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Guangzhou City participates in the international garden city selection statement materials

Guangzhou is a central city in South China, located on the northern edge of the Pearl River Delta, with a total area of ​​7434.4 square kilometers, of which the urban area is 3718.8 square kilometers. Guangzhou has a subtropical monsoon climate, no heat in summer, no cold in winter, abundant rainfall, and flowers all year round. It has always been known as “Flower City”. Guangzhou is a famous cultural city with a history of more than 2,200 years. It has a profound history and culture. Since 1978, Guangzhou’s GDP has grown at a double-digit rate for 23 consecutive years. At the end of 2000, the GDP reached 238.307 billion yuan, and the per capita GDP reached 4175 US dollars. The city's population was 9,943,300, of which the city's registered population was 7,026,600, and the temporary population was 2,916,400. The built-up area reached 430.7 square meters. Kilometers. The per capita living area reaches 10.36 square meters, ranking first in the country's major cities. In recent years, Guangzhou has been committed to the implementation of the “Qingshan Bishui Blue Sky Project” and the construction of a modern eco-city. The city has been changing with each passing day and has gradually developed into a modern “garden city” suitable for entrepreneurial development and living. At present, Guangzhou is applying for the “China Habitat Environment Award” and the “UN Habitat Award”.

1. Actively rectify the urban environment and improve the cityscape

In the past few decades, Guangzhou's urban infrastructure construction has “arrears”. With the rapid development of economy and society, the problems faced by urban construction management are very prominent: urban planning is lagging behind, urban construction structure is not reasonable enough; The construction of facilities can't keep up with the needs of urban development. The traffic congestion is always in a serious state; the construction of commercial outlets and indoor market can't keep up with the needs of market development, and the phenomenon of illegal construction has sprung up; the development of urban greening is slow, and the “greenhouse effect” of urban areas is increasing. The living environment of the city is deteriorating.

In the past five years or so, we have focused on these issues and built a modernized central city that is “the most suitable for entrepreneurial development and living and living” to promote urban infrastructure construction and comprehensive environmental improvement. The urban appearance of Guangzhou has improved rapidly and the urban environmental quality has improved significantly. .

We accelerated the construction of landscaping and gradually improved the urban landscaping system. We have increased the intensity of the “forest besieged city” and built a green ecological barrier in Guangzhou. We have built 4 natural ecological protection zones, 33 forest parks, 12 urban greening squares, 29 urban parks, and urban road greening projects. Multiple. From 1996 to 2000, the city added more than 1,280 hectares of public green space, gradually improved the greening system of points, corridors, rings and planes, forming a situation of “forest besieged city, city in the forest” and realized the leap-forward development of landscaping construction. We have focused on the construction of Baiyun Mountain, the “city lung” of Guangzhou City, and completed the transformation of 30,000 mu of pine forest in five years, transforming the original pure pine forest into multiple varieties, multiple layers, multiple colors, and more. The structure and multi-functional mixed forest, and perfecting its ecological recreation function, newly built 300,000 square meters of green leisure belt, making Baiyun Mountain gradually develop into a scenic spot integrating the functions of regulating ecological environment, tourism, recreation and entertainment. More than 15 million people travel to Baiyun Mountain for leisure. By the end of 2000, the green coverage area of ​​the city reached 95004 hectares, the green coverage area of ​​the built-up area reached 13032 hectares; the garden green area reached 86204 hectares, of which the garden green area was 10759 hectares; the public green area was 4163.47 hectares. The green coverage rate and the per capita public green area of ​​the built-up area increased from 25.51%, 23.28%, and 4.72 square meters at the beginning of 1996 to 31.60%, 29.57%, and 10.36 square meters in 2000, respectively. The total number of parks reached 125 and the park area reached 3,074.85 hectares. These indicators are among the top cities in China. Today's Guangzhou is like a big garden.

We are fully committed to building the main skeleton of urban roads and improving the urban traffic road system. We will improve urban transportation as an important task in urban construction and continue to invest in high-intensity road traffic infrastructure. In the five years from 1996 to 2000, the total investment in infrastructure construction in Guangzhou reached 62.7 billion yuan, more than three times the total investment in the previous 40 years. In 2001, the project invested 14.262 billion yuan. Most of them are used for the construction of urban traffic road networks. It has built five cross-river bridges, one two-way six-lane 26.7-kilometer inner ring road, and one two-way six-lane 60-kilometer ring road. More than 30 urban trunk roads have been built and expanded. A well-defined and well-defined road transportation network system consisting of a fast road network, a trunk road network and a secondary road network has gradually formed. By the end of 2000, the city's urban road length reached 2,887 kilometers, the road area reached 39.23 million square meters, and the per capita road area reached 9.76 square meters. At the same time, we accelerated the pace of urban rail transit system construction. The MRT Line 1 has a total length of 18.5 kilometers and was completed and opened to traffic in June 1999. At present, we are promoting the construction of the MRT Lines 2 and 3 and the construction of the new airport light rail and suburban train routes.

We are actively renovating the urban environment and working hard to improve the city. We will do our utmost to "treat the dirty" and mobilize the citizens to comprehensively clean up the sanitation corners of various areas of the city. The city roads are cleaned for 16 hours, and the municipal solid wastes are collected on-site, so that Nissan is cleared and all are harmless. Standardized management of urban construction sites has been carried out to curb the problems of spilling contaminated environment and construction noise and disturbing people from the source. The heavy code "regulates chaos", formulates a series of management regulations, and rectifies illegal construction and parking of motor vehicles. In the past five years, Guangzhou has demolished more than 12 million square meters of illegal buildings in the past period. At present, the illegal buildings in the city have been basically cleared. The general elimination of illegal outdoor advertising and the regulation of outdoor advertising management. In 1999, all the cigarette advertisements in the city were cleared, making Guangzhou into the ranks of cities without outdoor tobacco advertising. The static traffic order has been comprehensively rectified, and the parking of motor vehicles has gradually embarked on a standardized and orderly track. Fully beautifying the cityscape, it has invested more than 1.1 billion yuan, re-finishing the commercial blocks and old buildings according to the Lingnan architectural style. At present, 3 blocks have been transformed into a beautiful commercial pedestrian street with more than 5,000 buildings. The surface and roof have been refurbished.

We actively promote the construction of urban landscape projects and landmark buildings, and strive to create a new image of the city. Based on the central axis of the new and old cities and the coastline of the Pearl River, the urban landscape system of “one horizontal and two vertical” is constructed. Since 1998, 109 urban landscape projects have been started, and 98 projects have been completed. A number of new large-scale landmark buildings such as Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangdong Olympic Sports Center, Guangzhou Gymnasium, Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Guangzhou Opera House and Guangzhou Newspaper Culture Square have been planned, some of which have been completed. The design of these landmark projects is all based on international tenders and is built according to international first-class standards. After the completion of these landmark projects, Guangzhou's urban image and cultural taste will be upgraded to a new level.

Second, actively protect cultural heritage and vigorously promote history and culture

As a historical and cultural city, Guangzhou has three feudal dynasties in Nanyue, Nanhan and Nanming. At present, there are 156 cultural relics protection units, including 16 at the national level, 28 at the provincial level, and 112 at the municipal level. Guangzhou is the representative of Lingnan culture, Qinhan Shipbuilding Site, Western Han Dynasty National Palace and Royal Garden Site, Nanyue King's Tomb, Guangxiao Temple, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Zhenhai Tower, Zhongshan Memorial Hall, Chenjiatun, Yu Yinshan Room and Xiguan Big House. Ancient and modern buildings such as commercial arcades, Dongshan Red House Group, Aiqun Building and White Swan Hotel all contain profound Lingnan cultural characteristics.

In recent years, we have strengthened the protection of historical and cultural heritage in the process of rapid urban development. For the areas where historical relics may be buried, we have delineated the scope of protection and control zones, and have designated 22 cultural relics protection areas. For the newly discovered cultural sites, we are fully committed to the discovery and protection work. In 1995, we found a 48,000-square-meter protected area in time after the discovery of the site of the King’s Palace in South China, and the city government allocated 492 million yuan to relocate the buildings in the area. For regional key cultural relics protection units, we use a variety of protection measures such as surveying, photographing, and videography to implement classified protection in a timely manner. For the neighborhoods with traditional features and local characteristics, we delineate the control area and carry out key protection. At present, 16 control areas have been drawn in the old city. For the important cultural relics and historic sites that need to be repaired, the municipal government has allocated a total of 130 million yuan for emergency repair and maintenance in the past five years. For the traditional culture and art of the long-established place, Cantonese opera, we will focus on protecting and building a cultural talent training base for Cantonese opera, and organize large-scale performances every year to make this artistic form with profound local characteristics inherit and develop. The government has given active support to the unique Lingnan folklore, such as the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, and the South China Sea, and holds a grand event every year. The dragon boat race is a popular traditional cultural and sports activity in Guangzhou. It has a long history. The government holds a grand dragon boat race in the Lunar New Year Festival in May.

Third, strive to protect the urban environment and maintain the sustainable development of the city

In recent years, we have stepped up efforts in environmental protection, actively managed environmental pollution sources, comprehensively improved the overall environmental quality of cities, and ensured the sustainable development of the economy and society.

We strengthen the prevention and control of industrial pollution. In the past five years, a total of 929 million yuan has been invested, and 948 industrial enterprise pollution projects have been completed. 124 domestic polluting industrial enterprises that cannot be managed in situ have been relocated to residential areas, water conservation areas and scenic spots. Or shut down, completely solve the pollution problem of such enterprises.

We are fully committed to the goal of environmental pollution control proposed by the state. In 1996, the State Council clearly put forward the goal of “one control and two standards”. By 2000, all industrial pollution sources in the country should meet the national or local standards, and the total discharge of major pollutants should be controlled within the national regulations. The environmental air quality of the key cities and the quality of the surface water environment shall reach the relevant standards set by the state according to the functional division. In accordance with this requirement, we declared war on environmental pollution and achieved the goal of the country's struggle as scheduled. By the end of 2000, 2,941 enterprises listed in the national assessment plan in Guangzhou had achieved discharge standards as scheduled, and the urban industrial wastewater discharge compliance rate reached 86.74%; the environmental air and surface water environmental quality reached national standards according to functional division. Guangzhou is one of the three provincial capital cities that have achieved the goal of “one control and two standards” on schedule. Through the governance, the once seriously polluted Pearl River water has been re-cleared, and a large number of fish and shrimps have migrated.

We are actively engaged in comprehensive environmental improvement. Accelerate the construction of environmental protection infrastructure. In the past five years, three sewage treatment plants have been built. At present, four sewage treatment plants are under construction. By the end of 2000, the daily sewage treatment capacity of the city has reached 630,000 tons, and the domestic sewage treatment rate has reached 31.49%. In 2005, it will reach more than 70%. We fully promote the prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution, and comprehensively rectify the exhaust pollution of motor vehicles in response to the situation that Guangzhou's current 1.3 million vehicle motor vehicle exhausts cause serious pollution to the urban environment. From July 1, 1996, the exhaust gas purifier was forced to be installed on vehicles that failed to pass the road inspection; since October 1, 1997, the use of unleaded gasoline was promoted throughout the city; the atmospheric lead concentration in the city decreased by 61% on average in 1997; From December 1st, the motor vehicle was imprisoned, and the average peak of traffic noise in the city fell by 3 decibels in the month. Since March 1998, the new locomotive license has been discontinued. From October 1, 2000, the environmental protection requirements are not met. Light motor vehicles are not allowed to be produced, imported, sold and licensed in this city. Through strict control, the compliance rate of motor vehicles in Guangzhou has increased from 46.3% in 1995 to 82.04% in 2000. We are actively developing “green transportation”. Currently, 2/3 of the fuel buses and 1/5 of the taxis use LPG. We have fully implemented “oil to gas” in the food service industry, and widely used clean energy such as LPG and electricity in the food service industry. At present, 7787 food service households in the city have switched to clean energy, and black smoke pollution in the food service industry. Fundamentally got control. We actively promote coal-fired desulfurization, and widely promote the use of low-sulfur fuels, desulfurizers and desulfurization capacity in coal-fired and fuel-fired enterprises. At present, the coverage of soot control zones in the built-up areas of Guangzhou has reached 100%, and SO2 emissions have been obtained. Effective control. Through efforts, the environmental quality of Guangzhou City has improved significantly. In 2000, the sulfur dioxide in urban air was 0.045 mg/m3, which was 16.7% lower than that in 1999, and the nitrogen dioxide was 0.061% mg/m3, down 11.6%. Total suspended particulate matter 0.158 mg / m3, down 13.2%, dust reduction 7.34 tons / square km in the next month, down 10.0%, air quality level has entered the forefront of the country's major cities, urban airspace has maintained a good state of blue sky and white clouds. The water quality of surface water and drinking water sources has reached the national assessment standard, and regional environmental noise and road traffic noise have declined for seven consecutive years. In 2000, in the quantitative assessment of urban environmental comprehensive remediation in 46 key cities across the country, Guangzhou ranked seventh, up 21 from 1999.

Fourth, extensively organize public participation in urban construction management to jointly create a beautiful urban environment

We put forward the slogan of "people's urban people's construction" and "people's urban people's management" and rely on the broad masses of the people to jointly build and manage cities. The government's open system of administrative affairs has extensively solicited opinions from various sectors of society and the broad masses of the people before making major decisions on urban construction; it has mobilized and organized the participation of the people in the process of urban construction management. “Pearl River New City” is the central business district representing the new image of Guangzhou in the 21st century. When we formulated the development plan, we first organized the planning plan display, and announced it to the public through the media and the Internet. We widely absorbed the opinions of all sectors of society and formulated a sound development plan. The Guangzhou Opera House is a key landmark in Guangzhou's planning. When designing the building, we will showcase the design and models of five design units from mainland China, the United States, Germany, Austria and Hong Kong to the public. The public was requested to make comments and suggestions. A total of 1,876 people participated in the voting and a total of 256 suggestions were made. On this basis, we selected the best design and revised the design. The landscape project on both sides of the Pearl River is a landmark project in Guangzhou. When we built this high-profile project, we designed six schemes. Each scheme first built a 15-meter-long model section and extensively solicited opinions from the public. A number of citizens took part in the vote on the preference scheme, and we selected the best design plan based on this and further modified it to make a perfect design for the project. In order to rectify and maintain the urban traffic order, we have organized 11988 service groups, 496 volunteer associations, 2227 youth service teams, and 260,000 volunteer service personnel. In order to rectify the urban environmental order, in the past three years, we have organized 8 times of the city's unified people's reunification campaign, and more than 280,000 people have participated in the rectification of dirty labor. From 1999 to 2001, the Guangzhou Social Situation and Public Opinion Survey Center tracked the public's evaluation of the urban environment in Guangzhou. The satisfaction rate of the citizens reached 93.5% in October 1999 and 95.9% in June 2001.

V. Facing the 21st century, establishing strategic goals for sustainable development

Adapting to the arrival of the new economic era, China's upcoming WTO accession and the adjustment of the administrative region of Guangzhou, recently, the Guangzhou Municipal Government organized the “conceptual planning” of urban development, on the basis of which it compiled the overall urban development strategy plan for the future development of the city. A stable urban framework and sustainable development strategy goals have been developed.

The strategic goals of urban development that we have established are: adhere to the implementation of sustainable development strategies, achieve the coordination of resource development and utilization, and strengthen the functions of Guangzhou as a central city of South China, such as trade, culture, information centers and transportation hubs, and improve the central cities. The status and role of Guangzhou has developed into an efficient, prosperous and civilized international city center in the 21st century. A landscape-type eco-city suitable for entrepreneurial development and living.

The strategic goal of urban planning we have established is to maintain regional ecological balance on the premise of regional common development and ecological priority, take advantage of the rapid economic growth of Guangzhou and the opportunity of rapid urbanization in China, adopt a leap-forward development model, adjust urban spatial structure, and improve the city. The function promotes the transformation of urban structure from single center to multi-center to promote the improvement of industrialization level and the stability, health and sustainable development of urban social economy.

The urban land use strategy we have established is to divide the city into five districts. The key development in the 21st century is located in the Panyu District in southern Guangzhou. The district will be built into a shipping center, a port industrial zone, an emerging industrial zone and a regional service industry in southern China. The core area is a modern new city with the characteristics of the southern country. Based on the central area, a “meeting area” will be established. The “Metropolitan Area” consists of the Old City Group, the South Wing Group, the Dongpu Group, and the North Wing Group. It has a multi-center, network-based spatial structure. In the old city group, it will be built into a traditional commercial and trade center in Guangzhou and a historical and cultural city with beautiful environment. Based on the Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, the Dongpu Group will be built as a base for manufacturing in Guangzhou. In the Nanxun Group to develop an emerging industry based on information network technology and knowledge economy, to build a comprehensive new city; in the Beibei group to focus on the development of air transport industry, modern logistics industry, warehousing industry, pollution-free light industry, urban ecology Agriculture, enhancing transportation hubs and ecological barrier functions.

The urban eco-environment strategy we have established is: based on the natural background of the regional and urban-rural ecological environment and its carrying capacity, constructing a natural ecological system that is in balance with the urban construction system, forming an urban-rural ecological security pattern, realizing a virtuous circle of urban and rural ecology, and promoting urban and The symbiosis, protection and promotion of nature guide the sustainable development of the city and create conditions for the construction of Guangzhou into a landscape-type ecological city suitable for entrepreneurial development and living. Based on the natural characteristics of mountains, cities, fields and seas, the ecological main corridors of “one ring and two sides of wedges” and “three verticals and four sides” are constructed to build a multi-level, multi-functional, three-dimensional and complex network-type ecology. The structural system forms a landscape of urban and rural areas in the landscape city of “the city in the mountains and the mountains and rivers in the city”.

The comprehensive urban transportation strategy we have established is: to build a safe, reliable, efficient and efficient transportation with the airport, port and railway as the leader, with high-speed roads and fast track lines as the backbone, to adapt, promote and reasonably guide the urban space expansion and The sustainable development of the future will strengthen Guangzhou's position as a transportation hub, logistics and passenger flow center, and give full play to the role of South China's economic center and international business center.

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