Work Report > Report Writing Guide

Feasibility analysis report format

Document author: ______________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___
Development/Test Manager: ______________________ Date: ___/___/___
Product Manager: _____________________ Date: ___/___/___
Management Office: ______________________ Date: ___/___/___

Feasibility Analysis Report Keywords: [Add keywords here]
Abstract: This paper analyzes the technical requirements of users in the management of electric industry, analyzes the feasibility of their needs under the existing technology, and proposes corresponding solutions. And analyze the feasibility of the project itself.
Abbreviation description: slightly
1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of Writing This paper is used to analyze the feasibility of the project, including the technical feasibility of the project and the feasibility of the funds, equipment, personnel and user needs to ensure the smooth progress of the project in the future.
1.2 background slightly
1. 3 reference materials
1. 4 terms and abbreviations
2 Technical possibilities personnel
Technical requirements of technical basic projects: The company has 10 development and technical personnel, including expert personnel x, designers x and developers X, who can form a complete technical work force for guidance, analysis, design and development; Relatively speaking,
According to the technical requirements of the project is lower:
The interface programming requirements are abbreviated; it can be seen that the requirements do not exceed the technical content of the existing development.
The database programming requirements are: slightly; the existing technical strength can be completely solved.
The interface coding requirements are: omitted; because the requirements are very simple, there will be no technical problems.
The requirements of the agreement are: omitted; from the requirements, it can be seen that the demand side is very clear about the required agreement and is very willing to cooperate. Therefore, after the responsibilities of both parties are clarified and determined, the problem can be completely solved.

Software based users do not have special requirements. The specific requirements are: slightly.
3 equipment possibility funds slightly equipment slightly
4 Personnel possibility
5 system workload target needs slightly
Design requirements, slightly design workload, overall design workload: slightly;
Front desk design workload: slightly;
Database design workload: slightly;
Interface design workload: slightly;
6 code workload module several components quantity interface workload: slightly;
Database workload: slightly;
Program workload: slightly;
Algorithm research workload: slightly;
Data workload interface workload: slightly;
Database workload: slightly;
Program workload: slightly;
7 File requirements and time Feasibility format standards and test requirements are not feasible. The user's requirements are not very clear. After consultation with the user, the development time is set at XX days. Since the middle has to go through a holiday, the final completion time is fixed. For XXX days.
8 Manageability management project
Software management

English report format, conference report format, reading report format, work report format

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