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2019 Quality Month Activity Program

Part 1: 2019 Quality Month Activity Program

According to the archives spirit of the “Notice on Launching the “Quality Month” of the 20XX Year” of the Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, further implement the State Council’s “Quality Development Outline 20XX-2020”, strengthen the publicity of quality public opinion, optimize the quality development environment, and combine the actual conditions. The plan for the quality month of our bureau is now formulated as follows:

First, the guiding ideology

We will conscientiously implement the State Council's "Quality Development Outline 20XX-2020", take the scientific development concept as the guide, emancipate the mind as the guide, reform and innovation as the driving force, vigorously implement the quality win strategy, strengthen the quality public opinion propaganda, and optimize the quality development environment. Guide and mobilize the whole society to enhance quality awareness, and strive to form a good social atmosphere in which the government attaches importance to quality, the quality of the department, the quality of the enterprise, the quality of the society, and the quality of care for everyone, and promotes the overall improvement of the quality of our county. The economy is developing fast and making new contributions.

Second, the activity content

First, extensive publicity and consultation activities were carried out. Focusing on the theme of quality month activities, organize relevant departments and units to carry out quality monthly on-site publicity and consultation activities in crowd-intensive places such as squares and shopping malls. Issue “Quality Month” posters, brochures and other promotional materials, and hang the “Quality Month” slogan banner. Make full use of news media such as radio stations and TV stations to carry out a series of publicity campaigns.

The second is to extensively carry out mass quality activities, and promote enterprises to carry out the "quality win, create the first to compete for excellence" mass quality improvement, tackling off activities, and widely mobilize enterprise employees around improving quality technology, innovative quality methods, improving quality levels, and making rational recommendations Guide the staff to become "innovative experts" and strive for the "Worker Pioneer".

The third is to carry out quality and safety knowledge training. By holding quality and safety knowledge training for industrial product production license enterprises, we will help and promote enterprises to grasp relevant new knowledge and new regulations in a timely manner, strengthen production and management according to law, raise awareness of law-abiding, and improve quality level to further improve the production license of industrial products in our county. Enterprise management level and product inspection ability.

Fourth, organize law enforcement personnel to seriously carry out the results of special quality supervision and inspection of food during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, and carry out quantitative packaging of edible vegetable oil, small food and other commodities, and supervision and inspection of three types of commodity packaging of moon cake, agricultural and sideline products and health food.

The fifth is to carry out the "two security" special rectification. We will carry out special food safety rectification for key areas, key industries and key enterprises highlighted in food safety, risk analysis, daily inspections, and supervision and spot checks to create a safe food consumption environment and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Focusing on the safety of special equipment, we will further promote the “three-oriented” management of special equipment, and carry out special inspections of special equipment for personnel-intensive places to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

The sixth is to carry out special activities for law enforcement and counterfeiting. Leading by the bureau inspection team, with the focus on the health of the people's people and the safety of life and property as the focus of counterfeiting, the company focused on anti-counterfeiting special activities on agricultural materials, building materials and other products, and cracked down on counterfeiting and illegal activities from the source. Seventh is the integration of relevant departments to carry out the "quality integrity commitment" activities.

Third, the activity requirements

1. In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the quality month activities and timely coordinate and solve various problems arising during the activities, the bureau has set up an activity leading group with two deputy directors as the deputy heads and the directors of each room as members. The activities were carried out smoothly.

2. Each stock office should attach great importance to publicity and reporting work, and promptly invite local news media to report and interview the quality month activities; it is necessary to dare to expose a group of enterprises “blacklists” or typical cases, and form a strong violation of the law of selling and selling fakes. At the same time, we must adhere to the principle of combining inferiority and support, and promote famous products and enterprises through various forms to promote advanced quality work experience.

3. Seriously summarize and report in time. During the event, each unit should appoint a special person to be responsible for propaganda information work, and timely sum up some good practices. Report the activities of this Council to the Municipal Bureau before October 8.

Part 2: 2019 Quality Month Activity Program

According to the requirements of the Circular of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on Deepening the National Quality Week of 20XX and the Implementation Plan of the “Quality Month” of Heilongjiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in 20XX, combined with the actual work of Jiayin Office, implementation plan.

I. Activity guiding ideology

Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and guided by the scientific concept of development, we will implement the work of the National Quality Inspection Work Conference and the Provincial Inspection and Quarantine Work Conference, and implement the work of "Quality, Maintenance, Development, and Quality Inspection". The policy is closely related to the key tasks of the 20XX year, solidly carry out various inspection and quarantine work, and promote the effective implementation of the objectives of inspection and quarantine. Focusing on the theme of “Implementing the Outline of Quality Development and Building a Quality and Powerful Country”, we will conscientiously implement the AQSIQ’s deployment of “Quality Month” activities, conduct extensive quality promotion activities, and guide the publicity activities of the “Quality Development Outline”. Focusing on product risk, work risk, team risk prevention and control, implementing the province's system quality and safety risk investigation and rectification and key tasks to train the spirit of the symposium, consolidate the results of the "two special actions", improve the risk prevention and control mechanism, prevent regional problems, Systematic, industry-based quality and safety events.

Second, the main activities

In-depth quality promotion activities will be carried out to create a social atmosphere that values ​​quality in the county. Vigorously promote the guiding ideology, work guidelines, development goals and various requirements of the "Quality Development Program", and conscientiously implement the "Action Plan for Implementing the Quality Development Program 2019". Increase the publicity of inspection and quarantine laws and regulations and inspection and quarantine work, and raise awareness of the inspection and quarantine work of the whole society.

1. The “Quality Month” activity mobilization meeting of Jiayin Office was held to formulate the “Implementation Plan for “Quality Month” Activities of Jiayin Office of Heilongjiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau”. Organize the mobilization meeting of the “Quality Month” activity of Jiayin Office, mobilize the “Quality Month” of the deployment office, study and formulate the implementation plan of the activity, clarify the objectives, tasks, responsibilities and requirements, and combine the key work of the office throughout the year to The "Month" event features special features, sounds, and highlights.

2. The launching ceremony of the “Quality Month” event of Jiayin Office was held in time. We carefully organized the joint launching ceremony of the “Quality Month” event, and invited the leaders of the local government and relevant units to participate in the launching ceremony of the “Quality Month” event organized by our office. We will create a publicity atmosphere for the “Quality Month” campaign and strive to bring the activities of “Quality Month” to depth.

3. Actively strengthen the promotion of “Quality Month” activities. Intensify the news media to promote the "Quality Month" campaign, and adopt the methods of distributing promotional materials, hanging banners, setting up website columns, visiting companies, etc., and strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to pay attention to quality.

Conduct mass quality activities and promote advanced quality management methods.

4. Carry out a series of activities of “winning by quality, serving the people, and creating superiority first”.

Actively promote the inspection of enterprise and party organizations to carry out "quality improvement, youth first", quality improvement, take the lead in tackling key problems, create "creating the first place to compete for excellence" learning field, quality construction volunteers, quality publicity gallery into the "three districts" and other activities, and further mobilize all cadres The enthusiasm of employees to participate in quality work, and actively carry out the "quality month" activities.

Vigorously carry out quality service activities and promote the formation of an environment conducive to quality improvement.

5. Actively implement the window standardization construction activities. With the theme of “Building a Quality Window and Displaying the State Inspection Style”, the company will gradually implement and promote the standardization and standardization of the inspection and quarantine window of Jiayin Office, improve the quality of work, improve service level and enhance the image of the window. Actively carry out the "Health and Quarantine Window Units to create first-class competition activities" at Jiayin Port, strengthen the supervision and inspection of health treatment units in Jiayin Port, and improve the quality of sanitation treatment and service capabilities.

6. Fully carry out the “Quality and Integrity Commitment” activities of import and export enterprises. According to the requirements of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the notice of the activities of the provincial bureaus, actively organize the implementation of the “Quality and Integrity Commitment” activities of enterprises within the jurisdiction of Jiayin Office, encourage the development of corporate quality and integrity construction activities, and guide enterprises to firmly establish “integrity first, quality win” The business philosophy is to promote the whole society to enhance the quality and integrity awareness, and further promote the construction of the integrity management system of the import and export enterprises of the Bureau.

Solidly carry out "two special actions" and improve the risk management mechanism

We will conscientiously implement the national quality and safety risk investigation and remediation work symposium and the province's system quality and safety risk investigation and rectification and key tasks to train and observe the spirit of the symposium, consolidate the quality and safety risks, check and rectify activities and outstanding achievements in the field of ethics, and grasp the risks. Four key links of monitoring, risk assessment, risk warning and rapid risk management, study the problems found in the investigation, analyze the causes of the problems in depth, formulate risk prevention and control measures, and summarize the experience of investigation and remediation. Promote the quality and safety risk analysis and reporting system of food enterprises, analyze the quality and safety risks of food enterprises one by one, and form a quality and safety risk report. Utilize the regional cooperation mechanism under the framework of the regular meeting mechanism between the Chinese and Russian prime ministers to inform each other of quality risk information, improve the quality and safety risk information collection network, enhance the port health quarantine, animal and plant quarantine and import and export commodity inspection and supervision capabilities, and establish risk management as the center. Long-term mechanism for quality and safety supervision.

7. Carry out quality improvement activities for major export products. Strengthen the quality of export of mechanical and electrical products and export wood products, and comprehensively improve the overall quality of export products and the competitiveness of the international market. Vigorously carry out inspection and enterprise interaction, the office exports wood products production enterprises "twin", jointly analyze the quality improvement process, and organize key research and technical demonstrations in a targeted manner to effectively solve them. Through the “Quality Month” activity, the quality of exported wood products has been improved and quality management has been significantly improved. Improve the coverage of inspection and quarantine, increase the qualified rate of export products, and increase the contribution rate of economic development of inspection and quarantine.

8. Strengthen the inspection and management of the origin of export goods and crack down on illegal activities of counterfeit inspection and quarantine certificates. Further strengthen the inspection and management of the origin of export goods, in-depth implementation of the "two provinces and one district" and "doubles" regional linkage, severely crack down on illegal inspection and quarantine certificates and other illegal activities, standardize and maintain the province's foreign economic and trade development order. Promote the results of the "doubles" action and form an effective shock to illegal activities.

9. Strengthen the inspection and supervision of import and export commodities and the supervision and inspection of off-balance-sheet goods at Jiayin Port. Strengthen the support of inspection and testing technology, effectively implement the record-keeping management system, strengthen the supervision and inspection of import and export commodities and the supervision and inspection of off-balance-sheet commodities, establish and improve a long-term mechanism for quality and safety of import and export commodities, and effectively prevent the quality and safety risks of import and export commodities.

10. Severely crack down on illegal activities of food additives and abuse of food additives. Strengthen source management, increase supervision, strengthen supervision and inspection of illegal food additions, and illegally add behaviors from severe punishment. Strictly control the production of food additives, strengthen the supervision of the use of additives, and effectively ensure that the problem of illegal food addition and abuse of food additives is effectively curbed.

11. Carry out “big investigation” of import and export enterprises within the jurisdiction of Jiayin Office. In the jurisdiction of Jiayin Office, the “big investigation” of import and export enterprises was carried out. One enterprise visited the enterprise and investigated the situation. The overall situation of the production and operation status, quality system and import and export quota of enterprises in the jurisdictions of various units and departments was comprehensively understood. Through the activities of “serving for the people and creating the best for excellence”, we will work with the company to formulate a work plan of “winning by quality and winning first”, and jointly discuss the quality plan, so that “quality month” will become the high-quality product production month and brand-name product of the enterprise. Create a month, scientific management to improve the month.

12. Actively support the characteristic agricultural industry in Jiayin County. Fully support the development of the characteristic agricultural industry in Jiayin County and expand the influence of the county's “green products”. We will vigorously support the construction of overseas agricultural parks and strive to promote the production of agricultural products overseas.

13. Strengthen the supervision of health and quarantine at Jiayin Port. Increase the rate of quarantine screening for inbound passengers with fever and suspicious symptoms. Strengthen the construction of port health inspection monitoring equipment and personnel training to prevent emergencies such as nuclear and radiation. Timely application of the "portal infectious disease electronic supervision system", the use of port infectious disease prevention and control information technology to combat the illegal behavior of the "International Travel Health Certificate", and promote the port information construction.

Third, organizational leadership

In order to strengthen the leadership of the “Quality Month” event, the “Quality Month” activity leading group of Jiayin Office was established.

Team leader: Ma Baoguang

Deputy leader: Wang Hongxin

Member: Liu Min Song Xuhai Wang Zhanxian Zhang Maoxu Ding Jie

Fourth, the activity requirements

highly valued. All cadres and workers in the office should unify their thinking, strengthen leadership, and make full efforts to carry out the "Quality Month" activities, combine their own realities with the theme, take effective measures, do practical activities, and innovate activities to ensure the "Quality Month" activities. Done successfully.

Carefully organized. The leaders of the office took the initiative to strengthen coordination with relevant departments, work closely together to form a joint effort, jointly strive for local government support, effectively improve the quality management level, and strive to create a new situation of quality work.

The measures are in place. According to the implementation plan of Jiayin Office, we have a division of work, implement inspections, strictly prohibit heavy forms, go through the scenes, actively mobilize enterprises to participate in activities, give full play to the main role of the "Quality Month" activities, strengthen guidance and supervision, and ensure that activities have Preface and effective implementation.

improve publicity.

Summarize the good experiences and good practices in the activities in a timely manner, dig deep into the highlights and achievements in the work, and report to the comprehensive group of the event office in time. Determine the information contact person of the unit and submit it to the comprehensive group of the event office. Progress in office activities, typical experience, problems and related recommendations.

Seriously summed up.

After the “Quality Month” event, the activity experience will be carefully summarized, and the activity group will be submitted to the comprehensive group in time to actively establish a long-term mechanism for quality work to ensure the implementation of the quality month activities.

Part 3: 2019 Quality Month Activity Program

In order to actively resound the company's "Notice on the implementation of the "Year of Quality" activities in the X-year", the company's shareholding company's work principle of "adjusting structure, promoting transformation, increasing strength, and stepping up" is implemented to improve the quality management level and engineering of the project department. The quality of the entity, the project department plans to organize the "quality month" activities in September.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the scientific concept of development, focusing on brand, standards, service, reputation and efficiency, focusing on the spirit of “Quality Improvement Year” and “Quality Management Year”, we will vigorously implement the strategy of winning by quality and strive to create a good atmosphere in which all employees pay attention to quality. To comprehensively improve the quality awareness of all staff and strive to improve the quality management level of the project department.

Second, the theme of the event

Building a quality and strong country to create a better life.

Third, the event time

x years September 1st ~ x years September 30th.

Fourth, organizational leadership

In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the “Quality Month” activity of the project department, the “Quality Month” activity leading group of x years was established, and the “Quality Month” related activities of the Shiyan and Chang International City Project Department was launched.

V. Activity content

The activities during the “Quality Month” are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the company's activities and in combination with the actual project of the project department. The whole activity is carried out in three stages. The schedule is shown in the attached table. The specific process is as follows:

The first stage: mobilization stage

1. Vigorously create a strong atmosphere of "quality month"

Before the “Quality Month” activity, the project department first organized the “Quality Month” mobilization meeting around the theme of “Quality Month” activities, mobilized and deployed the “Quality Month” activities, and guided all employees to actively participate in the “Quality Month” activities. in.

In the office and living areas of the project department, main construction road entrances and exits, main construction buildings, etc., banners and slogans are hoisted, and exhibition boards are produced to publicize quality regulations, quality culture, etc., to create a good atmosphere for all employees to pay attention to quality.

Second stage: activity implementation stage

1. Conducting special knowledge lectures and learning activities

The project department will take the “Quality Month” activity as an opportunity to carry out a concrete construction quality knowledge lecture in combination with the construction actuality of the project department. The training target is the on-site construction staff, quality inspector and external team staff of the project department. The main content is concrete construction. Relevant regulations, standards and construction processes.

In addition, the project department will actively organize quality management personnel to study the company's "Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System Archives" and "Quality Management Manual" to ensure the successful realization of annual quality objectives and indicators.

2. Professional quality examination

During the quality month activities, the project department organizes project management personnel to carry out professional quality examinations, and gives corresponding rewards for outstanding achievements.

3. Conduct quality inspection activities

The project department responded to the call of the company and actively carried out the “seven investigations” activities with the main contents of “inspecting quality awareness, checking quality level, checking quality system, checking standard implementation status, checking measurement and testing guarantee, checking on-site management, checking quality loss”. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive quality inspection and hidden danger investigation on the key control contents and key points of the project quality through special inspections and comprehensive inspections.

4. "Quality Innovation, Leadership First" theme activity

Organized by the project manager to guide and drive the members of the project department. The activity is divided into two parts

Organize quality-centered learning and training activities in the project department

The project manager personally develops experienced technical leaders to explain the quality problems and countermeasures in the project to the management personnel at the construction site, so that everyone knows how to minimize the incidence of quality defects and how to use the best method. To prevent quality problems.

5, activity requirements

1. The project department should attach great importance to the company's requirements, carefully plan, carefully deploy, mobilize, and carry out the "quality month" activities.

2. It is necessary to focus on the theme of “Quality Month” activities, carry out various activities in a solid and effective manner, actively carry out quality publicity activities, popularize quality knowledge and quality laws and regulations, and enhance the quality subject consciousness of all employees.

3. After the quality month activities are carried out, the project department should conscientiously summarize the experience and lessons of the “Quality Month” activities, and commend the units and individuals with outstanding performance during the activities.

The third stage: summary of activities

After the end of each activity, the person in charge of the activity will submit a summary of the pictures and texts, discover the shortcomings in time, and strive to do better next time. Finally, the quality inspection department will summarize and summarize it, submit it to the project leader for review, and file it after approval.

Part 4: 2019 Quality Month Activity Program

According to the requirements of the Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, the Municipal Economic and Information Commission, the Municipal Housing Construction Committee, the Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and the Communist Youth League xx Municipal Committee on the implementation of the xx-year xx city quality month activities, in accordance with the actual situation of the Bureau, Bureau of Quality Month Activity Program.

First, the guiding ideology

We will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central and xx City Economic Work Conferences, take the scientific development concept as the guide, and promote the construction of a quality work mechanism and a large quality inspection culture with the main line of “improving the quality and safety level and the stable and rapid development of the service economy”. Further promote enterprises to implement the main responsibility of quality and safety, promote governments at all levels to strengthen leadership over quality work, and promote departments, industry organizations to strengthen support, guidance and service, and promote the quality awareness of the whole society.

Second, the theme of the event

Improve quality, promote development and benefit people's livelihood

Third, the activity content

Carry out various forms of publicity activities

1. Carry out quality and safety into corporate activities. Select key enterprises to carry out propaganda, focus on publicizing production licenses, quality and safety and other related knowledge, improve operators' quality and safety awareness, and protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.

2. Organize key energy-using enterprises to publicize knowledge about measurement and energy balance testing. Ask relevant experts to provide knowledge guidance and explain the contents of the Energy Conservation Law related to the quality and technical supervision functions.

Carry out special inspections focusing on food safety and safety of special equipment.

Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the certified enterprises in the region. For the production of the necessary conditions, from the raw materials into the factory to the product delivery and the use of additives, etc. to carry out all-round inspection to ensure product quality.

Carry out special rectification of high-risk food and traditional specialty food enterprises to optimize the overall environment for food production. Carry out special law enforcement inspections on small workshops to ensure food quality and safety.

Carry out special rectification activities for special equipment, focusing on special rectification of earth boilers, dangerous chemicals, gas cylinders and amusement facilities.

We will earnestly promote the energy conservation work of key enterprises in the region. Work with energy monitoring stations to carry out measurement and energy balance testing.

Carry out supervision and inspection of quantitative packaging commodity measurement supervision and over-packaged goods.

Select air conditioners, electric freezers, washing machines and other products to carry out special supervision and inspection of energy efficiency labels.

Fourth, the activity requirements

1. Strengthen leadership.

Established a quality month activity leading group. Director Jia Sihu is the team leader, deputy director Lu Ming, and discipline inspection team leader Xu Lixin is the deputy leader. The main responsible persons of each department are members. The leading group is responsible for organizing and arranging law enforcement inspections and related publicity work during the quality month. The Quality Month Activity Office is located in the Quality Section and is responsible for information reporting, summarizing materials and reporting.

2. Highly valued.

All departments should take the quality month activities as a platform to improve product quality and display quality supervision functions, and conscientiously carry out the specific organization of activities and implement them carefully. Make quality month activities a brand activity with great influence, content and good results.

3. Strengthen coordination and form synergy.

The activities shall be carried out according to the division of responsibilities within the bureau. The departments and departments shall strengthen coordination and close cooperation to avoid singles. Establish a global chess game, unite and form a joint force.

4. Strengthen publicity and expand influence.

Actively strive for the support and cooperation of the news media, focus on propaganda, expand social influence, and guide the society to pay attention to quality. All departments shall submit information to the missions and relevant departments in a timely manner during and after the activities.

5. Seriously summarize.

All departments will report the activities to the Quality Department before October 8, and will summarize them and report them to the Municipal Bureau before October 13.

Part 5: 2019 Quality Month Activity Program

Since the establishment of the company, we have been advancing the company's progress and development with the concept of “competing the market with quality and winning the market with innovation”. In order to improve the quality awareness of all employees, improve the enthusiasm of all employees to participate in quality, enhance the cohesiveness and competitiveness of the company, the company has decided to hold quality month activities with the theme of quality and innovation, so that all employees can improve their quality awareness during the event. Pay attention to the quality of products in the work, and create a good atmosphere for everyone to talk about quality and innovation.

Theme of the event: Tree quality awareness, innovation spirit, and brilliant achievements.

Activity time: July XX

Event Organization: Organizer: Quality Management Department

Co-organizer: Supply Department Supply Chain Management Department, Storage Department, Technical Department, Finance Department, Sales Department, Equipment Management Department, ehs Management Department, Personnel Department, Administration Department

First, publicity and mobilization

In the early stage of the quality month, the banner, the newspaper, and the posters will be used to publicize the quality month in the main activity area or obvious place of the company, and guide all employees to actively participate in the quality month activities.

1. Banner: The content is the theme "Tree quality awareness, innovation spirit, casting brilliant."

2. Board & Poster: Fully publicize and introduce the Rineng Quality Month event and the popularity of quality knowledge and concepts.

4. Posters: Produce clear and inspiring propaganda posters, and convey the quality concept to all employees intuitively.

5. Activity slogan:

a. Everyone learns quality, everyone understands quality, everyone does quality

b. Quality awareness is in my heart, product quality is in my hands

c. Eyes, hands, hearts, a bad can not escape

d. You think, I think, quality improvement is hard to beat

e. Pursue excellence and control quality costs

Second, training to improve

1. Improve quality knowledge training and activities around quality awareness, quality tool use, and inspection skills to improve quality management capabilities and levels.

Serial number






Quality Awareness

From XX-07-06

To XX-07-31



Qc method



Quality Management System Training



Sampling test

All qc


Use and maintenance of measuring instruments

All qc


How to deal with abnormal or unqualified

All qc

2. The quality department staff proposes a training proposal according to the post and the actual work, that is, each post provides a training requirement, and the quality department selects and organizes the training to further improve the inspector's ability to find and solve problems.

The scope of the training recommendations includes but is not limited to: a. inspection standards, b. instrument operation, c. process flow, d. other content related to actual work.

Third, knowledge contest

It is expected that quality knowledge competition will be held in the end of the quality month to achieve the purpose of learning quality knowledge and paying attention to product quality. 60-80 questions are randomly selected from the quality knowledge bank, and each department/unit assigns the player to close the book within the specified time. The participants are in principle not less than 10% of the total number of the department. Ranked by score, the ranking results will be announced in the summary meeting and presented on-site.

This knowledge contest sets the first prize, the second prize, the third prize and the encouragement prize.

Quality knowledge contest

First prize

1 person

Second prize of 300 yuan gift


Value 100 yuan gift

Third prize


Value 50 yuan gift

Winning prize

Several names

a beautiful gift

Fourth, quality research

The quality month activities are carried out as an opportunity to hold quality research activities, analyze and summarize product quality in the form of projects and projects, and continuously improve and improve product quality. The quality department takes the lead in technology, production and other related departments to participate in the selection of topics from the three perspectives of quality control, technological innovation and cost control. This quality research topic is selected from the following three aspects.

a. Frequent or repetitive quality anomaly analysis

b. Case analysis of quality events, including major quality anomalies

c. Quality and process management methods or measures to improve and innovate in the production process

Quality research includes at least the selection of the project, the expected results, the analysis of the subject, the improvement measures and the verification of the effects.

V. Summary meeting

After one month of intensive quality month activities, the quality month summary meeting was held to further consolidate the results of the quality month activities, extend the quality month activities, implant quality awareness into the hearts of every employee of the company, and deepen the quality behavior to the actions of each employee. in.

The first quality month summary meeting should focus on the theme of “recognizing advanced, showing me style and promoting quality”, embodying the firm belief, passion and unremitting struggle of all employees in the pursuit of quality.

The conference should also strive to create an atmosphere of “warm and relaxed” to convey to each employee the importance of quality and active participation in quality.

1. Theme of the conference: advanced, show style, and quality

2. Activity time: early August 17:30-18:45

3. Conference venue: Training Center

4. Schedule:

a. Company leader's speech

b. Quality knowledge answer

c. Quality promotion program

d. Quality manager speaks

e. Awards at the conference

5. Quality knowledge answering implementation rules

a. Teams: ** The existing department is reorganized into four teams. Each team will send 4 players to participate in the competition; each participating employee will receive a gift.

Strength team:

Star team:

Successful team:

All-round team:

b. A total of 40 questions for the answer questions are from the quality knowledge contest question bank and the quality month publicity slogan. Answer 1 point for the group, 2 points for the wrong answer, the total score is the team's final score.

Quality knowledge

Winning prize

1 person

Winning certificate +400 yuan gift

Popularity award

1 person

Depending on the performance of the entire event

Sixth, the budget

The target of the entire quality month activity is controlled at 3,000 yuan, achieving a positive and intense atmosphere.

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