Work plan > plan book

Excellent beverage company marketing plan

Under the premise of the financial crisis, the survival of enterprises has become more and more difficult. Many small and medium-sized enterprises and even large enterprises have closed down, and many companies are lingering! The competition in the beverage market has been very fierce. Although the consumer market in the beverage market is very large, the number of competing companies is very large. Therefore, our company must analyze its own conditions and make a better one according to its actual situation. The market impact planning book has a certain share in the market and realizes the development of the enterprise.

First, the format of the book

Market situation analysis

To understand the size of the entire market and the comparison between the enemy and the enemy, the market situation analysis must include the following 12 items:

The size of the entire product market.
A comparative analysis of sales volume and sales of each competitive brand.
A comparative analysis of market share of various competitive brands.
Analysis of consumer age, gender, occupation, education, income, and family structure.
Comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each competitive brand product.
A comparative analysis of market segments and product positioning of various competitive brands.
A comparative analysis of advertising costs and advertising performance of various competitive brands.
Comparative analysis of promotional activities of various competitive brands.
Comparative analysis of public relations activities of various competitive brands.
A comparative analysis of pricing strategies for various competitive brands.
Comparative analysis of sales channels of various competitive brands.
The company's profit and loss analysis for the past 5 years.

Planning text

The text of the planning book consists of six major items, which are described as follows:

Company's main policy

Before planning the plan, the planner must communicate with the company's top leadership on the company's future business policies and strategies to determine the company's main principles and policies. Both parties should discuss the following details;

Identify target markets and product positioning.
The sales target is to expand market share or pursue profit.
Formulate a price policy.
Determine the sales method.
Advertising performance and advertising budget.
The focus and principles of the promotion.
The focus and principles of public relations activities.

sales target

The so-called sales target refers to the business objectives that the company's various products must achieve within a certain period of time.
The sales target quantification has the following advantages:
Provide a basis for testing the success or failure of the entire marketing plan.
Provide a basis for assessing job performance goals.
Provide the basis for the next sales target.

Promotion plan

The purpose of the planner to develop a promotion plan is to help achieve sales goals. The promotion plan includes three parts: goals, strategies, and detailed plans.

1 goal

The plan must clearly indicate the goals of the promotion activities that are expected to be achieved in order to achieve the sales goals of the entire plan.

2 strategy

After deciding to promote the goals of the project, the next step is to develop a strategy to achieve that goal. The promotion strategy includes four major items: advertising performance strategy, media application strategy, promotion strategy, and public relations activity strategy.

Advertising performance strategy: The theme of the policy performance is determined for product positioning and target consumer groups.
Media use strategy: There are many types of media, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, flyers, outdoor advertising, and so on. What kind of media do you want to choose? What percentage of each? What is the audiovisual rate and contact rate of advertising?
Promotional strategy: the object of the promotion, the various ways of the promotion, and what the desired effect of the various promotions is.
Public relations activity strategy: the object of public relations, the various ways of public relations activities, and what is the purpose of holding various public relations activities.

3 detailed plans

Details of the implementation of each strategy are detailed.

Advertising performance plans: the design of newspapers and magazines, the creative scripts for TV commercials, and broadcasts.

Media use plan: choose popular or professional newspapers and magazines, as well as publication date and layout size; TV and radio advertising selection of program time and number of times. Also, consider crp and cpm

Promotional programs: including merchandise purchase display, exhibitions, demonstrations, sweepstakes, gift samples, tastings, discounts, etc.
Public relations activities plan: including shareholder meetings, publishing company news reports, company internal publications, employee associations, love activities, and communication with the media.

Market research plan

Market research is very important in the planning case. Because the market data and intelligence obtained from market research are an important basis for the formulation of marketing plans. In addition, most of the 12 items in the first part of the market situation analysis can be obtained through market research, which also shows the importance of market research.

However, market research is often overlooked by top leaders and planners . Many companies invest large amounts of advertising each year without paying attention to market research. This wrong concept must be changed as soon as possible.

Market research, like the promotion plan, also includes three major objectives: goals, strategies, and detailed plans.

Sales management plan

If the planning case is regarded as a joint operation of land, sea and air, the sales target is the purpose of login. The market research plan is responsible for providing information. The promotion plan is a cover of the navy and air force. The sales management plan is the action of the army. Under the effective support of intelligence and the cover of the powerful naval and air force, it is still necessary to lead the army to attack the city. In order to win a decisive victory. Therefore, the importance of the sales management plan is self-evident. Sales management plans include sales executives and staff, sales plans, selection and training of salespeople, incentive salespeople, and salesperson compensation systems.

Profit and loss estimate

The sales target that any planning plan hopes to achieve is actually to realize the profit, and the profit and loss estimate is to estimate the pre-tax profit of the product beforehand. As long as the total sales of the product is deducted from the sales cost, marketing expenses, and promotion costs, the pre-tax profit of the product can be obtained.

It is not difficult to work out a good planning book . The difficulty is that when implementing the planning book , can our executors do all of this according to the requirements of the planning book . I believe we have been working hard all the time, but the enterprise Survival is not always based on our efforts to achieve market share, only continuous efforts and successful marketing, in order to win in the market competition!

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