Work Plan > Moral Education Work Plan

Middle School Moral Education Department Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the scientific development concept, based on the "three adherences", the work philosophy of "moving the heart, moving ahead, refining management, and innovating the carrier". Under the leadership of the Party General Branch and the Principal's Office, we firmly established the concept of “being sincerity first, people-oriented, dedicating virtues, and nurturing the heart.” The concept of educating people has been thoroughly implemented and the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have further strengthened and improved. The spirit of "Several Opinions on the Construction of Adults' Ideology and Morality" firmly establishes the concept of "transforming a backward student with the importance of cultivating a good student", insisting on "serving people" and vigorously creating a "green" education that is conducive to the healthy growth of young people. surroundings. Ensure that the crime rate of students in the whole year is zero, the dropout rate of students in the compulsory education stage is zero, and the school safety accident rate is zero. Further improve the content of moral education , innovative methods and methods of moral education , accurately grasp the regularity of moral education , reflect the era of moral education , and enhance the effectiveness of moral education . Gradually formed the characteristics of moral education .

Second, the specific work

Seriously carry out study and realize the transformation of moral education concept

The main contents of the study include General Secretary Jiang’s important thinking of the "Three Represents", the General Office of the State Council, "Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving Minors' Ideological and Moral Construction", "School of Moral Education in Middle Schools", and Citizenship of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Construction Implementation Outline. The class teacher and the teacher in charge should focus on in-depth study of relevant articles in the newspapers and magazines such as the "High School Moral Education Outline", " Dayu Daily", "China Education News", "Class Teacher", etc., enriching knowledge, improving theoretical cultivation, and constantly adapting to the requirements of modernization of moral education . The class teacher should fully play the core role, coordinate role, and lead role. It is necessary to seriously study the academic situation, study the teachings, and form a class of educators with harmonious interpersonal relationships. All teachers should effectively improve the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of moral education work, and should focus on the "three persistences": adhere to the "curriculum education", all teachers must organically infiltrate ideological and moral education in their own teaching process; "Service educating people" firmly establishes the service concept of "life-oriented, humanistic care", and truly reflects all the service purposes for students, all for teachers, and all for teaching. Teachers should implement “four belts and three permits” in class, and bring smiles, love, confidence and encouragement into the classroom. Classes allow students to ask questions, allow students to make mistakes, and allow students to retain their opinions; adhere to “event education”. Combining the reality of youth ideological education, combining the new situation and new tasks of education reform and development, and discussing the exchange of examples of moral education work, firmly grasp the "three zeros" bottom line work. "fine" is the head, "strict" is the key, "love" is the main, and "love" is the firm.

Implement education project to improve actual results

1. The practice of moral education should focus on patriotism education, focusing on the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and revolutionary traditions, carrying forward and cultivating the national spirit with patriotism as the core, guiding students to understand the history and traditions of the Chinese nation, and building national pride, self-confidence and pride. Feeling and sense of responsibility; starting from establishing aspirations, establishing and nurturing the correct ideals and beliefs of young students. Regularly organize all the teachers and students of the school to watch outstanding patriotic films and carry out large-scale activities with the theme of patriotism. Grasp the educational opportunities of various major festivals and important current events every year, and carry out ideological and political education for students in a timely and targeted manner.

2. Moral education practice takes legal education as a guide to action.

It is necessary to let students learn the law, obey the law and protect the law, and prepare to carry out the following activities: organizing traffic safety and legal education report meetings. Invite relevant experts to conduct centralized study and counseling on traffic rules, the Law on Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and the Law on the Protection of Juveniles, so that students can enhance their awareness of traffic safety, learn to protect themselves, and further develop good habits of obeying laws and regulations. A good citizen who is law-abiding. Conduct a legal education for parents to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of legal education. The theme class for a legal education will analyze a case of juvenile crimes and conduct a legal education essay contest.

3. The practice of moral education should focus on the core content of team spirit education and honesty education; the practice of moral education should follow the moral construction strategy of “small and strict”; carry out various moral education based on the participation of all employees and penetrate into the hearts of every student. Practical activities: Carry out the “Regular Management Month” activities on a class basis, and carry out science and technology, culture, art, sports and community activities that are conducive to the healthy growth of students. Every moment, every place puts moral education around the team spirit education. Give full play to the collective efforts to carry out the "Nanfeng Middle School Care for Students" activity, and the normal operation of the "Love to Help" Foundation, through a certain way to students who have difficulties in life, study late or encounter accidents, we actively give "three more", namely More emotional love, more attention in learning, and more support in the economy. Let the students feel the warmth of the collective, and also educate other students to let them know the power of the collective. In the activity, we vigorously advocated the basic ethical norms of citizens who are "patriotic and law-abiding, honesty and integrity, unity and friendliness, diligence and self-reliance, dedication and dedication", and further carry out the education of "human integrity" with "integrity" as the core and "self-improvement" as The core of survival education, the "responsibility" as the core of the education of the virtues of things.

4. Deepen daily management and enhance connotation.

We will continue to earnestly implement the "three schools and three bases" and strengthen safety education so that students can further establish awareness of law-abiding and self-safety protection and prevent violations of law and discipline. We will continue to do a good job in the "Community Youth League Supervision Post" and consolidate the achievements of the "Green Youth League Greenland" construction. Exercise and develop students' self-management, self-education, self-discipline, self-monitoring, self-service ability. Enrich the life of students, do a good job in the promotion of the newspaper gallery, and enhance the campus culture. The school routinely manages daily. Normal operation of "Sangang"; organization of "being a good middle school student" and "Wangling Pride" and other activities, through the essay, speech, cultural performances and other activities, so that students understand and clarify what the "excellent middle school students" connotation, What kind of moral cultivation, ideological quality and behavior habits should be used by Wangling Middle School students to enhance their enthusiasm for their alma mater. The outstanding student representative deeds will be displayed in the window, so that the students can see the good and the good, learn the role model, live their lives and perfect themselves.

Implementing the moral maintenance project and grasping the basic civilization

A sound management network is the key. With the principal's office as the core, the management network of the moral education department, the teaching office, the general affairs office, the league committee, and the trade union is formed. Under the leadership of the principal's office, give full play to the educational functions of the moral education department, the teaching office, the Youth League Committee, the Young Pioneers, the grade group, the teaching and research group, and the psychological counseling room, give full play to the moral education base, the educational functions of the parent schools, and give full play to the pacesetter students. The role model of the three good students, strict implementation of the moral education management system, this semester must improve the requirements of moral education work. This year's moral education department will increase the frequency and intensity of inspections, especially strengthen the inspection of routine management, and timely correct and improve the problems found in the inspection. Effective implementation of the class teacher's regular meeting system, moral education work discussion system, mental health education system, daily behavior standard inspection system, boarding student management system, Communist Youth League supervision system, moral education data management system, special student management system, continue to implement and improve the moral education of the class teacher The inspection, assessment and evaluation system. Moral education has a wide range of work and a large amount of work. In this semester, the moral education department plans to pay attention to routine management. The class teacher should train students to develop good civilized etiquette habits. When they meet the teacher, they should actively greet and cultivate the students' labor concept and cultivate Students love the good habits of labor, and establish a campus health awareness that “campus is my home, beautification depends on everyone”. Form a good trend in class health and campus health "everything is done, everyone has something to do". Strengthening the construction of teachers' morality, building campus culture, moral education curriculum, and legal safety education can really improve students' ideological quality. Continue to regard routine management and class teacher team management as the focus and breakthrough of moral education . Deepen the establishment of the evaluation activities for the regular management of advanced classes and demonstration class classes and star-rated dormitories.

The management of the class teacher: strengthen the team building of the class teacher and continuously improve the quality of the class teacher. Adhere to the principle of "a good class teacher, there is a good class group", carefully select young and middle-aged backbone teachers with management ability and strong sense of responsibility as class teachers, form a good class interpersonal relationship, and form an excellent class culture. Further strengthen the role of the deputy class teacher in class management, clarify the job responsibilities, make up the position in time, do the middle school, and work in the school, and be able to work as soon as possible.

Strictly implement the class meeting inspection system. The moral education department must adhere to the 3-5 class meeting every month, timely evaluation and feedback, grasp the main position of the class, and cultivate students' correct life through various forms such as subject courses, activity courses and environmental courses. View, world outlook, values, education students self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, autonomy, self-confidence, organization of teachers and students to learn "Wangling Middle School students daily routine requirements", "Wangling Middle School discipline standards", "class collective construction goals", "flow The Red Flag Rating System, the Class Collective Assessment Program, the Boarding Students Regulations, and the Wangling Middle School Awards and Punishment Regulations are implemented one by one, promptly announced and summarized, inspiring the advanced, urging the progress and improving together.

Grasp the cultural atmosphere and implement campus cultural engineering

Improve self-educational activities such as self-speaking, self-study, self-study, self-teaching, self-entertainment, self-learning, etc. to improve the level of students' knowledge and culture; to participate in a speech, watch a movie, listen to a report, etc. to improve students' quality psychology The level of culture; through the reading of masterpieces, essay contests and other forms to improve students' emotional aesthetic culture level; while strengthening the construction of campus culture, focusing on etiquette to deepen the "civilization etiquette with me" theme education practice activities, the young students civilized courtesy Cross-language propaganda is implemented to each student. Focus on the construction of class style, we must promote students' sense of self-management, let each student take the initiative to participate in the creation of excellent class, let them deeply understand that they are part of the class, and firmly establish anything to do. Learn to think about whether this will discredit the class and whether it will affect the class honor. Through a series of activities such as interpretation and production of the class, all students make it a guide for the whole class of students to act, become a powerful spiritual motivation for students' self-education, affect students' behavior habits and cultivate students' abilities. Continue to run the campus science and technology festivals and sports games, enrich the connotation, improve the taste, integrate the knowledge and fun into one, scientific and creative as one, motivate students, educate students, shape students, and strive to make art festivals and Sports will become a high-level, high-grade moral education activity. At the same time, it carries out various forms of culture, art and sports activities, energizes the atmosphere, enriches life and opens up the horizon. Cooperate with relevant government departments to strengthen the rectification of the surrounding environment of the campus and provide a strong guarantee for creating a “green” educational environment conducive to the healthy growth of young people.

Do a good job in moral education research and improve the theoretical level of moral education

Moral education research should be combined with moral education practice, and teachers and class teachers should be encouraged to become practitioners and researchers in moral education . The Department of Moral Education strengthens the direction of moral education research and determines the following contents: the focus of moral education research: the characteristics and problems of students' ideological and behavioral development, the status quo and problems of moral education, and the new situation and new characteristics of moral education ; Study materials, arrange class teacher to learn and communicate; regularly organize the exchange of moral education experience and experience; at the end of the semester, the class teacher should complete a high-quality investigation and research report that combines the actual situation of the class, and the moral education cadres must complete a high quality.

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