Work report > work report

Report on the work of the company's 2019 employee representative assembly

Dear delegates and comrades:

According to the actual work and the requirements of Longmei Group, the employee representative assembly of Qitaihe Molecule Company was held in a unified manner. Next, on behalf of the Molecular Company, I will report to the General Assembly for consideration.

First, speed up the adjustment and continue to attack the hardships, and the enterprise's "five-chemical" construction has created a new situation in response to the crisis.

Since the beginning of the year, in the face of the complex financial situation such as the impact of the global financial crisis, the decline of the coal market, institutional reforms and institutional adjustments, we have adopted the attitude of the scientific development concept in accordance with the deployment of the previous Staff Representative Conference under the correct leadership of Longmei Group. We will calmly examine the domestic and international economic trends, adopt the principle of "three constants", calmly respond, and work together to make a strong impact. The overall situation of the enterprise has undergone profound changes, and many indicators have reached new levels, and new breakthroughs have been made in many fields. The main signs are:

1. Simultaneous development of production and preparation, achieving a historic breakthrough in single production. It is estimated that the annual production of raw coal will be 12.5 million tons, an increase of 400,000 tons year-on-year; the total footage will be 335,000 meters, and the annual excavation will be 17,000 meters, of which 60,000 meters will be developed and 4,320 meters will be excavated. The large well yields 145,000 tons and the single entry is 94.2 meters, which is increased by 1000 tons and 4 meters respectively.

2. The operation and management were simultaneously strengthened, and the clean coal strategy achieved a landmark breakthrough. The amount of raw coal washed was 11.835 million tons, an increase of 890,000 tons year-on-year; the yield of refined coal was 40.19%, an increase of 0.65 percentage points year-on-year. The sales of commercial coal was 8.7 million tons, an increase of 378,000 tons, of which the sales volume of refined coal was 4.75 million tons, an increase of 380,000 tons year-on-year; the income of refined coal reached 4.15 billion yuan, accounting for 77% of the total revenue of commercial coal. The branch company can realize an operating income of 6.27 billion yuan and a profit of 270 million yuan; the seven coal companies can realize an operating income of 2.02 billion yuan and a loss of 18.37 million yuan.

3. Accidents and hidden dangers are simultaneously reduced, and quality standards are achieved to achieve a complete breakthrough. The number of safety hazards, the number of accidents and the number of work-related injuries have dropped drastically, and more than two accidents have been eliminated. The death rate of one million tons is below the requirements of Long Coal, and the level of mine quality standardization has been significantly improved.

4. The wages and benefits are improved simultaneously, and social contributions achieve substantial breakthroughs. The annual per capita income of employees was 26,508 yuan, an increase of 2,268 yuan over the same period of the previous year; among them, the number of excavators reached 36,616 yuan, an increase of 2,412 yuan. Welfare expenditures such as “five insurance and one gold”, heating bills and low-rent housing construction were 870 million yuan, an increase of 330 million yuan year-on-year. The annual tax payment was 1.25 billion yuan, an increase of 300 million yuan over the same period last year.

5. Resources and projects will be promoted simultaneously, and sustainable development will achieve a staged breakthrough. Deep resources exploration in the western region has begun to drill, and significant progress has been made in the approval of Xiangyang Lijing and Tiedong Yanshi Power Plant projects. Gas power generation has begun to take shape in terms of industry scale, resource expansion and circular economy development.

The main work is:

Improve equipment and adjust, and achieve high breakthroughs in production efficiency. Adhere to the principle of “strengthening coal, strengthening and digging into large”, doing the main business and promoting efficient production. Actively promote the upgrading of technical equipment, invest 320 million yuan, purchase 2,081 sets of various types of production equipment, and the degree of mechanization of large-scale mining reached 77.3% and 77%, up 11.8 and 1 percentage point respectively. Promote advanced and applicable technology, and make major breakthroughs in fully mechanized mining, ultra-thin coal seam mining and hard rock comprehensive excavation on steeply inclined coal seams. The mining face of fully mechanized mining and ultra-thin coal seams has reached 5 and 8, respectively. The transportation and excavation faces reached 5 and 30 respectively; the backward mining method of flower rafts and strips was eliminated by the long-walled inclined mining method; the exploration of large dip angle roadway protection and high-stress coal seam recovery technology achieved new results. Directly affiliated with the mining machine and hydraulic drilling rigs to achieve zero breakthrough; steel supporting support, "four anchors" combined support, medium and deep hole blasting, second transport loading and other technical application surface further expanded, microseismic monitoring to prevent impact The pressure technology is obvious.

Accelerate the construction of safe and efficient district teams. 330 teams have reached the standard of safe and efficient mining teams throughout the year. The annual output of emerging 41031, newly built 40031, Xinqiang 45062 coal mining team exceeded 400,000 tons, and Xinli 44001 and other 8 coal mining units yielded Breaking through 25,000 tons; new 00802, emerging 10503 and new strong 50001, 50008 equivalent footage reached XX meters, Longhu 70302 and other 9 tunneling teams broke through 150 meters. The large well mining face was reduced from 59 and 202 at the beginning of the year to 55 and 181 respectively. Increase the regular circulation operation and production organization, all the 12 mines completed the production assessment plan, and 10 mines including Xinjian, Xinxing, Xinqiang, Longhu, Taoshan, Xinli, Shengli, Xiangyang, Xinfu, and Construction completed the target project; The newly-built mineral coal is 2.05 million tons, and the total output ranks first among the mines; the emerging mineral coal is 1.91 million tons, and the super-project is 260,000 tons.

Efforts will be made to promote the construction of key projects, speed up the preparation for succession, and strictly assess the three-quantity and 10,000-ton excavation rate of mines, and subsidize key projects, extremely thin coal seam roadways, large dip roadway guards, and roadway refilling. The annual ultra-thin coal seam roadway footage is achieved. 10,000 meters, completed 32,000 meters of subsidy project, 20,000 meters of large dip roadway protection, 25,000 meters of roadway. Accelerate the horizontal extension, the newly-built three-level auxiliary shaft and the new iron two-level auxiliary shaft mine construction project were completed ahead of schedule, and the Longhu two-level meteorite shaft and return air shaft began to sink. Accelerate the preparation of the new district, the construction of 9 new districts such as Taoshan Qicai is progressing smoothly, the new strong mining will form the first mining face, and the main project of the new iron six mining will be completed. Accelerate system transformation and resource exploration, complete the renovation and certification of 10 pairs of enhanced wells and 7 docking wells in New Fourth Mine, increase reserves of 9 million tons, increase production capacity by 600,000 tons/year; vigorously promote the rear layer of the western mine, and new In the deep mines of the strong mines and the exploration of the resources of the complex mining area in the Longhu Mine, 16 holes were drilled and 5,260 meters were drilled.

Comprehensive management of the site, the construction of intrinsically safe mines has been newly strengthened. Adhere to the implementation of responsibility, strengthen on-site management and "three basics" construction, and lay a solid foundation for safe production. Highlight the safety focus. The gas drainage was vigorously promoted as a fundamental solution to prevent major accidents. 715 construction drilling rigs were carried out throughout the year, and gas drainage was 68.2 million m3. The drainage rate reached 40.5%, and the number of gas overruns decreased by 34%. By increasing investment, improving equipment, and improving standards, we will promote the renovation of ventilation, monitoring and dust prevention systems, complete 15 renovation projects, reduce resistance projects by 18,000 meters, replace 23 main fans, and add 184,000 meters of dust-proof pipelines. At 1120 dust-proof facilities, the mine “one-way three-proof” system is more stable and reliable. Strengthen the management of gas and coal dust in the mining face by strictly implementing the “general manager’s order”, the “inspector’s responsibility”, comprehensive anti-burst measures, gas monitoring, local ventilation and dust control, and further strengthen the foundation of mine prevention major accidents. .

Strengthen comprehensive management. Continue to carry out 100-day security battles and special governance battles, strengthen the key parts of the underground, weak links, remote peripheral and ground vehicle transportation, forest fire prevention, gas storage and transportation hidden dangers, increase hidden dangers, supervision, closure, rectification and responsibility investigation, the whole year Conducted a safety inspection of 400 mines, detected 1680 hidden dangers, traced hidden dangers and accidents 41 times, and sentenced 320 people to be responsible. The safety inspection coverage and hidden danger rectification rate all reached 100%. Adhere to the principle of “three on-site management”, strictly implement the cadre safety guarantee and the down-to-earth and well-in-the-fact system, and comprehensively strengthen on-site command, safety supervision and technical guidance, and the safety of the operation site is significantly improved. Adhere to the "bottom-up safety" concept, clarify the responsibility of small class safety subjects, promote the management of small class "three zeros" safety objectives, carry out small class safety quality assessment, improve the matching of wages of security funds, and the awareness of "self-preservation" among front-line workers is obviously enhanced. The phenomenon of “three violations” has been significantly reduced.

Consolidate the security foundation. Increase safety investment, invest 370 million yuan in safety costs throughout the year, and add 3,580 sets of safety equipment, and the level of mine safety equipment has been significantly improved. Increase the quality standardization construction, focus on the mining work surface, small transportation, mechanical and electrical equipment and scattered work type adjustment work, put the dynamic management in the production process and the quality improvement of the New Fourth Mine, and promote the overall level of standardization construction. Take a new step. Intensify safety education and training, build a three-level security training center in the east, carry out long-term secondary education, and promote the training of “must know” training to post-related knowledge, expand to idle work, complete various types of training throughout the year 30456 The number of people, the self-protection of cadres and workers, the awareness of team joint insurance and the skills of post operations have been significantly enhanced.

Open source and cut-off management, the quality of corporate economic operations has improved. Adhere to the "fine coal preparation, management and fine" to improve the quality of business operations. Vigorously promote the strategic upgrade of clean coal. Taking the reforming coal preparation process and improving the yield of clean coal as the foundation of the efficiency, the company invested 50 million yuan to renovate the iron selection plant and the dragon selection plant. The six coal washing plants have completed the heavy medium process transformation, and the coal preparation technology level and washing and processing The efficiency and product quality stability all reached the domestic leading level. The annual clean coal yield exceeded 40% for the first time, and the proportion of clean coal sales reached 54.6%, and won the honor of the province's product quality guarantee meritorious enterprise. The peach selection plant, the seven washing plant, the iron sorting plant, the new plant, the dragon plant, and the rich plant are scientifically matched with clean coal. The Ministry of Transportation strengthens coordination and maintenance, and promotes the strategic upgrade of clean coal to ensure the flow of funds. Outstanding Contribution. Strengthening coal quality management and building quality brand as the basis of innovation, strengthening the coal mining and coal mining in the production process, coal and rock sub-assembly and transportation, and sieving, strengthening the scientific ratio and individual indicators in the washing process The commercial coal ash decreased by 1.1 percentage points year-on-year, driving the quality of coal to increase by 10.78 million yuan.

In-depth development of income and expenditure activities. Strictly control cost and expenditure, strengthen two-way assessment of profit and loss costs, strengthen cost budget control, and focus on strengthening key areas such as material procurement, material distribution, reasonable profit, repair and disuse, and peaking, and focus on controlling office expenses, travel expenses, Non-productive expenses such as hospitality expenses, the annual cost per ton of coal was 345.87 yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.31 yuan, of which material costs decreased by 17.46 yuan / ton, and electricity costs decreased by 1.58 yuan / ton. Strictly implement the two-line management method of money revenue and expenditure and the capital expenditure budget system, strengthen resource compensation fees, transportation construction fees, unemployment insurance and other tax and fee coordination and bank loans, saving more than 690 million yuan. The annual expenditure was 347.87 million yuan, 77.5 million yuan more than the Long Coal project, and 41 independent accounting units of the molecular company, all of which completed the annual profit and loss assessment plan.

Continue to standardize business operations. Intensify special auditing efforts, carry out three audits of “financial brokerage law, clean up small treasury, and wage management”, correct 52 non-standard issues, and fined 7.07 million yuan; increase labor management, standardize labor quota, contract signing, work injury social security Management; strengthen legal litigation management to avoid and reduce economic losses of 41.6 million yuan. We will promote the implementation of the cost accounting system, formulate the “Management Method for Well Cost Accounting and the “Target Cost Management System”, promote the computerization of accounting in the new mine area, and the computerized experience of material management in the well area. The cost accounting system of the well area is initially established.

Deepen reform and seek development, and take a new step in the diversified development of enterprises. Actively promote project construction. Taking the resources and building a new well as the fundamental task of sustainable development, the deep resource exploration project of the western region with an investment of 180 million yuan has been issued by the Provincial Department of Finance, the Department of Land and Resources, and the provincial governor, and has started. It is expected to be launched. The project will increase the resources by 250 million tons; the Xiangyang shaft project will be approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, and construction will begin next year; the detailed investigation of the western resources of the Qifeng District is nearing completion, and the preliminary work of the 300,000-ton mine project has started; the reserve resources that have plagued the enterprise for many years, the mine The ice that is not connected is gradually being cracked. Promote the construction of the project and develop the circular economy as an important measure for sustainable development. The project of Tiedong Waste Stone Power Plant passed the EIA and was submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission for approval. It will break ground next year; the first phase of the coke oven renovation project of the gas plant will start. Became the pillar enterprise of the Seven Coal Company; the preparatory work for the 60 million hollow bricks and 600,000 tons of fly ash cement project of the building materials company was promoted in an orderly manner; the three power stations of the Blue Sky Company were connected to the grid to generate electricity, using gas 6.8 million meters 3 and generating 23 million kWh. Profit of 4 million yuan; Sanhe company gas drainage pipe production line completed installation at the end of the year; investment 36 million yuan, promote seven wash, new election, iron selection, rich selection, thermal power plant frequency conversion and Taoshan, Xinxing, Dongfeng mine water treatment plant construction, cleaning Production and energy conservation and emission reduction work have reached a new level.

Steadily promote institutional reform. In accordance with the overall deployment of the Long Coal Group's listing, the company has completed the separation of machinery manufacturing, geological exploration, design institutes, the separation of molecular companies and the transfer of vocational training colleges. After the independent operation of the Seven Coal Company, facing difficulties, not relying on it, self-reliance, self-reliance, based on the actual situation of the enterprise, scientific planning, and firmly grasp the three major events of “building a service brand, promoting turning losses and increasing profits, and speeding up project construction”. In order to carry out various tasks, the service system was rapidly formed, market awareness and service awareness were significantly enhanced, and the overall situation accelerated.

People-oriented and people's livelihood, the construction of a harmonious mining area has achieved new results. Vigorously implement the project of benefiting the people and the people. In-depth poverty alleviation and “Golden Autumn Aid” activities were carried out, with poverty alleviation funds of 11.5 million yuan and poverty alleviation of 500 tons, helping 924 disabled workers to get rid of poverty and funding 1,332 children of difficult workers to go to college. Continue to improve employee income and welfare benefits, the total income of the staff increased by 10%, organized more than 1,100 labor models and first-line backbone outings, and handled 379 first-line migrant workers in urban hukou, and declared 4,689 “five-seven workers” and family workers. Social pension insurance co-ordination. Efforts were made to improve the production and living environment of employees, complete the renovation of 161 residential buildings, reform the 1236 residential heating households, complete the thermal network overhaul 5450 meters, build new roads 40,000 m2, complete the greening area of ​​2036 mu, and standard the staff health food. Further improvement, bath conditions are further improved. In particular, after we actively strived for the construction of the shantytown renovation project with a construction area of ​​110,000 m2, 420 low-rent houses were completed and handed over. The "three unchanging, two struggles" goals determined by the previous Staff Representative Conference were all completed, and all the ten good things promised were fulfilled.

Strive to create a good development atmosphere. Solidly carry out the "Responsibility for the Year of Letters and Visits", actively promote democratic management, deepen the openness of corporate affairs, and extensively carry out employee representative inspections, democratic evaluation of leading bodies and leading cadres. Strengthen discipline and rectification and efficiency monitoring, severely investigate and deal with violations of law and discipline, and the corporate culture has improved significantly. Strengthening the construction of corporate culture, the safety culture, management culture, service culture and other characteristic cultures have started on the road and made solid progress. Actively carrying out gifts to the 60th anniversary of the National Day, celebrating the second miners' festival, selecting the "three loves and three standings" model, and creating the "three excellent" civilized mining areas and other spiritual civilization activities, further enhancing the company's cohesiveness and centripetal force. The bureaus at all levels, armed defense, mine rescue, life logistics and other departments around the enterprise center, actively carry out post training, technical competition and youth civilization posts, safe mining areas and other activities, and made positive contributions to the development of enterprises.

Looking back on the work of the past year, it is hard and gratifying. This year is the year of hardship and stress that has been faced since the coal market improved. It is also the year in which we seized opportunities in the crisis and stood the test in the predicament. This year is the year in which our enterprise reform is the most powerful, the security situation is the best, the productivity development rate is the fastest, and the employee income is the highest. It is also a year in which the resource bottleneck is solved and the people's livelihood work is improved. In this year, the overall work accelerated and all fronts achieved excellent results. It should be said that the company's desire to develop, the spirit of hard work and the spirit of hard work and advancement have never been as high as today; the achievements of cracking the "bottleneck" of resources, the achievements of the clean coal strategy, and the improvement of people's livelihood have never been as obvious as today. The idea of ​​promoting the scientific development of enterprises, the goal of harmonious development, and the concept of people-oriented have never been as prominent as today.

Looking back on the practice in the past year, we have realized more deeply that we must take safety production as the overriding top priority, the alarm bells are long-lasting, and we must constantly grasp it; we must take the development of productive forces as the top priority and upgrade the technological content. Promote safety and efficiency; the clean coal strategy must be regarded as the first magic weapon of market competition, cultivate the clean coal brand and seize market share; team building must be taken as the fundamental guarantee for development, improve the overall quality, and temper the hard work style.

While fully affirming the achievements, we must also clearly see the existing problems: although the security situation has improved, the degree of security is still not high, and sporadic accidents have not been effectively controlled; although resources have strived for breakthroughs, it takes time to implement them. The size of the mine is still relatively tight, and the single production single entry is still relatively low in the whole coal industry; although the business situation remains stable, the source of benefits mainly depends on the main coal industry, and the industrial structure is single and the management is not fundamentally solved; although the income of employees continues Raise, but there is still a big gap with the industry average, and there are more debts in life, and the factors affecting the stability of the mining area still exist. Our task in the future is to attach great importance to and seriously address these issues.
Second, promote the "five transformations", speed up development, and fully promote enterprises to enter the fast and sustainable development track

2019 is the last year of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". It is also a crucial year for us to seize the opportunity, speed up adjustment, promote the "five-oriented" and lay the foundation for the accelerated development of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Regarding the situation facing next year, the party committee work conference just held has already made an in-depth analysis. In general, it means that the pressure is not small, the hope is greater, the contradictions are many, and the advantages are more. Under the situation of pressure layer superposition and complicated contradictions, turning hope into reality, turning advantage into victory, and realizing rapid and sustainable development of enterprises, it is necessary to unify the overall thinking, clarify development ideas, and innovate development measures. Good and fast development.

The guiding ideology of work in 2019 is: taking the scientific development concept as the guiding principle and the "five-oriented" construction as the goal, focusing on expanding resources, project construction, improving the three key points of people's livelihood, stabilizing the scale of total insurance, strengthening preparation, and improving Science and technology to increase strength, lay a solid foundation for full preservation, diversified development and adjustment structure, strict management to improve efficiency, people-oriented harmony, and strive to achieve rapid and sustainable development of enterprises!

The work objectives are:

1. The raw coal production is planned to be 11 million tons, and the goal is 12 million tons. Among them, the branch plans to have 8.7 million tons, and the goal is 9.56 million tons; Seven Coal plans to have 2.3 million tons and the target of 2.44 million tons.

2. The total footage is 284,000 meters, including 185,000 meters for the branch and 99,000 meters for the Seven Coal Company. The development footage is 55,130 meters, including 32,840 meters for the branch and 22,290 meters for the seven coal companies.

3. The standardization of mine quality construction has reached the first-class standard, and the accidents of more than 3 people have been eliminated. The death rate of one million tons is controlled within the index of the Long Coal; the ground is eliminated from minor accidents.

4. Imported 10.74 million tons of raw coal, 4.4 million tons of clean coal and 8.11 million tons of commercial coal.

5. The proportion of non-coal economy has increased substantially, and the output value has strived to exceed 1.7 billion yuan.

6. The Molecular Company completed the profit assessment indicators issued by Longmei Group.

7. The income of employees will maintain moderate growth according to the business conditions of the company.

The working idea is: to consolidate the three cornerstones, to promote two upgrades, and to grasp three tasks.

Consolidate the three cornerstones:

First, strengthen the main business of coal production and consolidate the cornerstone of enterprise development. The main business of coal is the basis for the survival and development of enterprises. In the next year and in the next period, we must focus on the principles of “stable production scale, increase adjustment, improve system security, and improve scientific and technological content”, and strive to lay a solid foundation for enterprise development.

It is necessary to focus on improving the production technology content, focusing on the development of mining mechanization and technical research. In accordance with the principle of "advanced production technology, well-equipped and applicable", we will actively introduce new technologies, new technologies and new equipment, and strive to promote the upgrading of technical equipment. The degree of mechanization of mining has reached more than 80%; the new four mines should vigorously promote the process of pseudo-slanting segmentation, gas-filled self-moving brackets and high-grade general mining, and banned irregular coal mining. It is necessary to actively explore the comprehensive mining of thin coal seams, vigorously promote the equipment matching of the mining face, continue to promote advanced and applicable process technologies such as medium-deep hole blasting, fault prediction, large dip angle protection, steel supporting support, etc., relying on scientific and technological means to improve the supporting strength. And production efficiency.

It is necessary to focus on accelerating the construction of safe and efficient construction, focusing on the regular cycle and promoting the reduction of the team. Carry out the principle of “reasonable layout, balanced production, safe and efficient”, scientifically plan the parameters of mining area and working surface, and realize centralized and efficient production. Seriously grasp the installation and finishing work of the moving and jumping surface, realize the non-stop production and not reduce production; effectively strengthen the production plan, small shift, process connection and electromechanical management, improve the equipment operating rate and working hours utilization, and ensure the regular circulation of production; Improve and improve the safety and efficiency incentive policy, support the mines to transform low-yield and low-entrance teams, improve the single-entry and single-entry level, and ensure that more than 30% of the coal mining teams in the eight major mines meet the standards of safe and efficient coal mining, and the coal mining face yields 15,000 tons. In addition, we will further promote the reduction of surface efficiency.

It is necessary to focus on strengthening production support, focusing on speeding up the adjustment of the layout and increasing the capacity of resources. Establish the concept of "preparing for production is to catch production, and retaining strength is to protect development", increase maintenance, change fund input, improve over-excavation subsidy policy, and support the continuous battles of various mines under the premise of controlling the total amount of coal. Strongly promoted five horizontal deepening projects such as the second level of Longhu Mine, the three levels of Xinxing Mine, and the four levels of Xinli Mine; vigorously promoted the construction of 10 new districts such as the new mining area of ​​Xinjian Mine and the second mining area of ​​Taoshan Mine, and increased the new establishment. The adjustment of mining areas such as the second mining and the second mining in Xinqiang Mine will ensure the transfer of production in the three mining areas of the No. 7 mining area of ​​the Taoshan Mine, the second-level mining area of ​​the Xinqiang Mine, and the six mining areas of the New Iron Mine. 20 efforts to increase the reserves of resources for the expansion of the “five unified” mine resources, the re-exploration of new and strong mine production, the detailed investigation of resources in the Qifeng District, and the deep exploration in the western region.

The second is to play the advantages of washing and processing, and consolidate the cornerstone of market innovation. The clean coal strategy is the core competitiveness of our company. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of specialization in management, strong technical strength, advanced technology, and scarce coal types, further improve product quality, enlarge the efficiency of washing and selection, and consolidate and enhance the “brand” status of Qitaihe clean coal. It is necessary to strictly control the quality of coal, focus on optimizing mining design and strengthening production management, and do a good job in mining high and low ash coal seams to solve the problem of meteorite incorporation caused by mechanized mining and continuous transportation, and strive to reduce raw coal ash. To strengthen the management of coal washing, it is important to study the coal types and coal quality characteristics of each coal seam, further optimize the ratio of raw coal, and focus on cultivating the clean coal brands of each factory so that the scarce coal types and advanced technological advantages are fully released. . It is necessary to increase the quality of coal quality testing and individual indicators, and further improve the yield of clean coal on the basis of stabilizing the quality of commercial coal to ensure that the yield of clean coal is stable at over 40%. It is necessary to grasp the market orientation, timely adjust the structure of coal washing products according to market demand, and focus on the brand cultivation and market sales of the washed coal. Strengthen communication and coordination with key users, railways and Longgang's marketing department to ensure timely delivery, expand market share, and maximize sales profits.

The third is to strengthen the construction of grassroots teams and consolidate the cornerstone of team support. The grassroots team is the most basic organizational unit of the enterprise. The production tasks must be completed by the team. The safety quality should be realized by the team, and the economic benefits should be created by the team. It is necessary to attach great importance to the construction of grassroots teams, and to build a "high-quality team of teams, a team of professionals and versatile workers" as the direction, and conscientiously do a good job in the construction of grassroots teams. It is necessary to highlight the management of the length of the class, improve the entry threshold of the class, and select the business backbone with good skills, strong ability, high prestige and responsibility to the long position of the class; strengthen the education and training of the class leader and vigorously promote it. The "White Country Weekly Group Management Law" will improve the ability of the class leader to strictly implement the system implementation and project quality, timely handle hidden dangers, and guide on-site safety operations, and train the class leader into a front-line safety production gatekeeper. Efforts should be made to improve the combat effectiveness of the team. If we continue to do a good job, we must be trained to carry out the "Ankang Cup" competition, post training, technical competition, etc., while actively exploring the rules of team construction, improving and improving the team management system and rigid discipline requirements. Gradually improve the quality of the workforce and the combat effectiveness of the team. At the same time, combined with the actual development of the enterprise, especially in combination with the development of circular economy and non-coal industry, further strengthen the construction of talent team, and strive to build a talent team that integrates entrepreneurial management talents and innovative technical talents to provide a strong guarantee for enterprise development. .

Advance two upgrades:

The first is to promote safety and quality upgrades. Safety is the top priority of coal mines. It is also a major event that is overwhelming and heavier than everything. All work must put safety first.

It is necessary to highlight the key points to grasp the pumping. Implementing the “gas ventilating reliability, pumping standards, management in place, monitoring and effective” gas control work system, increasing system transformation and gas drainage, and completing five mine ventilation systems and eight mines in Xinxing, Xinli, Xinqiang, Xinfu and Longhu. Monitoring system fiber ring network transformation, grasping the installation of high gas mines into the wind tunnel, key diverticulum air intake monitoring facilities, promoting the construction of 7 sets of new pumping systems and the transformation of Taoshan and Xinqiang pumping systems, actively exploring more effective Drainage technology and technology, strive to pump 70 million cubic meters of gas throughout the year, the extraction rate of more than 40%. Deeply absorb the lessons of Hegang's "11.21" accident, earnestly strengthen the basic management of "one pass and three defenses", strictly implement the "General Manager's Order", eliminate the phenomenon of illegal shooting and unreasonable tandem winds; implement comprehensive dust prevention measures, strengthen impact rock pressure and coal With the prediction and prevention of gas outbursts, the role of the inspector of the gas will be exerted, and the gas and coal dust accident will be resolutely eliminated.

It is necessary to strengthen the scene to catch hidden dangers. We will grasp the realization of the field, eradicate the hidden dangers, and eliminate the "three violations" as the fundamental policy for controlling and eliminating the zero-breaking accident. With the small-class "three zeros" safety target management and the Baiguo Zhouban group management law as the carrier, we will conscientiously implement the safety guarantee, the down-draft and the well-in-the-fact system, and continue to carry out "anti-three violations and anti-accidents" activities to strengthen risk mortgages, safe annuities and classes. Duan Chang allowance assessment, implementation of small class safety main responsibility, play the role of class leader, security inspectors, tile inspectors on-site check, consolidate and consolidate the first line of defense production. In accordance with the basic requirements of “two 100%” for safety inspection coverage and hidden danger closure rectification rate, continue to increase special governance battles and daily safety inspections, strengthen hidden danger classification, listing supervision, mandatory rectification and accountability, and fundamentally solve hidden dangers. The problem that arises and lasts for a long time.

To lay a solid foundation for quality. Starting from the three aspects of "people, machine and environment", we will promote the quality assessment of safety and quality points and professional system quality upgrades, implement small class quality assessment, strengthen the management of the regulations, and strive to promote the continuous improvement of engineering and work quality; Increase safety investment, update and eliminate outdated equipment, upgrade mine equipment level, establish high-standard safety production communication command system, and strive to promote continuous improvement of safe working environment; through innovative supervision mechanism, strict accountability, and strive to promote the continuous improvement of safety supervision system; Through the improvement of emergency plans, strengthen daily emergency drills, strictly control entry and exit, and strive to improve the ability to respond scientifically to natural disasters and emergencies; strive to promote the safety of employees by grasping the safety of ideological education and training at the third, fourth and fifth levels. , to lay a solid foundation for safe production.

The second is to promote enterprise management upgrades. The benefits of the enterprise are made out, and they are managed. It is necessary to comprehensively implement refined management, deepen the potential for savings, and strive to upgrade to management.

To extend the cost management tentacles. In accordance with the principle of shifting the center of gravity, saving potential, and managing the target, we will start from the whole process of cost generation and comprehensively and systematically control the cost. It is necessary to promote well area accounting. Strengthen the two-way control assessment of profit and loss costs, improve the cost accounting of the refinement well team, clarify the responsibility, strictly control the export, block the management loopholes, and control the irrational material consumption. It is necessary to insist on the integration of management. Focus on strengthening bidding and procurement, fixed rating, centralized distribution, tracking and verification, adjustment and turnover, repairing old and waste, scientifically reducing storage management, increasing electricity consumption assessment and hiding peaks to ensure the cost of materials such as tons of coal and electricity. Projects are controlled within budget. We must improve management methods. Promote the internal accounting management software of emerging mines, and incorporate all materials consumption, labor, and expenses into the management of microcomputers, and use information management to prevent the phenomenon of running. To control other expenses. Strictly control hospitality, travel expenses, office expenses, repair costs, standardize various bonuses, and reduce non-productive expenses.

It is necessary to adjust the capital investment orientation. Firmly establishing funds is the idea of ​​the company's blood, insist on centralized use, ensure key investment, and maximize the effectiveness of funds. Make sure the money is flowing. Increase the settlement of coal accounts and the collection of various accounts receivable, and strive to increase cash back; strictly implement the two-line system of revenue and expenditure, seriously investigate and deal with the extracorporeal circulation of funds, privately set up "small treasury" and interception and sitting, and strive to activate funds Form a concentrated use of funds. To ensure the development of demand. Strengthen fund budget and approval management, scientifically formulate various fund plans such as maintenance, modification, overhaul, and safety measures, and adjust the focus of capital use to promote the upgrading of production equipment, develop circular economy, and improve people's livelihood. Enterprise development provides strong financial support.

It is necessary to regulate the order of economic operation. Implement refined management, improve management policies, refine quantitative assessment, control, evaluation indicators and internal control, strengthen monthly assessment and policy implementation, and focus on project construction, wage distribution, bonus distribution, capital use, contract signing, and work-related injuries. In the key areas and key links, we will seriously investigate and deal with violations. Strengthen the construction of informatization, do a good job in financial foundation, asset efficiency, tax and fee coordination, settlement and docking, etc., and improve the level of scientific financial management. Standardize enterprise management, enhance legal awareness, do a good job in economic disputes and case response, avoid legal risks, and reduce economic losses.

Grasping three tasks:

First, grab the project construction. It is necessary to accurately grasp the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, seize the opportunity of national industrial adjustment, strive for policy and financial support, and actively promote project construction. It is necessary to speed up the construction of key projects, start the construction of Xiangyang shaft and deep exploration in the western region, and do a good job in the preliminary work of the 300,000-ton small-scale mine project of Qifeng, and reserve resources and lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the main industry. It is necessary to vigorously develop the circular economy, focusing on the construction of Tiedong Waste Rock Power Plant, 60 million hollow brick plants and 600,000 tons of fly ash cement plant, and strive for 150,000 tons of coal tar deep processing; in particular, we must thoroughly understand the central investment orientation and national industry. The policy will actively promote energy-saving and emission reduction projects such as gas power generation expansion, Xinqiang and Xinli mine water treatment, domestic sewage treatment and Longhu mine waste heat utilization demonstration, and promote the comprehensive utilization of resource recycling and industrial structure optimization and upgrading. We must support the development of non-coal units, increase support in terms of capital, policies, and markets, do a good job in coke oven renovation and coking deep processing, expand services and non-coal industries, develop characteristic agroforestry, open up new logistics markets, and actively face the society. Cultivate new economic growth points. All units planning new projects must fully engage in argumentation, do a good job in market research, and grasp the national industrial policy, and should not blindly invest.

The second is to steadily push reform and restructuring. In accordance with the "three benefits" principle that is conducive to the development of the enterprise, conducive to the stability of the mining area, and beneficial to the interests of employees, the reform and restructuring work will be actively and steadily promoted. We must innovate the management system. Encourage the support of gas-fired factories, building materials companies and other units with products and markets to carry out shareholding system reform, introduce strategic investors, implement “four-self” operation, promote product upgrades, and enhance the comprehensive strength and market competitiveness of enterprises. To change the operating mechanism. Strengthen profit and loss supervision, implement budget control, promote management innovation, formulate supporting policies, and help support service companies such as plumbing telecommunications, medical centers, Qijiao Hotel, and resource-based enterprises such as Sanhe Company and Changqing Forestry to give full play to their own advantages and improve their innovation. Effectiveness, to achieve a turnaround. We must strive for policy support. In-depth study of national policies, increase coordination with government departments and higher-level organizations, and strive to obtain support policies for tax reduction and exemption, safety technology transformation, clean energy production, and large-scale collective restructuring of factories, reduce the burden on enterprises, and promote enterprise development.

The third is to improve people's livelihood. Adhere to the purpose of benefiting employees and contributing to the society, safeguarding the dignity of employees, safeguarding the rights and interests of employees, and developing the interests of employees. It is necessary to strengthen democratic management, improve the system of employee representative inspection, democratic appraisal, and public reporting, expand the scope of business disclosure, and protect the basic rights and interests of workers and staff, such as the right to know, participation, supervision, and learning. We must implement the responsibility for stability, do a good job in ideological guidance, policy propaganda, and contradictory mediation, timely resolve the reasonable demands of the workers and the public, and maintain a stable political situation. We must adhere to the people-oriented principle, actively do practical things for the working people, and solve difficult problems: the income of employees will maintain moderate growth; the budgetary investment will be 160 million yuan, and the renovation project of 110,000 square meters of shantytowns will be launched to improve the living conditions of employees in XX households in subsidence areas; Helping the needy workers; Raising 1 million yuan to support the children of difficult workers to go to university; budget investment of 2 million yuan, continue to implement the "Thousands of coal mines and health care" plan; invest 5 million yuan to repair the residential area road 40,000 m 2; Yuan completed the flat renovation of the employee's community roof, painting the building at 33,200 m2; budgeting investment of 5 million yuan, carrying out environmental greening for the four residential quarters; investing 3 million yuan to transform 1,000 households for heating and households; General Affairs Department, unified management, unified procurement, unified formula for the whole company class, improve standards, improve quality, decentralized processing, compulsory consumption, ensure the health of employees; strengthen the operation of public service, expand the scope, improve standards, improve underground The working conditions of personnel; the full implementation of the housing fund is monetized to pay interest and interest, and the housing loan business is started when the conditions are ripe. Staff really enjoy the preferential policy of housing accumulation fund.

To do a good job next year and achieve the set goals, we need to be active and effective at all levels of the team and cadres, and we must rely on the active participation and joint efforts of the staff. The two-level team should be coordinated, scientifically organized, and vigorously promoted. Cadres at all levels should be responsible and promising, take the lead in setting a good example, and work hard. The broad masses of employees must stand on their posts, shoulder heavy burdens, pragmatic dedication, and give full play to the role of the master and the main force.

Dear delegates and comrades, 2019, which is carrying the harvest, is about to pass, and 2019, full of hope, is coming. Let us unite more closely, unify our thinking, boost our spirit, conscientiously implement the scientific development concept, actively participate in the construction of the "five-oriented", and work hard to promote the rapid and sustainable development of enterprises!

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