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Excellent institution legal person application materials

******** The center is a state-owned enterprise management institution established in accordance with the law, according to the *1997 issue, [1997] **, * edited [1997] ** file, located at Renmin Road *** Directly under the People’s Government of ***, the main function is to be responsible for the management of the government. Approved by the **** editorial office in accordance with statutory conditions and legal procedures, and has the legal personality of a public institution. The purpose of this unit is to make full use of state-owned assets to carry out property management business and actively create social and economic benefits. At present, there are 3 employees, and the commercial area is 13.160m2. As a legally-owned legal person institution, we carried out property management and service activities according to law. From scratch, we have introduced 10 medium-sized leasing business enterprises and achieved good social and economic benefits. In the past three years, we have realized economic income of 3.29 million. Yuan, turned over the financial 1 million yuan, realized the tax of 2.7 million yuan, which contributed to the economic construction of our district, played a role as a window, reduced the financial burden, created a source of finance for the district government, and was rated as an advanced unit at the district level for three consecutive years. The legal representative *** comrade was twice remembered for his merits. Our main approach is:
I. Acting in accordance with the law and standardizing management behavior First of all, we pay attention to learning education and strengthen the awareness of laws and regulations. We organize the personnel of the center to study relevant national laws, regulations and policies, such as the "Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Reform of Institutional Institutions", "Interim Conditions for the Registration and Management of Institutions", "The Book of Modern Property Operation", "The Land Management Law", The Regulations on Urban Real Estate Development and Management, the New Contract Law, the General Principles of Civil Law, the Archives Law, and the Accounting Law have unified understanding, clarified the direction of institutional reforms, and strengthened legal awareness. We always strictly abide by the registration and management regulations of public institutions, and promote the modernization, legalization and scientificization of property management work in accordance with the failure to do things, and stand firm in the wave of socialist market economy and continue to grow.
The second is to obtain the subject qualification and strictly operate the program. The first is to form an institution according to law. In 1997, when the center was established, it was at the pilot stage of legal person registration in our province. In order to adapt to the development of society and the need for reform, our center applied for legal person registration in accordance with the legal procedure, and obtained independent legal person status and became self. The social development subject of restraint and self-development enjoys the rights of independent legal persons and assumes corresponding obligations according to law; the second is to formulate the articles of association and manage according to the regulations. We always strictly abide by the registration regulations of public institutions and the relevant national laws, regulations and policies. We have not changed the name of the unit, added the brand, and increased the organization; we have established a public seal management system and standardized the use of the official seal; strictly controlled, no increase or disguised increase. Staffing and leadership positions; annual reports are submitted in accordance with regulations every year, and the biennial reports are rated as Class A; we standardize certificate management, use certificates for tax registration, price identification, land and real estate management registration, etc. Altering, leasing, lending, and losing the corporate certificate; we strictly abide by the articles of association and work hard to carry out property management and service work, one step at a time, and achieved good results.
Second, deepen reform and improve work efficiency. We have the privilege of grasping the opportunity of reform, bravely exploiting in the rapid development of social development and reform, and strive to make progress. We must start from increasing internal management, benefit from management, and fully reflect the self-development of legal entities. The vast space.
1. Strictly prepare and manage, and employ the unit independently. Our center has 6 people, and there are 3 editors and 3 vacancies. With the approach of party and government reforms, some people think that the staff can be enriched to our units. At the same time, as far as the actual situation of our center is concerned, three people will do six things, work in the head, and our establishment is not full. Consider entering. However, in accordance with the overall requirements of the state for the reform of public institutions, we must invigorate the internal employment mechanism and streamline the surplus personnel. At present, three people in our center can undertake all the work. Xin is a hard part, but in order to reduce the financial burden, give full play to the talents of the people, and adapt to the reform direction of the institutions to the society, there is no need to enter. For this reason, we have obtained the support of the district leaders, and ultimately no additional personnel. For those who are looking for relationships and want to enter the unit, we are even more vocal. In this way, both the front door and the back door were closed, so that our work was carried out for three years, and there was no increase in unit burden due to entering people.
2. Establish and improve various rules and regulations, and use the system to manage people. Although the sparrow is small, the five internal organs are all. Although there are only three people in our center, each person has several positions. We divide the center work into three major parts: one is to lead the whole situation and set the plate; the other is to collect and coordinate the external management, service, water and electricity maintenance, and rental fees. And so on; the third is the internal labor and management, reception, finance, archives, information management and so on. In accordance with the articles of association, we have formulated work systems for office, hospitality, finance, integrity, archives, and confidentiality, as well as the responsibility systems for center leaders, financial personnel, file management personnel, power equipment management personnel, and personnel specialties, and carefully supervised implementation. Because there are detailed systems, there are rules to follow. Our division of labor is clear, there is no shoving, smashing, kicking the ball in the work, no one is overwhelmed, go to work for a cup of tea, a newspaper style. The internal staff united and cooperated, in order to carry out property management work, work together and actively contribute ideas and suggestions, and all the work was implemented.
3. Strengthen financial management and strive to increase expenses. To realize the self-management, self-development and continuous growth of public institutions, financial management is an important part. First, we have established a strict financial management and property management system. Adhere to the financial approval of a pen, material procurement, inspection, management, special person responsible, regular financial disclosure, timely audit, strengthen the financial supervision mechanism. In terms of increasing revenue, we actively maintain financial resources. According to the contract, the lease fee is collected regularly and the water, electricity and sanitation fees are collected. For the phenomenon of default, we will be patient and persuaded in a timely manner, and strive for the strong support of the tenants until the funds are in place. Since its inception, a total of 3.29 million yuan has been collected. On the other hand, we save money, do not violate the rules, make money, things, do not extravagance and waste, chaos, gifts, diligence, and wealth. For example, the project of our unit has adopted the bidding system, and the best thing is done with the least amount of money. Our center has a total of four bidding projects, with an investment of 3.24 million yuan, and saved 2.8 million yuan through bidding and engineering audit.
III. Strengthening services, social benefits and economic benefits The main task of the double-benefit institutions is to continuously improve social services. Since its establishment, our center has been taking this as its purpose, grasping the service for the government, serving the tenants, and serving the society. The overall goal of the service is to carry out the work. At the same time, based on the reality of our center, we will continue to increase economic efficiency and achieve self-development. When the center was established in 1997, the Asian financial crisis broke out, which brought difficulties to our work. To this end, a group of people in our center adjusted their thinking and actively fought. Various effective measures have been taken to increase service means and achieved good results, achieving a double harvest of social and economic benefits. We mainly do service work from two aspects:
The first is to create a good soft environment. A relaxed business environment is the fundamental guarantee for investors to feel at ease. The core job of property management is to do a good job and create a relaxed soft environment for investors. With the strong support of the district committee and the district government, our unit actively carries out coordination work, not only maintains the functions of various government departments, but also rationally reduces the tax burden of investors, and coordinates the provision of parking, dining, cable viewing, subscription to newspapers and periodicals, etc. Convenient life. The looseness of the soft environment has increased confidence and increased determination for investors.
The second is to invest heavily and build a hard environment. It is very difficult to attract investment. The unit follows the principle of saving and doing good things, and creates investment conditions from hardware: we first do a good job in hydropower construction, and add an 800KVA transformer to protect the entire building. The second is to ensure the supply of cold and heat, the building can be all seasons like spring, we installed 10,000 m2 central air-conditioning passage and terminal equipment; the third is fire safety, the building is equipped with fire water supply system, inside and outside the building There are 67 fire hydrants; the fourth is to beautify the surrounding environment, decorate the first floor lobby and the podium square; the other is to increase the promotion of investment promotion, contact the provincial government information network center, the building investment information network Road. The above-mentioned projects invested a total of 3.24 million yuan, and the hardware investment showed the strength of our center and relieved investors' worries.
Through our dedication to providing investors with the most comprehensive services and strengthening environmental governance, we have achieved remarkable results. In 1997-1998, our center successively cooperated with *** computer *** branch, *** quota society, *** service center, *** hotel, provincial high-tech agricultural products *** flower company, ** * Six companies including beauty salon and wide angle signed a lease contract with a rented area of ​​2731m2, a contractual annual rent of 1.89 million yuan, a revenue of 1.08 million yuan, a tax payment of 900,000 yuan, and a financial payment of 500,000 yuan. In 1999, they enrolled US 3M technology *** express beauty city, operating high-end fine furniture ***** Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen ***** Industrial Co., Ltd. famous residences and high-tech private enterprises ** Group and other four companies . The commercial area of ​​the building of 13,160m2 was fully leased. The annual rent of the contract reached 5.37 million yuan. At the end of the year, the rental income was 2.21 million yuan, the tax payment was 1.8 million yuan, and the financial payment was 500,000 yuan, which made a positive contribution to the economic growth of our district. . At the same time, due to the good service we provided, our unit was well received by the tenants.
In the past three years, through our efforts in handling affairs according to law, optimizing the environment, and strengthening management, we have turned the Yuhua Building, which has idle assets and weak business, into a prosperous, prosperous and prosperous commercial district. And our district has added a beautiful landscape. As a legal person institution, we also feel the vitality on the road of reform and development.

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