Work Plan > Financial Work Plan

2019 Corporate Finance Department Financial Work Plan

As one of the core departments of the company, the Finance Department shoulders the tasks of project control of costs, expenses of various departments, and coordination and summarization of sales work. Under the supervision of the leaders, the staff of the Finance Department should be reasonable. Adjust the expenses of various expenses to ensure the safety of financial materials; serve the company, serve the employees, and serve the customers, so as to promote the company to open up the market, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, thereby maximizing profits and maximizing the optimal human allocation. Economic benefits.

The global financial crisis in 2019 warns us that in the new year, the staff of the Finance Department should, under the correct leadership of the factory leaders, formulate an assessment system or related measures for other departments of the whole plant. I have been doing financial work for many years. I know that the 2019 financial work plan plays a very important role in strengthening financial management, promoting standardized management, and strengthening financial knowledge and education. In order to do the financial work plan, short arrangements. Make financial work work better in a standardized and institutionalized environment. A 2019 financial work plan was prepared. Under the supervision of various national financial laws and regulations, the following assessment system is formulated:

First, continue to carry out standardized accounting management work to prevent and resolve operational risks.

On the basis of the standardized management of accounting work last year, we continued to carry out the standardized management of accounting, improve the management level of accounting, and prevent and resolve operational risks. Specifically from eight aspects: basic accounting regulations; accounting quality; accounting statement quality; computer management; bank settlement management; accounting file management; credit union network management and other; accounting management. In particular, accounting file management has been lacking over the years. Although the annual accounting documents are all filed, they are not classified according to the file management method and need to be further standardized.

Second, continue to focus on increasing income, saving, and further increase the level of profitability.

We will firmly grasp the two links of increasing income and saving expenditures, grasping income from outside, and grasping management within the company, striving to realize full-year withdrawal of interest payable and raising the level of provision, realizing profits of xxx million yuan to ensure social surplus and The special bills are paid to the goal of increasing the profit rate of the county credit union assets year by year. In response to the target, the “Xun County Rural Credit Cooperatives 2019 Profit-Saving Implementation Plan” was formulated, and arrangements were made for the two aspects of income increase and savings. Externally grasp the credit quality management, actively revitalize the stock optimization, increase the income-increasing channels, and do everything possible to collect the income. Internally grasp financial management, reduce operating costs, especially to strengthen the management of operating expenses, under the premise of ensuring personal expenses, reduce public expenses, and ensure that the special bills are paid to the county's credit cooperatives' asset cost rate year by year. Specifically, we must do a good job in five operations: First, the operation of financial expenses: the implementation of the cost and expense rate control of the operating expenses, strictly implemented the "received, first raised, over-received, less income, less income, rate The principle of accrued expenses for quotas, overspending, and expenses is controlled within the approved ratio. The second is the proportional operation: that is, in terms of expenses and expenses, in accordance with the relevant national policy provisions, the employee welfare fee, the labor union fund, the endowment insurance, and the unemployment insurance premium are accurately and accurately accrued. Hospitality, publicity, etc. should be saved within the prescribed ratio. The third is budget operation: a budget system has been implemented for training fees, conference fees, repair fees, electronic equipment fee purchase and operation fees, so that expenditures are strictly controlled in accordance with the budget in specific operations. The fourth is the operation of the package: for the travel expenses, post and telecommunications charges, utilities, public and miscellaneous fees, etc. We combine the actual situation of the region and the market price to make a reasonable use of the package. If there is no justification for the company that exceeds the package limit, the excess will be deducted from the individual. Fifth, cost operation: Strictly strengthen the management of other cost items and non-operating expenses, and adhere to monthly monitoring to prevent other expenses.

Third, continue to do a good job in the management of important blank vouchers of credit unions to ensure that there are no accidents.

In the management of important blank certificates, we will continue to intensify inspections this year. In recent years, through the annual check-ups, the business outlets have used important vouchers, and management has been strengthened, but this work does not dare to slack off, XX In May of the year, we organized personnel to conduct a special periodic inspection of the important blank voucher from May 2019 to April 2019. Since the back of the association, the use of the agencies has been checked, and the item-by-category vouchers are tracked for inspection. At the same time, the competent accountant of the credit cooperative is required to check the important blank voucher of the network under its jurisdiction once a month, and each time the inspection carefully registers the “significant blank voucher inspection register”, the responsibility is clear.

Fourth, continue to standardize the share capital, and vigorously carry out capital increase and share expansion work.

In December last year, the Municipal Banking Regulatory Bureau approved the starting point of the natural person shares of the county credit union as xxx yuan, the starting point of legal person shares was xxxx yuan, and the proportion of investment shares was xxx%. The increase in the starting point of the shareholding has brought great difficulties to the standardization of the equity capital. Although this work was carried out in 2019, there is still a gap between the requirements for payment of the bill and further standardization is required. At the end of 2009, the proportion of investment stocks was xxx%, still xx percentage points, and it needed to reach a ratio within one season. In 2019, we must vigorously carry out capital increase and share expansion. Although the capital adequacy ratio of county credit cooperatives has reached xxx% at the end of 2009, if the assessment method for bills is paid, the capital adequacy ratio of our county credit cooperatives is not enough to pay special bills. Further increase the strength of capital increase and share expansion to ensure that the special bills are not affected when they are redeemed.

5. Conduct information disclosure work according to standards.

The information disclosure work directly affects the special bills redemption work. Before March of this year, it is necessary to organize credit cooperatives to seriously carry out information disclosure according to the special bill redemption standards, specifically the completion of various business indicators in 2019, dividends, and the “three sessions”. "Disclosure of the situation, profit distribution, etc., the information disclosure report and information disclosure form will be placed on relevant occasions, so that the majority of members and stakeholders can truly and accurately understand the real situation of the business operations of rural social agencies in our county.

6. Cooperate with the functional departments to do a good job in unifying legal persons.

7. Conduct training on the new financial system.

8. Do other financial work well.

1. Do a good job in the summary reporting of accounting statements and project telegrams.

2. Do a good job in the management of important blank voucher ordering, storage, distribution.

3. Seriously carry out the uploading of various financial systems and policy files throughout the year.

4. Do a good job in the daily guidance of credit union business and computer operation.

5. To ensure the correctness of the daily accounting of credit unions and other work.

6. Carefully prepare financial analysis and project telegram analysis.

7. Strengthen the management of interest-free funds of credit unions.

8. Continue to do a good job in the management of credit union accounts, cash, and large-value withdrawals.

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