Inspirational speech

Don't owe your debt today

There is a famous saying in the ages, following the good deeds - "If you can persevere, why should you sleep more?"

Success is not a one-time thing. Pursuing success is a long and lonely journey, and no one is with you. During this journey, we will naturally feel exhausted and genius will be inevitable. This is especially true for fools. Just too many people, even if they are talented, are only devoted at the very beginning, and once they lose, they hate their incompetence, and they choose to give up, and ultimately they will not be able to reach the other side of success.

Many benevolent people, in the process of pursuing the fame of wealth, work very hard, but if they do not suffer from it, they can continue to exercise with the perseverance of steel that ordinary people can't imagine. And if it is a small achievement, it will always mention how hard it is to struggle before and after the success of friends and family, how hard it is to eat and sleep, although it seems to indicate that the success of today’s success is based on the past. The unremitting efforts, in fact, can not be born out of self-defeating embarrassment, and complained to people when they were flattened when they were flat.

I once had a colleague. He was a mechanic in the company. At the time, when I first entered the job, I was assigned to assist in the name of the superior. He loves money like a life, so that when he was working the day, he was shot by the strong light of electric welding, which was red and swollen. The next day he refused to ask for sick leave and dragged his body to work, just to not lose. One-day salary and full-time rewards. The renting house where he lives with his wife has no windows in the dark, and the enzymes and strange smells are pervasive, which is detrimental to health. One person is too embarrassed, and the family is dragged into the water, too uninspired.

Those who want to pursue fame and ignore their own body, in fact, the difference with my mechanic master is very small. Forcing yourself to work more, I would rather let go of the most basic enjoyment in front of me, only to take care of being able to get rid of the current predicament, but I am tired of myself and suffer myself.

It’s caused by difficulties. Those who are bitter and happy will never live in a difficult situation, and those who are never satisfied will always walk in the low of life. People like Li Bai who sighed and sighed, and thus drunk for ten years, are typical. Shen Lun is negative, no longer enterprising, and the brilliance of genius will fall. The mentality of the sun is also a healthy state of mind. This involves a certain degree of self-relaxation, not indiscriminate indulgence, or endless self-request.

In order to report the hatred that was captured and humiliated by Wu Wangfu in the past, Yue Wang Goujian was able to completely defeat Wu Wangfu and swallow Wu Guo. The gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, the more Wang Goujian believes that Dagong has already achieved success, and he does not need the old ministers who have made plans for themselves and shared the same pains. They even think that their existence is still a threat to their status, and they have used excuses to kill themselves and help themselves. In the process of accomplishing the hegemony, he has made great contributions to the art, forcing another minister, the minister of the minister, to flee. The more Wang Goujian began to enjoy peace of mind, and the heroic career was short-lived. If you feel that success is not easy, in order to compensate for your own efforts made yesterday, and become greedy for pleasure, then his success will not last long.

Those who can work hard for a lifetime and never slack off are amazing. But there will not be such a person in the world, but only those who have worked hard for the first half of life and who have enjoyed the second half of life. If you struggle to the age of seventy and eighty, then there will not be much time left to enjoy the colorful life. Since the first half of the life worked hard and the latter half of life was indulged, it was not as good as the temperate indulgence and modest efforts in the entire life. People always say that a healthy body is the most important capital of an individual, and those who are day and night and get up early are gradually losing this capital. When you're done, the original strong body has been hollowed out, leaving only a flashy wreck, and you can't switch back to a good state of mind and body.

I have read a documentary about CCTV. I interviewed a middle-aged American woman. This middle-aged woman’s words made me deeply touched. She said: “If Americans want to buy a house, they will use mortgage loans. In this way, when they are young, they can enjoy their own personal space. The Chinese will buy a house after they have saved enough money. When they have their own house, they are already a lot of age. "Although today, N years later, at least in coastal cities, buying a house through mortgage loans has become the mainstream of society, but we may wish to use this to extend the way to think about a commonplace topic, from now on, there will be festivals. Is it good to enjoy the happiness of the family? Or must you fight for your life, must you enjoy the wonderful life after you are completely successful?

Don't owe your debt today, let tomorrow's own clothes be gorgeous, but today it is ragged, so that tomorrow's self-satisfaction will be delicious. Today, it is not as good as eating pigs and dogs.

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