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Never despair

Never desperate <br /> / Xiong Peiyun people, should live in hope. But why do we always get used to standing on the sinister to think about what the concentration camp can do? I think people should think about what they want to do, not what they want to do in adversity. Perhaps this is the biggest gain from the movie "Shawshank Redemption" to the audience. "There is a kind of bird that can't be kept, because every feather of it shines with freedom." A person who loves freedom and happiness, a person who regards his life as a great future, should always have a kind of " The spirit of being unable to keep up, for the free spring, in the adversity of life, bravely "red apricots out of the wall", caring for self-realization, chasing their own destiny. A brave person should turn a blind eye to sin.
In Sorenhasin's pen, there is a type of wall-out who is a "firm escaper."
"The unshakable escaper!" wrote Sorenhein. "This refers to those who believe that people can't live in cages, and who have never wavered in this belief for a minute. This kind of person, no matter what He went to be a prisoner who had food and drink, put him in the accounting or literature department, or arranged to work in the bakery. He always thought about running away. This is the day and night that I missed from the day I was locked up. Those who run away and dream of escaping. This is a person who has never compromised and is obligated to evade all his actions. Such people do not spend a day in the concentration camp. No matter which day, he is either ready to escape, or is running away, or is caught, and is half-dead in the labor camp."
The real escaper is always on the road, and never despair.
When we are never desperate, we have to mention the psychologist Martin? An experiment by Seligman.
In this famous experiment, Mr. Seligman divided the dogs into two groups, one for the experimental group and one for the control group.
The first program: The experimenter put the dog in the experimental group into a cage where the dog will have nowhere to escape. There is an electric shock device inside the cage to apply an electric shock to the dog. The intensity of the electric shock can cause the dog's pain, but it will not harm the dog's body. The experimenter found that the dog struggled at the beginning of the electric shock and tried to escape from the cage. However, after repeated efforts, he found that he was powerless and basically gave up the struggle.
The second program: The experimenter puts the dog into another cage. The cage consists of two parts, separated by a partition. The height of the partition is that the dog can easily jump over. There was an electric shock on one side of the partition and no electric shock on the other side. When the dog in the previous experiment was put into the cage, the experimenter found that in addition to the short-lived panic, the experimental dog had been lying on the ground and received the pain of electric shock. In this originally easy-to-escape environment, the experimental dog tried again. There is no willingness.
However, it is interesting to note that when the experimenter put the dogs in the control group, that is, those dogs that did not go through the first program experiment, into the latter cage, they found that they could escape the shock and easily get an electric shock. One side jumps to the other side without an electric shock.
Seligman called this desperation "learned helplessness." From this we can see that the despair we encounter in our daily life is nothing but a habit. It comes more from the past, not tomorrow, or even now; it is only due to our exhausted inner heart, not entirely because of the environment. Therefore, optimistic people will say "there is no desperate situation, only desperate people"; Hao Sijia will say "after all, tomorrow is a brand new day."
The "Ferro's Wedding" music hovering over Shawshank prison is like the brilliance of the feathers of the birds. It makes us feel moved, because at that moment we believe that even in prison, the prisoners can still live actively. Like the Italian father Quito who plays games with children in "Beautiful Life." Free, how thrilling! And hope, how important it is to one's life, it allows prisoners to resist Arendt's "fair evil" anytime and anywhere, so that they are not institutionalized by despair, unlike the experimental dog, lying on the ground, After suffering several setbacks, I was too lazy to move and let the electric shock. For Andy, Shawshank Prison is only one stop in his life, only he is the master of life. Even if we are unfortunately killed like Quito, what can we sigh? He lives actively and is the true master of the concentration camp.
Only free thinking can make us not have to rely on power.
Maslow wrote in Insight into the Future that even in the face of death, everyone still has free will. "The memoirs of the psychiatrists Brent Beitheim and Victor Frankel confirm that even in the Nazi concentration camp, one can still do their own thing well, or even if it is very bad, one still You can maintain your own dignity or the exact opposite. In extremely difficult circumstances, a person can still have the best or no ability to function. Even on the verge of death, a person can still be a proactive person, or Weak and helpless, complaining about the small pawn." Maslow distinguishes happiness from shallow hedonism. In his view, pain is also a source of happiness, because in the suffering we have endured, it also embodies all our personality power. Starting from this, we say that happiness is nothing more than an extra income when one improves oneself, maintains freedom of mind and spiritual independence.
So I want to say to those who are working hard or trying to change their own or the fate of the times. Don't worry about what you have done to you around you. The key is what you are doing. What you think should be more about what you do, not what adversity does to you. In other words, when we worry about living more actively than worrying about the unsatisfactory environment, it may make more sense!
Ok, now I am going to answer the question I mentioned to you in advance - "What is the concentration camp used for?" I don't know what you are doing. I had an answer earlier - "The concentration camp is used to escape." Of course, if you want, you can also say "concentration camp is used to destroy" "used to dig tunnels", or like "beautiful life", is "used to play games." In fact, these answers are not important. What's important is that when you talk about the use of concentration camps, you have to stand side by side with those who are eager to live free and active.

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