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2019 compulsory education work report

The xxx teaching office is based on reality, focusing on the future, attaching importance to compulsory education, and setting up a leading group that thinks that the head of the township is the leader and the director of the teaching office is the deputy leader. There are several working groups, whether it is routine management or school conditions. Good results. Now report the following situation on compulsory education in my hometown.

1. Introduction;

Xxx is located in the western suburb of the city of xx. There are 72 administrative villages in the township with a population of 28,000, of which the Hui people account for 18%. It is the only minority township in Dezhou. With the support of leaders at all levels and all walks of life, the economy of the whole town has flourished, investment in education has been continuously increased, conditions for running schools have been continuously improved, and remarkable achievements have been made in compulsory education. In order to further improve education and teaching, we will promote the sound and rapid development of education in the whole town.

2. Compulsory education goals:

In the past year, we have focused on the following aspects in the implementation of compulsory education around high standards and high quality:

1. Grasp the propaganda and put compulsory education in a prominent position.

2. Ensure that all funds are in place and ensure the full implementation of compulsory education.

3. In addition to using the aid funds allocated by the higher-level finances, our township has also raised funds to support students with financial difficulties.

4. Strengthen comprehensive management and purify the educational environment.

5. Grasp the classroom teaching reform and comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching.

6. Develop measures to ensure that the dropout rate is zero.

7. Develop safety measures, strengthen safety education, and ensure the normal operation of education and teaching.

8. Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and comprehensively improve the quality of education.

9. Experimental reform pursues scientific education

3. Establish and improve the compulsory education leading group:

Leader: Township leader

Deputy Leader: Director of Education Office

Team member: Deputy Director of Education Office, President of Adult Education, Director of Teaching and Research Section, Director of Finance Department

Fourth, the basic situation of compulsory education:


Among the population of the township and the middle-aged population, the number of normal children and adolescents is 1,303 and 277 respectively. The enrollment rate has reached 100%, the dropout rate in secondary schools is below 2%, and the national control is below 1%. The graduation rates in the middle school are 100% and 98% respectively.

Teacher status

There are 243 teachers in the township and 183 small-time teachers in China. Among them, there are 132 full-time teachers and 55 full-time teachers. The qualification rate of primary school teachers is 100%, and the pass rate of middle school teachers is 96%. The number of teachers has reached the requirements for the preparation. The national and middle school principals have job training certificates and can be certified to work.

School conditions

In view of the reality of the township, in line with the principle of “admission to the nearest school, enrollment and enrollment”, six complete national and one secondary schools were set up. The per capita use of primary school students was 5.1 square meters, and the per capita use of middle school students was 4.5 square meters. The maintenance and management of the school building, 24 new school buildings in the river school before 2019, investment of 350,000 yuan, Maoyuan school to rebuild 5 school buildings, investment of 70,000 yuan, the school building has been greatly improved. There are 36,730 books in the township of China, worth 162,100.73 yuan, the value of teaching instruments is 136,721.50 yuan, and the value of cultural and sports equipment is 210,314.3 yuan. The internal facilities of China and the country have reached the national second-class standard. In 2019, the township, township, powder king, Maoyuan, Qianhe school thoroughly repaired the laboratory equipment room, the government allocated new experimental equipment, each school installed a distance education network, the physical and chemical laboratory opened up to 95 More than %, the utilization rate of audio-visual equipment and books and materials has reached more than 96%.

Education funding

In XX, all the miscellaneous fees for rural China were exempted. In 2019, all the textbook fees were exempted. The school funds were paid by the higher-level government. The public funds for the students were not lower than the provincial minimum standards. The living expenses for the boarding students with family difficulties were subsidized. The policy has greatly improved the salaries of teachers. The proportion of the higher-level financial education grants has been increased by the proportion of fiscal recurring income. The per capita education expenditure has been increasing year by year, and the per capita public education funds have increased year by year.

V. Major achievements:

The conditions for running schools have been further improved.

With the strong support of leaders at all levels, the conditions for small-scale Chinese schools in the township have been further improved. New classrooms, multimedia classrooms, improved laboratories and instrument rooms have been added in the townships, laboratory equipment has been added, squares have been renovated, and 14 townships have been renovated. High-standard office space, Qianhe Guoxiao newly built 24 high-standard office buildings, Maoyuan Guoxiao built 5 high-standard office buildings, and each school is equipped with a distance education network, laying a foundation for improving the quality of education and teaching.

Increase publicity and enhance the awareness of managing schools according to law.

In order to increase publicity efforts, the township set a unified standard of publicity columns, blackboard newspapers, writing permanent large slogans, and vigorously carry out the "three hairs and one program" propaganda. Let the government, society, schools, and families understand their respective duties, rights, and obligations in compulsory education. At the same time, we have also taken measures such as urging the notice of returning to school, mobilizing teachers and students to work at home, and earnestly doing the work of returning students.

Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and comprehensively improve the quality of education.

The township party committee, government and education authorities have stabilized the teaching team and improved the quality of teachers as a systematic project to improve the quality of education. First, in accordance with the work arrangement of the Municipal Education Bureau, the “four-system” reform with the “principal responsibility system, teacher appointment system, structural salary system, and post target responsibility system” as the main content was actively promoted, and the competition mechanism was introduced to stimulate the internal vitality of the school. Enhance the developmental stamina of education. The second is to further improve the assessment system and the reward and punishment system, implement school governance according to law, standardize the behavior of teachers, and improve the enthusiasm of cadre teachers. The third is to strengthen the professional ethics training for Chinese and Chinese teachers and establish a good image of teachers. The fourth is to strengthen job training and promote basic training for teachers. At present, all teachers can basically speak a fluent Mandarin and write a beautiful normative word. The professional quality of teachers has been greatly improved. While cultivating a team of high-quality teachers, we also focus on changing ideas, updating concepts, continuously strengthening teaching research, deepening teaching reform, vigorously implementing quality education, promoting teaching as the center, promoting standardized management of schools, and improving teaching quality on a large scale. A large number of qualified personnel with comprehensive development have been trained for the society.

Do a good job of the new curriculum reform and improve the quality of education and teaching in an all-round way

With the goal of “management norms, comprehensive education, and striving for first-class”, our township has perfected various rules and regulations and scientific evaluation system. Implement “four-level management, four-level objectives, three-dimensional supervision, and four-way evaluation”. Taking the development of education as the starting point, implementing the new curriculum standards, optimizing classroom teaching, opening the whole curriculum, and opening the course, the initial construction of the overall improvement of students' quality, training of innovative ability, comprehensive improvement of education quality, and comprehensive promotion of quality education The "three major" curriculum system combining subject curriculum, activity curriculum and recessive curriculum. The education and teaching management network under the centralized leadership of our township was established. All departments established service concepts, strengthened their sense of responsibility, and shouldered their responsibilities. They performed their duties and coordinated. The implementation of the teacher appointment system under the responsibility of the principal, the post target responsibility system; based on emotional management, strengthen business management, and implement the network radiation of teaching management.

Scientific experimental reform, the pursuit of scientific education

Reform is the life of education, and innovation is the soul of reform. Extensively carry out teaching and research reform, and seek development with innovation. In the teaching experiment, my country pays attention to the leadership, the organization is strict, the measures are effective, the responsibility is to the people, and the management is strict, the investment is big, and the teachers are strong. There are sound and standardized leading institutions and research institutions, with reliable financial backing, and a knowledgeable and eye-opening team of teachers. They can use historical perspectives to evaluate and inherit Chinese and foreign teaching models, and can also observe and analyze the modern educational dynamics from the perspective of development. In charge of the headmaster's all-round macro-control, the special division of the teaching office is responsible for the operation of the experiments, experimental records, phased summary, writing of experimental reports and preliminary identification and guidance. The experiments from the establishment of experimental topics, to the development of experimental programs, the implementation of experimental activities, etc., have been carried out in a positive, stable, solid and effective manner, so that my hometown is in fact, the public.

Sixth, the existing problems and reasons analysis:

Under the correct leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, although our compulsory education work has achieved certain results, there is still a big gap from the requirements of the leaders. There are still many problems. First, education investment is still not in place. The school's school conditions still need to be further improved, and the internal facilities are not fully matched, which has affected the rapid development of education. Second, the dropout rate of individual schools is relatively high. Although a lot of work has been done, some students still cannot return to school. Third, the construction of some village-level cultural and technical schools needs to be further improved. The reasons for the above problems are various. First of all, the local economic development level is limited, which directly affects the investment in education, resulting in serious shortage of school funding. The second is that some rural science and technology awareness is weak, and the children's learning is not enough. Some parents only look at the immediate interests. If they do not graduate from the country, they will go out to work and earn money. As a result, students drop out of school and are also an important aspect of education.

7. Suggestions and measures for future work;

In order to promote the healthy development of education and realize the strategic goal of "scientific and technologically strong city, education and prosperity", the cadres and people at all levels work together to do the following work:

1. It is to further publicize the compulsory education law, run schools according to law, be a household name, and increase law enforcement;

2. It is to further raise the climax of "People's Education for the People's Office and Education for the People", and continuously improve the conditions for running schools, thereby improving the management of education and teaching;

3. Party and government departments at all levels increase investment in education, reduce the economic burden of students, improve the rescue activities for special hardship students, and maximize the control of students dropping out of school.

Fourth, it is to improve the current talent utilization rate and improve students' attention to knowledge and technology.

V. It is to strengthen the school's mental health, labor and technology education, and go to the society to fully utilize the knowledge learned.

In short, we are determined to have the confidence to do well for the benefit of future generations, to strengthen the national welfare, and to abide by the benefits, and to further develop our achievements, identify the gaps, face up to the shortcomings, formulate effective measures, and strive to do all aspects of work. Make due contributions to the development of the economy and promote the compulsory education work in our hometown to a new level.

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