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Research study summary

Research study summary

The content of our research is "Garbage Recycling". The following are the specific contents of our research topics: 1. The method of garbage disposal 2. How to classify garbage, recycle 3, Individual garbage disposal.

To study a topic, you should first determine the direction of the research. Our research direction is to start with life and meet the requirements of international environmental protection. We have chosen this theme. At the same time, although it is the second study, we still have some problems: to develop experimental programs. In the process of developing the experiment, I felt unprecedented pressure. As a team leader, I have to have the ability to control. Because I am not very comfortable with my research, I have to delay it because of various problems. So for this, I think we should work out a detailed timetable in advance, and then we should strictly follow the timetable. Only with such detailed planning can we complete the task on time.

Although our report was successfully completed, some detailed work was not completed well due to a lot of wasted time.

Through this research study, I also got a lot of gains and wealth.

The first is to know the importance of "planning." Everything in the world is regular, and the plan is a timetable that can follow the law and adjust the law at all times. High-quality projects and projects can only be completed under strict planning.

The second is to understand the "responsibility." As the leader of the research, more energy should be devoted to research, rather than wasted on personal enjoyment. This is the meaning of responsibility. At the same time, we must establish a sense of responsibility. Only when a responsible person is in a leading position, so that the team he leads can have a foothold in a chaotic environment, and at the same time improve his competitive position and social influence.

The third is "efficiency." Inefficiency is like wasting time. Some people can finish their homework at school, and some people rush to school with unfinished homework the next day. This is the gap. And the gap is in efficiency. With efficiency, it is equivalent to having three heads and six arms, and one person can handle many things. Concentration is the guarantee of efficiency. Only when you are in a state of concentration, you will feel that time is stagnant, and "efficiency" is "uninvited."

Fourth, enjoy the "do not enjoy" things. Everyone has a hobby, but very few of them are hobbies. Of course, I don't take research-based learning as a hobby, because research is also learning! But if we change our own views and look at learning and everything we don't like, we will find it. An interesting entry point. With interest, everything is easy to say.

Fifth, turn stress into power. Throughout the semester, research has brought me the greatest feeling, and that is the huge pressure. When I watched the students around me complete the experiment and finished the report, our group's experiments only stayed on paper. I was filled with pressure and crisis. It was this sense of crisis that accelerated me and prompted me to complete the task on time. And some people, when they encounter pressure, become the ants on the hot pot, and they are self-defeating. We should believe that "there must be a road to the front of the mountain." As long as you do it step by step, there will always be a time to complete. When this pressure comes, our power and potential will be truly motivated.

Sixth, teamwork, every team should have team spirit. “A chopstick is easy to break, and a chopstick is very strong.” This is an example given by the teacher when the teacher explained “teamwork” to us. Yes, most of the education is based on class, in order to increase our team spirit and ability. While being divided into research groups, this spirit is even more exercise. If you are in a class, you will have more opportunities. Every student has the opportunity to exercise. This kind of opportunity is often controlled by a few “activists” in the class. The opportunity to exercise is always on them. And because of the research team, everyone's chances of getting exercise are almost equal, which gives us a platform to exercise teamwork. With team spirit, when we join certain groups in the society, we must have the ability to coordinate in the team, give full play to each person's creativity, and at the same time maximize the ability, that is, "single music is not as good as the public. Lele", in the team, everyone can not only play the ability, but also may play exceptionally.

Seventh, listen to the command. This is also a very important point. The elite troops without the leader of the group are just a group of rabble! If most of the people in a team do not obey the command, then the team is tantamount to "there is no leader." It’s not a way to solve the problem, not just helping yourself. On the contrary, it’s a manifestation of being irresponsible to yourself and everyone! Therefore, obeying the command is a very important one.

There are still a lot of things I still want to say, and there are still many that are worth summarizing. This research study not only brought me good memories, but also learned some basic principles of being a man and doing things.

Research study summary

There has been a new discipline in this semester - research study. When the high school sister gave us an introduction, it was said that this is a discipline that can enhance the skills of female students. After a semester of systematic study, what I want to say to my sister is the practicality and rigor of this subject.

Course summary

1. New knowledge

Research-based learning, in my opinion, is a comprehensive, practical, and highly inquiring discipline. In the first month of school, I learned about the content, characteristics, and specific methods of research-based learning under the guidance and professors of the teacher. In the process, I deeply realized that research is a very useful subject. It can exercise our logical thinking and hands-on ability. It is very helpful for the study of liberal arts and science, especially science. All aspects of the program must be considered when designing the experiment, with very specific operational steps and strong theoretical support. At the same time, the study of this period has laid the foundation for the future research and practice of the subject, guiding us to determine the subject, formulate the research plan and so on before conducting the research.

2, nine chain and four puzzles

Nine-chain and four-piece puzzles are the most interesting content of this semester course. Jiu Lianhuan and Sizhiqi are traditional Chinese puzzle games, which are the wisdom of the ancestors. Jiu Lianhuan learned it when he was a child. When he saw the teacher coming to the classroom with a large box of nine rings, he felt very cordial. After class, students often spend 10 minutes of rest time to compete at a speed. It can be said that when playing the nine-link, the whole person's thinking must be highly concentrated. It is necessary to anticipate the next step or even the whole process of unlocking. Which ring should be taken first, which ring to install, and the attention will be less concentrated. The solution is wrong. I prefer the four-handed board. Not only did we spend a class to make a four-handed board, we learned about its composition and composition process, and the patterns that the teacher gave everyone to try, I am full of interest and want to challenge. Finally, after the concerted efforts of my friends and I, we successfully competed from the “Kindergarten” level to the “Graduate” level, which made me feel very fulfilled.

3, my harvest

In a class that I remember very deeply, we learned how to study, including literature research, online survey, case study, etc. I originally thought that doing research is to look up data and do experiments. I didn’t expect it. A variety of methods can be used for effective research. This provided a diversified idea for the actual work of our group, which made me feel very novel.

The teacher once said that research is an equally important subject with foreign language mathematics. Studying the course carefully and helping each subject. When I first heard about this sentence, I didn't believe it, but after experiencing my own group cooperation, I feel that research is gradually changing the way I think about some topics, and I believe that in future studies. I will slowly reap the help of the study class.


1. My work

First of all, we need to explain that our group has some special arrangements for the class number. Our group 5 has only 4 students. And because our topic is "a study that affects the differences in living habits between Chinese and Americans," one of the classmates is a day shifter, so most of the remaining three students are negotiating.

In our group, I participated in the discussion of the topic and finally determined the research topic of the group. I completed the preliminary design and planning of the “study progress and time schedule” in the opening report, and organized the group to try various resources and foreign countries. The friend communicates and understands and the answer to the report is answered by the teacher's classmates.

2, the proportion of work

About 25%-30% of the total work, it takes about 5 hours

3. Rating

I give myself 85 points. Reasons: The original group had a lot of ambitions in designing the experimental plan, but in the end it was only possible to use the literature research method and the case analysis method. During this transformation, we made many revisions and adjustments in the group discussion. Although there is nothing in our final presentation that we have failed, I have always been involved in such a process of exploration and it makes sense. I feel that since the launch of the task of the opening report, I and the other two members have been positive and cooperative. Given my input, I gave myself 85 points.

Finally, there must be something to say, I don't know which part it is. Think of yourself as a feeling.

After the group completed the report, I was responsible for answering the questions. I thought that the teacher would ask some specific processes or reflections in the research process of our group. The teacher's question is, what is the practical application of your research to the life and study of our students? When I answered, I didn't think much about answering the question just according to the ideas we discussed at the time. However, when I think about this problem, I feel that this is actually a very meaningful question. Research is not like physics and physics. Although it requires strict logic and science thinking, the purpose of making a problem is to get the score, and the purpose of developing a topic is to use the research results to better and faster service. Go in our lives. And this will give us a postgraduate course, even after going to the society, how should we choose a career, how to work in a direction, and provide a clear and realistic purpose, that is, strive to make life better.

Research study summary

Research-based learning is a creative and effective teaching theory strategy widely used in many countries in the world. It is a learning method advocated by the new curriculum, a product of the knowledge economy, and an inevitable requirement of quality education. The research-based learning, which focuses on cultivating students' innovative spirit and practical ability, requires a new, deeper meaning and more distinctive characteristics of the quality education. It can be said that research-based learning emerged as the most revolutionary education reform since the education reform. It is not only beneficial to students' learning, but also beneficial to students' lifelong development, in response to the era of quality education. It is of great significance for cultivating students' innovative thinking, innovative consciousness, innovative ability and cultivating students' sense of cooperation and ability. Because it is a new way of learning, especially for the first time, how to construct a positive, vivid and independent learning method in research study has become a hot topic in the new round of curriculum reform. How to effectively solve the problems in research learning is very worth exploring. The following is a summary of the implementation of the research topic "Red People of Zhang Cun" conducted by our school in this semester:

First, set up a steering group, widely publicize and mobilize, and conscientiously determine the subject.

Zhangcun Township of Dexing City is an old revolutionary base. It is a hot land of heroes. It was once one of the revolutionary bases of Fujian, Zhejiang and Anhui. Fang Zhimin, Shao Shiping, Rao Shoukun and other older generation proletarian revolutionaries have left a deep footprint here. During the revolutionary war, many heroes and sons of Zhang Cun gave their precious lives for the liberation of the country and the nation. Forgetting the past means betrayal. How to make full use of local educational resources to carry out revolutionary traditional education, so that our students can bear in mind the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, bearing in mind that today's happy life is hard-won, and thus stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. In combination with the actual situation in our hometown, our school organized students from the 5th and 6th grades to go deep into the township, conduct investigations, research, and write study reports, and determined the subject of this research study, "The Red Character of Zhangcun Township."

Second, the project strives to highlight local characteristics

According to the characteristics of our hometown, we will fully tap the curriculum resources inside and outside the school, fully tap the potential, use all resources, use it for me, broaden the research study area of ​​students, and develop our own characteristics. For example, at present, our school's research-based learning is realistic and pragmatic, and it has various forms. In addition to the research study of the "Red People of Zhangcun" of the sixth-grade students, combined with the tens of kilometers of the village of Datun Village in my hometown, and Sanqingshan The Xiwan serpentine mine, which is in the same vein, is also a major feature in our hometown. Therefore, the subject of the characteristics and value of the serpentine mine of the fifth grade students is also being initiated and studied. At the same time, the school's research-based learning is deeply loved by students. Students actively use various channels and resources to find information, conduct learning and research, and have their own characteristics, which promotes the overall improvement of students' quality.

Third, develop a realistic plan

Research-based learning is a systems engineering that requires a good environment. In order to make the research study of Zhangcun's Red Characters smoothly and orderly, we have studied and researched and formulated plans and programs that are in line with the actual situation of our school. These plans and programs include research. Learning implementation programs, research-based learning evaluation programs, and guiding teachers' responsibilities have created favorable conditions for this research experiment.

Fourth, the establishment of student groups

Research-based learning is a kind of activity mode in which students independently explore and investigate under the guidance of teachers. Therefore, the research study of the "Red People of Zhangcun" in our school is based on the senior grade, 5-10 people. Group, voluntary combination, choose the instructor to form a research study group. Conduct activities and conduct research in groups. At the same time, in order to strengthen the guidance of this research study, our school's research study, one section a week, students are mainly used for research methods, learning materials collection and organization; while teachers mainly in extracurricular guidance Students conduct research, and also lead students to collect materials on the weekends or holidays to the library or computer, or to inspect, investigate, and visit the field under the guidance of the instructor.

Fifth, strengthen the guidance on the collection and arrangement of students' data

In order to reflect the autonomy of the students participating in the research study, our teachers did not replace and arrange, but let the students do it themselves, let the students design the data collection and arrangement of the programs and steps, the teachers strengthen the guidance work; The members of the research group discuss each other and inspire each other. The teacher instructs the camera to guide students to pay attention to themselves, to pay attention to classmates, to pay attention to the campus, to pay attention to the society, to find relevant information from the social hotspots they care about, to collect and organize various materials, and then to screen them. And processing. For example, Mr. Rao Jiahuo, who teaches at Zhangcun Middle School, is the distant house of Rao Shoukun. He knows more about the life stories of Comrade Rao Shoukun. Therefore, our instructors will let students choose an appropriate time to conduct an interview with Mr. Rao. The time, steps and problems of the interview will be determined by the students themselves. After the interview, the teacher instructed the students to screen and organize such materials. In this way, students have increased their knowledge and ability in this research study.

6. Some experiences after the development of this research study activity.

Compared with the current teaching "teacher-led", research-based learning is a student-dependent learning activity. Under the guidance of teachers, the content and form of learning are determined by the students themselves; the learning method is not passively accepting the knowledge imparted by the teacher, but is sensitive to discovering the problem, actively asking questions, actively seeking solutions to the problem, and exploring the conclusions. The process of independent research and study; learning evaluation is not a teacher-led homework correction and examination, but a dynamic evaluation of teacher-student cooperation. Research-based learning truly plays the main role of students, and student learning is positive and active. Here, the role of the teacher has undergone a qualitative change.

In response to the role of teachers, in the new "Course Standards", it is clearly stated that "in research-based learning, teachers are organizers, participants and instructors." Based on this, it can be known that in research study, teachers are no longer the dominant players in education and teaching, but only participants, organizers, and instructors of learning. How should teachers play their role in participation, promotion, organization and guidance? We believe that in learning, teachers should actively participate in promoting the healthy development of learning activities and organizing various activities, from creating contexts, setting up lectures, and practicing experiences. Investigate experiments, express exchanges, and learn from each other. Each activity requires teachers to participate in it, promote its success, organize the organization, and resolve it through consultation. In particular, teachers should give full play to the guiding role. Pay attention to the guiding method. To conduct research, we must master scientific methods. Students should be instructed to identify topics, set up research groups, hire tutors, open questions, make records, investigate sampling, collect information, process information, write report, how to express and communicate. It is necessary to carry out key guidance and solve the specific difficulties in the implementation process. Such as how to collect information, how to design a program, how to form a conclusion, and how to deal with different groups of people in society. At the same time, students should be instructed to explore the educational resources of the family and society to serve the learning activities.

The purpose of setting up research-based learning is to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability. To achieve this goal, the key is to change the teaching methods of teachers and the way students learn, to build an open learning environment for students, to provide opportunities for them to actively acquire knowledge, and to integrate the knowledge they have learned. Then, such learning is open, inquiring, and practical. Open, learning content is not a specific subject knowledge system, but diverse, rich and comprehensive; the learning process is not a single process of imparting knowledge, but a process of teacher-student interaction, mutual exchange, and mutual infiltration of ideas. Learning evaluation is not a single assignment correction and examination, but the presentation of multiple evaluation methods. The evaluation subject has also changed, from teacher evaluation to multiple dynamic evaluation. Exploring, the learning process is the process of students actively inquiring and acquiring knowledge. Students are really the masters of learning. From the beginning of determining the subject, questioning, investigating, thinking, analyzing, researching, solving the problem, and drawing conclusions, all students are Self-exploration completed. In practice, students learn from their own knowledge and apply it to the actual situation to find problems, analyze problems, and solve problems.

So through research-based learning, we believe that we need to change six concepts:

1. The teacher-student outlook needs to be changed. In research-based learning, students conduct their own learning activities under the guidance of teachers. This indicates that the teacher-student relationship in the learning activities requires “help” or “guidance” and is no longer taught or taught. At the same time, because learning activities are open, inquiring, and practical, teachers no longer have authority in knowledge and ability. Therefore, we must change the concept of teacher-student in the "educational dignity" of traditional education, and build a democratic, equal, and cooperative view of teachers and students who trust each other and respect each other. Teachers should strive to create a democratic, relaxed and harmonious teaching atmosphere, encourage students to question and seek differences, and encourage students to make scientific evaluations of learning activities with independent roles and positive attitudes. In the learning activities, teachers should encourage students to boldly question and make mistakes. Students should be encouraged to discuss with teachers and discard their opinions. Secondly, research-based learning activities are a new curriculum involving a wide range and comprehensiveness. The existing knowledge system and ability level of teachers are not easy to adapt. It is also normal for students to question the opinions of teachers. Teachers lead students, students promote teachers, communicate with each other, and promote each other. This is the new concept of teachers and students.

2. The student outlook is about to change. There are two ways of research-based learning activities. One is the combination of group research and the combination of individual research and class discussion. The second is experimental operation, social investigation, observation experience, problem discussion, and data review. Wait for the way the content is active. Compared with the past, the learning methods are rich and varied, and the social and practical aspects are more prominent. Each student plays their own individual subjective initiative, showing their talents, experiencing life and sharing the joy of learning activities. Learning activities are for all students. In research study, learning activities are a comprehensive practical activity. Each student participating in the study determines the research direction according to their own reality and interests, and explores the unknown field. There is no distinction between the research groups. In the research group, students play the collective wisdom. Each student makes his own strength for the research of the research group according to his own strengths. Within the group, the members are equal, and there is no good or bad. Therefore, teachers must change the concept of students formed in traditional education, love every student, and believe that each student can become a useful talent for the country.

3. The concept of teaching should be changed. Research-based learning changes the way students learn passively as active learning. Therefore, the traditional concept of teaching must be changed. From the focus on learning outcomes to the experience and attitudes that focus on the learning process; from focusing on knowledge transfer, understanding, and memory to focusing on the application of knowledge in practice, solving practical problems; shifting from focusing on individual research to communication between students and Cooperation. In short, the teaching view of research learning should be: teachers in the guidance of students' learning activities, design teaching around students' research topics and experience life, constantly inspiring and guiding students in teaching, questioning, thinking, answering, applying, learning, Learn to apply and learn to think, so as to cultivate their innovative spirit and practical ability.

4. The concept of teaching mode needs to change. In research-based learning, as the way students learn, the teaching model will change. The traditional teaching mode, whether injecting or inspiring, is to teach students the knowledge, the students accept, remember, and understand the knowledge. The students are passively accepting the container of knowledge. Research-based learning is a learning activity that students actively engage in. It is self-seeking research direction, self-exploration, and self-solving problems. It can be said that the teaching mode is that students bring questions to teachers, and teachers are asked to answer questions that have not been encountered before. Therefore, in the research-based learning activities, teachers must change the concept of teaching mode, actively and boldly motivate students to think positively, dare to question, and actively explore.

5. The concept of teaching evaluation should be changed. The goal of research-based learning is to acquire the experience of personal participation and research and exploration, to cultivate the ability to discover and solve problems, to cultivate the ability to collect, analyze and utilize information resources; to cultivate scientific literacy, to develop the habit of scientific thinking, and to master scientific methods; Learn to share and cooperate with classmates and cultivate a sense of responsibility and public morality towards society. Therefore, it is necessary to change the past evaluation methods according to the change of teaching objectives, from evaluation teaching results to evaluation of learning processes and methods, and evaluation of results; from evaluation memory, understanding knowledge to evaluation of knowledge and skills, from evaluation of individual research Evaluation of exchanges and cooperation; from focusing on a few top students to focusing on full participation. Comprehensively evaluate the process of all students participating in learning activities, the methods used in learning, attitudes and emotions in learning, and the situation of communicating and cooperating with others, the ability to practice hands-on, and the ability to use knowledge to solve problems. In this way, the evaluation has undergone a completely new change.

In short, in research-based learning, teachers play a key role. To correctly play the role of promoters, organizers, and instructors, it is necessary to change the concept of education and teaching, update knowledge, broaden the field of knowledge, and improve the overall quality of individuals. Scientific vision, research problems, innovation, practice, and open up a new world of education and teaching.

Through research study. Changed the teacher's role orientation concept, created a new teaching method, and better cultivated the spirit of students' research and innovation, opened the door of mysterious knowledge hall for students to learn, and attracted students to learn independently. This kind of research spirit runs through the lifelong learning of students and lays a foundation for lifelong learning.

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