Summary of work > Summary of government work

Summary of the work of the Municipal Price Bureau in the 2019

Since XX years, the XX Municipal Price Bureau has guided the important thinking of xx, conscientiously implemented the scientific development concept, combined with the actual work of price work, and continuously increased the intensity of government affairs, effectively protecting the people's right to know and participate in price work. The right to power and supervision has promoted the building of a harmonious society. The current work of government affairs is summarized as follows:
First, the implementation of the price charge publicity system to protect the people's right to know. It has carried out the work of publicizing agricultural price charges, publicizing fees for enterprises, publicizing department fees, publicizing public notices, publicizing medical charges, publicizing public notices, etc., in accordance with the requirements of “visible, clear, and retainable”. The city's 908 administrative villages, 23 toll departments, 52 schools, 9 hospitals, and 10 property communities have set up price-charging public signs. In order to ensure that the public signs can be “visible and retainable”, special prices are hired. The duty supervisor is specifically responsible for the renewal and maintenance of the price-receipt public sign, realizing the long-term mechanism for the price charge publicity, and raising the awareness of the people's price protection.
The second is to promote openness and guarantee the supervision of the people. By issuing the "Instructions for the Price Bureau", setting up exhibition plates, distributing promotional materials, etc., the work functions, procedures, time limits, and service commitments of the Bureau will be publicized to the public, and "83264215" will be publicized. If the public finds that there is a violation of the case handling procedure and the time limit for handling the case, the public can report it by phone or by letter. Effectively increased the transparency of our law enforcement work.
The third is to seriously implement the hearing system to protect the participation of the people. Before formulating and adjusting the prices and charging standards for the vital interests of the people, such as water supply, gas supply and property charges, we have held price adjustment hearings to listen to opinions and suggestions from all walks of life on price adjustment. In recent years, it has held more than 10 price adjustment hearings on water supply, gas supply, park tickets, property charges, etc., and invited more than 200 people from CPPCC committees, people's congress representatives, business representatives, and consumer representatives to absorb more than 20 suggestions from all walks of life. It guarantees the openness, fairness and fairness of price formulation and adjustment, effectively and effectively guides the price contradiction of the city, and promotes the construction of “Harmony××” in the city.
The fourth is to broaden the public channels and optimize public services. In order to adapt to the requirements of the new situation and new tasks, we will further promote the open government affairs of the bureau. In the first half of this year, the bureau opened the website of the “×× Price Bureau”. The website currently has “Institutional Profile”, “Working Guide”, “Working Dynamics”, “Price News”, “Price Certification”, “Supervisory Inspection”, “Price Information”, “Policies and Regulations”, “Charge Management”, “ 10 main columns such as "price management", at the same time, the establishment of "public bulletin board", "service commitment", "charge publicity", "friendship link", "station search" and other columns, convenient for users to click and browse quickly. The opening of the website of the XX Municipal Price Bureau can better publicize the price policy, communicate social conditions and public opinion, improve the price service, and provide a good carrier for the government's government affairs disclosure work.

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