Summary of work > Summary of year-end work

Small class next semester teaching summary

Small class next semester teaching summary

In the blink of an eye, this semester is coming to an end. The children will soon be promoted to work and become brothers and sisters. It’s so fast! Looking at these lovely children, I can’t help but recall the semester to live and harvest together. Bit by bit...

Maintenance work:

1. Improve the self-care ability of young children.

In the day-to-day life, we pay attention to the children's warmth and safety, promptly remind them to drink water, sweat, increase or decrease clothing according to weather changes, and urge them to develop good habits. In addition, we have also carried out a variety of life self-care training, such as: I will eat myself, I can wash my hands, I will wear clothes, thirst, how to do, so that children know how to do their own things. To enable young children to form a preliminary sense of self-service. It is worth mentioning that, in view of the serious picky eatiness of individual children in the class, our two teachers insisted on the principle of encouraging, guiding and coordinating with their homes, and gradually helped them overcome bad eating habits. At the end of the semester, the phenomenon of picky eaters in class children has been greatly improved. Especially the children of Shenjie children, from the serious picky eaters at the beginning to now, they can basically eat the food every day. The change is really big, and I am really happy for him.

2. Cultivate good routines for young children.

As the saying goes: "There is no rule, no way." Children's good and civilized behavior habits are the guarantee for the class to carry out work. In daily education, we pay attention to the cultivation of behavioral habits of young children through multiple channels and multiple channels. First of all, we use music to carry out regular training and put all kinds of music throughout the daily life of children, thus making our management more standardized and routine. Secondly, we have adopted a series of educational measures for the disputes and aggressive behaviors that occur in individual children in this class. First of all, in group education activities, by organizing various forms of activities, children can understand the benefits and disputes of their peers and help each other. Learn to talk to your peers in a polite, courteous language. Third, we must focus on individual education and conduct comprehensive education for prominent individuals with aggressive behavior in the class. Finally, set an example, through the distribution of small red flowers, the selection of good children and other means to stimulate young children to correct shortcomings, and strive for progress.

3. Pay attention to the physical exercise of young children.

We use morning exercises, outdoor activities, group games and other forms to stimulate children's interest in sports, so that children like to participate in sports activities and experience the fun of sports. At the same time, we have strengthened the safety education and prevention and treatment of young children and promoted the healthy growth of young children.

4. Seriously carry out thematic teaching activities.

At the beginning of the period, we carefully made plans based on the actual situation of young children. In the medium term, we also reviewed the curriculum settings and found that it was inappropriate to make timely adjustments. Usually do a good job in class preparation and after-school deliberation, in order to show better activities in front of young children. Although small class children are young, they have their own requirements for the environment as individuals with thinking ability. Therefore, we design the environment according to the characteristics of children's physical and mental development, so that children become the main body in the environment. For example, when conducting the theme activities, we designed the theme wall for each theme, which is convenient for children to learn and operate. The environment can educate people. In the setting environment, we also pay attention to the cultivation of children's various abilities, let the children beautify the environment of life and study with us, and put their works on the wall, thus improving various skills such as cutting, painting, tearing and sticking. Give full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of young children, so that children can learn more knowledge and master more skills in the environment.

5. Pay attention to the play of children's autonomy.

In the process of organizing activities, we pay attention to the interaction between teachers and students, with particular emphasis on the use of gameplay in activities. In view of the age, psychology and cognitive characteristics of small class children, our teachers participate in the activities of young children as cooperating players, and attract their attention by their own behaviors to stimulate their children's desire to learn actively. For small class children, a teaching activity can not be mastered, and only in the direct perception and experience, through continuous repetition can be stable and consolidated. Therefore, the same activities, we will be placed in the corner activities, free activities and activities of daily life, through the teacher to implement individualized education to achieve the goal. The exposure and susceptibility of emotions are the characteristics of young children at the age of small classes. Small class collective teaching activities often require teachers to fully mobilize the children's emotions, and through the mutual infection of the groups, can the children experience the joy of participating in group activities.

6. Conduct a variety of class activities.

In order to promote the development of children's ability in all aspects. During the semester, my class carried out activities such as “Beating faster and cleaner than eating”, “wearing off the clothes competition”, “small story meeting”, “family singing performance”, “beating the ball game” and so on. Young children's self-care ability, language expression ability and movement coordination ability enhance children's self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Small class next semester teaching summary

The semester's time was quietly spent in the busy period. In this semester, we organized the teaching and research group plan according to the contents of the "Outline" and "Guide", according to the garden plan and the existing teachers. We put the focus on the work. 1. Continue to learn the spirit of comprehending the outline, enhance the awareness of curriculum reform, and carry out the "one lesson and more research" activities in depth to improve the ability of teachers to practice the curriculum reform concept. 2. Taking the movement as the entrance, discussing the creation of the small class situational activity environment, making the activity more interesting, and actively carrying out parallel class activities. In the first semester, our four teachers, with the guidance of the leaders of the park, and the tacit cooperation of the teachers, carefully study the new textbooks, study and implement while studying, conduct in-depth discussions, constantly update concepts, clear up ideas, and improve new ones. The quality of education in kindergartens during the period. :

First, strengthen learning and further enhance the concept

Theoretical study is helpful to help teachers establish correct educational concepts, help teachers to form educational behavior strategies that are consistent with correct educational concepts, and provide a basis and guarantee for better leading half-day activities. Due to the limited level of teachers, it often brings a lot of confusion to learning and research, reflecting the lack of professionalism of teachers, especially the disconnection of ideas and practices, the disconnection of behaviors, and the lack of practical summaries and discussions, often causing teaching to stagnate or The former progress is too slow. The reference and inspiration provided by the grade group is direct, specific and operable. First, the characteristics of the children in the unified grade are the same, the development level is close, and the teaching methods and strategies of the teachers can inspire and learn from each other. Secondly, the same grade Using the same new textbook will help everyone to discuss and explore the theme. Thirdly, because of the same age group, the topics that children pay attention to are close to the theme preset by teachers, which is conducive to the sharing of theme resources.

This semester, first of all, through the study of the Guide, we have found the way forward and increased the small class.

The theoretical study of the age characteristics of young children has changed the way of teaching and research, and changed the curriculum concept of teachers. Secondly, the ability to participate in the common understanding of the reading materials and to prepare lessons together has improved the ability of teachers to connect theory with practice. In the discussion of the creation of small class situational activities, the activities are more interesting, and active parallel class activities. Since the team members have no experience and no materials to learn from, it is necessary to explore our own subjective initiative. So we first learn the relevant theoretical knowledge "sports equipment suitable for small class children" and "how to create a situational regional activity", so that teachers know the principles of the creation of kindergarten sports activities environment. In the design, we closely follow the principle and consider the age of the child. Features, first discuss the preparation of lessons, from the arrangement of the venue, the placement of materials, the production of equipment, carefully designed, we designed the throwing area, balance area, drilling area, vehicle area in order to better do conservation work, we It also opened up a rest area for children to sweat and rest; then carried out field operations from the layout of the site, the placement of materials, the distribution of equipment; timely adjustments for the inadequacy of the team members; such as: we found that the children are Vehicles in the vehicle area have been arbitrarily opened and stopped. We have opened a parking lot in time for the children to park the vehicles in order. The signs are also used on the venue to suggest that the children should be prompted to play, further encouraging the children to actively participate in the activities. Another example is that we feel that the sports equipment provided by the teacher in the exercise is not balanced, and the emphasis is on the development of the lower limbs. Considering the coordinated movement of the upper and lower limbs, the materials available for the children to choose freely are not rich, and we have made a solid three-dimensional for the breakthrough. The head of the huge and small animal, which is vivid and vivid, highlights the mouth part to attract young children to feed the small animals, let the children exercise in the situational game environment, and improve the children's enthusiasm for participating in the game. At the same time, let the parents come together to make the "food" of the small animals and collect the milk cart of the trolley to give full play to the role of parents in participating in the game. We used the existing materials to improve the fruit picking and let the children practice jumping up. It also collects used socks to make rubber bands and makes them into spider webs. The children crawl through the nets like a little spider, which makes the children's enthusiasm for active participation in the game improve. In the parallel class game, we are in accordance with the guiding plan discussed in advance. Each sports area is fixed and the guidance is truly busy and not chaotic. We will also discuss some of the details in the design. For example, the storage of materials, the placement of materials, etc., make the teachers more clear and more targeted in the operation.

Second, continue to focus on practical trials and gradually adapt to the development of reform

Because the content of kindergarten education activities is more flexible, selective and targeted. Therefore, relying on theoretical study, it is difficult for teachers to understand and understand in a unified way.

There are many difficulties in the teaching materials. Therefore, in addition to giving teachers the power to choose teaching materials, the one-day activities give teachers a certain time and space. The key point is to carry out practical operations and find problems in operation. In addition, people who have new and good experiences in the process of collective communication will be passed on to other teachers in a timely manner. For example, in the environment creation, we encountered confusion about how to create a living environment; the small class children liked the environment and other issues, our teaching and research group teachers conducted relevant theoretical studies, through learning we realized that the environment not only plays a beautifying role for young children. There is also the role of education, the subtle influence of the edification. The new "Outline" also clearly states: "Kindergartens should provide children with a healthy and rich environment for living and activities to meet their multi-faceted development needs." The environment of small class children should be living. To this end, while actively creating a living environment, we also strive to create an interactive environment in which children are the masters of the environment, so that children can get a beautiful emotional experience while learning activities. We also use the corner to create an educational environment. The dolls set in the living area put on clothes, socks, etc., so that the children can improve their self-care ability while serving the dolls. It understands the concept of creating a child-oriented environment in the environment, and the environment is for young children and for education.

In the course of the trial, the “one lesson and more research” activities will be carried out in depth to improve the teachers' ability to use the curriculum reform concept to practice. Through practical experience, the teachers of this semester have a new understanding of the kindergarten curriculum, and the active participation in the activity is better. We have learned the relevant theory, "the formulation of the theme is in line with the characteristics of the small class," and the practice of collective preparation and rolling practice. "Multi-research" activities, we focus on research and target positioning, question design. After the end of the research activities, we felt that the target of the whole activity was not in line with the small class children, and it was inconsistent with the spirit of the curriculum reform. The concept was outdated. During the second research, we adjusted the activity goals, incorporated the children's experience into the goal, and added the situational interaction in the activity. In this part, the children take the problem to appreciate the story, some children with strong ability

Expression, but because the grasp of the target is still not in place, the child can not reflect. Therefore, during the Third Research, we adjusted the teaching aids and strengthened the interactive links to increase the accessories, but did not achieve the expected results. Throughout the "one lesson and more research" activities, we realized that from the selection of teaching materials to the implementation of the teaching process, teachers can use the concept of curriculum reform in the evaluation of the lesson, and deeply explore the weaknesses in the design and implementation of the design. In the link, we found a breakthrough in solving the problem and proposed a design plan for rectification. By preparing lessons in class, listening to others, classifying others, and classifying others, everyone can talk freely, talk about their own ideas, find problems in the class, and begin to objectively and deeply analyze themselves. And other people's educational behavior, many teachers found out where they need to learn, but also found their own shortcomings, and found a way to improve in the future.

Third, strengthen reflective learning and deepen special research

According to the actual situation of the park, group discussions will be held this semester to make the seminar more flexible and operational. In the seminar, according to the “one lesson and more research” activities, teachers began to have targeted reflections, and can start with teaching materials, children, event design, and details. Look for the entry of the problem from reflection. Through the combination of theoretical study and teaching practice, the teachers gradually established the curriculum reform idea of ​​“having children in the eyes, having goals in the heart, and having education at any time”. Let the teachers carry out discussions and discussions with the problems, practice the experience, exchange and share, and constantly reflect, summarize and implement. Change the previous simple theoretical discussion. Through various forms of activities, teachers have made clear that their concepts are outdated, and only by improving their level of specialization can they adapt to the development of modern education. Of course, through learning, teachers have a new understanding in the implementation process, they can boldly express their own opinions, and put forward various questions and suggestions, so that teachers can form an atmosphere of thinking and practice, and seek doubts and problems from thinking. From the peers to seek a solution to the breakthrough, so as to constantly upgrade new ideas, and continue to progress towards the level of specialization.

Small class next semester teaching summary

In the midst of busy work, we are nearing the end of this semester. It is really a joy to worry about our work during this semester.

The profession of the kindergarten teacher is trivial and small; but I love my profession. At work, I am responsible for everything. As well as learning from the experience and discovering my own shortcomings, I will take my class now.

The level of work is summarized as follows:

Class situation analysis:

The children in this class are lively and lovely. Through the learning activities, the children can be polite to the teachers and children. When they return to the kindergarten for the first time, they just leave the parents and enter the collective life. The independence and self-care ability are relatively poor. This is not only to teach them the skills, but more importantly, to be more patient and caring for them. In this semester, we focus on the cultivation of routine and self-care ability; through many activities and communication, we can show that children have made great progress. In learning, children can help each other, unite and love each other; in the morning, they can say hello to teachers and children. In life, I can drink and sleep in accordance with the instructions of the teacher. This is why our children have a good start in all aspects.

Class work management:

The class is a small group that implements the task of teaching in kindergartens. For young children, the class has a learning and living environment. Most of their activities are carried out inside and outside the class, and the healthy growth of the child depends largely on the implementation and management of the class education. Our children are younger and need more care. Whenever we take over a new student, we are required to familiarize ourselves with the child's family situation, personality characteristics, physical condition lights as soon as possible, and at the same time use the sincere love to properly use the expression movement language to infect the child. Just like the children in our class are small, we must feel the warmth like home, such as touching her hugs her, pulling her small hand lamp, etc. to convey love, let the children feel the love of the teacher, care It is the child’s sense of security and intimacy to the teacher.

Class characteristics:

In the process of communicating with parents, the opinions of parents are combined with the actual situation of my class. Our class has launched a variety of special activities such as English, music, art, and dance. In the process of development, I learn while practicing. According to the plan one by one, we first collect relevant information, create a good class environment, and then carry out weekly special teaching. After the activity is carried out, reflection will be carried out to improve the next teaching. Make full use of home cooperation to create features, let parents understand the class's special activities, let parents actively participate in class activities, such as: with the parents to make toys such as cars and cars, carry out parent-child activities, but also get the children's favorite parents affirmed. Through a variety of interest classes such as English, dance, and art, the language and art skills of our children have been greatly improved, and children's interest in English has been stimulated. Through a series of activities, children in our class have made great progress in all aspects. I have established self-confidence, can communicate and express my ideas boldly, and I am very happy and excited every time I see the children learn from them.

Education and teaching:

In daily teaching, I have carefully completed various work plans, carefully studied the books and materials such as "New Outline and" and "Early Childhood Education", carefully extracting notes, and improving the understanding of theoretical knowledge and the level of application in time. Constantly improve, enrich yourself, and advance with the times. For day-to-day activities, there are prepared and organized teaching activities. And pay attention to the combination of education and education, the principle of all-round development, respect each child, develop the personality of children. In teaching activities, especially in English, I have always insisted on music teaching activities, and constantly remind myself to cultivate children's English, music, children's songs and other interest-based teaching guidelines, to create a relaxed and pleasant learning atmosphere for children. We must have a comprehensive understanding of the children, and the teaching must be constantly innovated in order to better stimulate the children's interest in learning and enable them to take the initiative to learn more new knowledge. During the semester, our park leaders also organized teachers to receive a series of trainings specially designed by Hong En English teachers for teaching materials, which made me have great progress in teaching. Kindergarten is a big family, and each of us has its own specific role and corresponding responsibilities in this family pear. Since this semester, I have devoted most of my energy to my education. How can I let the children have the interest to learn in the game? This is my main responsibility as a teacher.

1: Strengthen the daily education of young children, strengthen the training and training of children's various behaviors, and make the children's living habits have a certain development on the basis of the original.

2: Do a good job in the environmental sanitation of the class garden, so that there is no dust and paper on the floor; the doors and windows are clean.

Strict health care system, according to the requirements of the system, all kinds of toys and utensils should be carefully cleaned and disinfected to ensure the hygiene and safe use of toys and utensils. Actively cooperate with kindergarten health doctors to do disease prevention and vaccination work.

3: Strengthen the health awareness of young children and ensure that children have a good mood when eating. Pay attention to cultivating good eating habits of young children, not picky eaters, not partial eclipse, do not make a speech when eating, and do not lose rice.

4: Strengthen the management and inspection of children's nap to ensure the indoor air quality during nap. Cultivate children's good nap habits, after entering the nap, do not make noise, fall asleep as soon as possible, learn to cover the quilt.

Through the joint cooperation of the class teachers, the body and health of the children have been well developed.

Parent work:

The work of parents of new children is very important. How to get the support and cooperation of parents, how to make parents understand and feel our sincerity and love. It is the focus of our work.

This semester pays more attention to communication with the family, even if we fully understand the thought changes of each child, and give timely advice and opinions; we also use the park, telephone contact, parents online communication, etc. to provide a variety of interactive platforms, homes Education, according to the situation of each child, transforming different educational strategies to effectively promote the development of children. For example, a parent meeting will be held to report to parents on the education and teaching work of kindergartens and promote communication between homes.

safe job:

We always take the safety first purpose, every day from the children to the park, we always pay attention to the children. Safety education activities are also carried out in daily activities, once a week, so that children learn basic self-protection awareness. Before each outdoor activity, we educate young children about safety, so that children can understand what is dangerous and what can be done, and what can be done safely. Not only that, but we also invited the police uncle to strengthen the protection of young children.

Health care work:

We do our best to carry out health care work, and we can strictly follow the disinfection work of various items in the garden to let the children live in a clean and comfortable environment. The teacher is dedicated every day, careful and patient observation. For example, during the morning inspection, pay attention to observe the face of the child, and the child is uncomfortable to notify the parents in time. Because the small class children can not express their needs in time, pay attention to observe the child's face and expression in daily life to understand her requirements. Especially in the case of children's meals, our teachers are taking care of them, not afraid of trouble, and guiding young children to eat well. My class has learned to eat lunch independently and develop good eating habits. In terms of drinking water for young children, it is also a concern of our parents. Therefore, our class has carried out activities to refuel the car so that the children can add enough water.

There are insufficient problems:

During this semester, I passed the time and found that there are many deficiencies. In the regular management of the class, it is necessary to strengthen. In the education and teaching, we should learn more from the experience of the old teacher and more scientific education. In the work of parents, I should take it to the next semester.

During this semester, we did our best and completed all the work. Although there are some shortcomings, I will work harder in the new semester to strive for better work and greater progress.

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