Work plan > class teacher work plan

2019 sixth grade head teacher work plan

First, the basic situation of the class

There are 43 students in this class. All the students have good spirits and good daily behaviors are being developed. However, there is still a gap between the class and the good class. For the characteristics of the graduating class, it is about to enter middle school, but the idea is not mature enough, the purpose of learning is not too clear, and the characteristics of boys are more. The following work plans are formulated:

Second, the basic work points of this semester

1. Students are required to strictly abide by the school rules and regulations, correct their learning attitude, and clarify the purpose of learning. Improve your interest in learning and enable students to take the initiative to learn and improve their academic performance. Some students in the class usually ask for relaxation, and they do not pay attention to the study, resulting in poor final exam results. For the test results of the last semester, students with poor grades are required to further correct their attitudes, learn more, do more, and read more, and learn from excellent students. Students with poor daily performance set goals at the beginning and strive to meet the requirements.

2. Encourage students to be bold and innovative, to be brave in expressing themselves, and to participate in school class activities, such as painting and composition writing. Several classmates in my class have outstanding performances in entertainment, encouraging them to participate in both internal and external activities while learning their homework, and to make the class atmosphere more active.

3. Exploring the specialty of students, cultivating talents in various fields, and cultivating students' ability to start and move, laying a solid foundation for them to enter secondary school soon. In this regard, more preparatory class meetings, such as speech contests, are scheduled to be held during this semester.

4. Cultivate students' good behavior habits, be polite, civilized, disciplined, and educated. Respect the teacher in the school and take the initiative to say hello; pay attention to the class appearance, keep quiet, and observe discipline in public.

5. Improve the class committee, clarify the division of labor, and improve the management ability of students. At the beginning of the semester, the original class committees were adjusted. Each class cadre carefully wrote the work plan and drove the whole class to carefully study each course and do a good job in various activities.

6. Do a good job for disadvantaged students. The main target of the weak students in my class is students who do not pay attention to learning and have intellectual disabilities. In this regard, I am prepared to contact their parents. The two sides will jointly urge them to study hard, cultivate their positive learning attitude, and cultivate students with poor learning. Self-esteem and self-confidence.
Second, specific measures:

1. Grasp the daily routine of the class, prevent the phenomenon of late class absenteeism, grasp the discipline of self-study, and improve efficiency.
2. Improve the quality of newspapers and posters, create a good learning atmosphere, and build a good class culture.
3. Use class publications to educate students, give play to students' subjective initiative, and motivate students.
4. Organize class activities to cultivate students' collective ideas and enhance class cohesion.
5. Conduct regular learning activities to develop students' good learning attitudes and methods.
6. Conduct beneficial cultural and sports activities to promote the healthy development of students' physical and mental health.
7. Organize students to actively participate in various activities of the school and strive to achieve good results in various activities.
8. Regularly communicate with students to understand the students' ideological dynamics and promptly solve problems for students.
Third, the main activities of the class

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