful and appreciate.

Four: theme activity preset

In this semester, my class has preset nine themes, namely:

Theme 1: We met again


1. Understand your own growth experience and some interesting things, and experience the joy of growth.

2. Understand that when you are together, you should abide by the collective rules, learn to cooperate, be modest, tolerant, help others, and feel the happiness of everyone together.

3. Have the desire to learn self-service skills and cooperate with peers to experience the joy of success.

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