High school inspirational

Failure is just a dream

Everyone has a chance to fail. Everyone has a successful calculation. Not everyone's efforts will be recognized. Not everyone's future will be suspended. In a flash, someone chooses to give up, and some people choose to continue, but we are not Everyone can walk into the door of the university. Not everyone can get recognition from the commercial business. Even if they lose or live lazy, we can't represent anything, but many people will divide us.

Some people are divided into rich and poor, others have seen through love and hate. For a teenager, he will not think, not count, can only wait for the youth, when watching more, listening more, feeling I can't rush to the rain, I can't do it when I want money, I can't change it when I want to marry a woman, and many people at this intersection worry about the future, but in front of it, because of this realism, we must have the supreme Noble, or have a rich family background, or you have to have a lot of money.

In the excuse of time, we poor people can struggle, but many people can get the ease of our struggle without a struggle, and some people can wait for the home to get the glory of Chigo, but a lot of popularity, lazy anesthesia Someone used to ignore people who are lazy to look at people. In the initial interface, we lost the starting line. We lost the second generation, and it is even harder to do what the other generation said. At this time, even It is poor, or it is dropped by the number of people, or it is calculated by others in the book, and the heart has been put down.

You can't control the wealth of others, you can't raise your own future. This is a measure of your heart. Some people use youth to work, and some people use the waiting area to chase, but there are still many dangers that will meet unexpectedly, and we will step by step. We must not I don't admit that I don't have the failure to read in my heart, I don't have the cowardice of both offense and defense, I don't have the capital to put down and pick up. This is the society in the eyes of others. Some people are afraid of losing, and some people are crying, but in the end, they are still old. At the time, some people still don't respect themselves.

Time will lock up your heart, and the scenery will scrape away all the fate. This is the world in front of you, or the story of other people’s legends. If you don’t struggle, you will lose completely, and if you struggle, you will lose a few times, even if you win. Once, I may not be able to find the youth that was once, sad, or continue. I don’t necessarily get the name of the story inside the sentence. When I look up, someone is dead. When I bow, someone loses, when I sleep, Know which kind of person the next danger belongs to.

People are divided, their hearts are divided, and even the value of their wives and husbands is changed. In the rules of money, or in the direction of status, when the mistake of struggle occurs, when the message of failure comes again, The once myth, the possession of the past, everything will be turned into nothing. The world is amazing and simple. The most troublesome thing is not that you get more, but in the trade-off between money and status, you lose yourself and lose your side. Everything, including the initial youth.

I don't know the wealth in the poor world, nor the beauty of the rich world. I know that you don't spend money on it. I know that it is noble to cultivate myself, but because people are different, words are not. First, when I think about myself, I still think about others, I think more, I earn more, I am in trouble, I blame myself for being greedy, I blame myself for being clever and not stupid, let the winner lose, let lose Will take away youth, the story is still a story, but the time of the name can not be reversed, the words in the heart can not simply write off with tears.

Everyone will be afraid, what is not afraid of death, just no goal, no worry, when the mind begins to divide, the mind begins to grasp, the young drunkenness begins to wander, there is worry, there are concerns, if the foreign encirclement cannot suppress the heart Tomorrow, then there is nothing terrible about yourself. For the world, no one can live for too long. No one can use the withered flesh to talk forever, it is a law, it is also natural, when we find that physical strength and ability can not When communicating, it is when we are not even dead.

It is not gold, not a bird. Even if it has the appearance of feathers and gold, it is still not their value. If the value of silence is thinking, it is better to say that yesterday’s struggle is planning, and there is a map in everyone’s heart. It is simple to distinguish oneself, some people distinguish between others, and get and pay, ask and give, and the four of them are not one person. If there are two samples, then only the person’s thinking is fickle and there is a big one. The conspiracy, worried about the exposure of others, and learned to hide.

There are three time periods in a day, and there are no choices for youth. Some people say that meeting love is the second time. Some people say that they have a high amount of money, or they have the wealth, that is, the second youth. For many people who have failed. They want more failures to win more success. We have to admit that many times the mood is not adapted in many cases. There are 10,000 reasons for giving up, but there is only one belief in persistence. If you can't grasp your own. Stable, you can't bring the next successful rhythm.

Want to win the need for capital, want to lose the need for capital, and the opposite world, you have time, may not have a place to make money, you have thinking, not necessarily have money to bet, for the measurement of life, wisdom needs money and noble, money needs talent And the command, you need to read and friends, not to lose life, but not to lose the outside will not succeed, for a struggle, his failure is a smile, for a successful person, his desolate It’s terrible because I don’t know that person will stand up in advance.

Ruthlessness can improve your IQ, but passionateness will lower your thinking frequency. For most people who study, they don't have time to chase emotions. They don't have the ability to control many things around them. It doesn't mean they don't have a future of their own. Many things. When the original tail was seen by the individual, he learned the reasoning. When many words were seen through, he learned the economy, and the torture of time would make him a profitable and unaccompanied survival, which may not allow him to give Others explain more, he speaks with reality, and pays attention to the ending.

Don't try to choose other people's conditions to struggle with yourself. Don't use your own efforts to measure too many others. After all, if you don't have the experience of seeing through, you don't have extraordinary thinking. If you say it, the value you say may not be acceptable to others. This is a monetaryistic dream language pattern. If the value of poverty is reduced, it will lower itself. If there is no struggle to crowd out others' struggles, it will affect their own pattern. The so-called arrangement is not how to attack others, but how to go. The inner soul outside the struggle time.

If a person wants to win, he needs capital. If he wants to get the name that others can get, he will have to pay a lot of price. Even if he is at the bottom of his youth, he may not be able to get the same sentence, but he may not be able to stick to his dream. Many times, the blow will make him fall back. But I can't think of a future allocation, success needs failure, failure is close to success, it's a smile of two words, but it makes a lot of people collapse. Sometimes I learn to cry silently, but I don't know how to move forward with a smile. It is the best chip.

It’s not that you can do a great thing, but you have achieved peace of mind for many people. It is the best melting. Only friends can improve themselves. Only learning can carry out the soul and learn to protect themselves. What is needed is Let others talk, need to wait, what is needed in the future is experience, don't always pick on others, or no one will pick yourself up, so that you can't find your own theory, you can't correct your inner feelings, you can't find judgment errors. I don't know what is the right choice.

Don't use fear to explain your own yesterday, let alone use silence to explain your incompetence, because if the world changes without the accumulation today, there is no verb that belongs to tomorrow. In the painting of the soul, what is needed is analysis. Mastering, judging, and more need for personal quiet, ordinary operation, only the economy's own heart, can play the strongest strength, protect the inner irritability, can not be interfered by the outside, because a little chaos, can find the most moderate be quiet.

The scenery is still the name next to the person. I am still the sentence in the book. If you want to update your heart, you must learn to hide it with the foreign environment and express it. If too much stupidity is revealed, no one knows your own intelligence. If you are clever and honest to cover stupidity, then no one will say your stupidity. For the opposition of time, you can choose to be silent. No one will say that your failure is worthless, but you must learn to work and learn to cultivate. Otherwise, there is no memoir when you are old.

The peace of no reason will make you lose yourself. The wealth of no reason will make you feel uneasy. For a missed attack, you can accept wealth and may not be able to accept it. This is a doomed word. If there is no better inner accumulation. The loser is not only the self, but also a name called the future, so that the people around you can give up and let the future people avoid themselves. No one is willing to accept it, and there are still people who are willing to accept countless failures. It is because they have only one story after failure to create themselves.

It won't be summed up, it won't be sorted out, it won't be sorted out, and it will be lost if you lose. Because you are not prepared, even if you don't know it for a lifetime, you should get such a big loss and lose your youth. Losing friends, indulging money, and abandoning wealth, this is incompetence, no persistence, let silence say a name, fail, let no name be written, called ignorance, let a ruthlessly deny a story, It’s called no longer.

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