Inspirational speech

If someone tells you that you have a lot of potential, it means that you are not shit now.

The title of this topic is what my university department thesis supervisor said when I first met with us: "If someone tells you, you have great potential now. Please don't regard it as an honor, let alone treat it as smug. Capital. This is an insult and a kind of awkwardness. Because this shows that you are not shit now."

Many people will envy other people, me too. However, due to self-respect, I will not be so embarrassed to install myself, but also express myself as a cow X, and say some good reasons. If not how, how can I do it. If you say more, you will believe it. I often brag with my friends and said: "Call me now no one, no money, no work. Otherwise, with my intelligence, I can do big things and start a company." I listened to some of my ideas. After that, my friends also believed it. I feel that I will be a personal thing in the future. Before I heard these words, I was very proud and felt that I would be very good in the future. Have money and have the time to do what you like to do.

But what about the facts?

When I am at the mouth of the cafe and how proud others are to express their ideals,

In order to fulfill my wish as a writer, my friend Xiaoyun has slammed the word for 2 years at home, completed a 100,000-word novel, and published it on a well-known novel website.

When I was bored at home with a microblog and sharing a circle of friends,

My classmate Sancha has already quit his job. I have been alone in Southeast Asia and I don’t know where I have been in Africa for 2 months. So far, there are no signs of coming back.

When I quit my job and complained at home,

My school sister, Miss Xiaodang, has followed the development of their boss to go north and needs to stay in Beijing for one year.

When I am still hesitating for the future ideals, when I report to the class to learn something,

My buddies said that there was a big brother who we all know together. In order to open a cafe, I have been working in Costa for a year, and I am now preparing my own store.


I admit, although I said, if I don't have time, if I don't have money, if the company is not well treated, I can do it. But my heart is very clear, even if I have time, even if I have money, even if the company is well treated, I still do nothing, watching other people struggle hard.

Many times, not I don't want to, nor can I not. But just don't do it, prefer to lie in bed and sit in a chair. Then think about why you can't be like them. Thinking about it, I fell asleep. I should have said a word that I often said: I thought I had it.

Even so, every time I meet, there are still many people who say to me that you have great potential and good ideas. I am optimistic about you.

Now for me, I can't hear anything other than satirical sarcasm. At the same time, it is also very regrettable. Is it really powerless? Is it not clear enough about your own thoughts, or is it a fear of uncertainty in the future?

Or, holding such a guilt has always lived in remorse?

Either, it is time to think hard, start accepting such a status quo, and then start from a small thing that can be done little by little, and lay a solid foundation for realizing the ideal in the future.

Remember, you can now shit not! But, to be your own hero in the future!

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