Work plan > class teacher work plan

Elementary school sixth grade semester head teacher work plan

In this beautiful season of recovery and prosperity, we have re-launched a new semester. After a semester of contact with the students, I also had an in-depth understanding of the classmates, so that I have a clearer idea of ​​the work. I hope that in the new semester, I can do a good job in class and build our six classes into one. A harmonious family! According to the characteristics of my classmates who are not mature enough and the purpose of learning is not too clear, the following work plans are formulated.

First, do a good job in entrance education

Educate students to study and live in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of schools and classes, strictly implement daily routines, and strictly demand themselves from the aspects of study, health, discipline, etc., and adapt to the new learning and living environment as soon as possible.

two. Second, do the ideological work of the students

I think that the key to doing a good job in student work is to grasp the psychology of students. They cannot be regarded as children. The inner world can be said to be rich and colorful. This time, not only in learning, but also in the cultivation of ideological and moral values ​​and the formation of discipline concepts. Helping people to develop the quality of their thoughts. As a class teacher, they only lean down and work with students. As a student friend, students will open up with you, expose the inner world of students, and confess to you, offer advice for class management, and do a good job for class. Provide a basis for work.

three. Re-educating students to self-respect, self-respect, self-confidence

No one is perfect, no gold is enough, only self-respect can self-respect and self-love. If there is no self-esteem, it is impossible to get the respect of others. Seeing that students have strengths, they must be praised with a flash of light, so that they can build confidence and make them feel successful, instead of sarcastic. If others have done good deeds or achieved gratifying results, they should be envious, not detestable. Respecting others is actually respecting themselves, so that the relationship between classmates and classmates will become more and more harmonious. Only in this way can students unite like each other. Like a person, everyone does not care about gains and losses. Really "I am everyone, everyone is me."

Fourth, educate students to be broad-minded people

As a student, students should be open-minded and broad-minded. Don't dig into the corners of the horns. You must have a gentlemanly manner and a general demeanor. No matter what kind of thing, it can be tolerated. As the saying goes, "The prime minister can support the boat." If someone else accuses you, you must think about your fault and correct it. If you are not at fault, you will take it as a warning. If you change it, you don't have to add it. Don't be impulsive, you don't have to make a fuss, you don't have the weight, it's too stingy, your mind is too narrow. The class teacher hopes that every classmate is a broad-minded person, who doesn't care about others, learns silently, works quietly. Classmates.

Fifth, we must educate students to study hard and continuously improve their grades.

When we come to school, we are learning. Now the society needs a new generation of people who are cultured, disciplined, and innovative. Only when they are tenacious, aggressive, and able to adapt to society in the future will they not be eliminated and become useful to the society. Some students may not pay attention to progress, hate learning, and always educate them: in order to achieve good results, they must pay and have a tenacious spirit. Some students' grades are always not ideal, which is directly related to their lack of effort and lack of perseverance. Education can't just see other people's achievements, but also know the pay behind their achievements.

6. Education students must strictly abide by the class schedule

In order to better improve the class work and develop strict rules and regulations, I adopt a group management system. Each group leader manages 11 students. The team leader reports to the class teacher on a daily basis so that the class teacher can do class management in time. jobs.

Seven, class activities:

1. Establish and improve various rules and regulations of the class, set up various classes of classes, clarify the duties of the class cadres, division of labor, responsibility for the value of the day, and responsibility for health, summing up the appraisal every week.

2, "three ratios" activities, than discipline, health, learning, weekly than one group of discipline, health, learning, which group is the best, make a summary, point out the deficiencies, improve, and strive for advanced.

3, "Devotion of love", do something that you think is most meaningful for others, and experience the joy of helping others.

4, more advanced, see who has the most progress, through the previous few weeks of comparison, learning, rush, help, super activities, let the students identify who is the most advanced in the class, who is the fastest progress, establish a typical.

5. The group summarizes the appraisal, summarizes the merits and shortcomings of the work of each class in the semester, and proposes measures for improvement and direction for future efforts.

The above is the class teacher's plan for the second semester of the 2012-2012 school year that I have done for the six classes. I hope that I can give full play to the education role of the class teacher and lead to the healthy growth of the students!

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