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School safety inspection and rectification measures

In order to further improve the school's safety work, and fully implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Emergency Notice on Implementing the Decision of the General Office of the State Council to Immediately Organize the School Safety Inspection" and the specific requirements of the District Education Bureau on safety work, our school district convened the Chinese small middle layer in time. The cadre meeting carefully conveyed the spirit of the higher authorities, supplemented and adjusted the school district safety work leading group, and made arrangements for the school safety inspection work in the whole school district. In accordance with the seven key points required by the Notice, on the basis of the self-examination of each school, the organization of manpower has carried out a comprehensive review of Chinese small school buildings, student dormitories, teachers and canteens, sports facilities, lighting lines, and laboratories. The problems found in the problems and unsafe hidden dangers, timely measures to solve, to combine inspection and self-inspection, inspection and rectification, adhere to the inspection and rectification, to check and promote rectification, do their best to eliminate unsafe accidents Budding state. The following is a report on the school safety inspection work and rectification measures as follows:
First, the school safety inspection situation
1. Insecure problems and hidden dangers (1) Problems in student dormitory: The lighting line wires are leaking, some wire connectors are not wrapped with insulating tape, some are lacking hanging wire boxes, the wire ends are exposed, and it is extremely unsafe; some dormitory wires are not standardized. It seems rather messy; individual dorms are not strong enough to fall off, which affects the safety of the lower bunk students.
(2) Problems in the school cafeteria: The power line is not erected, the knives are placed on the ground; the canteen food hygiene system is not perfect; the self-employed food business is not registered, the food quality cannot be guaranteed; Isolation storage. The cooks did not have professional training and lacked management experience. Can not be disinfected regularly.
(3) Problems in sports equipment and facilities: the unscrewing cable of the combiner is not strong, the wear and tear of the joints, the ladders, the waves, the seesaws are large, the joints are not smooth, and the problems are easy to occur; the individual toys in the kindergarten have been damaged, there is no maintenance, and there are also Dangerous.
(4) Problems in school buildings: Kindergarten circuits are out of repair due to disrepair, and individual wires are exposed, which may cause fires; classroom sockets are installed too low, and children may have electric shock. The lack of socket cover and switch in the classroom, the quality of the wire is not closed, the wires are too thin, the lines are chaotic, the layout is unreasonable, and the line is short-circuited. Some of the wires are of poor quality, and the wires are oxidized, causing leakage, electricity, etc., especially when it is raining or snowing. Some school walls, toilets and auxiliary buildings have subsided foundations and wall cracks, which pose a serious threat to the safety of teachers and students.
(5) Problems in students going to and from school: Qingshui, Qingshui Center, Xiaowan, Xiwan Elementary School, Center Kindergarten and Zhongzhai Elementary School 312
Aisle, due to the number of vehicles coming and going, traffic congestion, there are hidden dangers of traffic.
(6) Some schools have too much water in the mouth, often not locked, and there are unsafe factors.
2. Some school security systems are still not sound enough. The importance of school safety work is not clear enough. There are luck, safety work measures are not effective enough, and organizational arrangements are not solid enough.
Second, the measures for rectification
1. Strengthen leadership and improve organizational structure. The school district timely adjusted the safety work leading organization, and established the school district safety work leading group with the district district director as the team leader, the party branch, the political and religious affairs office, the academic affairs department, the general affairs department, some national principals and the school district related personnel. Organizational leadership for safe work. In the specific work, adhere to the principle of "safety first, prevention first", always put the school safety education work in the first place, and always work hard. Through the study of relevant laws and regulations, the idea has been further unified, the understanding of the importance and urgency of safety work has been raised, and the safety awareness of all teachers and students has been enhanced.
2. According to the "Provisional Regulations on School Safety Work in Jiuquan City" and the "Regulations on the Investigation of Administrative Responsibility for Extraordinary Security Accidents of the State Council", combined with the actual situation of our school district, perfected and improved the management regulations for small safety work in China, the administrative responsibility investigation system for safety accidents, and safety. The education system, the value system, the safety routine inspection and the school escort system have clarified the responsibility of work, paid close attention to the implementation of safety measures, ensured the safety of school property and the personal safety of teachers and students, and strive to create a good learning, living and working environment.
3. Take favorable measures and conscientiously carry out rectification work.
(1) Seriously organize students to learn the relevant regulations of the superiors on school safety work, especially to study the "Provisional Regulations on School Safety Work in Jiuquan City", strengthen safety education, and learn the law and understand the law. At the same time, contact the Qingshui Traffic Police Squadron to come to the school to conduct traffic safety lectures, issue traffic safety materials, popularize traffic safety knowledge, enhance students' awareness of safety and safety awareness of traffic rules, and improve students' self-care ability.
(2) Strengthen the management of the school gate, focus on solving the problem of students riding bicycles, regularly check the bicycle brakes and locks of the students, and implement mandatory maintenance for bicycles that do not meet the requirements. Adhere to the school escort system, further clarify the responsibilities of teachers to escort, take effective measures, and resolutely put an end to unsafe accidents.
(3) Intensify the management of teachers and students' canteens, send special personnel to the canteens, track and monitor the daily operation process of the canteens, and urge the canteens to strictly implement the “Regulations on the Health and Safety Management of School Canteens” to ensure the procurement of vegetables and foods, strictly check, not We are eager to make small profits, do not buy degraded vegetables and foods; properly handle the problem of vegetable dumping, classify and store, pay attention to the cleaning of vegetables, and regularly disinfect the canteen utensils; carefully understand the situation of the personnel involved in the verification, regularly organize the physical examination of the cooks, and strictly hold the certificates; Carefully organize canteen staff to learn about food and health knowledge, strengthen professional training for cooks, improve the quality of services and meals, and ensure the health of teachers and students.
(4) Strengthen the management of self-employed food business households, adhere to the certificate and work legally. Through special meetings, learn about relevant laws and regulations, publicize food hygiene knowledge, further strict food quality, and prevent food poisoning incidents.
(5) For the problems existing in sports facilities, we must first stop using them and dismantle them in time. Secondly, professionals should be required to carry out repairs and reinforcements, strict quality standards, and after acceptance, they must pass the acceptance test and be qualified before they can be delivered. At the same time, schools should establish a sports facility inspection system, check the use of sports facilities on a regular or irregular basis, and find problems in a timely manner.
(6) In view of the problem that the school's water sputum is too large and not locked in time, the welder should be asked to make a self-pumping type water-lifting device for installation, and timely. The lower grade students must draw water from the teachers themselves. It is strictly forbidden for students to play by the water.
(7) The problems existing in the classroom and dormitory lighting lines shall be in accordance with the quality standards, standardize the lighting power lines, reasonably route, and plan to renovate the school power lines in stages. According to the actual situation, the repair will be repaired, the new line will be replaced with a new line, equipped with switches, hanging boxes and other equipment. It is necessary to strengthen the education of students' safe use of electricity and resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of illegal use of electrical appliances by students.
(8) For school walls, toilets, and dilapidated school buildings with potential safety hazards, first, stop using them immediately, write eye-catching warning signs, draw warning lines, prohibit teachers and students from approaching dangerous areas, and take effective measures to strengthen them. The second is to formulate a plan for rebuilding the budget as soon as possible, and negotiate with the village committee to solve the problem of building walls, toilets, and dilapidated houses, and strive to complete the renovation project in April and May.
(9) Strengthen the comprehensive management of the surrounding environment of the campus, and actively cooperate with the police to clean up the surrounding environment of the campus. Strengthen the work of the value week, pay attention to the campus safety inspection work, the responsibility of the key areas to the people, and the 24-hour uninterrupted protection according to the part-time work. Those who fail to perform their duties conscientiously, implement measures that are not in place, and have major safety responsibility accidents and hidden dangers of serious accidents shall be investigated for the responsibility of those directly responsible and leaders in accordance with relevant regulations.
(10) Strengthen the safety education for middle-level leaders and teachers, continuously improve the understanding of the importance of safety work through various forms of learning, enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of safety work, pay attention to practical results, overcome formalism and distress, and ensure school property. Safety and personal safety for teachers and students.

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