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Party committee secretary personal rectification measures

Under the correct leadership of the district committee and the careful guidance of the district committee supervision team, in accordance with the "Party Constitution" and "Implementation Plan for the Advanced Education Activities of the Leading Group of Taiping Township", I personally think about my own work, practice, self-examination, and self-correction. Investigating, party members, public evaluation, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, etc., put forward the establishment of a correct view of learning, the concept of the people, from the political, pragmatic, and rights views, and in accordance with the requirements of the "three represents" The world outlook, values, and outlook on life are highly analyzed in terms of ideological roots, clear rectification directions, and specific rectification measures. The report is as follows:
First, the first problem is to further strengthen learning and improve their own leadership.
The second is to go to the grassroots level and care for the people's production and life.
The third is to talk more with the cadres and workers and master their thoughts.
The fourth is to continue to organize cadres to see the water under the canal.
The fifth is to strengthen management and improve prestige.
Second, the cause of the problem is that the ideals and beliefs have been shaken. Under the conditions of a market economy that is thought to be oriented, some things can be handled, and the construction of the party's purpose is not deeply grasped, the belief is vague, and the cultivation is relaxed. Even if the system is “have orders, there are prohibitions”, it is difficult to implement, neglecting The improvement of political thoughts has these and those shortcomings. Therefore, it is conceptually neglected that the people's people are true historical creators, neglecting the in-depth practice of meticulous work, and thus some specific spirits cannot be fully implemented, and it is difficult to reach the people. The degree of satisfaction.
The second is to relax and learn in thought. Learning is an eternal theme. Chairman Mao said: I will not learn for three days, and I will not be able to catch up with Liu Shaoqi. It is mainly manifested in three aspects: First, it is not enough to study the party's principles, policies, laws and regulations; second, it is not enough to learn from the revolutionary comrades of the same trench and theoretical study; third, it is not enough to learn from the historical creators of the people. To sum up, it is nothing more than the lack of theoretical and practical operational knowledge, the flow of relevant knowledge, and a half-solution, which not only affects the improvement of the theoretical level, but also is not conducive to the actual transformation and the pioneering of advancing with the times.
Third, pride and complacency have spawned. Mainly manifested in three aspects: First, not accurately positioned or not correct their position, can not correctly grasp the real concept of political achievements, always feel that they lead this team to work under the harsh natural environment and social conditions I can get such a change in all aspects, have a breathing and laxity, think that I can relax my breath; second, I don’t have a good grasp of the scientific concept of development. I think that the resource-poor township has no potential for digging, and can lower the standard and demand itself. Third, it is impossible to accurately grasp the opportunities and challenges, the risks and the test of political views, and feel good about yourself. It is inevitable that after the first look, it will be lost and the positive factors will be brought to the work.
The fourth is the lack of hard work, the eternal struggle of the past and so on.
Due to the above problems, there are still many gaps between the advancement of the party and the Communist Party members.
Third, rectification measures official document writing > First must strengthen the correct view of learning, improve their own leadership.
Learning is an eternal theme. Living to the old age, it is easy to say, but it is difficult. Check-in: First, we must first study, study, study, and learn from time to time. With a high sense of responsibility, the alarm bells will continue to strengthen our learning ability.
Second, we must learn from the party's policy and policy archives and the spirit of leadership speech, and run through the actual work of the society.
Third, we must learn various laws, regulations, and party disciplines, and raise the level of ruling according to law.
Fourth, we must learn basic basic knowledge and develop basic skills. Such as Mandarin, English over four assessments, computer over-level operations, motor vehicle driving standards, wto knowledge. Fifth, we must learn the actual knowledge of the society and continuously improve the ability to control the market economy and complex situations. Thereby improving their overall quality and leadership art.
The sixth is to have a daily diary, to formulate recent learning goals and long-term study plans, and to conduct regular assessments, one step at a time, step by step, step by step, and climb the summit.
The seventh is to take the initiative to lead the team members to learn together with the members of the subordinates, complete the learning objectives, and complete the study plan.
The first is to strengthen the firm view of the people, go deep into the grassroots, and care about the actual production of the people.
The people are our parents, and they are the foundation of our strength. The ancients said that water can carry a boat or overturn a boat.
First, we must follow the line of the people. Come from the people and go to the people. I don’t have a shelf, I don’t have an official shelf, and I’m really mingling with the people.
Second, do practical things for the people and do good things. For example, we have completed the Tongxiang Highway and completed the Tongcun Highway. We have the opportunity to complete the Tongji Highway of the 98 groups of Quantaiping, complete the rural water reform and reconstruction work, the rural power grid reconstruction project, the rural program-controlled telephone project, and the rural area. Cable TV home projects, rural biogas household projects, dilapidated housing reform, rural compulsory education, rural cooperative medical care, rural insurance, returning farmland to forests and other tangible work to build a harmonious society.
Third, go deep into the grassroots level, do a good job in the "three rural" work, do a good job in breeding varieties and quality, develop a circular economy, and create a green gdp.
The third is to grasp the scientific view of politics, communicate with cadres, and master their thoughts.
First, condense the hearts and minds of a group of cadres and workers, so that suspects are not used and employers are not suspicious.
Second, take a good class, take the rudder, have clear responsibilities, orderly, and employ.
Third, uniting everything can unite strength, mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized, master its ideological dynamics, successfully complete the various tasks assigned by superiors, and carry out creative work.
The fourth is to improve the diligent and pragmatic view, and continue to organize channels for cadres to see the water.
First, carry forward the traditional characteristics, organize more cadres and workers to go to the channel, and track the water and irrigation fields during the day and night.
Second, diligent and pragmatic, and more grassroots care about the basic construction of farmland, and meticulous work.
Third, be honest and diligent, and listen to the difficulties and hardships that the people have reflected, and they must be resolved.
Fourth, do everything possible to ensure the increase of the grain multiple cropping index and the increase in grain production.
The fifth is to improve the real concept of rights, strengthen the management of cadres, and enhance prestige.
Gongsheng Ming, Lian Shengwei. The rights are given by the party and the people. Prestige comes from the right to grasp the right.
First, improve various rules and regulations, formulate plans for the beginning of the year, and improve the year-end assessment system.
Second, if there is a order, there is a ban. Words must be done, and things must be done. Lead by example and take the lead.
Third, fulfill the various tasks completed, responsibility awards, assessment objectives, project implementation, and be fair, fair and fair. The rewards and punishments are clear and targeted. Encourage advanced and spurred stamina.
Fourth, carry forward democratic supervision, seriously discipline the party, adhere to the "two musts", and keep the party's political qualities.
In summary, through this party's advanced nature education activities, I feel that I am more aware of the firm belief in the party and the persistence of communist beliefs. There is no turning arrow in the bow. Give birth to me, raise me to Sri Lanka. As if "going to Beijing to test", there is no retreat, I have a world, learning the sea and no end, only in accordance with the party's requirements for the people, the people's expectations of me honestly, solid work, one step at a time I dare not deviate from the route, dare not be arrogant, loyal to my motherland, loyal to our party, and loyal to our people, please test the higher level organization. I will use my time to test my life.

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