Work report > Rectification report

Teacher learning science development concept rectification report

"Teacher's Morality" refers to the relatively stable moral concept, moral behavior norm and moral quality formed by teachers in the process of educational professional labor. The teacher's morality is closely related to the teacher's ideological consciousness, values, life pursuit, moral cultivation and work attitude. The particularity of the teacher's occupation determines that the teacher must have a higher moral realm and influence the students with noble sentiment, rich knowledge and personality. The teacher is the engineer of the human soul. The profession is noble and sacred. The teacher's labor is closely related to social progress, the rise and fall of the country and human civilization. Teachers are the model for students to follow, and their behaviors play a particularly important role in the growth and development of students. To this end, the college has carried out research work on the construction of teachers' morality and style in the whole hospital. The results of the survey are now organized as follows:

First, the status quo of the teacher's morality

1. The students' evaluation of the teacher's morality and ethics in our school, the ratios of “very good” and “better” were 16.81% and 59.83%, respectively, and the ratios of “general” and “poor” were chosen to be 20.80% and 2.56%; this shows that the students' evaluation of the teachers' morality and ethics of the teachers in our school is good, but it should also be seen that there are more than 20% of the students who have higher expectations and hopes for the teachers.

2. In the evaluation of the satisfaction of classroom teaching in this major, the proportion of “very satisfied” or “satisfactory” is 66.66%, and the proportion of unsatisfied is 3.74%; this data shows the performance of professional teachers in the classroom. There is still a certain gap in the needs of students. It is still necessary to further optimize classroom teaching and improve the quality of teaching, so as to give play to teachers' main position in classroom teaching.

3. From the investigation of the main problems existing in the construction of teachers' morality in the college, “indifferent educating consciousness”, “serious academic utilitarianism”, “not strong dedication and dedication” and “lack of self-professional role” reached 38.44 respectively. %, 26.43%, 18.62% and 16.52%; from the teacher's own point of view to analyze the main problems existing in the construction of teachers' morality and style, "serious academic utilitarianism", "cooperative spirit is not strong", "love dedication" "Not strong" ranked the top three, respectively, reaching 34.5%, 27.6%, 24.1%, and "indifferent awareness of education" was only 3.4%. Students and teachers have a great understanding of the "indifferent awareness of educating people". Students think that teachers' awareness of educating people is still relatively indifferent, while teachers think that the awareness of educating people is doing well; teachers may need to strengthen Students' communication, to further understand the needs of students, to ensure that teachers and students are in the main position in the teaching process. In addition, the phenomenon of academic utilitarianism, both teachers and students, is considered to be a very negative factor affecting the construction of teachers' morality and style. It requires the relevant departments of the school to pay certain attention and strengthen the guidance of academic evaluation.

4. In the selection of ways to strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and style, the proportion of “strengthening the atmosphere construction and cultivating teachers' moral self-consciousness” is as high as 62.1%. “Strengthening the system construction” and “combining rewards and punishments, mainly based on awards” are 17.2. %. This is enough to show that the construction of teachers' morality and style is a systematic project. It requires a lot of intensive and meticulous work. It is necessary to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and styles. At the same time, we must adapt to the requirements of the times and strive to innovate with a highly conscious spirit. The necessary system construction and reward and punishment measures can promote the construction of teachers' morality and ethics.

Second, the main measures to strengthen and improve the construction of teachers' morality

1. Strengthen leadership and form a work pattern in which teachers' morality and construction work together

Strengthen the overall leadership of the construction of teachers' morality. The college has established a leading group for the construction of teachers' morality and style, and the leading group for the construction of teachers' morality and style is composed of the head of the college, the head of the department, the head of the discipline, the teaching supervision team, and the counselors. The party secretary of the college is the first responsible person in the construction of the teacher's morality and ethics. The main body is the college leaders, professional teachers, laboratory personnel, office staff and counselors. Establish and improve the "Shishi Shide Information Officer" system, establish a team of information officers, and timely reflect the situation of the teacher's morality and ethics.

2. Adhere to strict teacher admission system

It is necessary to further standardize the selection and identification of new teachers, and insist on selecting new teachers with strict political standards, ethical standards and business standards. Each year, a “New Teacher Talk” event is held to provide one-to-one contact and guidance for the college leaders. Strengthen the necessary training and guidance for young teachers before they take up their posts, and continue to implement the mentorship system for young teachers.

3. Strengthen teacher education and training

Strengthen the construction of class teachers and counselors, carry out special seminars and trainings, and further improve the ideological and political quality, professional quality and practical work ability of the class teachers. Conduct counselor work skills training and expert training, and carry out in-depth training in political theory, ideological and political education work methods, mental health education, and career development guidance skills.

4. Develop model teacher recognition

Construct a reward and punishment mechanism for the construction of teachers' morality and style. Further intensify the commendation of teachers who have a high morality in teaching and a high level of teaching and teaching. Through the outstanding teachers of the college, "My Aiwu" my favorite teachers, excellent class teachers, excellent teachers, etc., the outstanding achievements will be commended and rewarded, and as one of the basis for job promotion and job appointment. For the words and deeds of the image of the teacher who lost the teacher, the leading group should promptly advise, warn or give disciplinary action to the relevant teachers. The teachers who failed the assessment of the teacher's morality and ethics were rated as unqualified at the end of the year. Each year, a "new and old teacher teacher teacher" symposium is held, and college leaders, new and old teachers are invited to participate.

5, plus the master's morale propaganda

The leading group of the college should be good at creating atmosphere, discovering and publicizing the typical thoughts and deeds of teachers and teachers, summing up the advanced experience of teachers in teaching and educating people in time, making full use of the website of the college, bulletin board, school newspaper and other media to promote and promote The majority of teachers love to be dedicated, teach and educate people, and the spirit of selfless dedication.

Create a good atmosphere in the dormitory corridor, college teaching building, professional classrooms, etc., slogans, slogans, pictures, etc., in the subtle, remind the teachers, educate the students.

Regularly hold the advanced experience exchange meeting of teachers, teachers and teachers, invite new young teachers to participate, and guide the teachers to consciously abide by the teacher's norms and promote noble morality.

On the website of the college, we will open a column and regularly introduce the deeds of outstanding individuals such as outstanding teachers, outstanding party members, excellent class teachers, excellent teachers, and excellent counselors.

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