Secretarial knowledge > writing guidance

Some experiences in improving the ability of writing

First, we must be good at accumulating and using materials. Pavlov once said: "No matter how perfect the bird's wings are, it can't rely on the air to fly to the sky at any time. The facts and information are the air of the scientist. Without it, you can't take off at any time; without it. Your theory is useless struggle." For the cadres of the government, if you want to do your job well and write the materials well, there is no valuable information in your hands for your reference. In order to achieve self-improvement and transcendence, although there are many ways, there is one thing that is common. It is to be good at accumulating various materials and learning to use the experience of others. It can also be called “taking the stairs upstairs”. Practice has proved that although some comrades have been transferred to the organs at the same time, the basic conditions and conditions are similar at first, but after a year or two, the distance is opened. It is very important to see if he is good at learning and learning from the "stone of the mountain." The famous French fantasy novelist Verne has created more than 100 science fiction novels throughout his life, covering almost all fields of science and technology at that time. However, more than his creation itself, it seems even more amazing that after his death, people found out from his study that he personally compiled more than 25,000 pieces of various materials. In the 1960s, when criticizing Khrushchev, the Xinhua News Agency published nine comments. In the process of writing each commentary, the two old informants of the International Department of the People’s Daily were invited to provide advice and provide information because of their participation. Cooperation has played an "absolute" effect on the drafting of comments. In ancient and modern China and foreign countries, those who have achieved success in their careers are all related to the accumulation and use of materials. In fact, many of the outstanding comrades in the organization are growing up and mature in the accumulation and use of various materials. There are many ways to collect information. It is nothing more than self-accumulation. Units, departments, organizations provide, investigate and research, check texts and personal knowledge, etc. What methods are good, there is no fixed method. No matter what method is used, as long as you can collect the information you need, you have achieved your goal. Of course, the collection of information must comply with the relevant confidentiality regulations, and the problem of loss of confidentiality cannot occur.
Accumulating information is to use the information, how to use the information is very knowledgeable. First, we must study materials carefully. When you are cutting and cutting materials, you should do it yourself, don't let others do it for you, and do some scrapbooking; look at the collected materials, be familiar with them, read them carefully, and pay close attention to all time to learn, understand, and digest; for important ideas, opinions, Cases are marked, inspiring or directly usable, but also in mind, seriously thinking, and comprehending. The purpose of this is to digest the content of the data and to learn the new things. Through digestion and absorption, on the one hand, the information can be truly turned into a useful information, and it can be remembered in a certain position in the mind. When it is needed, it can be used for me; on the other hand, it can learn the ideas and master the writing skills. Experience the ideological realm and learn from it. The second is to carefully select the materials. It is necessary to select materials according to the needs of the official document content, and select the most typical and most informative information. In order to facilitate the use, the selected data should be classified, and the selected materials should be sorted according to the requirements of the official document. At the same time, for some related but not directly used, roughing is required; for some important viewpoints, expressions, and celebrity famous sayings, it is necessary to carefully find the source; to verify some important facts and figures, Be sure to be accurate. The third is to use good information. It is common to see this phenomenon. Some people have no information to write materials, and they can't jump out of the information. This copy, the paste, and the things that come out are thousands of holes, without their own thoughts and opinions. This is actually not using good information. The value of any information is relative and can only be used to open the door of thought. Generally, do not engage in "bringing." The use of information must be both extensive and beyond the norm. When writing materials, you should dare to lose the information, and write on the basis of understanding the data; or use the information as a reference system for comparison and identification, and take the success and sagacity among them; you can also choose the weaknesses in the data or even the failure as a " The opposite mirror is used to compare and see what the difference is, why and what is not in place, and seek a breakthrough. Only in this way will an intellectual leap than the original data be updated, and high-quality materials that transcend the material itself will be written. If the drafted textual material can be derived from information and higher than the data, it will reach a new realm of accumulation and use of information.
Second, we must effectively understand and grasp the leadership intentions. The official document is not intended to describe personal opinions, nor to express personal opinions, but to follow the leadership intentions and formulate according to the needs of the work. The role of the drafters is to express their leadership intentions through words, to find ways to fully express the thoughts of the leadership, and not to take the rules out of context, do whatever they want, and not to "start another stove." This requires the drafters to carefully consider the leadership's intentions, thinking directions, focus on attention, etc., to fully grasp, carefully grasp, the more comprehensive and profound the mastery, the smoother the writing, the more satisfied the leadership.
First, actively expand leadership intentions. When some leading comrades explain their intentions, they are only some preliminary ideas, or they can only ask questions from a certain angle or a certain side. In this case, the drafters should think about the problem from more levels and angles, draw inferences from others, expand and extend the basic views formed by the leadership, supplement the issues that the leadership has not thought of but are more important, and simply divide the leadership. The opinions were expanded into more comprehensive and systematic opinions. They could not be heard as one. They mechanically and conscientiously grasped the leadership intentions and effectively expressed the words that the leaders wanted to say but did not say.
The second is to be good at exploring leadership intentions. Some leaders only have a big problem, and there are not many specific issues in official document writing. When encountering such a situation, the drafters should first take the initiative to discuss research with the leading comrades, seek leadership guidance, deepen the leadership's intentions, and then follow the leadership's thoughts to find out what the leadership demands to write, why write, and what purpose. In order to study and dig out something deeper and deeper. When excavating the leadership intentions, the drafters should also be good at combining the intentions of the supervisors with the intentions of other leaders, brainstorming, and embody the principles of collective leadership and division of labor.

The third is to strive to improve leadership intentions. During the process of document writing, some leaders did not think enough, and the opinions were unclear and cluttered. Some did not think clearly and explain for a while, but only some perceptual knowledge; some were not completely reasonable and necessary; some were not concentrated or complete. In this regard, the drafters should communicate with the leaders, be good at refining the generalization, picking up the vacancies, carefully and appropriately handling them, rationally absorbing and concentrating them, determining the uncertainties, and raising the sensible things into rational things, making them unnecessary. Incompletely, it should be removed and supplemented, the unclear problems should be clearly explained, and the inconsistencies should be further adjusted and enriched, so as to reflect the leadership intentions comprehensively, completely and accurately, and ensure the quality of official documents.
The fourth is to capture leadership intentions in a timely manner. Organ cadres have convenient conditions for frequent contact with leadership and official documents. There are many ways to understand and capture leadership intentions. They can be obtained from active inquiries, comprehend from leadership instructions, comprehend from criticism, and grasp from speech materials. Zero is integrated. Especially when checking with the leaders, attending conferences, researching materials, eating, walking, and chatting, pay attention to the latest highlights in the leadership conversation, especially some new ideas and new ideas, without losing the opportunity to record them. Inductive analysis. Because this bright spot or these new ideas and new ideas is likely to be a breakthrough in thinking about a problem.
Third, we must strive to reflect and enhance the ideological nature of written materials. Thought is the backbone and core of all written materials, and is a profound insight into people's deep understanding of the contradictory issues and solutions. A textual material without thought is equal to no "soul." The article relies on "thought" and eternal life, without "soul" and dying. To enhance the ideological nature of written materials, the most important thing is to be good at standing on the commanding heights of the overall situation and the theory of thought, to think about problems, to propose countermeasures, to be good at using the great cognitive tools of materialist dialectics, to observe and analyze problems with a glance, to form a unified and complete And the dialectical logic of thinking has aroused everyone's resonance and gave people profound insights. In practice, we must pay attention to the following points:
One is targeted. Most of the textual materials are built around the problem. The problem is the foundation and soul of the material. The size of the influence of the text material is simply whether it is really grasping the problem and whether it is written for the ordinary problem. If it is written for the problem, the impact will be large, but the impact will be small. Therefore, we must pay attention to the problem, grasp the problem of "one touch and ring", and grasp the outstanding problems that are difficult to solve. This requires in-depth investigation and research, with a high degree of sensitivity to insight and analysis of problems, firmly grasp the main problems affecting and restricting the construction of units, and establish the theme of writing materials.
The second is to have a generalization. It is necessary to jump out from the local, perceptual, and superficial phenomena, and to refine and sublimate the thoughts with comprehensive, rational, and dialectical analysis, and to summarize things with regularity. This high degree of generalization is the essence of leadership thinking, as well as the "eyes" of writing materials, with the finishing touch. For example, there is a material about the generalization of the members of the team to improve the feelings: "good feelings, something wrong; bad feelings, nothing will find things. Deep feelings, big things can be small; feelings shallow, small things can make big, big things can Noisy." Very enlightening and thought-provoking. Some materials always look good, but they feel that there are fewer things. They are often a few words that are highly generalized and concise, and people can't make a deep imprint.
The third is to have profoundness. Profoundness often determines the ideological nature of written materials. Analyze the problem to be deep, not satisfied with grasping the secondary, phenomena or branches, but to understand the main and essential things; not satisfied with grasping the external features of things, but to explore the inner relationship of things; Satisfied with the immediate results, but also to track the trend of development; not satisfied with the problem of mastering shallow, thick lines, but also to study difficult problems and study details. It is necessary to propose major contradictions from numerous contradictions, and to raise core and essential reasons from complex issues. Only in this way, the material of the written material is profound and memorable.
The fourth is to have originality. Nowadays, one of the common problems in writing materials is that there are big words, empty words, and many words, and there are no things in the empty space. To put it bluntly, it is the patchwork of the "right big truth", the reproduction of the superior files, and the editing of newspaper articles. To enhance the ideological nature of written materials, we must learn to use our own brains to think, not rely on others, not to copy other people's achievements, to express themselves in their own words, not to be acquainted with others, to cater to meet, and indeed to be able to independently present their own opinions.
The fifth is to have reason. The main function of the written materials is to guide the work, so that everyone can understand, understand, and facilitate the accurate understanding and implementation. This determines that the written material must be able to thoroughly explain the truth, and this is done, and the ideological nature is among them. It is necessary to grasp the art of reasoning, usually it is necessary to meet the spirit of the higher level, but also to be close to the actual situation of the unit; it must have a pertinent evaluation and deep understanding of the spirit of the superior meeting and the archives, but also must be diminished and become small. It is necessary to be abstracted into an image and change the principle into a specific ability; it is necessary to be comprehensive and dialectical, regardless of whether it is lost or even contradictory, and it must be accurate and vivid, and it is not necessary to leave the board and even separate from the superior and the party committee’s intention to make another set. Feeling inexplicable. Experienced comrades often use things to explain things. They use a typical case to explain a truth and bury their depths in the shallow, often leading people to get inspiration from many aspects and receive unexpected results.


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