Work report > work report

Work report of the deputy director of the assembly shop

Dear leaders:

It took almost two months for the deputy director of the final assembly shop, and I felt a lot during these two months. Let me talk about some of my suggestions and measures for managing the assembly shop. If there is any, please forgive me.

First, the electrical equipment class

The quality of the electric outfit is directly affected by the quality of the company's products, and also affects the progress of the commissioning class. Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of Denso products. I think the reasons for the quality problems in the Denso are as follows:

1. The proficiency and quality of the workers;

2. Errors in technical drawings;

3. The ability to work in quality inspection;

4. The circuit board or the whole machine wiring design is not rationalized.

In view of the above problems and in order to better manage Denso, I think we can start from the following aspects:

1. Strengthen the training and management of workers. The quality inspection is the most clear of the problems that occur at the most and knows that the most common errors occur. Therefore, it is necessary for the quality inspection to conduct training for the places where problems are easy to occur before the project is done, so that the workers know that there is a need to pay attention; In the electric equipment class, an incentive system is set up to give appropriate economic rewards to workers with the highest inspection rate every month, which can improve the enthusiasm of workers for self-inspection.

2, there are three cases of technical drawings errors: trial products; products that are not often made; products that have just been improved. It is hoped that the technicians who design and proofread the drawings will be able to implement the responsibilities and ensure that the drawings to the Denso are prepared correctly.

3. The current quality inspection work is to check the finished product according to the drawings. The contents involved in the drawings are limited, not detailed enough, there is no uniform standard, and it is easy to subjective, so that disputes between quality inspection and workers will inevitably arise. It is recommended that the relevant circuit boards, wire ties, and the whole machine have a unified inspection standard.

4, the design of the circuit board should try to avoid jumpers, secant lines, the design of the whole machine wiring diagram should be clear and easy to confuse, should be distinguished by different line colors.

5. For the frequently problematic and important boards, they must be tested and then loaded onto the machine, such as the signal processing board of the optical platform.

6, should minimize the occurrence of material shortages. For the time to catch up, but not expected. Workers should be told before they do what they owe. The materials sent to the workshop by the warehouse, especially the important components, should be accurate and not too much.

Second, the machine class

There are still fewer problems in the machine-installed classes. Basically can meet the requirements of production. But I hope that the company can recruit one or two more workers as soon as possible to meet the needs of future production.

Third, the debugging class

In order to debug the class to complete the task with quality and quantity, I will propose suggestions and hopes for some products.


1. Optical platform.

The optical platform is prone to problems. The signal processing board is for this situation. We will strengthen the detection of the signal processing board. We will do this test first, and we will ensure that the signal processing board can work normally before loading on the platform. The gain resistor setting of the preamplifier should be reasonable to improve the efficiency of the tuning platform.

2, speed module

There are many problems in the speed module, mainly card to technology. I hope that the technical department can solve the problem of zero speed and high speed as soon as possible.

3, solenoid valve and electromagnetic pump

Most of the leakage failure is caused by the leakage of the solenoid valve and the electromagnetic pump, because the solenoid valve and the electromagnetic pump must be intensified to ensure that they are not leaked before being loaded onto the machine. In addition, the flow rate of individual electromagnetic pumps is small, and the flow rate is unstable. I hope that the technical department can solve it.


1. Flow module. The probability of a hop count in a traffic module is relatively large, and it is hoped that the technical department can solve this problem as soon as possible.

Finally, I hope that when the company replaces the product parts, it should do more experiments to ensure that it can meet the requirements of our products before it is put into production.

4. Coordination between the assembly shop and the planning department

Before planning, the planning department should first understand the workshop and evaluate the production capacity of the workshop. The goal is to be realistic. For the case of material shortage, the planning department should solve it as soon as possible.

The above is some of my views and suggestions on the volume of the assembly shop, I hope to get leadership support and corrections.

Our goal is to complete production tasks on time every month, to ensure the demand for sales and inventory of the warehouse, so that leaders do not have to worry about production problems.

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