Work Summary > Accounting Summary

Financial accounting training summary

First, the purpose of training:
Courses such as "Basic Accounting" and "Intermediate Financial Accounting" are highly practical and operative. Through the study of these courses and the training in accounting, students have a basic understanding of seven accounting methods and accounting simulation operations. Understand that in order to enable students to have a better grasp of the deeper financial accounting theory content in teaching, to achieve the purpose and requirements of accounting related curriculum setting, this accounting manual comprehensive simulation training was arranged to improve the classroom teaching content and improve students. The basic skills of hands-on operation enable students to better grasp the accounting process from the preparation of the voucher to the registration of the book until the preparation of the accounting statements, improve the students' practical ability, and highlight the characteristics of the "heavy practice, strong skills" of higher vocational students.
Second, the training steps
1. Familiar with the materials, set up various books, and register the initial balance.
2. According to the economic business, fill in the accounting vouchers.
3. Register the books according to the voucher.
4. Checkout, reconciliation, and preparation of accounting statements.
5, binding, sorting the training materials, hand in the training.
Third, the results of the training results attached to the fourth, the experience of the experience of a long process After a few weeks of long training, let me personally think that accounting has a bitter taste for boys and boys. From the beginning of the accounting entries, to the registration voucher. Then go to the registration book, then checkout, reconciliation, report preparation, binding, etc. A series of cumbersome work by a few people by one person, which is sour and bitter, only experienced, is really really understand what is accounting . The original accounting work was not as simple as it was supposed to be, so leisurely.
I still remember that when I started my accounting entries, I was busy with the work from Monday to Wednesday because I was preparing for the show on the radio. So I am ready to complete the accounting entries on Thursday. However, the party teacher’s class on Friday changed to Thursday afternoon, and suddenly made me look blank. Although I learned very well in the last semester, I gave a topic, and the 2-second entry immediately came out, but let me finish more than 40 entries in a very short time, but also handwritten, not realistic. So simply wait for the teacher to finish editing the vouchers while editing the entries. So the two stages of work, Li Wei completed in one stage!
Next, it is to register the books. If the previous stage of work is still my strength, this stage suddenly makes me stupid, not that I will not, but the cumbersome work, it is really anxious. It is really anxious to register different books according to the voucher, what general ledger, detailed ledger, three-column, etc. Look at such a thick voucher. . . The bitterness is still behind, especially when writing numbers, the wrong one is to be scraped with a blade. With a little force, the paper is broken. This is not only to test our patience, but also to take our care. In addition, to do these accounts, we must first distinguish which businesses should be listed in those books, and a little negligence, the account page will be scrapped. Also, at the end of the checkout, you have to calculate the result of each type in a single stroke. A lot of numbers are added and subtracted, which is really big!
Later, the preparation of accounting statements was much simpler. Due to the large amount of work in the early stage, it is only necessary to prepare the accounting statements according to the books of account in the later stage. Of course, we must be inseparable from our carefulness.
The final task is to sort and sort the accounting pages, and a series of materials such as vouchers, and the basic tasks are completed!
The thoughts of flying "I only know the taste of it when I have experienced it." For me, I like to experience life. It can be said that through this training, I really understand what accounting is, and let me have an initial view of accounting. The essential change! Accounting is not only a profession, but also a careful + a patience + a sense of responsibility = the interpretation of life value is very tired, but I really hope that the school can give students such training opportunities, especially accounting After all, accounting is the experience of eating rice, only to do more accounts, in order to be able to make perfect, can you be more than enough!

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