Work plan > class teacher work plan

2019 first semester class teacher work plan

The new semester began, and the class teacher opened the prelude to the school routine. Looking back at the work of the class teacher in the last semester, I have more or less thoughts on my thoughts and found that I have a certain degree of confidence in class management. Therefore, for the work of the class teacher in this semester, I have a good point in my heart. To do a good job as a class teacher is not a one-off thing. It is not only a technology, but an art. This semester I plan to improve my work in the following ways.

First, class management objectives

1. Improve the students' good behavior habits and study habits by improving the class management system, and form the cohesiveness of the class collective. Consolidate good class style and improve class management.

2. Continue to strengthen the construction of study style, cultivate students' interest in learning and work hard and diligent. Clarify the importance of learning, pay attention to the guidance of learning methods, and improve the efficiency of students' learning.

3. Continue to guide the work of the class cadres.

First, help class cadres establish prestige.

Second, encourage class cadres to work boldly and point out their working methods.

Third, strict requirements for class cadres to achieve greater progress in knowledge and ability, and lead by example in discipline, and strive to play an exemplary role in all aspects of the class, to point to face.

Fourth, cultivate the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among cadres, lead the entire class to carry out criticism and self-criticism, and form a collective organization and discipline.

And enterprising.

Second, specific measures

1. According to the school's moral education work plan, continue to emphasize the construction of civility and etiquette for the actual situation of the students in this class, and strengthen the education of the "Primary School Code" and "Standards' Daily Behavioral Norms".

2. Regularly hold class cadre meetings to keep abreast of class conditions and improve the training of class cadres.

3. Learn more about students and work hard to enlighten students.

4. Reform the value of the daily health system to gradually improve it.

5, beautify the class environment, create a class atmosphere full of vitality and full of vigor.

6. Grasp the discipline of early self-study and use the class cadres for management.

7. Emphasis on the cultivation of excellent students.

8. Do a good job of transforming poor students.

9. Continue to strengthen the management of student work.

10 Conduct various forms of activities to develop students' comprehensive abilities.

Third, the learning content

This semester, I will continue to strengthen my knowledge of curriculum standards, pedagogy, psychology, etc., and take study notes. I usually study the teaching materials carefully and take every class.

In short, I will continue to strive to be people-oriented, educate students to become a person of integrity, good wisdom and health. Create a warm, harmonious and natural learning environment. Teach students to learn to live, learn to get along with others, learn to pay and love. Use various activities Enhance the cohesiveness of the class so that every student is proud of the progress of their class. Care for every student, walk into the heart of every student, become a true friend of the students, solve problems for students, and build confidence. Seriously grasp the classroom discipline, so that the class will always be full of energy, positive and upward.

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