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Secretary work and civic moral construction

Citizen moral construction is a social system project. From its extension, it includes the construction of multiple subsystems such as social morality, professional ethics, and family virtues. From its connotation, it includes the construction of three subsystems: moral principles, ethics, and methods of moral education. Among these three subsystems, the focus of secretarial work should be placed on the method of moral education.

The method of moral education is to allow individual members of society to accept moral principles and moral norms and to internalize them into the moral consciousness of individual individuals through persuasion and persuasion. Externalization of individual moral consciousness becomes an ethical behavior. It can be seen that the method of moral education is an intermediary and bridge between moral principles, moral norms, moral consciousness and moral behavior. Therefore, once the moral principles and ethical requirements are determined, the method of moral education has become the focus of moral construction. At this time, it is necessary to find the overall characteristics and laws of the methods of moral education that adapt to the characteristics of today's era, so that the secretary's work can be handy and effective in participating in the process of civic moral construction. This characteristic and law are mainly manifested in the following three aspects:

The secretarial workers must first grasp the internalization and externalization rules in the process of moral construction and actively carry out the thinking orientation. The so-called internalization refers to the process of helping and guiding the object to transform certain moral principles and ethical requirements into their own moral consciousness. The so-called externalization is to help and guide the object to transform the established identity of moral principles and ethical requirements into their own moral behavior, and transform good moral behavior into moral habits. Internalization and externalization are dialectical and unified, and they are interrelated and mutually infiltrated. Only through the alternating process of internalization and externalization, members of society can develop good moral habits, and civic moral construction can be realized.

At the same time, secretarial workers must grasp the law of comprehensive effects and conduct positive guidance through multiple channels and multiple methods. The process of moral construction has always been a process of advancing morality and rationality. The British educational philosopher Peters said: "A person accepts moral principles and personally experiences in specific social situations. That is, a person must have a strong personal motivation to find what is required or prescribed by these moral principles. From this point of view, in the process of moral construction, we should respect the subject's choice and emotional experience more, transform the social moral norms into the inner moral beliefs, and gradually establish a correct value system on this basis. This requires the secretarial workers to look at the whole of a region and a department in the process of assisting decision-making, coordinate the strength of all aspects, and follow the comprehensive effect law of civic moral construction.

In the process of moral construction, there is another law that cannot be violated, that is, the law of two-way interaction. The process of moral construction is a two-way process of interaction and interaction between educators and educatees. As pointed out in the "Outline", the people's people are the main body of socialist moral construction, both as a beneficiary of moral construction achievements and as a participant in moral construction. This two-way interaction rule requires the secretarial workers at all levels to integrate themselves into the flood of society as a whole, and together with the broad masses of the people, complete the great and arduous systematic project of contemporary citizen moral construction.

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