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Party member discipline style rectification measures

In the activities of the base to carry out discipline and rectification, on November 1st, a style mobilization meeting for the discipline of education was organized. Through mobilizing education and a few days of study, my ideological understanding has been greatly improved. In light of the spirit of education and rectification, I have seriously reflected on ideological, work style, discipline, and work, and found problems and found that there are deficiencies. The problems and corrective actions are now reported as follows:
First, the outstanding problems of politics and ideology are not strong enough. It is manifested in: lack of proper political acumen and insight into the party's ideological line, principles, and policies. The analysis of the problem is not thorough. The understanding of things only stays on the surface, the phenomenon is not seen through the phenomenon, and the understanding of the superior spirit is not Deep and not comprehensive. 1. There is a lack of political theory learning, and the theory is out of touch with reality. Theoretical study is not painstaking, systematically delving into political theory, especially lacking in the study of the original work, focusing only on superficial learning, failing to accurately grasp the profound connotation and spiritual essence of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory; neglecting the theory to practical work The guiding role of the theory leads to the disconnection between theoretical study and actual work. The treatment of theoretical study is only satisfied with one-sided reference to individual principles, but cannot be effectively combined with actual work.
The work style is not solid enough, and there is an emotion that is eager for progress. When you receive a task, sometimes the first thing that comes to mind is how to get it done as soon as possible, not how to do it best, especially when there are many tasks and stresses. There are ideas to cope with the demands, and the work is impatience and irritation. Emotions, affecting the effect of work, there is no time to strictly demand themselves with high standards, lack of innovative consciousness, not fully exerting subjective initiative, limited to what is arranged by the superiors, and sometimes new ideas are only in a state of heartbeat and no action. The relevant policies and regulations are less honed and the working methods are simple, resulting in poor work results. It is manifested in: Attitudes to work sometimes have to deal with things, not to be down-to-earth, always want to find shortcuts in the work, it is best not to spend too much energy to get things done. From a disciplinary point of view, the requirements for themselves are not strict enough, and there are erroneous ideas that follow the trend.
Second, the root of the problem does not care about political learning. Political acumen is not high, political discernment is not strong, perfunctory, and there is coping psychology in political studies. It is not taken seriously by taking political studies and actively accepting ideological education as a compulsory course for party members. Therefore, when looking at problems and finding ways, political acumen is not strong, and forward-looking is not enough. It is only based on the present and cannot be seen in the long run. You can't be strict with yourself. Although I often study political knowledge, I have not been deeply involved in studying the historical mission of President Hu in the new century and the new era. I have not paid much attention to my thoughts. The purpose of learning is not clear enough. I lack thinking when I study. I only understand it literally. The essence of this, so that his understanding of theoretical knowledge and actual decoupling, did not play a theoretical guiding role, just to learn and learn. The study of political theory is not deep enough, and the political theory is not well cultivated. For the problem of less self-consciousness, insufficient attention, and lack of political discernment, the root of the thought is: First, the theoretical study is not placed in an important position, and learning is one-sided. This is a concrete manifestation of the immature political theory. The second is the isolation of theory and practice, ignoring the dialectical material relationship between theory and practice. The study of Deng Xiaoping Theory is only satisfied with remembering several important theories and several sentences, lacking systematic and regular deep learning, and cannot use Marxism-Leninism. The position and viewpoint analysis problems do not have the ability to use Deng Xiaoping Theory to understand and solve problems.
The level of work is not high and there is a lack of professionalism. On the one hand, I believe that I have certain professional knowledge, work in logistics for many years, have certain practical experience, and subjectively relax the requirements of continuous learning in the work; on the other hand, lack of professionalism, often in actual work, and work level To improve, we must keep pace with the times, and we have dependence on our work, fearing that we can't do well, make mistakes, and sometimes lack certain self-confidence. Lack of the spirit of hard work. Because the requirements for their own standards are not high, not strict, resulting in big mistakes did not commit, small mistakes did not break. I don’t know much about the difficulties of unit tasks, heavy responsibilities, stress, and short time. I don’t have enough mental preparations, and I have a sloppy mentality. I can’t fully grasp all aspects of the policy and archives spirit, and I’m in a hurry when I encounter problems. Busy to find information, seek solutions, for the problems that have not been encountered, did not take the initiative to understand, more prominently in the social security work, how to do what to say, lack of innovative ideas. The work experience is not rich, and the sense of purpose is weak. I don’t know much about the party’s popular line. I have not really established a consciousness of serving the people wholeheartedly in terms of thoughts and actions. I don’t know enough about the importance of insisting on transforming my world outlook, outlook on life and values. The concept is weak and closely related. The old comrades with work experience are not enough, and they lack the humility to learn more from them.
III. Future efforts I am determined to pass this cross-check to identify the problems, grasp the root causes of the problems, recognize the future direction, and accept the criticism and help from the people with sincerity and sincerity to make up for the ideological and work deficiencies.
Strengthen the study of political theory and strive to improve its own quality. Strengthen political theory learning, improve your political acumen and political discernment, and establish a scientific world outlook, outlook on life and values. It is necessary to solve the ideological and practical problems existing in the work as the starting point, to improve the work style and working style of the work, to improve the work efficiency as the foothold, and to relentlessly strengthen the study, especially in the theory and practice, and to guide the practice. Continuously improve the effect of theoretical learning, and achieve the unity of theory and practice. Improve the consciousness of learning and strengthen the cultivation of ideological theory and business quality. Seriously study the party's theoretical knowledge and business knowledge, carry it into life and work, constantly improve its own level, earnestly study the "eight honors and eight shame", abide by the "Regulations", "Management Regulations" and the various communication stations Regulations. Do the rules and regulations to regulate your own words and deeds.
Further improve the work style. Efforts should be made to overcome the various constraints caused by negative thinking and vague understanding, to break away from irritable emotions, to overcome difficulties, to work actively; to be rational in thinking about problems encountered, to dig deep into the regularity; All kinds of connections are used to analyze and solve problems; they are good at understanding things from the height of politics and the overall situation; they are good at constantly improving and improving themselves according to their specific circumstances and their own work characteristics, and are committed to the work in a down-to-earth manner. Strengthen the study of the job of the post, establish the spirit of innovation, base on the existing conditions, study hard, work diligently, and establish the concept of dedication and dedication.
Improve their moral cultivation, maintain a good work style, obey the leadership, work diligently, seek truth and be pragmatic, always strict requirements, with a qualified party member as the standard of all work. Timely improve the deficiencies in the work and continuously improve their overall quality. Firmly establish the idea of ​​serving the people wholeheartedly. We must find ways to improve the efficiency of our work, do everything in our work with a good spirit, patiently answer questions in the computer network, learn with humility, enrich our work experience, and truly implement the purpose of wholehearted service to work. Going in life.
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