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County Education Report of 2019

Principals, secretaries, comrades:

In the 2009 school year, under the correct leadership of the county party committee, the county government, and the higher education administrative department, the cadres and staff of the county's education system worked hard, actively and steadily, and the education work progressed smoothly and made certain progress. Below, I will review and summarize the work of the 2009 school year, deploy the main education work in the 2010 school year, and at the same time, make some emphasis on the work of building a good accountability system.

First, strengthen confidence and affirm the education work in the 2009 academic year

In the past one year, we have persisted in innovation and reform, and strived to break through and launch a tough battle for quality improvement. In order to meet the needs of the development of the top 100 counties and provincial education counties, to meet the needs of the people for the high quality of education, to effectively improve the quality of education and teaching in our county, and intensify efforts to promote development and reform, and comprehensively launched the “Yuhuan Quality Improvement Project”. ". After a lot of work in the early stage, in-depth school research, establishing goals, optimizing programs, and formulating the "Yuhuan County Education Quality Improvement Implementation Opinions", put forward in the aspects of student moral education, teaching management, classroom efficiency, teacher teaching ability and teaching evaluation. More targeted measures and requirements have further strengthened the management and guidance of school education development. In order to effectively implement the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions", the county's education system quality improvement mobilization meeting was also held, and the county government organized a symposium to improve the quality of high school education, further forming an ideological unity, a firm belief, and synergy in the education system. The combined work of combat.

In the 2009 school year, quality education was further promoted and teaching reform was deepened. First, adhere to the education-oriented, moral education first. Through the organization of parent schools, the establishment of home-school contact cards, the organization of students to participate in reading education, letter writing, "100 schools to read classic famous sentences" and other diversified activities, effectively enhance the effectiveness of moral education work, which issued "classic reading" reading 6 More than 10,000 volumes, the Education Bureau won the Outstanding Organization Award of the 3rd National Children's Letter Writing Competition. At the same time, in order to effectively improve the overall quality of students, the “Two Body and One Art” project was launched and implemented in five schools including Huanshan Elementary School. Pilot work was carried out, and all kinds of sports, art and technology competitions in China were held in earnest, creating a carrier for students' all-round development. Second, to rely on the curriculum to rely on, and constantly improve the quality of teaching. Further improve the teaching evaluation system, start the comprehensive quality evaluation system for high school students, revise the comprehensive quality evaluation system for middle school graduates, cancel the national primary school entrance examination, and adopt the method of sampling; further strengthen the monitoring of teaching quality, deepen the study of high school classroom teaching mode, and hold high school students. Research-based learning outcomes exchange meeting, revision of high school teaching quality target assessment and reward methods, research and development of Yuhuan County National Middle School Teaching Quality Incentive Program, strengthen research on middle and high school entrance examinations, hold high school entrance examination, college entrance examination quality analysis meeting, and strive to improve examination quality. This year, the number of high-level students in the senior high school entrance examination has further expanded, with 2,568 reference persons and 1,428 people with 650 points or more, an increase of 823 from last year. Third, the teacher assessment mechanism is further improved. Formulate the "Yuhuan County School-level Leadership Performance Appraisal Measures", "Yuhuan County Teachers' Annual Assessment Method" and "Yuhuan County China Small Teachers' Annual Assessment of the Last Exchange Implementation Measures", and hold the general high school teachers' subject knowledge test, which further strengthens Teacher responsibility and urgency. In addition, give full play to the guidance and supervision functions of education supervision, and carry out special supervision on ordinary high school teaching work, school-running behaviors, school education equipment and experimental teaching, etc., to promote the healthy development of basic education; Scientifically grasp the status of compulsory education in urban and rural areas in our county; strengthen the establishment of provincial education strong towns and city education basic modernization schools. At present, our county has been rated as 14 basic education modernization schools in Taizhou, and the proportion of provincial education strong towns reaches 90%. .

In the past academic year, we have adhered to coordination and progress, standardized schooling, and the educational achievements have been further consolidated. The initial increase rate of the county reached 96.76%, the general employment ratio was 1:1 for 12 consecutive years, the enrollment rate and consolidation rate in the compulsory education stage were both 99.7%, the national minimum was 100%, and the preschool admission rate was 96.7%. The gross enrollment rate of higher education reached 42.62%, and the graduates of secondary vocational schools went to school once and the employment rate reached 97.5%. This is mainly summarized in the following four aspects:

First, focus on optimizing the development of high school education. Efforts should be made to successfully run two key high schools, actively support Yucheng Middle School to enter the ranks of provincial-level key middle schools, and encourage Chenyu and Kanmen high school to take the road of special education; to ensure the quality of students, strengthen the macro-control of high school enrollment plans, and improve the focus The high school orientation enrollment index reached 40%, canceled the high school choice school student forecast name system, and adopted the voluntary report method to conduct batch admission. At the same time, we will actively promote the development of secondary vocational education, further expand the channels for enrollment, carry out the docking of schools in the central and western regions, and improve the attractiveness of secondary vocational schools by implementing the subsidies for poor students' love and nutrition, and the secondary vocational education and scholarship policies. The funds are nearly 3.34 million yuan, and the number of students is up to XX. The development of key schools and the construction of professional schools have been strengthened. The vocational education group has been established. The secondary school auto repair major has won a provincial subsidy of 450,000 yuan. This year, the county has set a special fund of 4.1 million yuan. It is used for the development and professional construction of the county secondary technical school and the oriental middle school.

The second is to persist in promoting the development of fair education. Intensify the protection of compulsory education. Starting from the spring of 2019, the school will be exempted from the cost of textbooks and homework at the compulsory education stage, exempting the borrowing fees of children of migrant workers who meet the conditions for schooling; establishing a long-term mechanism for the maintenance and renovation of school buildings, and improving the use of funds. Benefits to ensure the safety of school buildings. Strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of vulnerable groups to receive compulsory education, do a good job in student education and poverty alleviation, issue more than 1.7 million yuan of education vouchers and nutritional meal coupons, and subsidize more than 7,600 students; adjust the primary school district of Longxi Township and change the Mixi Elementary School For the children of public migrant workers, the educational resources are further optimized, and the rights of migrant children to enjoy compulsory education are effectively guaranteed. Promote compulsory education in accordance with the law, and control the phenomenon of the third grade fast and slow class, further ensuring the fairness of education.

The third is to regulate the development of preschool education. The "Several Opinions on Further Regulating the Management of Preschool Education" was issued to stop the enrollment of preschool classes in an all-round way; for the young children in the kindergartens, the principle of "original level" was adopted to further regulate the behavior of the park. In combination with the new standards of the provincial park, the re-examination and certification work will be deployed, and the direction of preschool education will be clarified in the future. Through the organization of kindergarten teachers to participate in continuing education, the activities of preschool teachers' quality assessment, excellent self-made teaching aids, and theme environment creation will be carried out to continuously improve the level of preschool education.

The fourth is to steadily promote the development of private and adult education. We will do a good job in supporting and serving private education, continue to implement the policy of public teachers to be paid to private schools, implement the subsidy system for the training of private high school graduates, and arrange special incentives and subsidies of 800,000 yuan. The construction of adult cultural and technical schools has progressed, and the Shamen Township Technical School has been operating independently. Haishan Township Technology School has been rated as a provincial-level technical school. Actively carry out adult education and training, complete 418 reserve labor training, hold about 500 political theory and practical technical training, and train about 50,000 people. The development of local higher education is stable. Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Yuhuan College enrolled 400 students in the first half of 2019. It has completed 57% of the annual enrollment plan. Now the number of students is 1,900, and 4,800 non-degree educations have been conducted. Jiangnan, Zhejiang The graduate degree of the School of Science and Engineering is 78.87%, ranking first among similar universities in the province, and is striving to implement the teaching points of higher vocational colleges.

In the past academic year, we have adhered to the training of talents, optimized teachers, and further strengthened the construction of teachers. At present, the qualifications of full-time teachers of national junior college, middle school, general high and high vocational colleges in our county are 100%, 99.48%, 95.56% and 88.3% respectively. The undergraduate education qualifications of national and middle schools are 87.23% and 81.19% respectively; There are 180 star teachers, including 90 one-star, 60 two-star, 30 three-star, 46 principals, 3 provincial special teachers, 72 graduate students and 72 students. In the academic year of XX, the county teachers participated in the evaluation of various papers at various levels, and won one national award, 144 provincial and municipal awards, and 28 achievements won the outstanding achievements of education and research in the XX-XX school year.

The first is to strengthen the backbone of the faculty. Further standardize the management of the famous divisions, and formulate the "Implementation Opinions on the Dynamic Management of the Famous Headmasters of Yuhuan County" and the "Measures for the Implementation of the Evaluation of Star-Teachers in Yuhuan County", and earnestly do a good job in the evaluation of famous teachers and the selection of star teachers. At the same time, we actively played the role of the leading role of the backbone forces, carried out the activities of the famous teachers, the model school, and the weak school pairings; vigorously promoted the teaching of teachers, and sent 2 Xinjiang personnel and 2 teachers to Tiantai to teach; Two rural instructors were selected, and 13 teachers went to the rural weak schools in the county to teach. In addition, the school-level reserve cadres were publicly recommended for selection activities, 60 school-level reserve cadres were selected and training was organized, and a school-level leader resource pool was further established.

The second is to comprehensively promote the professional development of teachers. Focusing on teacher training, school-based training is the main carrier to improve the quality of teachers. Implementation of the "Leading Goose Project", 30 rural teachers were selected to go to the province for training; and the city's adult education colleges were used to assess the school-based training of 12 high schools. A total of 52 teachers and principals were selected to participate in the city training. The county's teacher training work conference was held, and the "Yuhuan County Key Teacher Training Program" was formulated to effectively strengthen the construction of key teachers; to build a team of class teachers, to carry out training for all employees, to organize activities in Wenzhou, and to organize new teachers and kindergarten teachers. People participate in the training; at the same time, through the implementation of teaching contests, inviting famous teachers, experts to jade lectures and other activities, the implementation of teaching and research joint film system to further improve the professional level of teachers. In addition, in order to effectively optimize the structure of teachers, we must conscientiously do a good job in teacher nuclear editing, implement separation of teachers' job evaluation, and guide all types of schools and temporary workers in the county to sign labor contracts. At present, it is approved that the county's faculty and staff is 3,230.

The third is to attach importance to the cultivation of teachers' scientific research capabilities. Using decentralized guidance and intensive training, the provincial and municipal re-establishment project and the county education association will be held to continuously promote the level of teachers' scientific research. At present, he has undertaken 4 provincial regulations in 2009, 7 municipal issues, and 51 municipal regulations; 5 provincial-level XX projects have been awarded excellent results, and 13 have been awarded excellent results at the municipal level. The mental health teachers team was productive, and the psychological counseling station was instructed to carry out a variety of work, holding psychological counseling activities seminars and event design programs, and organized nearly 80 psychological counselors to participate in the city c-level employment certificate training, a total of 47 people. Get a certificate and 14 people are excellent.

In the past academic year, we have insisted on strengthening facilities and improving conditions, and the balanced development of urban and rural education has been promoted. Through the overall arrangement of funds, optimizing the allocation of funds, while doing a good job in the construction of major projects, we will further increase support for weak schools, and the conditions for running schools in our county will be further improved. This year, the county's education fund budget is 432 million yuan, of which construction funds are arranged for 103 million yuan. First, to promote the construction of key projects, the design plan for the relocation of the three schools, such as Yucheng Middle School, was submitted for approval; the first phase of the expansion of Chumen Middle School completed the preliminary acceptance; the Longxi Township Central Kindergarten was about to be put into use; the reconstruction project of Kanmen Middle School had completed the bidding. Entering the construction stage of the pile foundation; the relocation project of the middle school of Lupu Town has completed 60% of the construction progress; the bidding tasks for a number of school construction projects such as the Kanmencheng Technical School Building have also been completed; Chen Yu Middle School and other rural China small The main project construction has been completed in the food and lodging construction project. At the same time, we actively created provincial standardization schools, and have repaired and renovated 18 schools with an investment of 4.08 million yuan. The second is to accelerate the pace of modern educational technology and equipment. Invested 4.76 million yuan, 114 new multimedia classrooms, all the classrooms in the county center and above are equipped with multimedia; 9 new computer rooms, 466 computers, including 326 students, with a life ratio of 9:1. Completed the transformation of the laboratory project of 4 schools in Chengguan 4th Middle School and the formulation of the plan; the electronic whiteboard project carried out pilot work, and completed the national small configuration work of the Central Mountain Small and Five Central Market Centers. The third is to strengthen the construction of educational information. Increase network construction, application and management, further expand the coverage of 100-megabit fiber access of Yuhuan Education Metropolitan Area Network, and complete 4 small-scale access projects in rural areas. At present, 53 schools in our county have access to 100M optical fiber, Yuhuan The education metropolitan area network coverage rate is 100%. Carry out the inspection, maintenance, update and replacement of the network access equipment and facilities of the information center and various information experiment schools, guide the implementation of the campus network upgrade project of the city center of the city, and add servers, routers and other networks to 15 schools. Basic equipment; strengthen network security monitoring and management, increase inspection and rectification efforts, and improve the information security system.

In the past academic year, we have adhered to people-oriented, optimized services, and strive to create a harmonious environment. First, organizational guarantees have been further strengthened. Actively explore new ways and new methods of party building work, establish and improve 77 school party branches and party general branch committees, and do a good job in the elections in a timely manner; extensively carry out the education system in the county to "highly raise the banner, scientific development, entrepreneurial innovation" The theme of the Party’s 17th National Congress on the theme of publicity and education, the implementation of the "Party Cadre Demonstration Post" creation activities, the establishment of the party building contact system; organized the activities of donating money for the 5.12 earthquake, party members paying "special party fees" and other activities, donated The special party fee is 422,918 yuan. The work of the trade unions went smoothly, the eighth congress of the county education union was convened, and a new committee was elected; 13 grassroots labor unions completed the election and the elections were completed, and the six migrant children's small schools established trade union organizations. At the same time, the work of the Commission for Work of the Commission has been continuously and effectively implemented, and the work of the retreat center has been further standardized

Second, good practices have been further developed. Strictly implement the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction, constantly improve the construction of the punishment and prevention system, carry out project management activities to prevent integrity risks, and equip the discipline inspection committees of various party branches. Intensified financial management supervision, carried out special inspection and clean-up activities for accounts such as “small treasury” of schools in the county, and further eliminated the soil that breeds corruption. Adhering to the economic responsibility auditing system, in XX, Taizhou Tiansheng Certified Public Accountants entrusted 16 principals of the county to audit the economic responsibility of the principals, and ordered the schools with problems to rectify within a time limit. The County Education Bureau was also named "Taizhou City Internal Audit Advanced Collective". Intensify the rectification of illegal private education, and amend the "Interim Provisions of the Yuhuan County Education Bureau on Strengthening the Management of Private Teachers and Students in Violation of Rules and Regulations", and establish an electronic file for private education with a total of 201 persons to carry out violations. With the work of investigating and dealing with the work, one person who violated the rules was investigated and further cleaned up. We will resolutely control the unreasonable charges of education and strictly implement the relevant education charging policies and regulations. In XX, our county was rated as the provincial “standard county for education fees”.

Third, safety and health work has been further strengthened. To create an activity carrier with “Safe Campus”, earnestly carry out safety education, conduct in-depth inspections, focus on strengthening flood prevention and traffic safety, conduct investigations on the implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law, and further standardize the transfer of migrant children’s schools through the news media. , the campus network, radio stations and other channels, issued "the cherish life, prevent drowning" to the parents book and other forms, and vigorously promote flood prevention safety education. In the aspect of sanitation and epidemic prevention work, we will focus on preventing the occurrence of "hand, foot and mouth disease". This year, there were no deaths of "hand, foot and mouth disease" in our county; in the aspect of food hygiene management, we started the implementation of the "Million Student Food Distribution Project" and organized the county. China's small study canteen management "five regular laws", and strive to ensure the health and safety of the canteen. At present, there are 4 a-level schools, 6 b-class schools and 35 c-level schools in the county.

Fourth, the efficiency of the work of the organs has been further improved. Strengthen the construction of the work style of the government, and further establish the service awareness by carrying out the discussion activities of “Making Yuhuan, Knowing the Jade, Calling the Jade, and Creating the Jade Ring Industry”; formulating the supervision system for the work of the organs, checking the attendance and checking the work, and further improving the efficiency of the work of the organs. Establish a team of key members to contact the key enterprise system, carry out the education "Day of the Day" activities, implement the education letter and visit reception day system, hold an on-site consultation meeting for colleges and universities, and implement the government information disclosure system of the Yuhuan County Education Bureau to effectively strengthen the grassroots service system. s level. The rate of completion of letters and visits and the rate of completion of the whole process were both 100%, and 28 cases were resolved by the party representatives, the National People's Congress and the CPPCC.

While fully affirming the achievements, we should also clearly see that there are still many difficulties and problems in the development of education in our county: First, the quality of education needs to be further improved. The performance of educational resources is not reasonable enough. The high-quality and high-quality educational resources are insufficient, leading to the outflow of excellent students and the decline in the quality of high school teaching. The “three rates” of the college entrance examination this year are low. The online rate, undergraduate rate and key rate are 65.88%, 24.11% and 3.89 respectively. %, which was 7.55%, 3.81%, and 1.44% lower than last year, both of which are the last in the city. In general, it is still difficult to meet the people’s expectations of the quality of education. Second, the construction of the teaching staff needs to be further strengthened. It is manifested that the discipline structure of Chinese small teachers is unreasonable and the workload is not balanced. The "double-teacher" teachers in secondary vocational schools are lacking; the teachers and teachers are not satisfactory, and the professional ethics and professional standards of teachers still need to be strengthened. Third, the internal management of the school needs further regulation. The performance of some schools is outdated, the school management ideas are not clear, and the school management is neglected in scientific and humanized.

Second, the overall requirements and main tasks of the 2009 school year

At present, with the rapid development of the county's economy, the society and the people's expectations for education are increasing. It is also at the critical stage of the expansion of education in our county from the extension of the county to the promotion of connotation. In the vertical direction, it is basically 15 years. After the high standards of basic education are popularized, the quality of education is difficult to meet the strong demand of the people for “reading good books” has become an important issue of people's livelihood in the county. From the horizontal perspective, it is necessary to speed up the transformation of education into connotation and further improve Yuhuan education. Competitive and attractive, we must do a good job in improving the quality of education. According to the overall concept of the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” and the “Implementation Opinions on the Improvement of Education Quality in Yuhuan County”, combined with the current educational practice, the overall requirements for the education work in the 2009 academic year are: to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 17th Party Congress and adhere to the theory of Deng Xiaoping. Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and guided by the scientific concept of development, we will focus on the core of the work of quality improvement engineering, continuously deepen reform, forge ahead, and implement it, further standardize preschool education, and consolidate compulsory education. Excellent high school education, strong vocational education, efforts to promote the overall improvement of education and teaching quality, do a good job of the people's satisfactory education, and provide talent guarantee for the economic and social development of Yuhuan.

Focusing on the above general requirements, we will do the following major tasks in the 2009 academic year:

Deepen reform and strive to improve the quality of education and teaching

1. Further deepen quality education. Practically strengthen the moral education of students, promote the moral education tutor system and the agency patriarchal system, open the annual moral education conference, actively promote the school mental health education, establish a school crime report and tracking analysis mechanism, and put the students' daily behavior standards into the national primary school assessment. . Implement the central school strategy, realize resource sharing, take the lead, central radiation, and common development. Full implementation of the "two bodies and one art" project, launching the evaluation of featured schools, and promoting the construction of "one school, one product" in the middle school. In 2009, two schools were selected to enter the ranks of city-specific schools. Organize the preparation of basic education Yuhuan local curriculum, integrate disaster prevention, flood control, legal system, food and health, ecological moral education and other content, and start the course in the form of local curriculum to effectively promote the all-round development of students.

2. Further strengthen the teaching and research guidance work. Strengthen the study and guidance of the “light and efficient” teaching mode in the classroom, and implement the “Sweekly School” and “Weekly Two Schools” surveys of the National Primary and Middle Schools respectively, and carry out the grassroots research week activities of the leaders of the Bureau in the first line of the classroom; Linkage, collective research and individual guidance, grasp the management of fine processes, strive to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of high school classroom teaching and training; establish a monitoring and reporting system for operations, and effectively reduce the burden on students. Strengthen the quality control of classroom teaching, introduce the rules for the evaluation of small classroom teaching in China, and conduct a review and acceptance of classroom teaching quality at the three levels of county, film and town. Adhere to the principle of "guaranteeing top-notch", further improve the system of examinations for national small-scale examinations, run competition remedial classes in various disciplines in the country, set up training courses for high school discipline competitions, further improve the implementation plan of discipline competitions, and include the results of the competition in the school's teaching quality assessment. In-depth development of the teaching and research activities of China and the United States, focusing on the opening of the National Small and Medium Practical Activity Class, including the school-based research training in the assessment of the school, and promoting the deepening of the curriculum reform.

3. Further improve the level of education and scientific research. Further standardize the management of the subject, improve the quality of research, focus on the study of students' "learning", intensify the cultivation of quality projects, and strengthen the application of results; strengthen the training of teachers' education, conduct teaching and pairing activities, and organize participation in various seminars. Salon activities promote the improvement of teaching level by improving the level of scientific research. Further strengthen the mental health education work, gradually carry out the work evaluation of the school psychological counseling station, organize the "companion mutual assistance", "campus psychological games", some school post-disaster students mental health education seminars and various evaluation activities.

4. Further play the role of educational supervision. We will do a good job in the establishment of the provincial education town in Lupu Town and the review of the education towns in Shamen Town and Longxi Township. We will continue to carry out the basic modernization township and school evaluation of the city education, and guide Yucheng Middle School to establish a provincial-level key ordinary high school. Establish a system of supervision and responsibility areas in Yuhuan County, and improve the supervision, inspection, evaluation and guidance system of education supervision. Continue to do a good job in the development of the balance of compulsory education development, and promote the balanced development of compulsory education. Organize special supervision on the management of the school in the county and the kindergartens in the township center, and constantly standardize the school-running behavior and improve the management level.

Refine management and improve the overall quality of teachers

1. Focus on strengthening teacher training and actively innovating training models. With the "Lingyan Project" as the carrier, we will carry out the business and skill training of teachers at all levels, strengthen the teaching and research guidance for the teachers of the national small skill subjects, do a good job in training young teachers, and do a good job of "passing, helping, and bringing" work; Team management, the introduction of the implementation of China's small class teacher work management methods; at the same time, further optimize the training content, teachers and forms, training content according to the needs of the school, using the option of the menu, relying on the county teachers to study the school, invite provincial, city and county teachers, experts to start classes Give lectures and take small classes to teach, and effectively improve the effectiveness of training. Continue to strengthen the construction of the ranks of famous teachers and do a good job in the selection of the new president of the famous teachers.

2. Constantly standardize the examination, transfer and distribution of teachers. In the future teacher examinations, adhere to the "two musts": First, all teachers must pass the cultural examination; second, all disciplines must adhere to the interview process. The implementation of the "sunshine mobilization and distribution policy" means that the vacant posts are announced in advance, and the teacher transfer and new teacher assignments are ranked in the rankings, making them open, fair, and fair, and accepting the full supervision of the school, teachers, and society.

3. Serious management of the faculty and staff. On the basis of improving the annual assessment system for faculty and staff, further implement the separation and evaluation measures. In order to further optimize the structure of the teaching staff, the super-edited disciplines of the super-edited schools are effectively diverted, and on the basis of strict verification, they are uniformly allocated according to the needs of the disciplines. Further strengthen the vitality of the rural teachers and implement the teaching allowance for rural teachers. Continue to carry out activities such as teaching support, sending teachers to the countryside, and hooking and pairing.

Coordinating and coordinating, continuously improving the overall strength of education

1. Try to optimize ordinary high school education. Strengthen the teaching management of high school education, and introduce some opinions on improving the quality of high school education; introduce the method of examination of teachers' subject knowledge, and continue to organize the implementation of high school teachers and students. Advance the selection of high school, carefully study the new college entrance examination program, hold high school quality analysis meetings regularly, strengthen the information collection of college entrance examinations, and guide the teaching work of all levels of the college entrance examination. Establish a teaching quality inspection system linked to the advanced areas of education, and implement a comprehensive joint test of the first to third grades with Shangyu, and focus on the localization of the experience of Shangyu. Further increase the target management and assessment efforts, adjust the college entrance examination assessment methods, implement the high-level and high-level assessment indicators and methods, and implement the target responsibility at all levels. Strengthen the collective preparation of classes at the county and school levels to enhance synergy.

2. Promote the healthy development of compulsory education and early childhood education. Further improve the public funds for school per student in the compulsory education stage. We will protect the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, continue to implement the poverty-funded expansion work and the loving nutritious meal project; and establish a private school for children of migrant workers according to the school district enrollment system. Further standardize early childhood education, do a good job in the promotion of new standards for kindergartens, establish a management system for children's school records, strengthen the monitoring of the age of children's schooling, ensure the re-examination of the certificate and the smooth running of the preschool class, and guide the supervision of non-compliance The kindergarten is doing a good job of rectification.

3. Promote the steady development of secondary vocational education and adult education. The "Opinions on Vigorously Developing Vocational Education" was issued, and efforts were made to improve the quality evaluation methods for vocational education. Establish a vocational education group, continuously strengthen the construction of professional teachers, and actively promote the reform of the credit system and the construction of teachers and students. With the striving for outstanding national-level key vocational schools as the carrier, we will actively support the development of secondary vocational technical schools in the county and accelerate the construction of automobile repair majors in Dongfang Middle School. Promote the development of local colleges and universities and adult education, strive for Jiangnan Polytechnic College to implement the teaching points of higher vocational colleges, and steadily promote the scale of running schools. Further improve the community education network at the county, town and village levels, carry out community education, and complete the training tasks for rural reserve labor.

Improve conditions and further promote the balanced development of education

First, we must speed up the improvement of school infrastructure. Establish a county education accounting center to coordinate the allocation of funds and improve the efficiency of fund use. Optimize the school layout and launch a new round of school network adjustment research. We will make every effort to improve and improve the conditions of rural Chinese small campuses and school buildings, and complete a number of accommodation and accommodation renovation projects such as the student residence halls of Chenyu Middle School, and strive to achieve more than c grades in the school cafeterias of the county. Continue to complete a number of provincial standardization school renovation projects. Pay close attention to the progress of key projects, strive to make substantial progress in the relocation and construction of the three schools in Yucheng Middle School, complete the first phase of the expansion of Chumen Middle School and the relocation project of the Lupu Town Center, complete the reconstruction project of Kanmen Middle School, Kanmenwen Construction of technical schools, national small comprehensive buildings in Qinggang Town Center.

Second, we must vigorously promote the modernization and informationization of school education. Steadily promote the standardization, standardization and modernization of small laboratories in China, and gradually establish an experimental equipment system that is compatible with the new curriculum experiments; establish a county recording and broadcasting system by implementing the “School Campus Project”, carrying out equipment research, and achieving standard evaluation. Further accelerate the pace of modern educational equipment. Comprehensively improve the level of education informatization, strengthen the construction of portals, redesign the education information network, and strive to establish an entrance website for all schools in the county center; further improve the hardware construction, complete the relocation of educational information website and network construction of the bureau Work, implement the campus network upgrade and transformation project; standardize the education information management, strengthen the information team construction, and issue the "Yuhuan County Education Informationization Construction Standard Implementation Rules."

Combine prevention and control, focus on optimizing the educational environment

First, insist on doing a good job in school safety and health. Continue to consolidate the achievements of the "Safe Campus", continue to strengthen safety education, focus on flood prevention and traffic safety education, clearly solve the problem of insufficient transportation capacity of migrant children's schools, continue to promote food distribution projects, and carry out the creation of school-level canteens, do their best Good prevention and treatment of infectious diseases such as hand, foot and mouth disease.

The second is to continuously optimize the construction of education. We will persist in doing a good job in party building and promoting development, strengthen the self-construction of all party branches, give full play to the role of trade unions, retreats, and work-related committees, and provide comprehensive organizational guarantees for education development. To build a "service-oriented school", "conservation-oriented school", "education charge standard school", "social satisfaction school" as the carrier, conscientiously implement the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction, constantly improve the punishment and prevention system, and strengthen the procurement of materials and engineering Supervision of key sensitive projects such as bidding and commercial bribery; strengthen audit supervision, focus on the audit of the economic responsibility of the incumbent principals who have served for more than 3 years, and seriously investigate and deal with illegal “rebate” and private “small treasury” and “accounts” Such behaviors; continue to strengthen the investigation and handling of illegal private education, do a good job in the "review of education fee demonstration counties", take Chumen Middle School and Yucheng Middle School as a pilot, implement real-time monitoring of education fees, and continue to carry out the school's "three evaluations" activities, Focus on building a people-satisfying school.

The third is to further deepen the construction of the work style of the government. Efforts will be made to improve the efficiency of the agency's efficient and convenient service. The members of the leadership team of the implementation bureau will contact the prefecture-level teachers and other principals to continue the education activities such as “Talking Day” and “Leader Letters and Visits Reception Day”, earnestly do a good job in letters and visits, and strive to conclude The rate is 100%; strengthen education information publicity, further standardize the administrative examination and approval system, and strive to create a people satisfaction organ.

Third, raise awareness, discipline, and strengthen the building of the party's work style and clean government

In recent years, the County Education Bureau has closely followed the work of the Education Reform and Development Stabilization Center, linked the reality, focused on the work of combating corruption and promoting honesty, and vigorously strengthened the building of the party's work style and clean government, paid close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, and signed the responsibility with the departments and principals. Responsibility system assessment; actively enriched the carrier of clean government education, carried out major themes, "one card, two books and five discs" education and promoted the "three-in-four combination" of campus integrity culture; continuously deepened system construction and implemented "education system 300,000 The project management of sporadic projects below the Yuan, established the responsibility system for education construction projects and the leadership and contact system; the special governance gradually deepened, and the special accounts such as “small treasury” were cleaned up, and the scheme of managing commercial bribery was introduced to consolidate the education disorder. The results of the fee management; the supervision and inspection continued to strengthen, and the school's three evaluation activities were carried out in depth, and the special audit of the principal's outgoing economy was strengthened, and the construction of the education supervision team was strengthened. Due to the intensity of work, the style of work, and many reform measures, the party's work style and clean government construction work has achieved remarkable results, which has been affirmed by the county party committee and the county government. Next, I will make a few comments on further strengthening the party's work style and clean government responsibility system.

Pay great attention to it and do a good job in publicity and education. Implementing the responsibility system for party style and clean government building is a major measure to implement the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', deepen the fight against corruption, safeguard the overall situation of reform, development, and stability. It is also implementing the spirit of the 17th Party Congress and strengthening the party's ability to govern. An important measure for construction and advanced construction. All schools must pay attention to their ideology, put them on the important agenda, and persist in their efforts. It is necessary to conscientiously combine political learning associations, party and government disciplines, education, learning incorruptible propaganda materials, special lectures, discipline inspections, etc., to effectively strengthen the effectiveness of learning and education. At the same time, vigorously promote the construction of a clean and honest culture in the campus, and earnestly create a good atmosphere of clean government.

Responsible for performing duties, and effectively play a role as a model. The party's party and government "top leaders" must take up the duties of the first responsible person and take the lead in setting up the party's work style and clean government. It is necessary to specifically grasp the following six links: First, at least once a year, special analysis and research on the party's work style and clean government construction In the situation, strengthen the education, supervision and management of the school-level leadership members, and urge them to do a good job in building the party's style and clean government within the scope of the management, and solve the outstanding problems of one or two party styles every year. Second, we must abide by the party's discipline and national laws and regulations, strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism, and consciously abide by the provisions of the party's work style and clean government. The third is to manage spouses, children, and staff around them, and educate them not to use their power to influence personal interests. Fourth, we must actively support law enforcement agencies to investigate and deal with violations of law and discipline, and help to eliminate resistance and interference in the work. Fifth, we must conscientiously stop and correct the unhealthy trend that harms the interests of the people, and effectively solve the hot and difficult problems reflected by the people. Sixth, it is necessary to include the implementation of the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction in the annual report, and make a written report to the education administration.

Establish a system to improve the long-term mechanism for preventing commercial bribery. Efforts to rely on the system to manage people and manage people, we will further improve the "collective deliberation system", "school affairs open system", "internal audit system", "school-level leadership debriefing system", "social satisfaction school appraisal system." Adhere to the implementation of the economic responsibility audit system, and on the basis of strengthening the audit of the principal's outgoing economic responsibility, further conduct the audit of the economic responsibility of the incumbent principals who have served for more than three years. Improve the supervision mechanism for key sensitive projects, further standardize the management of engineering projects, and guard against the risks of integrity. Further improve the supervision mechanism of the winds, give full play to the enthusiasm of the supervisors, and regularly conduct meetings of supervisors to give them the right to know, directly listen to their opinions and suggestions, and actively rectify the problems found. Further strengthen the supervision force and clarify the duties of the discipline inspection committee members of the school branches of each school.

Adhere to fairness and fairness, and further enhance the rationality and scientific nature of personnel allocation. After thorough research and discussion and research, we have further clarified eight principles in personnel allocation: First, the licensing. In principle, schools that are already full are not allowed to transfer. If there are in-service faculty members who retire, leave their jobs, or transfer them, they may consider them appropriately. If the school that influences the teaching work due to the unreasonable structure of the teacher's subject, the number of needs of the required subject should be reported to the County Education Bureau in advance, and the teacher of the corresponding subject can be transferred after the approval of the county education bureau. The second is the academic requirements. Transferred to a high school, with a bachelor's degree or above; transferred to a junior high school with a bachelor's degree or above; transferred to a small national school with a bachelor's degree or above. Highly educated faculty and staff are given priority allocation under the same conditions. The third is the length of teaching. It must be three years of teaching at the original school. In addition to the adjustment of the school network, the faculty and staff who have not completed the third anniversary after teaching or newly transferred in the original school may not be transferred across towns and towns. In townships and towns, in principle, this regulation should also be observed. The fourth is professional counterparts. The teaching department transferred to the teacher must be consistent with the subject of the subject. The fifth is to control traffic. Teachers who have been evaluated in middle and senior positions may apply for transfer after they have been taught for three years in the original school, except for the faculty members who have been transferred to teach in the five major towns. The number of consents mobilized by each school must be controlled within 5% of the total number of faculty members in the school. Six is ​​level control. Teachers in the middle school are generally not allowed to transfer to high school to teach, and individual special needs majors must be agreed by the bureau. In order to alleviate the over-compilation of teachers in the middle school, teachers from the middle school are encouraged to transfer to the small and junior colleges. Seven is a special program. For teachers who are required to transfer to Yucheng Middle School, Huanshan Elementary School, Chengguan No. 1 Middle School, and Chengguan Central State, they are required to participate in the County Education Bureau to organize examinations and select the best candidates. Eight is a collective discussion. In order to transfer and transfer faculty and staff, it is necessary to decide on the collective decision of the school-level leadership team and make a record of the proceedings. The transfer form will be submitted to the County Education Bureau after being signed by the school.

Strengthen supervision and ensure that the responsibility system is in place. The supervision work is the task of the party committee to be duty-bound. The school needs to be deployed and arranged at the beginning of the inspection work, the progress of the inspection work in the middle of the year and the implementation of the system, and the implementation of the overall work at the end of the year. It is necessary to strengthen the evaluation and supervision, adhere to the school's "three evaluations" activities, let the evaluations supervise the behavior of education, and make practical rectification of the problems found in the 2019 annual review. At the same time, we will further strengthen the supervision of letters and visits, carefully organize investigations and studies on issues of concern, reports and complaints of the people, properly handle them properly, maintain a good image of education, and strive to satisfy the people. Seriously carry out responsibility assessment, strict accountability, praise and reward for doing well; if the responsibility system is not implemented, if the assessment is not up to standard, the evaluation qualification will be abolished, and the relevant responsible person will be held accountable.

Comrades, in the new school year, our central goal is clearer and the work is more arduous. I hope that our principals and the county's educators will work together, seek truth and be pragmatic, be brave in pioneering, and strive to improve the quality of education and teaching. Yuhuan Education has taken a step forward and strives for the education of the people to be satisfied and the construction of a harmonious society.

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