Construction project entrusted supervision contract (Chinese and English)
Contractregistration no: ______ _____
Contract registration number:
Supervision contract
For construction project
Construction project entrusted supervision contract
Project name:
Project Name:
Entrustor :
Service provider: shanghai tongji project management and consulting co. ltd.
Service party:
Place of signing:
place of signing:
Date of signing:
Signing time:
Valid period:
Effective date:
Shanghai, pr china
Shanghai, China
XX day and day
Supervision contract for constructionproject
Construction project entrusted supervision contract
Part iagreement
The first part of the construction project entrusted supervision contract
This agreement is signed between and shanghai tongjiproject management and consulting co. ltd.
Principal and Supervisor --------- After the agreement between the two parties, this contract is signed.
i. brief information of the project for which the clients desires thosesupervision services should be performed by the supervisor is as follows:
The project profile entrusted by the principal to supervise the supervisor is as follows:
Project name:
Project Name: 908 New Base Construction Project
Project Location: Block B04, Kaihuangyuan, Huangmaoping Group, North Chongqing
Project size: about 185252 m2
Project size: about 185252 m2
Totalinvestment: about yuan rmb
Total investment: about 10,000 yuan
Ii. in this agreement words shall have the same meanings as areassigned to them in part ii of this supervision contract - standard conditions.
The meanings of the relevant terms of this contract are the same as those given in the second part of this contract.
Iii. the following documents shall be concluded to form part of thisagreement:
The following files are part of this contract:
This agreement;
This agreement;
Standard conditions of the contract;
Standard conditions of this contract;
Conditions of particular application;
Special conditions for this contract;
Supplemental documents and amendments jointly signed by the twoparties during the execution of the contract.
Supplementary and revised files signed by both parties during the implementation process.
(5) The list of proposed on-site supervisors and the on-site supervisor's entry plan determined by the supervisor at the time of quotation shall be attached files of this contract.
Iv. in consideration of the payment to be made by the client to the supervisor as the mentioned mentioned, the supervisor hereby covenants with the client to perform supervision services in the scope as stated in the conditions of particular application in conformity with the provisions of the contract.
In consideration of the payment of the principal to the supervisor mentioned below, the supervisor promises to the client to undertake the supervision business within the agreed scope of the contract in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
v. the client hereby covenants to pay the supervisor, inconsideration of the performance of the supervision services, such amount as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the times and in themanner and currency type prescribed by the contract.
Taking into account the supervision services provided by the supervisor, the principal promises to the supervisor to pay the supervisor according to the time limit, method and currency indicated in this contract.
Inwitness whereof the parties hereto have caused this agreement to beexecuted from april, XX to october, XX. if for any reasons the project stops for more than one month uninterrupted, the ending date will be postponedwith same periods.
This contract begins when the construction unit enters the site, and the completion of the completion of the entire project. If the project is in progress, it will be stopped for more than one month, and the completion time should be postponed.
This agreement has sixsets of original copies, they have the same legal effect, and each party shallhold three copies.
This contract is of the same type and has the same legal effect.
The client:
The supervisor: shanghai tongji project management and consulting co. ltd.
Address: 73 chifeng road
Shanghai, XX92
Address: 73 Chifeng Road, Shanghai, XX92
Legal representative:
Legal representative:
Legal representative:
Legal representative:
Principal bank:
Bank of deposit:
Principal bank:
Bank of deposit: Bank of Communications Chifeng Road Branch
Bank account no.:
account number:
Bank account no.:
Account number: 310066344010141052919
Tel. 8621 65989931
Phone: 8621 65989931
This contract is signedon , XX
This contract is signed at: XX Year - Month Day
Part ii standardconditions
The second part of the standard conditions
Definitions,applicable languages and laws definitions, applicable languages and regulations
Article 1 the following words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires:
Article 1 The following nouns and terms, with the exception of the context, have the following meanings:
"project" means the projectfor which the supervision services are to be provided.
"Engineering" refers to the implementation of the project in which the principal entrusts the supervisor to supervise.
"client" means the party whois responsible for the direct investment and who employs the supervisor, andlegal successors to the client.
"Principal" means the party that assumes direct investment responsibility and entrusts the supervisor, and its legal heir.
"supervisor" means the party whois employed by the client to perform supervision services and assumesupervision liabilities, and legal successors to the supervisor.
"Supervisor" means the party entrusted by the principal to undertake the supervision business and supervision responsibility, as well as its legal successor.
"supervision team" means the group of staff sent by the supervisor to carry out supervision on thesite of the project.
"Supervisory organization" refers to the organization where the supervisor is stationed on the site to implement the supervision business.
"Chief supervisionengineer" means the person certificated by the local authority as chief supervision engineer and designated by the client and supervisor to be fully responsible for supervising the execution of the contract.
"Supervisor Engineer" means a Supervisor Engineer certified by the local government department and appointed by the Principal and Supervisor to be responsible for the supervision of the performance of this contract.
"contractor" means the person other than the supervisor with whom the client signs contract inrelation to the construction of the project.
"Contractor" means the party that has signed a contract with respect to the construction of the project in addition to the supervisor.
"normal services" means the scope of supervision work prescribed in the conditions of particular application.
"Normal work" refers to the scope of supervision work agreed upon by the parties in special conditions.
Additional works as a result of addition to the scope of construction work or program delay on the part of the client Or the contractor.
"Additional work" means: 1) outside the scope of supervision work, by adding written agreement between the two parties to increase the work of this contract; 2) the increase of the scope of construction work or the delay caused by the progress of the principal or contractor, resulting in additional work.
"exceptionalservices" means the works other than the normal services and the additional services, but which are are performed by the supervisor inaccordance with article 33.
"Extra work" refers to work that the supervisor needs to complete in addition to normal work and additional work, in accordance with Article 33.
"day" means the period betweenany one 0:00 am and the next.
"Day" means any time period from zero hour to zero day after the next day.
"month" means a period of one month according to the gregorian calendar commencing with any day of themonth.
"Month" refers to the period of one month starting from any day of the month according to the Gregorian calendar.
Article2 this supervision contract shall begoverned by chinese laws, statutes, administrative regulations, anddepartmental rules & regulations, local laws, rules & regulationsspecified in the standard conditions and conditions of particular application.
Article 2 The laws applicable to the supervision contract of this construction project are the laws, regulations, administrative regulations, and the departmental or local regulations and local regulations as stated in the standard conditions and special conditions.
Article 3 the contract shall be written in both english and chinese, both of which shall be equally binding.
Article 3 This contract shall be recorded in both Chinese and English, and both Chinese and English shall be equally authentic.
Obligations of the supervisor
Article 4 the supervisor shall designate the supervision team and superintendents necessary for carrying out the supervising works; provide to the client a name-list of the chief supervision engineer, main staff of the supervision team and a supervision plan and perform the supervision serviceswithin the scope of work as Stated in the conditions of particular application.during the execution of the contract, the supervisor shall submit supervisionreport to the client at regular interval as stated in the contract.
Article 4 The supervisor shall dispatch the supervision organization and supervision personnel required for the supervision work, submit the appointed chief engineer and the main members of the supervision organization to the client, supervise the plan, and complete the scope of the supervision project as stipulated in the special conditions of the supervision contract. Supervision business. During the performance of this contractual obligation, the supervisory work shall be reported to the client on a regular basis in accordance with the contract.
Article5 thesupervisor shall exercise reasonable care and diligence, provide advice at anappropriate level in the performance of the obligations under the contract to the client and indemnify the lawful rights and interests of various parties.
Article 5 The supervisor shall work diligently and diligently, and provide the client with advice on its level in the performance of the contractual obligations, and fairly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.
Article6 any facilities and articles supplied by the client for use by the supervisor shall be properly used and maintained andremain the property to the client. when the services are completed orterminated the supervisor shall deliver to the client where the and the consumable articles in good working order.
Article 6 The facilities and articles provided by the supervisor using the principal shall be the property of the principal and shall be properly used and maintained. When the supervision work is completed or suspended, the facilities and remaining items should be handed over to the client in good condition.
Article7 during the contract period or after the contract is terminated, without the consent of the client, the supervisor shall not disclose the confidential information inrelation to the project and the contract.
Article 7 During the contract period or after the termination of this contract, the confidential information related to this project and this contract shall not be disclosed without the consent of the principal.
Complianceof the client
Principal's obligations
Article 8 the client shall pay anadvance payment to the supervisor prior to the commencement of the services of the supervisor, if such advance payment is stated in the conditions of particular application.
Article 8 The principal shall pay the advance payment to the supervisor before the supervisor conducts the supervision business, if the advance payment is stated in the special conditions.
Article 9 the client shall beresponsible for all coordination of external relationships in relation to theconstruction of the project. if the client assigns part or all of such coordination works to the supervisor as is necessary, then the work to beassigned and relevant terms of remuneration shall be specified In thesupplemental clauses.
Article 9 The principal shall be responsible for the coordination of all external relations in the construction of the project. If necessary, if part or all of the coordination work is entrusted to the supervisor, the work entrusted and the corresponding remuneration clauses shall be clearly stated in the supplementary clause.
Article 10 theclient shall, within the agreed time, provide to the supervisor free of chargeall informationencing to the project and necessary for the supervisionservices.
Article 10 The trustor shall provide the supervisor with all the information related to the project and required for the supervision work free of charge within the time agreed by both parties.
Article 11 on all matters properly referred to him in writing by the supervisor, the client shall give his decision in writing within the timespecified in the conditions of particular application of the contract.
Article 11 The principal shall make a written decision on all matters submitted by the supervisor to the client in an appropriate written form within the time specified in the special conditions.
Article 12 the client shall appoint aclient's representative who is familiar with the project and able to make decision within specified time for the purpose of contacting the supervisor. should the client's representative be replaced, the client shall notify the supervisor inadvance.
Article 12 The trustor shall authorize a representative of the principal who is familiar with the situation of the project and can make a decision within the prescribed time to contact the supervisor, and the representative of the principal shall be notified to the supervisor in advance.
Article13 the client shall timely notify theawarded contractor, in writing, of the power of the supervisor, roles andauthorities of main staff of the supervisor. such information shall be madeclear in the contract signed by the client and any third party.
Article 13 The principal shall notify the selected contractor in writing of the supervisor's right to supervise the supervisor and the functional division of the supervisor's main members and the supervisory license, and shall clarify it in the contract signed with any third party.
Article14 the client shall notify to contractorto provide the following information to the supervisor within such a time that the supervisor's work will not be hampered:
Article 14 The client shall notify the contractor to provide the following information to the supervisor within a time period that does not affect the supervisor's supervision work:
Listof suppliers & manufacturers of the raw materials, components and parts, mechanical equipment etc. to be used in the project;
Directory of suppliers and manufacturers of raw materials, components, machinery and equipment to be used in this project;
List of coordinators, cooperators inrelation to the development of the project.
Provide collaborators related to the project and cooperate with the person's directory.
Article15 the client shall furnish free of charge to the supervisor the site office,telecommunication connection, accommodation and other facilities specified in the conditions of particular application.
Article 15 The principal shall provide the supervisor with free office space, communication interface, network interface accommodation and other facilities as stipulated in the contractual special conditions.
Article16 given certain circumstances, if thetwo parties agree that the client shallarrange at his own expense for the provision of other personnel to the supervisor, such agreement shall be reflected in the conditions of particular application.
Article 16 According to the needs of the situation, if the parties agree that the principal may provide other personnel to the supervisor at their own expense, they shall be reflected in the special conditions of the contract.
Rights of the supervisor
Supervisor's rights
Article 17 the supervisor should have the following rights within his scope of work. it is hereby understood that any and all of the following activities shall also be considered as the obligation of the supervisor, who shall perform the following activities whenever it isneeded in order to ensure completion of The project in the best possible manner and according to the relevant contractual documents and applicable laws:
Article 17 The supervisor shall have the following rights within the scope of the commissioned project, and the parties hereby confirm that any of the following activities shall also be the duty of the supervisor, that is, it is obliged to use the best The following activities are carried out in accordance with the purpose of completing the project in accordance with the full contract file and applicable laws.
The right andobligation to make recommendations on the selection of the general contractor
Select the recommended rights and obligations of the general contractor of the project;
The right andobligation to make recommendations on the selection of the sub-contractor
Select the project subcontractor's right to propose and obligations;
The right and obligation to make recommendations to the client in the respects of the project including project size, design standard, planning design,technological design and performance requirements.
Relevant matters related to engineering construction include project scale, design standards, planning and design, production process design and functional requirements, and the right to propose to the client;
The right and obligation to advise, in the principles of safety and optimum, the client on the technical problems in the design. if the design is found to be not in conformity with the quality standards promulgated by the state or specified in the design contract, the supervisor Shall report to the client inwriting.
For technical problems in engineering design, according to the principle of safety and optimization, there are rights and obligations to make recommendations to the client. When it is found that the engineering design does not meet the quality standards of the construction project quality standards or design contracts promulgated by the state, supervision The person should report the principal in writing and provide a treatment plan.
The right and obligation to review the construction management plan and thetechnical proposal and to makerecommendation to the client for changes that the contractor could implement toensure quality, on-time completion and cost reduction.
In reviewing the construction organization and technical plan, in accordance with the principle of quality assurance, guarantee period and cost reduction, and the change that the contractor may take, the supervisor has the right and obligation to make recommendations to the client and provide advice.
The conductable arrangement and co-ordination with relevant organisations, which can be used to the client of advance and seek the authority of the client tomake such arrangements and co-ordination.
To preside over the organization and coordination of the relevant collaborative units in the project construction, all the coordination items should be reported to the client in advance, and the client is required to authorize for organization and coordination.
Having having the consent of the client, the supervisor has the right to give command with regards to commencement, suspension and resumption of the works. but before doing so, he shall report to the client. the client's representative will be available for contacting in phone to discuss Emergency and other matters.
With the consent of the client, the supervisor has the right to issue a work order, a work stop order, and a reinstatement order, but a written report should be made to the client in advance. The client representative can be contacted at any time to contact the supervisor in emergency and other matters. the study.
Right and obligation to check and inspect the materials to be used in the project and quality of construction and to advise the contractor immediately of any non-conformities. should the contractorcontinue to use the materials after the non-conformity has been identified, then the supervisor must advise For the service, components and parts, equipment that are not in conformity with the design requirements, provisions of the construction contract and national quality standards, the supervisor has the right to notify the clientthat the contractor should stop using them For working sequence, divisionaland sub-divisional works that are not in conformity with relevant codes and quality standards, and construction operations that pose safety concerns, thesupervisor has the right to notify the client that the contractor should stop and make corrections or redo the works. The contractor can resume construction only after he has received the workre Consumption command from the supervision team via the client..
The right to inspect and obligate the materials and construction quality used in the project. The unqualified materials shall be notified to the contractor. If the contractor continues to use the non-conforming materials after receiving the notice, the supervisor must promptly notify the client to let the contractor Do not continue to use. For materials that do not meet design requirements and contractual agreements and national quality standards, the components, equipment, and supervisors are obliged to notify the client to stop the contractor; for processes that do not meet the specifications and quality standards, sub-items For engineering and unsafe construction operations, the supervisor is obliged to notify the client in a timely manner. The supervisor has the right to stop the contractor from rectification and rework. The contractor can only resume work after receiving the reinstatement order from the supervisor.
Rights and obligation to check, supervise the progress of the constraint. right to ratify that the actual completion is ahead or behind the completion date specified in theconstruction contract.
The inspection, supervision and obligation of the construction progress of the project, as well as the signing rights and obligations of the actual completion date of the project or exceeding the completion period stipulated in the construction contract;
The right and obligation to check and certify by signature that the payment to the contractor contractor is within the scope of the construction contract, torecheck, confirm, and negate to the settlement of the accounts. without the signature and confirmation from the chief supervision engineer, the client willnot Make payment to the construction contractor.
Within the scope of the project price agreed in the construction contract, the review and signing rights and obligations of the payment of the project, and the confirmation and negative rights of the project settlement. The client does not pay the project payment without the signature of the chief engineer.
Article 18 during supervision, if theemployee of the contractor is found to be incapable of his job, the supervision team shall notify the client of the views of the supervision teamon this matter.
Article 18 If the project contractor is found to be ineffective during the supervision process, the supervisory organization shall inform the client of its opinion on the matter.
Article 19 within the scope of work, if the client and the contractor have any dissent and requirement to each other, and where such dispute is being mediated by an administrative department in charge of construction or being arbitrated by arbitration body, thesupervisor shall provide relevant proof.
Article 19 Within the scope of the entrusted project, when the principal and the contractor have any opinions and requirements on the other party, the dispute between the two parties shall be provided by the government construction administrative department or the arbitration institution, and the supervisor shall provide relevant certificates.
Rightsof the client
Principal rights
Article20 the client has the right to appointthe contractor and enter into a contract with that contractor.
Article 20 The client has the right to select the project contractor and sign a contract with him.
Article21 the client has the right to decide the project size and agree the design standard, planning design, technological design and designed performance requirements; and the right to approveconstruction cost, programme and design variation.
Article 21 The principal enjoys the right to determine the project scale, design standards, planning and design, production process design and design and use of functional requirements, as well as the approval of project cost, schedule and design changes.
Article 22 in the event that the supervisor want to replace the chief supervisionengineer, he shall obtain the client's consent in advance during the contractconducting period.
Article 22 During the performance of this contract, the supervisor shall transfer the chief engineer to the prior party with the consent of the client.
Article23 the client has the right to require the supervisor to submit supervisionreport and specific report in each discipline within the supervisor's scope ofwork..
Article 23 The principal has the right to request the supervisor to submit the supervision work report and the special report within the scope of the supervisor's business.
Article 24 in the event that the client find the supervisor's staff fails to performduties under the contract, or cause any loss to the project or the client through collusion with the contractor, the client shall be entitled to require that such staff be replaced by the supervisor or even Terminate the contractand demand the supervisor to assume responsibilities or contiguous responsibilities in paying compensation.
Article 24 If the client discovers that the supervisor's staff fails to perform the supervision duties according to this contract, or if the contractor colludes with the contractor to cause any loss to the project or the client, the client has the right to request the supervisor to replace the employee until the termination. The contract also requires the supervisor to bear the corresponding liability or joint liability.
Liability of the supervisor
In the event that the project programme is postponed or delay whichresults in the contract period to be extended, the two parties shall makefurther negotiation to agree an extension of the contract period .
Article 25 The term of responsibility of the supervisor is the period of validity of the contract, including the maintenance period. If the contract period is to be extended due to delay or delay in the progress of the project, the parties shall further negotiate the agreed extension period.
Article26 the supervisor shall perform hisduties during the contract period. should any financial loss be caused by the fault of the supervisor, he shall pay compensation to the client. accumulatedamount of compensation shall not exceed the total payment by the client to the supervisor.
Article 26 The supervisor shall perform the agreed responsibilities during the contract period. If any loss of the principal caused by the fault of the supervisor is caused, the party shall compensate the client. The total amount of compensation shall not exceed the total amount of remuneration paid by the principal to the supervisor. Compensation is implemented in accordance with relevant laws [h2]
Article 27 the supervisor shall be notresponsible for any contractor's nonconformity in quality requirements andcompletion time . in the event of any force majeure which cause part or all of the execution of the contract tobe impossible, the supervisor shall not held held. but for anyinfringement to article 5 , the supervisor shall pay compensation to the client.
Article 27 If the supervisor violates the quality requirements and time limit for completion of the construction contract, the contractor shall bear the corresponding responsibility for the failure of the supervisor, and the contract shall not be performed in whole or in part due to force majeure, and the supervisor shall not be liable. However, the client shall be liable for compensation for matters related to it in violation of the provisions of Article 5.
Article28 if the claim made by the supervisorto the client cannot be justified, the supervisor shall be responsible for anycost incurred by the client in relation to the claim.
Article 28 When the supervisor proposes that the claim for compensation to the client cannot be established, the supervisor shall compensate the client for any expenses incurred as a result of the claim.
Liability of the client
Article29 the client shall carry out his dutiesas stated in the contract. the client shallbe liable to the supervisor if a breach of his duty to the supervisor isestablished against the client, and shall pay compensation for the supervisor's direct financial loss.
Article 29 The trustor shall perform the obligations stipulated in this contract. If there is any violation, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract and compensate the direct economic loss caused by the supervisor.
Article30 if the claim made by the client to the supervisor cannot be justified, the client shall be responsible for any costincurred by the supervisor in relation to the claim.
Article 30 If the client fails to establish a claim for compensation to the supervisor, it shall compensate the various expenses incurred by the supervisor caused by the claim.
Coming, alteration and termination of the contract
Article 31 if the normal services are impeded or delayed by the client or the contractor so as to incur additional services or increase theduration of the normal services, the supervisor shall timely inform the client of the circumstances and probable effects. the time for completion of the services Increased and the supervisor shall be remuneratedfor such additional services.
Article 31 If the normal supervision work is hindered or delayed due to the principal or the contractor, resulting in additional work or prolonging the duration of normal supervision work, the supervisor shall make this situation and the possible impact. Notify the client in a timely manner. The time for completing the supervision business is extended accordingly, and additional work compensation is obtained.
Articles if circumstances arise which make it legally or physically impossible for the supervisor to perform in whole or in part the services in accordance with the contract he shall promptly dispatch a notice to the client. the time for the completion of the services shall be extended. when the Services are resumed,a reasonable period not exceeding 42 days for resumption shall be added and theclient shall pay the supervisor as agreed between them.
Article 32 If the actual situation changes, so that the supervisor cannot perform the supervision business in whole or in part according to the contract for legal reasons or actual reasons, the supervisor shall immediately notify the client. Upon approval by the client, the completion time of the supervision business shall be extended. When the implementation of the supervision business resumes, it shall be increased by no more than 42 days to resume the implementation of the supervision business, and the supervision compensation shall be paid according to the amount agreed by both parties.
Article 33 after the supervisorhas finalized the acceptance check or handover procedures with the client, and the contractor has signed a defect liability agreement with the client, thesupervisor has received all the payments due from the client, the contracthall be determined to come to an end, except For any clauses referring to theparties' liabilities, which may be used, according to statute of limitationsstipulated by the law, for claiming compensation. as to liabilities during the defect liability period, the two parties can make provisions in the conditions of particular application.
Article 33 If the supervisor completes the completion acceptance or the project handover procedure with the client, the contractor and the client have signed the project warranty responsibility letter, and the supervisor receives all the supervision compensation, the contract is terminated, except for the responsibility of the parties concerned. The terms shall be available for claim in accordance with the limitation period of the relevant law. The responsibilities during the warranty period are agreed upon by the parties in special conditions.
Article 34 if either party hereto wishes to alter or abandon the contract, he shall notify the other party in 42-day advance. if loss is caused to the other party as a result of the abandonment of the contract, theresponsible party shall pay compensation except for circumstance Where hisresponsibility can be remitted in accordance with laws.
Article 34 When one of the parties requests to change or cancel the contract, it shall notify the other party before 42 [h3] days. If the other party suffers losses due to the termination of the contract, the responsible party shall be liable for compensation, except that the liability may be exempted according to law.
Article 35 if the supervisor has not received a paying voucher within 30 days from the due date of payment and nor has he received any written explanation from the client, or the supervision services has been suspended for more than sixmonths, the supervisor can notify the client to terminate If contract, ifwithin 14 days from the date of notice the supervisor still has not received any response from the client, he can make further notice. if within 42 daysfrom the date of the second notice the supervisor still has not received anyresponse from the client, the Supervisor can terminate the contract or suspendor continue suspending from performing all or part of his services at hisdiscretion. the client shall assume the responsibility for breach of contract.
Article 35 If the supervisor has not received the payment receipt within 30 days from the date when the supervisory remuneration should be obtained, and the client has not submitted any written explanation to the supervisor, or according to Articles 33 and 34 If the time limit for the execution of the supervision business has been suspended for more than six months, the supervisor may issue a notice of termination of the contract to the client. If the client has not received the reply within 14 days after the notification is issued, the notice of termination of the contract may be further issued if the second notice is issued. In the latter 42 days, the client has not received a reply, and the contract may be terminated or the suspension or continued suspension of all or part of the supervision business. The principal bears the responsibility for breach of contract.
Article 36 if the supervision servicess are suspended or terminated due to causes not on the part of the supervisor, works required to resume services orpost-termination settlement works shall be considered as exceptional services. the performance of exceptional services shall entitle the supervisor to payment for performing them.
Article 36 If the supervisor suspends or terminates the execution of the supervision business for his own reasons, except for force majeure, the work of the aftermath and the restoration of the execution of the supervision business will result in the extension of the supervision period, which shall be regarded as additional work if approved by the client. The right to get extra compensation.
Article 37 if in the opinion of theclient that the supervisor is not discharging his rights without justifiablereasons, he can inform the supervisor of such opinion. if within 21 days from the date of notice the client has not received any response from the supervisor, he can, Within 35 days from the date of the first notice, inform the supervisor by notice to terminate the contract. thesupervisor shall assume the responsibility for breach of contract.
Article 37 When the principal believes that the supervisor has failed to perform the supervision obligation without justifiable reasons, he may issue a notice to the supervisor indicating his unfulfilled obligations. If the client does not receive a reply within 21 days after the notice is given, the notice of termination of the entrusted supervision contract may be issued within 35 days after the first notice is issued, and the contract is terminated. The supervisor is responsible for breach of contract.
Article 38 termination of the contract shall not prejudice or affectthe accrued rights and liabilities of the parties.
Article 38 The termination of a contractual agreement does not affect the rights and responsibilities of the parties.
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