Summary of work > Summary of year-end work

2014 Chinese teaching summary

Summary of Chinese teaching

1. Prepare lessons carefully, insist on preparing lessons in advance, and do a thorough study of teaching materials to write good teaching plans and improve their own quality. Actively participate in lectures, evaluations, and humbly learn teaching methods from peers, learn from others, and improve teaching.

2. Improve the quality of teaching and cultivate students' interest in learning Chinese. Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate preventive measures. Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to all students, pay attention to information feedback, mobilize students' intentional attention, keep them relatively stable, and at the same time stimulate students' emotions, make them have a happy mood and create a good classroom atmosphere.

3. Focus on teaching methods. Students are required to combine pre-study, lecture, training, and feedback to form a good study habit. Combine text learning with after-school exercises to achieve coordinated development of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the aspect of writing teaching, combining the composition of the class with the practice of the class, it not only completes the writing teaching tasks stipulated in the teaching materials, but also compensates for the lack of the textbook teaching and writing training. The writing level of the students is better than the past. All have a certain improvement in the teaching of Chinese, and have written many good articles with thoughts, emotions and literary talents.

4, do a good job of language reciting. Generally speaking, students are good at memorizing and remembering. I use the advantages of students in this area to strengthen students' ability to memorize and remember and improve their overall quality.

5, care for and care for poor students. Generally speaking, the language foundation of students is more general. When students make a little progress, I give students a lot of encouragement, so that students are full of self-confidence in learning Chinese.

6. Carry out various forms of extracurricular activities, such as poetry reading, speech contests, writing contests, and letter competitions, etc., laying a good foundation for the overall development of students.

Summary of Chinese teaching

I am engaged in Chinese language teaching, and it will take decades. The experience can’t be said. I just have a few experiences and I will share it with you here.

Teaching philosophy: I have always believed that education should be a subtle behavior that allows students to grow unconsciously. The same is true for language teaching. If you always emphasize that students must be recited, must be dictated, must understand, etc., it seems to emphasize the importance of knowledge, but actually increase the pressure of students invisibly, let them feel that learning is a task. It is something that has to be done. This makes it easy to stifle the students' love and obsession with the language, thus obliterating the original intention of Chinese teaching - the cultivation of language literacy.

I think that a really good education should be quiet and silent. In particular, our language teaching is more likely to be infected and edifying. Every article has its wonderful place. We should guide students to discover these wonderful things, carefully experience and try to figure out the beauty and discover the beauty expression. So that students fall in love with reading articles, fall in love with appreciation, and even hope and learn to express. In this process, students naturally understand the meaning of the article, absorb the essence of it, and feel the writing of the article to achieve the growth from knowledge to spirit.

Teaching methods: As the saying goes, teaching has a law, and teaching has no law. With a good teaching philosophy, the specific methods are different. For different groups of students, different teaching content, the methods adopted in different environments are naturally different. In our language textbooks, the content of the textbooks that are naturally equipped for different grades is consistent with the age characteristics of the corresponding grade students. For them, understanding the content of the article should not be difficult, so the students can teach the text through independent learning. Talk about your own understanding and sentiment, as well as what you have learned. What the teacher wants to guide is the problem that the students are difficult to understand or encounter. Of course, for the grasp of the key points, teachers should guide them according to the situation. While students understand their own understanding, teachers should deliberately guide students to discover the writing and characteristics of the articles, and realize the advantages of such expressions, so that they can feel the methods of learning and writing and expression without knowing it. In this way, we are not simply teaching textbooks and teaching texts, but teaching students how to learn independently and teaching students how to express themselves. Not only let the students learn to input, but also learn the output, that is, use.

Of course, in the specific teaching, the teaching guides designed by the teachers, the teaching atmosphere created, etc., are the key links that cause students to learn interest. These are inseparable from the teacher's passion, which requires us to continuously learn and explore.

In short, we should still follow the student-centered thinking, we must let students become the main body of learning, try their best to mobilize students' autonomy and enthusiasm, guide them to learn to learn, learn to learn, and learn to use.

Summary of Chinese teaching

The summer vacation is coming, the final exam is approaching, and the work of this semester will be finished. In order to learn from the teaching work of this semester, learn lessons, and improve their teaching level, here is a comprehensive and systematic review and explanation of the language teaching work of this semester:

First, cultivate students' interest in learning Chinese

Primary school students tend to focus on interest, interest can stimulate the enthusiasm of learning, enhance the desire to seek knowledge, enhance confidence to overcome difficulties, and interest is not talented, it is produced and developed under the influence of acquired environment and education, especially teachers. Its own impact on students. In the context of the new curriculum reform, students' self-learning and cultivating students' innovative abilities have become the focus of teachers' attention. The learning methods such as discussion, communication and inquiry have become the mainstream of the classroom. In the language classroom teaching, I strive to make students live fresh, let students learn to be full of interest, and enable students to enjoy learning in Chinese learning, so as to develop students' language literacy.

Standardize students' study habits.

The development of correct study habits is conducive to the implementation of teaching and is more conducive to student learning. The study habits that focus on training include the following:

1 Chinese Pinyin: Use the early reading, pre-class preparation, class reading and other methods to review and consolidate Hanyu Pinyin.

2 word memory: From the beginning of school, insist on reading, writing and dictating the new words in the text.

3 text reading: Grasp the pre-class preparation, and gradually develop a good habit of serious preparation; use the reading, listening to the recording, free reading, emotional reading, role reading, etc. in the classroom to carry out reading training and guidance for students.

4 Reading: From the usual class to the exam, deliberately let students carry out reading training, think more, solve problems more, and improve reading. In order to further overcome this difficulty, and in order to increase the amount of extracurricular reading, a reading class is arranged every week to specifically carry out reading training.

5 In order to comprehensively improve students' comprehensive language literacy, some individualized methods are adopted: each student has a copy of the text, the texts he has learned, the beautiful words he sees in extracurricular reading, the likes of ancient poetry, famous sayings, and so on. Make an excerpt record. Improve students' ability to perceive ancient cultures, and accumulate memories, and gradually develop good habits that accumulate over time.

Cultivate positive inquiry habits and develop the ability to seek different thinking.

In Chinese teaching, readers' perceptions of language meaning, language emotions, and language skills are largely related to students' life experiences, knowledge accumulation, cognitive ability, and level of understanding. To this end, in the teaching of Chinese, constructing the understanding and experience of semantics, we must guide the students to benevolent, the wise see wisdom, bold, and express their opinions. Ingeniously dialing in the thinking debate to promote students in the fierce debate, in the collision of thinking, the language sublimation and spiritual development. Teachers should take advantage of the situation and let students fully think about the problem. Students will express different opinions based on existing experience and knowledge accumulation, and debate the issues that have differences. This class atmosphere is very active, open classroom teaching, giving students more independent learning space, allowing students to think, argue, and truly let students reflect their self-worth in learning.

Second, heavy knowledge transfer, from class to extracurricular expansion

Taking classroom learning as the core, it can effectively extend and expand students' life, family life and social life, so that classroom training and extracurricular behavior training can form an orderly, interesting, powerful and effective combination. The overall benefits. In the language teaching, it includes the education of patriotism, ideological quality, and hard learning for students. Therefore, it is not limited to the education of learning. In order to carry out patriotic education for students, students can collect a picture exhibition about home changes after class to enhance their love for their hometown. In order to improve the quality of students, the texts of the lessons can be extended to the family, talk about their own experience at home, learn to be grateful, and let students learn both knowledge and good quality.

Three: Prepare the class and be fully prepared

In teaching, preparing lessons is an indispensable and important part. Preparing students and preparing for teaching. Insufficient preparation or poor preparation will seriously affect the classroom atmosphere and enthusiasm. Therefore, I spend a lot of time every day preparing lessons, seriously studying the teaching materials and teaching methods, and not accepting the work if I am not satisfied. Although it is hard, it turns out to be worthwhile. A well-prepared class will benefit both students and teachers. Before the class, in order to make the teaching vivid and not dull, I also prepared a lot of teaching aids for this purpose, and the teaching effect was very satisfactory. At the same time, in order to prepare for the class, spend a lot of time on the Internet to find relevant courseware or to process and make some necessary courseware, which played a very good role in the classroom. On the contrary, when I did not prepare for the class seriously, the classroom atmosphere was dull, the teaching effect was not good, and the students were not interested in listening to the class. Compared with this, it is very important to prepare lessons carefully.

Fourth, actively participate in teaching and research activities, and strive to improve the teaching level.

The teaching work of this semester can be said to be very memorable. While deeply drilling the teaching materials, we actively participate in various teaching and research activities.

Five, there are problems

Students have the following shortcomings in language learning:

1. The Chinese pinyin is not firmly grasped, and the idioms in the words and exercises are plausible;

2, reading ability is generally not high, especially the students' poor reading ability, no patience to read and understand.

3. There are a small number of students who write irregularly, and the job format is not standardized.

"A hard work, a harvest." Good teachers should work hard to study teaching materials, and spend more time on contact with children to explore methods. In the future work, we will try our best to change the inadequacies and truly integrate with the children to learn, let the children feel the joy of learning, know the meaning of learning, establish a great ambition, and strive to achieve their goals!

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