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Writing format and examples of work report

The work report is a written material for the staff to report to the higher level.

[format content]
1. Should talk more according to the key tasks. The principle of non-focus on less principles.
2. It should be arranged in the order of the first and last.
3. The language should be concise.
4. Don't cover everything.

[Example reference]

Fire and safety management work report

In December and December, due to the internal renovation of a number of newly-incorporated companies, the construction team was strengthened to inspect and check and pay attention to safety construction. The security officer led the security guard to clean up the migrant workers who had gone to the door to find the short-time workers and other idle workers to go out to the compound. They should follow up and supervise the inspection of the remaining mud that the migrant workers cleaned and transported. They should not use the elevators, and should not affect the normal work of other units. Immediately clearing the site, because the debris for transporting the mud is mostly carried out at night, the principle that all the staff are able to transport the remaining mud and not clean the site and the multi-requirement of the cleaners have not affected the company entering the next day. Normal office order.
Second, due to the fact that the service company and the female squadron and the bicycle and locomotive storage station have not been renewed, they have repeatedly asked the relevant situation that the situation has not been answered. The original two vehicle administrators have resigned and are looking for a job. Used xx, xxx top posts. The security of the security guard is also very unstable. Some security guards also resign, and the security squadron adjusts the security guards stationed. The new security guards in December have xxx and xxx. It is hoped that the leadership will be able to establish a relationship with the xx security squadron and the locomotive and locomotive storage contractor xxx as soon as possible.
3. On December 14th, the xx district city construction section noticed that the service company had applied for the license of the "Zhandao Economic Management Car Storage Station" in October this year. After the decision of the leadership, the office will go through the relevant procedures before December 31 and will " The license "and the "occupation business license card" are retrieved from the center, and the "license" is handed over to the archives office. The "acceptance license license card" is set up in the general hospital.
4. On December 28, the office arranged the XX New Year's Day Center holiday watch and submitted it to the xx office, the personnel office and the xxxx street police station. New Year's Day staff on duty are xxx, xxx, security xxx, xxx. On the 3rd of January, at the center of the night, the duty officer xxx rested for one day, and the duty work on the evening of the same day.

The security officer xxx is responsible for the post.
V. Work plan for next month:
1. A wall report of the first phase of fire safety content.
2. Conduct a safety study education for all xx employees before the Spring Festival.
3. For those enterprises that have repeatedly requested the installation of fire extinguishers to date, they have issued written notices in accordance with Chapter 5 of the "Fire Law".
5. Appoint "Safety Fire Responsible Person" for new companies.
6. Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the fire protection facility.

Xx District Security Service Company

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