Work plan > class teacher work plan

2019 teacher new semester class teacher work plan

Class style: civilized and disciplined, diligent and enterprising

Struggle goal: publicize student personality, build class characteristics

First, the class overview:

The total number of the class: 46 boys: 24 girls: 22 people. Behavioral habits: Students can follow the daily behavioral norms, but the self-consciousness needs to be improved, especially the boys' habits of making up in this area are not enough. There will be running phenomenon in class, and teachers and classmates are often reminded. Learning situation: Most of the students are smarter, active in thinking, and their homework can be completed conscientiously. But there are also a few students who do not have good study habits. Morality: Students love the collective, love labor, love teachers, love classmates, and have a strong sense of collective honor. However, because of the relationship of the only child, there will be selfishness, vanity, and self-satisfaction.

Second, the education content and measures:
1. Code of Conduct Education:
Continue to strengthen students' daily routine education and standardized daily education for primary school students. At the beginning of the semester, ideological education is given to incited students.

Make clear the general rules of the day and make everyone aware.
Give full play to the exemplary role of the code of conduct, and do it with one belt and four.
Regular training will be conducted in class meetings and morning meetings, and disciplines such as discipline, courtesy, labor, and study will be carried out to make regular and standardized behavioral training.
Create a role model star, and develop a sense of competition in the class. The "Star of Civilization", a civilized and polite, the "disciplined star" that obeys discipline, and the "smart star" that studies hard, loves the "small bee star" of labor.

2. Class cadre work:
We will recommend a new round of class cadres to train and guide the cadres. Integrate into your daily work as soon as possible.
Work policy:
a. Equality: Each team member, regardless of his or her grades, discipline, or position, is equal in the Young Pioneers organization and has no status.
b. Respect: The Young Pioneers cadres are the Young Pioneers organization serving other team members. They are not superior to other team members. They should respect each team member in the organization and have no right to give orders.
c. Due diligence: Responsible for the work that I am responsible for, and live up to the trust of other players.
d. Active: If you have problems, don't push them, and you will face difficulties.
e. Unity: Unite with other team cadres and all team members of the squadron committee, and work together to fully mobilize and give full play to each person's talents.
f. Innovation: Dare to contribute ideas, express their opinions, and actively work for the Young Pioneers.
Do a good job in the campaign of class cadres and establish a sense of competition among class cadres.

3. Make a class with characteristics.
Give play to the collective sense of honor in the class and strengthen the collective sense of honor in the class. Let students actively participate in various activities and strive to achieve good results. In the activity, students will develop a strong love class, love the collective consciousness, and become a cohesive class.
Give full play to the talents of some outstanding children in the class, and plan to let these outstanding children drive other children, and inspire other children's specialties to form a person with their own unique characteristics, forming a class with their own unique characteristics.

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