Work Report > Internship Weekly

2019 Internship Weekly Fan Wen

First, the purpose of the internship:

Consolidate the main business knowledge of the secretarial profession, improve practical skills, enrich practical work and social experience, master operational skills, and apply what you have learned to practical work.

Second, internship time:

August 1st to August 20th, 2019.

Third, the internship unit:

*** Factory director's office.

Fourth, the main content of the internship:

According to the teacher's arrangement, I have developed a corresponding internship program. Pay attention to further consolidating and improving the theoretical knowledge of secretarial knowledge in the internship stage, in order to achieve the purpose of guiding daily work practice according to theoretical knowledge. Received a good result. The main internship report is as follows:

Different offices have different jobs and different areas of responsibility. As the director's office of a company, it is a comprehensive department, directly led by the factory director, with a wide scope of work and complicated tasks. In the internship phase, my main focus is on secretarial work.

The work of the secretary is the main work of the office. The leadership must be scientifically determined and cannot be assisted by secretarial staff. Because the secretarial staff handles a lot of day-to-day work, the leader can concentrate on thinking about big problems.

In addition, they can also give full play to their understanding of the overall situation, grasp the advantages of multi-faceted information, assist leadership decision-making, and provide reasonable advice. The secretary has a lot of work and heavy tasks, but he must do the following:

First, take the initiative to coordinate the work between leaders and departments, and help the leaders to plan, step, and focus on the various tasks, so that they are busy and not chaotic. From the past, the emphasis was on doing things, changing to doing things, and making suggestions.

Second, conduct investigations and studies to understand the learning, thinking, work, and living conditions of the grassroots, timely report to the leaders, and make reasonable suggestions. For some problems that need to be resolved urgently, they should be resolved in consultation with relevant departments in a timely manner.

Third, inspect and supervise the implementation of various administrative regulations and the resolutions, systems, methods and regulations of the unit, and verify whether the decision-making is scientific and reasonable, and whether it is in line with reality. Identify problems and report them to the leaders in a timely manner to prevent and correct deviations.

Fourth, organize the drafting of the work plan, report, summary, planning, resolutions and rules and regulations of the unit, and carry out policy and text checks on the manuscripts that need to be reported and issued.

Fifth, the communication to the higher authorities and the reports of the subordinate departments shall be promptly transferred to the relevant leaders. According to the instructions of the leaders, the organizers and responsible persons shall be specifically implemented, and the reminders shall be responsible for handling the results as scheduled.

In addition to the basic conditions of the above staff, secretarial personnel should also have their own special knowledge, skills, morality, and style. Therefore, the secretarial staff should consciously and comprehensively strengthen the cultivation of these four aspects, and strive to make themselves a qualified and competent staff member with both ability and political integrity. And pay attention to the following principles.

1. There must be sufficient policy basis and factual basis. Most of the secretarial staff do things in the real world, either to solve a problem or to guide a job.

Therefore, we must adhere to the principles of seeking truth from facts based on the policies and objective facts of the party and the state. Seeking truth from facts is the ideological line and traditional style of our party. It is the norm for all work of the secretarial department and the quality that secretarial personnel must possess.

If some leaders do not comply with the party and state guidelines and policies, the secretarial staff should have the courage to make comments and ask the leaders to reconsider to ensure that the spirit of the instructions of the higher authorities is properly implemented and the work is done well.

2, to have accuracy. Accuracy is the requirement for the quality of work. The accuracy of secretarial management refers to correctly embodying policies, correctly expressing leadership intentions, doing things correctly, doing words and deeds, and writing words.

It guarantees the readiness of leadership work to a certain extent. The accuracy of secretarial management involves many aspects. To put it briefly, it is: the handling of the text must be accurate, the work should be stable, the situation must be realistic, and the idea should be cautious. To do this, you must be serious, your style is too fine, you can't neglect it, you can't sloppy.

For example, to handle official documents, we must ensure the quality of the files, the words should be accurate, the materials should be true, the copying should be serious, the proofreading should be careful, and every link should be made without errors. Otherwise, it will delay work and even cause irreparable damage.

3, to be vigorous and popular. This is a requirement for work efficiency. The realization of any goal is inseparable from two factors, one is accurate and the other is time limit. Any one of these mistakes will make things impossible or not good.

The time limit is to shorten the cycle as much as possible and reduce the intermediate link. Secretarial staff must have a strong sense of timeliness in dealing with matters. They must act quickly and must not be procrastinating. They must formulate a scientific working system, straighten out the relationship, clearly define the division of labor, and give full play to the importance and creativity of the staff.

It is necessary to simplify the procedures, reduce unnecessary writing and etiquette, eliminate the phenomenon of "Wenshan will sea" and improve work efficiency. It is necessary to use modern technologies such as computers to change the means of work, and to implement office automation, such as using computers to transfer information, retrieve materials, and edit documents.

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