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Statistical work self-check report

In xxx years, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Banking Supervision Bureau and the municipal and county people's banks, we carefully organized the cadres and workers to seriously study the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the goal of "two doubling, two taking the lead" and insisting on the quality of statistical data. The center highlights the two main tasks of “double-base” construction and statistical information construction, innovative ideas, truth-seeking and pragmatic, internal strength, and external image. The spirit and work environment of the county’s cadres and workers are completely new, and the management order is well-organized. Preface, statistical service level and statistical team quality have improved significantly, and successfully completed various tasks. The self-inspection report is as follows:
First, a clear understanding, careful organization of the implementation of statistical enforcement, statistical quality inspection is very necessary, statistical data is true and accurate, related to the scientific nature of the country's giant economic decision-making and the correctness of monetary policy decisions. To this end, we have carried out a publicity and education of law popularization, and organized all cadres, employees and statisticians to seriously study the "Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China", "Introduction to Statistical Law" and "Regulations on Financial Statistics Management", and enhanced the statistical laws of all employees. Consciousness, through publicity and study, enables the majority of statisticians to recognize that accurate and timely provision of statistical data is an obligation of every statistician and statistical organization stipulated in the "Statistics Law", and it is necessary to bear corresponding legal responsibilities for failing to fulfill its obligations, thereby improving Consciousness of statistics according to law.
After investigation, all kinds of statistical statements such as reported capital adequacy ratio report, credit default customer status, credit consultation registration, cash statistics and other reports can be submitted in time, quality and quantity. Various statistical reports and statistical data can be achieved. Timely sorting and archiving, there is no phenomenon of false report, false report, forgery, rejection, and repeated late reporting of statistical data.
Second, the team construction situation and existing problems All the county-owned institutions have set up statistical posts, each of the agencies have set up a statistician, so that the staffing is in place, but due to the lack of personnel, the statistical posts have been hosted by the agencies. I have not been able to set up an independent statistical post, equipped with full-time statisticians, and the basic statisticians have low professional quality and lack of professional experience. The concept of statistical attribution is unclear. In addition, some enterprises and institutions use vague words when they fill in the original vouchers. Irregularities caused the accounting department to make mistakes in accounting, resulting in errors in statistical mergers. Secondly, due to frequent changes in grassroots personnel and failure to achieve office automation, various statistical data still need to be manually calculated, resulting in estimation of statistics and serial items. Waiting for the error. The article you are browsing is organized by the first '', and the copyright belongs to the original author and the original source.
Third, take measures
1. To carry out financial statistics work in accordance with the law, it is necessary to strictly implement the "Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on Financial Statistics Management", adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and conduct financial statistics according to law.
2. Practically strengthen the construction of statistical teams, ensure the stability of the statistician team, strengthen post training and post training, and strive to improve the quality of statisticians.
3. Gradually improve and improve the financial statistical reporting system to meet the requirements of financial system reform and financial system reform for financial statistics, and continuously improve the level of financial statistics.
4. Increase investment in science and technology in financial statistics, improve and improve the data information management system with wide coverage, high efficiency, strong sharing and standardization as soon as possible, and ensure that financial statistics work is carried out quickly and efficiently.

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