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Real estate company marketing plan

Before the financial crisis last year, the real estate market in our country prospered, and the price of buildings was hit by the highest in history. However, it seems to me that it is only a false prosperity. Since the global financial crisis, the property market in our country has continued to slump. Although real estate manufacturers have come up with a variety of promotional methods, it seems that the role has not been great.

The continued downturn in real estate has also affected the development of the national economy. Therefore, many real estate developers are more cautious when investing. The general location will not be reinvested, but the already built buildings need to be sold. I have done real estate planning work. For many years, he was ordered to write a real estate company marketing plan .

Generally speaking, "marketing plan " does not have a unified format and content, but most of the "marketing plan " is written for the needs of developers, usually including the following:

I. Research and development section

1. Project introduction. Its contents include developer, base area, total floor area, residential area, public building area, floor area ratio, greening rate, building density, parking space, bicycle parking area, total number of residential units, and geographical location.

2. Regional market analysis. Its contents include geographical location, transportation facilities, and case market adjustments.

3, swot analysis. It mainly analyzes the advantages, weaknesses, opportunities and problems of the case on the basis of regional market analysis.

4. Customer source analysis. Includes customer layer analysis, age layer analysis, customer source analysis, and more. The product can be positioned by analyzing the target customer. This part of the content can usually be displayed with a pie chart, which is more intuitive.

5. Product positioning. Includes product recommendations, price suggestions, and payment advice. In the product proposal, it is necessary to list the reasons for this conclusion and the housing type ratio proposal. The price proposal should also list the reasons for pricing and the price that can be achieved with the progress of the project and the sales rate.

Second, the planning part

1. The general spirit of advertising.
2. The focus of appeals.
3, np draft title initial draft.
4. Media planning.

Third, the business part

It mainly includes two parts: analysis of sales stage, business strategy and execution plan. The analysis of the sales stage is generally divided into three stages to elaborate. The business strategy and execution plan are also divided into three parts: strategy formulation, sales channel and business execution.

After completing the above three reports of research, planning, and business, a report of the proposal basically came out, but in the end, don't forget that there is still a key thing that must be covered in the report, that is, with the developer. "Cooperative program", marketing companies can generally have three types of agents:

Pure agent


Underwriting. The agent price and commission extraction method of these three methods are different, which can be listed in the report, and the developer chooses and the two parties will further discuss. After the "Proposal Report" is written, it is also necessary to make a shiny package. This can give the developer a striking feeling, so that the developer feels that the marketing company attaches great importance to the proposal report, and also allows the developer to have a full understanding of the strength of the marketing company. Thereby winning the trust of developers.
In short, the main purpose of writing a "proposal report" is to be able to successfully obtain sales agency rights, so that developers feel "not yours."

Experience in real estate planning with "positive and harmonious"

The most important thing for successful real estate planning is not relying on any tactics, the most important thing is to rely on practical norms; as long as the operation of each step is in place, plus some breakthroughs, planning can shine. Success! The following key points should be grasped in the planning work:

First, positioning

Whether your market positioning adapts to the needs of the market and whether product positioning meets the needs of target customers is the key to the success or failure of the project. The positioning of the failure of "Golden × Haoyuan" is a powerful negative example.

Second, the timing

The decision to invest is based on the real estate market. If the decision on the timing of investment development is wrong, then the project you are planning is likely to be doomed before it is born. The success of "Huizhan Pavilion and Donghai Phase I" is the result of a good grasp of the timing; the failure of "Jian X Building, Zhong × Times Square" is an example of the untimely time. The key point of grasping the timing is that you need to know when you should invest in the development of any type of real estate, and also know that the profit level of real estate investment will be different at different times. Therefore, the early analysis of the project is the first step of planning.

Third, the location

The choice of location depends on the developer's investment perspective. The same piece of land has different values ​​for different investors; the land price level of different sites is different. When selecting a location, it is necessary to clearly understand the cost of land is the factor determined in the total construction cost of the building. The value of the plot will directly affect the profit level of the investment. Therefore, understanding the developer's land price level and doing a good job of project feasibility analysis is the second step of planning. The “Luohu Commercial City” plot was the property group’s bid for a price of 420 million yuan in 1990. This was considered a failed investment project at the time, but now it seems that no one doubts its keen investment vision. It is.

When accepting agency properties, developers often ask them to write "marketing plans. " According to the quality of the "Proposal Report", the developer decides which marketing company to represent its real estate. Therefore, the quality of the "Proposal Report" basically determines the fate of the marketing company. A good "marketing plan " must be co-operated by the research and development department, planning department and business department of the marketing company in order to complete it well. When writing a "Marketing Plan ", you must first ask the developer to provide case information, preliminary drafts or blueprints for architectural planning, and other relevant information. On this basis, collect urban plans, demographic data, traffic construction design drawings, public works construction design drawings and other Lido free materials in the area where the case is located. At the same time, it is necessary to collect the market survey data sheet of the case regional market as a schedule of the “marketing plan ”, which is used as data for “price proposal” and “product positioning”.

In fact, I feel that the planning book is not the most important. The most important thing is the design and status of the building. The planning book is just a reference. The discerning person knows that the role of the planning book is only a kind of propaganda. As for the effect of publicity, the building’s Quality issues are the most important.

Real estate planning is still good, but the recent real estate market is generally depressed, I know this may be temporary, but the building really has to cut prices, and the current house is too expensive, beyond the reach of the average person. I will continue to work hard in my future work!

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