Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

The second semester of the 2013 school year, the Young Pioneers work plan

First, the guiding ideology

The work of the Young Pioneers of our school is based on the principle of "people-oriented, morality first", and cultivates the innovative spirit and practical ability of children and children as the core content, and comprehensively promotes quality education. Guided by the implementation outline of civic morality construction, we will pay close attention to fostering education, take patriotic education as the main line, and carry out various educational activities with the activities of the Young Pioneers as a carrier to push the work of the Young Pioneers of our school to a new level.

Second, the specific work objectives and requirements:

Improve the ideological quality of the young pioneers .

We will conscientiously implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and earnestly strengthen the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents. Taking patriotism as the leader, we will continue to educate students on patriotism, teamwork, and socialism. From the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the height of talent demand in the new century, we must pay close attention to Develop education, discipline and legal education, and the traditional Chinese virtue education. Through the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Primary School Students and the Code of Pupils, we will strive to transform the basic principles of doing and doing things into the inner qualities of children and children, and cultivate students to love nature and love others. Love your own emotions and be a good citizen from an early age.

Deepen quality education and basic civilized education.

1. Strengthen the inspection and supervision of daily behavioral habits, improve the quality of the value day and value, strictly implement the mobile red flag competition, and promote the spiritual civilization construction of our school. In terms of behavioral norms: do not eat snacks on campus; pay attention to environmental sanitation, see any waste paper and debris in the classroom, on campus, at the school gate, have the responsibility and obligation to pick it up and put it in the garbage bin, in the classroom To achieve greening, beautification, and art... We will continue to raise basic ethical norms, bid farewell to bad habits, and bid farewell to bad things; bring etiquette to the campus, bring smiles to classmates, bring filial piety to elders, and bring humility to society; There is no trace on the ground, no paper scraps in the room, no picture on the table and stool, no footprints on the walls, no swearing words.

2, launch the red scarf to protect the green action. The squadrons must formulate conventions to educate the team members to care for the flowers and trees, and organize the team members to regularly remove the weeds and sundries on the campus to contribute to the campus greening and make our campus more vibrant.

3. Cultivate student strengths with the goal of “inspirational and enterprising”. According to different students, plan different types of self-fulfillment goals for them. In the process of organizing and participating in various activities, they should encourage students to determine higher goals and pursue them relentlessly to achieve this goal.

4. Continue to implement the discipline and health supervision system. The disciplines and health supervision teams will be set up by the small departments, and the supervision will be strengthened to make our school's discipline and hygiene at a new level.

Advance the Young Pioneers practice experience activities.

Our school should take the children and children as the main body, take the school as the main position, closely contact the society and the family, carry out rich and colorful life practice activities, and comprehensively improve the quality of the students.

1. Guide students to take family positions, establish family labor positions, communicate the emotions of two generations, and enhance their self-care ability.

2. Give full play to the role of other off-campus education bases, rely on off-campus bases, and carry out red scarf volunteer activities to enable students to improve their practical ability while experiencing hardships.

3. Actively cooperate with the school to carry out new curriculum reforms, transform the activities of the Young Pioneers , expand the activities, and improve the vitality of the Young Pioneers . The Young Pioneers Brigade should take the study of being a person and learning knowledge as the primary task. It is necessary to help the team members learn well, learn to do their homework, and actively cooperate with the normal learning activities of the school. Let the young pioneers clear their learning objectives, correct their attitudes, and grasp the basic points and activities. , guarantee points, highest points, improve the self-learning ability of young pioneers , practical learning ability, cooperative learning ability, innovative learning ability, and unify learning attitude and learning ability.

4. Under the guidance of the leaders of the Moral Education Department, carry out comprehensive practical activities with moral education as the content, implement the leading position of moral education research, and improve the scientific nature of moral education. The Young Pioneers Brigade will take the lead in researching the topic of moral education and comprehensive practical activities, so that students can be educated through practical activities, through surveys, through analysis, and through research.

Strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers and optimize the Young Pioneers team.

1. The squadrons continue to carry out activities to create health and civilized classes.

The squadron continues to carry out distinctive and creative activities, and the activities are planned, summarized and feedback. Squadron counselors value the accumulation of activity materials and news coverage of the event.

2. According to the actual situation of our school, vigorously promote Mandarin, create a civilized campus, and promote the quality and modernization of school education. Therefore, the brigade department requires the squadrons to actively carry out activities to raise the standard of Mandarin.

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